Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 8721:, update the latest chapter of School Beauty Personal Expert as soon as possible!

Shi Tiancai was surprised for a while: “Does Master mean to let disciples go to the Confucian Academy to teach the Confucianism knowledge? The time has come to reinforce the nodes. Will it be useful to do this at this time?”

The key is that time is too late!

“Haha, you really don’t know anything about your ability! Try it first! You will know what your class can bring to those children!”

Lin Yi did not elaborate, but waved his hand to let Shi Tiancai go to the front branch first. Shi Tiancai left in confusion and reported to the world college by word.

Planning school has already made arrangements for open classes, hundreds of students gathered together, waiting for Shi Tiancai to come to class.

The Jia family is indeed one-handedly covering the sky on the Sangzi continent, but the world college can still be regarded as a pure land.

The students from all over the world still have passion and ideals in their hearts. The Jia family does not pay much attention to the little guys in the college. At most, the batch that will graduate soon will be concerned.

Every student who graduated from Tianxia College, Jia Jia will take action or pull together, or suppress, or pull together after suppressing, in short, don’t let one escape from Jia Jia’s control.

So before graduation, the students of the world college will not be disturbed too much. After all, this way they can grow better, and Jia Jia can also get better talents when they harvest.

Shi Tiancai understands this and knows that Lin Yi wants to build a team from these unpolluted students, but the time is too short. It may be better to implement it after the nodes are strengthened.

With a little doubt, Shi Tiancai entered the open class classroom, and was immediately warmly welcomed by the students. It really did not even come to him!

“It’s really genius Shi Tiancai Grandmaster! I still can’t believe that Shi Grandmaster will come to our college as a Director and open classes!”

“Me too, presently feels like a dream! Shi Grandmaster is so handsome…”

Okay, this is Shi Tiancai’s new fan girl! The support team seems to be expanding again!

“I heard that in the previous lineup exchange meeting, Shi Grandmaster single-handedly entered the trial lineup, and Lu Renyi was easily rescued. The line strength is terrifying!”

This is guy(s). The first thing girls pay attention to is Shi Tiancai’s face. Only guy(s) will be concern Shi Tiancai’s strength!

“Lu Renyi is really a waste! I still have to Grandmaster to save, shamelessly thrown home, why is there a face as the president of the frontline association? I think he should give way to Shi Grandmaster!”

Obviously Lu Renyi abdicated, and the news of Shi Tiancai’s superiors has not spread. There are still people who are unhappy about Shi Tiancai. Should he be satisfied when he hears the news?

Shi Tiancai came to the stage with warm applause, and he could still hear the whispers under his ears. It felt a little bit wonderful!

Before, he has always been the center of sight of the people around him, the focus of discussion, but never cared about it. This time it is obviously different.

Regardless of the thoughts in his mind, Shi Tiancai was very calm and took the stage. He said hello with great style: “Hello everyone, I am the new front branch Director Shi Tiancai. When I have time in the future , Will come to give you classes frequently, I hope everyone will like my open class!”


“We like you, Shi Director!”

“Shi Director is so handsome!”

These are the little fans of the Shi Tiancai support team on the Sangzi continent…

The guy(s)s who originally admired Shi Tiancai suddenly turned black!

No matter how much you worship, you can’t stand the existence of this male enemy!

Shi Tiancai feels helpless when he feels the gradually unsightly eyes. Can I blame me? Can it be my fault to look handsome? !

Even if it’s my fault…then it’s a good fault!

Shi Tiancai coughed a little and shook away the shameless thoughts in his heart. Recently, he has been mixing with Fei Daqiang for a long time.

I used to be the gentleman of the breeze and the moon…It must be so!

“Okay, let’s start the class next. If you have any doubts about the position of the students, you can ask them first, and we will explain them in a targeted way!”

Shi Tiancai was assigned by Lin Yi to take over the branch school. It was abrupt, and he had no preparation at all, and he didn’t know what the standard of these students was. He could only take this question and answer format to find out, and then teach according to the situation.

“I am me! I have problems with Shi Director!”

“I am me, I will come first!”

“I am first…”

No need to ask, the fan support team is back online again, and all of them are scrambling to grab the honor of First questions.

Occasionally, guy(s) wanted to raise his hand to fight for it, and was directly pressed by the Young Lady sister behind him under the head of the desk-the sisters could not grab it, what are you doing? !

For this kind of situation, Shi Tiancai is very adaptable. It used to be the same in Fengqi Continent, with experience!

So Shi Tiancai ordered a guy(s) without raising his hand to ask him questions.

Most girls will not have serious problems, such as girlfriend, what is the ideal type, what do you like…

When it’s okay, you can talk indifferently. Now that time is pressing, Shi Tiancai is not free to talk to the little girl!

“What are you wondering about when you are studying in battle?”

Shi Tiancai ignored those who raised their hands high, and directly asked the guy(s) who was ordered.

That guy(s) feels chilly behind, it seems that there are countless gentle swords poking his spine bone, could not help swallowing secretly, I think there may not be a good life in the future!

However, Shi Tiancai personally named him, so he was so excited!

After all, the name of Shi Tiancai’s genius has spread throughout the entire Star Continent, and they are regarded as the idols and targets of these young people!

Aside from the disadvantage of being very popular with girls, he appreciates Shi Tiancai in all other aspects!

“Shi Director, student is really a bit puzzled, I would like to ask Director for advice!”

This guy(s) didn’t want to miss the opportunity, and stood up a little bit cautiously and began to talk about his doubts.

Everyone knows that the basics that can take the initiative to sit in the First row are basically learning tyrants, not learning tyrants but also good students who love to learn-fans who want to see idols up close are not counted!

The reason why Shi Tiancai ordered him is not unreasonable. At least looking for people in the front row is more likely to ask questions than the last row.

Sure enough, the question posed by guy(s) is very representative, and it belongs to the category of formation division above the gold level, indicating that his own line strength is also among the best among the students.

Shi Tiancai thought about it a little bit. If these questions are answered directly, the students with lower strength may not understand, so he decided to explain one or two from shallow to deep.

Through the most basic knowledge points, plus the reference and guidance of the Lin Yi line system, in just a few minutes, all students are stupid!

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