Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 7539:

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Yadian Polo glanced around and found nothing, so he shouted after Johnson.

And Lin Yi was actually in front of them at this time, but I was surprised and happy in my heart, because my guess was correct!

Yuanshen really turned into water!

The nine-story glazed tower First Layer is full of water. To put it bluntly, everyone is in the water activity. It is only because of the peculiarity of the nine-story glazed tower that people can move freely, even speaking and breathing.

However, after the primal **** turned into water, it was almost the same as the most top-level water escape technique, completely integrated into the water.

Lin Yi do n’t understand, why his own primordial spirit can do this step, is this also a gift from the king of the sea jelly?

It seems that there are some weirdness in the nine-story glass tower!

Compared to the seven-story exquisite pagoda in Ghost Yin Great Shaman of Vice Island, the level is more than one or two levels higher!

If it can be refined into its own, it is worthwhile!

Unfortunately, Lin Yi can only think about it. This kind of treasure, unless there is a great chance to master the core secret, otherwise it will not be able to move.

Even at the beginning, Ghost Yin Great Shaman Luo Changle ’s own seven-story exquisite pagoda could not be refined by Chen Zhisheng, let alone the layman Lin Yi.

Yadian Polo … Where did you say Mr. Ling went? Why was it suddenly gone?”

Johnson ’s face was pale, and the corpses on the ground had begun to melt away, and most of them were gone in a blink of an eye. He was worried that Lin Yi would disappear like those corpses.

It ’s not that he has a good relationship with Lin Yi and his feelings are strong, but the strength of Lin Yi’s is there, and it is the backing of the entire Sanctioned Sword Knight Association!

The mountain fell and they will have a hard time going forward!

Not to mention the fact that even Lin Yi has disappeared. Are there any future paths for these people?

“… Mr. Ling mysterious is unpredictable, there will be nothing, we do n’t have to worry about …”

Yadian Polo smiled barely, comforting Johnson while comforting himself!

Lin Yi wanted to try to change other attributes, such as turning the primal spirit into fire, into wind, etc., but think about it.

Since the change of Yuanshen ability has been proved, then afterwards it has other attributes, 80% can also be changed, and it does not make sense to try more.

And Lin Yi cannot guarantee that this ability is only valid in the nine-story glazed tower. It may not be usable if you go out.

“Do n’t worry, I ’m so good!”

The Lin Yi thought, and came out: “Just just tried the newly acquired super ability! You do n’t care!”

“So that is it! Mr. Ling’s super ability is so strong, it is really enviable!”

Yadian Polo and Johnson were shocked, they reacted immediately, and immediately congratulated Lin Yi!

The fact that homicide can get ability is also known to them. Lin Yi does not need to explain more.

Speaking of it, Lin Yi is also very skeptical. Is it because he has the ability to change his primal spirit into various attributes because he has killed a lot of people here?

So, is this ability deprived from other people, or is it the ability rewarded by the nine-story glazed tower for having more homicide?

Morris and others have rushed over between the three talking rooms. When Yadian Polo and Johnson saw that there was an Lin Yi there, they were stunned again!

The two of them sighed together-this super ability is too amazing? For Mao I didn’t get this super ability?

Lin Yi lifted the avatar. This was used to prevent Fernandes from dealing with Mike and others while Lin Yi was absent, and presently was not used.

“Johnson, what about others?”

Morris saw his own under the hand | subordinate and hurried forward to ask, still holding the thought in his heart: “Is it lost?”

“President Morris … Magna, Sturridge, Turnerp were all killed by the Thunder Knights, leaving me and Yadian Polo fighting bloody, if Mr. Ling came in time , I am afraid that the two of us have also been killed, and disappeared without a trace! “

Johnson looked sad and bowed his head in sorrow: “It’s all my strength, otherwise, they must be slashed!”

Morris turned pale. He wanted to strengthen the Sanctioned Sword Knight Association. Hearing the fall of three elite knights, it was as painful as three pieces of meat had been dug.

And on the other side, Kris rushed into the arms of Yadian Polo excitedly, and shed tears of excitement holding her sweetheart!

Fernandez also followed the two men happy, and there was an extra Yadian Polo in the team, the strength of the small town of Cruz was one point stronger, and his safety was also guaranteed. At least there were more people speaking!

Lin Yi did n’t bother to talk, but was still thinking about the new ability obtained by Yuanshen. Suddenly a group of tiger sharks was found on the edge of divine sense detection!

These tiger sharks are obviously different from the secular world. A total of fifteen shark groups, each showing the momentum, has reached Base Construction Stage!

If there is no Lin Yi, other people encounter tiger head sharks, do not need shark group, only need one, and they are easily killed!

The hippocampus that Serena rode seemed to feel the approach of the tiger head sharks, becoming restless, and even shaking all over, with a low hissing sound!

Fernandez ’s face changed slightly, and after listening carefully, he hurriedly said to Lin Yi: “Mr. Ling, the hippocampus feels dangerously close! We must hurry to transfer!”

Lin Yi looked at Haima and Fernandez in surprise, but they did n’t expect the two to add up to the early warning ability!

The timing of this discovery is just a little later than that of your own divine sense detection!

It seems that in this submarine World, the suppressed divine sense detection may not be easier to use than the sea beasts. The tiger head sharks may be outside of their divine sense detection range and found the team here!

Be careful in the future, you ca n’t rely solely on divine sense detection to keep you safe!

“Fernandez, since you can control the seahorse, can you control these tiger sharks?”

Lin Yi ignored the warning from Fernandez.

The strength of these tiger sharks is indeed good, but Lin Yi has not been taken into consideration. If Fernandes can control the tiger sharks, it can become a good mount for these people.

A tiger shark per person is more powerful than a seahorse riding alone!

“I … I do n’t know, I have n’t tried it!”

Fernandes did not dare to say that he was not good, so he could only use it without trial, lest Lin Yi think he was useless and just discarded it …

After all, Fernandes still lacks a sense of security on Lin Yi!

“Then give it a try! Since you have this kind of ability, you can just practise your hands!”

Lin Yi nodded, and began to figure out how many tiger sharks need to be caught. If each person had one, would n’t he still have to come back and find another one? It would be better to catch the tiger head sharks directly!

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