Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 4003: Exposed!

Next, the Demon Lord Taicang officially announced the global opening of the Tiandao Arena.

This news caused the whole people of Taicang Zhoucheng to shout wildly. There were countless people on the streets of Zhoushen. Many people went around and reported this good news!

The news quickly spread throughout the entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace, arousing the excitement of the whole people!

Before today, there were only a few people who could see the picture of the Shadow Chasing Ring in the Ancient Yanhuang Ruins!

Many Eternal Gods in Myriad Universe-level worlds can’t see the performance of their geniuses in the lower-level ruins, and it is even more impossible for ordinary people in Companion Stars and Creation-level worlds to see them.

They could only hear that super geniuses like Tianmozi, Siming Shengshi, Siming Xingyue, Yuqing, and Princess Fengyuan died in battle, and they were already anxious to death.

And now, the power of the Dao of Heaven will come to every stellar source world, even the companion star and the fortune-level world!

Everything in the Tiandao Arena will be projected onto the sky of each world, visible to all!

This means that the entire Ten Desolate Star Furnace’s endless audience will see everything that happens in the lower ruins, even more clearly than the genius Eternal Gods in the game.

This is the horror of ‘The Way of Heaven’.

“Against our eight gods? Have you ever asked the way of heaven?”

“Under the Tao of Heaven, it is the land of my eight gods!”

The Tiandao Arena is pressed into the lower ruins, which is a symbol of swearing the sovereignty of this land!

Before this, every enchantment and magic circle arranged by the geniuses of the eight gods was actually a part of the medium of heaven!

Now it’s finally done.

Boom boom boom!

The Ten Desolate Star Furnace has a total of ten ten thousand universe-level worlds, hundreds of small companion stars, and thousands of fortune-level star sources above the sky, suddenly shining brightly, and then, an incomparably huge lower layer relic was directly dismantled into countless The picture is presented in the sky of every star source world!

What should I do if I can’t see the person I want to see?

It’s easy!

People directly piloted the Xinghai Divine Ship, navigating the world while lying down and watching!

Like a fixed area monitoring.

As long as you find the person you care about and follow him, if he stays in one area, he doesn’t even need to move the Star Sea God Ship, just lie down and watch.

The most important thing is that all the pictures in the focus area will definitely appear in the most popular position in every star source world!

For example, the dead-end scene at the location of Shenji Mountain now appears in the most lively places in every Xingyuan world, including the Taicang Eternal City where the Temple of Heaven is located!

Compared with the screen of the Shadow Chasing Ring, the screen of this Tiandao Arena is more obvious and high-definition. If it flew into the sky, it would have an immersive feeling!

“See them!”

“Wow! That peak really turned into a sword tip, what a big sword!”

“Dad! Where is my brother? Ah, who is he kissing…”

“Isn’t that sister-in-law? How can she be with other people, no wonder she has to turn off the shadow ring!”

From this moment on, every star source world of the Ten Desolate Star Furnace was completely lively and boiling.

Countless people looked up at the sky!

It was a blast!

“You see—”

In many stellar source worlds, someone suddenly exclaimed.

“Aren’t those three masked people? When did they enter Miracle Mountain?”

“They’re on their way to the top!”

“You haven’t found someone to kill them yet?”

Even the people inside the Miracle Mountain don’t know Li Tianming’s location. Those who watch the play outside know it first. It’s like watching a play, worrying about the characters in the play.

“I heard that these three masked people are the Yanhuang Remnants?”

“What is Yanhuang, Daddy?”

For a while, this taboo word was gradually popularized.

Many of the eight gods and companions even knew about Yanhuang for the first time.

However, most people won’t use them as equals to the slaves in the major worlds of good fortune.

From this moment on, among the thousands of Fortune-level worlds, countless descendants of Yanhuang raised their heads and looked at the magnificent picture scroll in the sky.

Near the Nine-layer Hell Star, there is a fortune-like world called ‘Qingmo Divine Tower’.

In one of the ruined cities, a wounded old man is returning home.

“Grandpa.” A little girl ran out of the cellar and said excitedly, “Look at the sky.”

“I see!” The old man picked her up and looked up at the sky together, his eyes were cloudy and there were tears in his eyes.

“I heard them say that the place is called the Ancient Yanhuang Ruins, and there are our compatriots in it, but they are not shackled by heaven. Is it true? We used to be called the Yanhuang God Clan, who are the rulers of this Shangxingxu?” The girl asked excitedly.

“Shh.” The old man hurriedly asked her to whisper, and said softly: “Xiaoyu, you should know it in your heart, don’t say it in front of outsiders, now is a troubled time, say these words, the adults of the eight gods. If you don’t like to listen to it, you will easily bring about disaster.”

“Yeah! Uncle told me just now!” The little girl shrank her head and whispered, but in her childish eyes, there was hope.

I was a slave since I was a child, and my life was bleak.

She did not expect that her family would have such a glorious history. For her bleak life, such a truth is undoubtedly the dawn, even if the reality is still tragic, but there is light in her eyes.

“Grandpa, you work for Lord Star Master, have you heard any news?” the little girl asked in a low voice and nervously.

“What news?” the old man asked nervously.

“I heard that there were three compatriots who killed the Nine Prison God of War Princess Feng and Prince Yuqing… They are amazing!” the little girl said excitedly.

“Where did you hear that?” The old man was startled.

“It’s rumored outside! The Zhantian God Clan hates those three masked people, but they are our same clan, so Xiaoyu secretly supports them!” The little girl said seriously.

“Do you know?”

The old man struggled and sighed.

“Grandpa, it’s them! I saw this big brother and two sisters! They are the heroes of our slave tribe…” The little girl pointed to the sky and said excitedly.

There are thousands of fortune-telling worlds, and there are too many people with the same eyes as her.


The old man took her into the house and said deeply: “First, we are not slaves, our ancestors are the Yanhuang God clan. Second, everyone is not allowed to cheer for them!”

“Why?” the little girl asked blankly.

“Wa’er.” The old man stroked her head, “Now, it’s far from the time to cheer. Just wait, maybe one day?”

Lower Ruins, Miracle Mountain.

“Am I exposed?”

Li Tianming stared blankly at the pile of bugs in front of him.

The matter is Yinchen directly told him all the situation in words.

“Is this bad news? You should pay attention to your actions in the future.” Zi Zhen frowned.

“It’s better to have a mask.” Li Tianming frowned and looked outside, “I wonder if they found the ancestral underworld boat?”

“Temporarily, no. Mire, over there, they, vision, blurred.” Yin Chen said.

Li Tianming breathed a sigh of relief.

“There are gods who punish the Daoists. Once they find them one by one, they can also find my sister in another way! It’s a quick solution.” Li Tianming said.

He didn’t expect this thing to be a disaster now.

“However, this bad news is also accompanied by a piece of good news.” Li Tianming said suddenly.

“What?” asked Wei Sheng Mo Ran.

“Watching all the ten star furnaces together will serve as a foreshadowing of all beings!”

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