Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 8513:, update the latest chapter of School Beauty Personal Expert as soon as possible!

“Sima Director, please be self-respected, don’t mess around here, remember that you are the mentor of the students, you should lead by example, you can’t pass on these bad habits to the children!”

Ouyang is complacent.

Liuyedao couldn’t see it and came forward: “Supreme Elder and this One also felt that the results of this round could not be counted as such. There is indeed a problem with this topic. Since there is a dispute, it is better to re-test the Third round! “

“Shut up! President Liu, why don’t you object to this problem in advance? Is there something wrong with you here? Since you didn’t say it in advance, what are you going to do afterwards?”

Ouyang stared at the sky and immediately went back: “presently scores the jury. Do you think the jury is normal? Do you need to change the result?”

The five alchemy teachers are all arranged by Ouyang, of course, they will not dismantle the platform. The five of them shake their heads together: “No need!”

Liuye Dao was amazed, and finally realized that the person he arranged was not his own…

“Sima Director, you have also seen that the jury does not think the results need to be changed, do you have anything to say?”

Ouyang looked at Lin Yi with a smile on his face, and the expression on his face was really bad.

Lin Yi snorted with a cold face, and turned to look at the lobby master and inspector: “Do you think this result is correct? Don’t you think this is unfair to the students?”

Obviously these students have the strength of the alchemy teacher, but they have to be delayed for two years by this ridiculous reason. What a reason!

The master and inspector of lobby glanced at each other, and at the same time, they said: “this One feels no problem!”

Then the lobby host said more: “In general, we will respect the opinions of the jury. After all, we only come to supervise and can make comments, but the decision is in the hands of the jury.”

This is completely a word of refusal. There is no sincerity at all, which is too perfunctory.

Surely, the inspector also nodded, making Lin Yi feel weird.

To this day, there is no way to think too much. Lin Yi nodded directly: “Since that is the case, then as a vice president of the alchemy guild of the Continental Wumeng League, I question the results of this assessment and proceed. Review!”

The identity of the alchemy guild is enough to change the result.

Lin Yi is determined today to make a comeback, otherwise I will be too sorry to believe my sixty-eight students!

As a result, Ouyang smiled.

The identity of the Lin Yi Continental Wumeng League has long been under his consideration, how can it be ignored?

“Sorry, Sima Director, you took the team to participate in the assessment of the alchemy division as the alchemy branch Director. According to the rules of the Wumeng League, the person who led the team to participate in the assessment as the college, the identity of the Wumeng Will be automatically blocked.”

“So you can only be the Director of the alchemy branch in this assessment, and you cannot use other Wumeng identities. Naturally, you have no right to review this assessment.”

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, and when he remembered this, Ouyang asked what identity he came from!

If it is the vice president of the alchemy Guild, it will sit on the stage, if it is the alchemy branch Director, it will not be able to go on stage.

It turns out that it’s not something that doesn’t go on stage at all. It’s totally waiting here to pit yourself!

“Is there such a saying?”

Lin Yi looks at the lobby master and inspector.

Both were silent, looking at each other, not looking to intervene. It should be the default that there is such a rule.

“Even if it is not possible today, when wait for me can use the alchemy guild status, I will still review this assessment!”

“Sima Director, I am afraid you really don’t understand. In this assessment, your identity has been positioned on the college Director. No matter how much time has passed, your identity will not change as long as this assessment is involved. Do you understand?”

Ouyang raised his chin at the Lin Yi proudly, pointing his nose to the Lin Yi, and concealed a provocative gesture.

Where Lin Yi is used to him, and the anger in his heart is indeed uncomfortable, immediately flashed out of the side of presently Ouyang, a slap called on his face, directly flew Ouyang from the platform to the fan, and fell to the ground to eat soil Too.

Sima Yi, you dare to openly attack the alchemy association Supreme Elder, even if your status is high, this is not the case. Master lobby, inspector, you all saw it, you must make the decision for the old man!”

Ouyang didn’t hurt much, but just looked awkward.

And this old thing also took the opportunity to start selling miserably.

It’s really out of nowhere, and weeping with a snot and tears in front of the lobby master and inspector.

The inspector made his face sink, and he caught the case: “Sima Yi, you are too presumptuous, even the vice president of the alchemy Association of the Continental Martial Arts Union, can not publicly humiliate the Supreme Elder of the alchemy Association of the Continent, not to mention today you are only alchemy branch Director, even more unqualified to do it, it makes no sense!”

“Come here, grab Sima Yi for this One, take it back to the jail and wait for it to die! If you don’t repent, this One must let him sit under the prison!”

The inspector sent a ruthless order, and someone rushed to the stage immediately after the order and surrounded Lin Yi.

Lin Yi‘s eyes narrowed slightly, if he looked at the inspector deeply.

Isn’t this guy Jin Botian? Was it controlled by Dark Warcraft?

If not, why did he help Ouyang?

It makes no sense at all!

The situation in Fengqi Continent is getting more and more complicated. I don’t know what amazing secret is hidden?

“Sima Director, you are indeed a little bit wrong, especially in the presence of the inspector, so I don’t give the inspector the face, hurry up and stop, and wait for the delivery, in your capacity, at most go through the court.”

Lord lobby at this time, it seems that an intimate big bro brother generally came over and whispered to persuade Lin Yi: “If you make trouble with the inspector again, it is really not good to end! First go with the inspector, you can rest assured, I will certainly mediate from you and let you come out as soon as possible.”

“Inspector, do you really want to win me?”

Lin Yi glanced at the master of lobby, and then at the inspector, and asked plainly: “Even if I am the vice president of the alchemy guild of the Continental Wumeng League, do you want to win me?”

Sima Yi, don’t struggle. As I said just now, you are just alchemy branch Director today. For the assessment of incident, your Wumeng League’s identity is automatically invalidated. This is also the rule of the Continental Wumeng. You must abide by it! “

The inspector waved his face blankly and sighed, “Why are you all stunned? Take it down!”

The people of his under the hand | subordinate immediately acted and flocked to Lin Yi to take a catch.

Of course, Lin Yi can choose to resist, but in the end they still didn’t shoot, letting them tie themselves up and pushing them away.

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