Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 3301: Go home!

“You really fought hard enough today, but unfortunately, I am destined to be a mountain that you will never be able to overcome! Suishen Yao, accept your fate!”

“You have to admit, this time, your fate is controlled by my prison demon. Haha…”

He is laughing, but the ten trillion souls on his body are all crying and suffering. They can’t control themselves, they can only struggle among the particles of their stars, and those resentments have been used to interfere with Suishen all the time. Yao’s life soul and earth soul formed the top ten consciousness gods, and Xingxue gave Heolmo clan the means to restrain Suishen clan!

Sui Shenyao put everything together!

However, that endless resentment took advantage of her emotions, and made her and Shishen enter the vortex of illusion, misery, and extinction. The voice of the prison demon was lost around her, and there were only countless innocent souls. , formed a figure, stretched out his hands towards her, weeping and wailing, while pulling her!

Countless unjust souls lay on her consciousness, making her consciousness even heavier, making it difficult to swing her sword, and making her fall into the swamp, no matter how violent the sword energy was, it did not burst out at this moment.


In the confusion of Suishenyao, she almost bit her tongue, but before she woke up, Prison Demon Pound punched her in the back from behind!


Suishenyao was like a meteor, crashing on the Creation battle platform, and the entire Creation battle platform was shaking, which shows how powerful it is!

As expected, Suishenyao couldn’t break through the city of order in Prison Demon’s House, and really hit him hard. As long as he failed to achieve this goal and was hit by him once, he would be defeated directly.

She almost succeeded several times!

However, when she hit the battle platform of good fortune, the golden ten thousand dao ring in her hand lit up, and the barrier of the battle platform of good fortune began to unseal, all this shows——

She has been judged defeated by Wan Daohuan!

I lost.

The moment she landed on the ground, the Creation Arena was still roaring, but the surrounding audience was completely silent.

Many people are speechless.

This result was actually within the expectations of most people. The miracle that people hoped for did not appear, and the cruelty of reality still came.

“Actually, she played pretty well.”

“The reputation of the Suishen Clan has not been insulted.”

“It should be said that at this age, the ancestors of Burning Star should not be as good as she is now, right?”

“Indeed, the ancestor of Burning Star should have been around 600 years old before he reached Erfangyang.”

“Really! It’s enough to fight, but the failure of the challenge means that there is no possibility between her and Li Daozhu.”

“What a pity…”

Many Wandao Valley cultivators looked at each other with pity in their eyes, and felt unwilling for Li Tianming and Suishenyao.

On the Good Fortune battle stage, after finishing Suishenyao with one punch, Prison Demon took a deep breath, his blood still shaking.

“It’s really difficult, hehe.”

With his ferocious face, he gave Suishen Yao a cold look, couldn’t hold back a shrug and sneered, and said, “I hope you like the man I chose for you.”

Suishen Yao is jumping up!

There are pink stars and blood stains on her face and at the corner of her mouth!

The hand holding the sword is still shaking!

The power of Zhou Tian Xinghai is still surging in the sword, but the Wan Dao ring in his hand has already judged everything.

The challenges on the battle arena are like this. Even if it is a real life-and-death fight, Suishenyao still has a chance, but according to the rules of the fortune list, she can no longer fight.

The Prison Demon Xiyue made a surprise attack after the defeat, so that Li Tianming was abolished!

This is the end!

Everyone around was silent, and the pitiful eyes told Suishen Yao all this.

She couldn’t help but take a step back, her internal organs suddenly burst out with soreness.

“Yao Yao.”

Behind her back, Aurora Sacred Ancestor called her.

When she turned her head, she saw her most beloved aunt, and next to her, there were Li Tianming, Suishenzhao, Suishenshuang…


Sui Shenyao let out a sigh of relief, she didn’t know what expression she should face them with.

So, she turned around, suppressing the anger, unwillingness, and the urge to commit suicide on the spot, moved her steps with difficulty, and came towards Aurora Sacred Patriarch and the others.

The distance is very short, but she has walked for a long time.

Aurora Ancestor’s face was full of pity. This time, she failed and her heart was hit hard by reality, so she was a little bit hard to control herself. Suishenyao hadn’t shed tears yet, and Aurora Ancestor’s eyes were full of tears. It has become more and more red.

“Sister, it’s okay!” Suishenzhao gritted his teeth.

He is also very angry, he has never seen his sister would be so persistent one day, it can be seen that she thinks a lot, but decides her own life.

“Go home.” Aurora Ancestor opened his arms, perhaps at this time, only comfort can make him feel better.

Sui Shenyao twitched his nose, and the bridge of his nose was a little red.

She walked towards the ancestor of Aurora step by step!

At this time, complex changes occurred in his psychology.

About halfway through the walk, Suishenyao gritted her teeth, and her eyes suddenly became firm again. She didn’t go towards Aurora Sacred Ancestor, but looked at Li Tianming next to her!

Look at each other!

At this moment when everyone was looking forward to it, Suishen Yao looked at him seriously and walked towards him quickly.


People stared wide-eyed and exclaimed!

That’s because they saw with their own eyes that Suishenyao came to Li Tianming after she was defeated in the battle. She didn’t say anything, but she reached out and hugged Li Tianming amidst the attention of many elders.

Then, she leaned her face in front of Li Tianming, perhaps it was really uncontrollable, tears fell down, and Li Tianming’s clothes were wet.

However, her crying is silent, which shows that she is still trying very hard to endure.


Li Tianming didn’t know why she had crossed over to find him at this time.

However, when the Great Demon King of Wan Dao Valley was so weak, as a gentleman, he stretched out his hand, hugged her, embraced her, and patted her fragrant back.

After all, you can’t just let her just hug you while you stand still, can you?

Sui Shenyao’s a faint fragrance, Li Tianming is already very familiar with this smell after eight months in Soul Melting Realm.

The two of them ignored the eyes of outsiders on the Creation Battle Arena. Such a scene naturally caused a shock in the hearts of many cultivators in Myriad Dao Valley.


“Fate is tricking people.”

“The ancestors of the Suishen Clan, what are you thinking?”

For a while, many people’s voices of dissatisfaction erupted.

Children love each other with sincerity, which is naturally touching.

But Li Tianming knew that Suishenyao should have something to say to him. The reason why she shed tears first was because she just happened to be in front of him, and she couldn’t control her emotions after all, so she borrowed his Shoulder.

After a while, she finally had to suppress her emotions, her eyes were red and she raised her head to look at Li Tianming. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, which is convenient for reading next time, or enter “” in Baidu to enter this site

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