Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 4639: Simple happiness

Li Tianming nodded to express his understanding.

He took Zi Zhen and Wei Sheng Mo Ran with him and transferred to the real world dock together.

Back to that void and dark space.

Then a gray light enveloped them, sending them back just like when they were brought out…

Not long after, the blood-electricity gate connecting the Chaos God Emperor’s universe appeared in front of Li Tianming again.

Li Tianming looked at the blood gate in front of him and sighed: “I don’t know how long it will take to leave this time.”

Weisheng Mo Ran smiled: “Before you leave, finish everything you need to do.”

The three returned to the Blood Gate.

This time, when Li Tianming entered the Blood Gate and returned to the Chaos God Emperor Universe, he transformed into the Avalokitesvara Body.

In the God-Emperor Universe, after transforming into a state of mind, one will enter a state of ‘half-mindfulness’.

Their bodies will become less than two meters tall and appear to be mortal, but the surrounding world will not change.

“This state of mindfulness is so wonderful.”

Li Tianming sighed.

Just by simply going in and out, more than thirty years have passed, which made him even more emotional.

Whether it is the Chaos God Emperor universe or the real world dock outside, they are both so big that it is unimaginable.

When he returned to the Evil Ruins, he went to the outside world through the Ancestral World Mingzhou and returned to Shangxing Ruins.

Zi Zhen and Wei Sheng Mo Ran followed him, looking around at the stars in the sky. Like Li Tianming, they all had a different feeling.

“Now we are in a semi-at ease state.”

Li Tianming felt everything familiar around him and sighed: “Looking at this chaotic universe through Avalokitesvara, you can even appreciate its vastness.”

He entered the Kowloon Emperor’s burial.

I also lamented the wisdom of the Yanhuang God Clan. If it weren’t for the existence of the ‘Yanhuang Divine Way’, it would be extremely difficult to move within this divine body.

“Chaos universe, real world dock…”

“The truth of this universe seems to be very cruel, but the existence of the world of freedom seems to inject some warmth into this world.”

Li Tianming thought as he returned to Yanhuang Emperor Star.

In the burial of the Kowloon Emperor, Yinghuo and the others also returned to the size they were when Li Tianming was a mortal.

Although it is not two meters, it is much smaller than the previous state.

You must know that the Kowloon Emperor’s Tomb is now like a creation-level world. One of the rooms is hundreds of thousands of meters high. In the mortal world, it is already the entire territory of a small country.

It is conceivable that even in the Kowloon Emperor’s Tomb, Li Tianming, who had become a self-viewer, could not see the ceiling of the room at a glance.

Lanhuang can run freely in the Kowloon Emperor’s Tomb.

Li Tianming took Zi Zhen and Wei Sheng Mo Ran with him and said with a smile: “Compared with the previous body of the God of the Universe, we now look like ants.”

Zi Zhen chuckled: “An ant is only one or two hundred times smaller than a mortal. Now that we are in the state of mind, it is three to four hundred times smaller than the previous state of the universe god.”

In other words, Li Tianming and the others transformed into the Awakening Body and shrunk it by three to four hundred times.

Walking in the Kowloon Emperor’s Burial, I feel even more how vast this Star Sea Divine Ship is!


The Avalokitesvara body and the body of the Universe God are completely different in appearance and feel.

But Li Tianming could feel that nothing in his body had changed, just like Tai Er back then. Although he was only less than two meters tall, he could release the black and white dragon that controlled hundreds of thousands of meters.

When the Nine Dragons Emperor’s Burial returned to the Yanhuang Emperor’s Star, Li Tianming walked out of the Emperor’s Burial and saw that the Yanhuang Emperor’s Star was now more prosperous than before he left.

The Tianming Emperor City and the Yanhuang Emperor City are located on both sides of the Yanhuang Emperor Star!

Because Yanhuang Emperor Star is so big, the two main cities can make it more convenient for the residents of the Emperor Star.

In addition, there are many Zhou cities and Xu cities that have risen from the ground on various continental plates, forming an extremely prosperous scene.

In just over thirty years, the population of Emperor Yanhuang has increased significantly compared to before.

“The line of sentient beings seems to be stronger than before, with more numbers and higher intensity…”

Li Tianming closed his eyes and felt that in the state of freedom, the line of living beings did not change.

It’s just a pity for him that when he left the Chaos God Emperor Universe, he could not perceive the existence of these lines of living beings, whether in the real world or the free world.

The appearance of the Kowloon Emperor’s Burial made countless people in the Emperor Star cheer for joy.

They worship Li Tianming and take Li Tianming as their belief!

Nowadays, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and there is a stable and fair promotion system along the way of cultivation. The system of the Destiny Dynasty has spread throughout the universe!

Except for the remnants of the previous eight gods, the other major races all enjoy a common system.

Among them, due to the existence of the ‘Yanhuang Blood Soul’ from the Yanhuang Protoss, many talented people have emerged in just over thirty years!

It can be foreseen that in this Chaos God Emperor universe, the re-emergence of the Yanhuang God Clan is no longer far away.

What Li Tianming cannot accept is…

As the nominal leader of the Yanhuang Protoss, Li Wudi has not shown up at all recently.

This guy has been immersed in cultivation.

Yinghuo was surprised: “My foster father is really patient, doesn’t he get bored?”

Li Tianming smiled: “Have you forgotten how tolerant he was when he was a member of the Donghuang Sect?”

Looking back at the beginning, even Yinghuo became sentimental: “Oh, now we are too strong, and we miss the simple happiness in the past. I can be happy for a long time just playing a cat egg…”

The hair on Meow Meow’s body stood up: “Don’t involve me in everything!”

The 500,000-meter-long Yanhuang coffin has been standing over the Yanhuang Emperor City.

Li Wudi has been ‘shrinking’ inside.

Over at Tianming Imperial City, Aurora and Suishen Yao have always been in charge.

As for the Yanhuang Emperor City, it is nominally Li Wudi’s territory, but this guy is the hands-off boss, and only Dongfang Taisheng and several Emperor Star elders can maintain order.

Li Tianming entered the Yanhuang coffin, and then entered the Yanhuang ancestral tomb!

“Hahahaha, my son is destined by fate, why are you so young?”

Before Li Tianming came a triumphant laughter came over.

It’s Li Wudi.

This guy had just finished practicing the ‘Yitian Burning Universe’ and was cheering when he suddenly felt someone coming in.

When he took a closer look, he saw Li Tianming who was as big as an ant, which made him laugh out loud.

Li Tianming became angry on the spot: “You know nothing. This is called the Avalokitesvara Body, do you understand? It’s more advanced than your Universe God Body! Come here, I’ll take you to transform.”

Li Wudi subconsciously refused: “I don’t. I don’t want to become smaller.”

Li Tianming didn’t expect that he was quite arrogant, so he sneered: “Really? This is a way to grow bigger and smaller freely. You really don’t want it?”

After saying this, Li Tianming transformed into the body of the God of the Universe, and restored it to the body of the God of the Universe 70,000 meters high!

The mortal who was originally like an ant suddenly grew bigger, making Li Wudi’s eyes widen: “I wipe it, it feels so good? Why don’t you hurry up?”

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