Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2978: Hong Chen, 3000 feet

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I heard that Idaiyan is finally fighting the rebels, and people are very nervous.

But everyone’s confidence in Idaiyan is still very strong.

So the optimistic people of Dark Star began to relax. When they found that the blood vines were no longer threatened, they even started playing around. For example, some children picked a lot of blood vines and wrapped them around themselves as decorations. The sturdy rattan is tug-of-war.

Although the dark star has sunk in the sea of ​​vines, a hundred and billions of gods are living, and they are not aware of the disaster.

Soon, under the dark star guardian barrier, above the dark star fusion barrier, between the two barriers, as the blood vines shattered and burned, the whole world was shrouded in a thick blood mist. Whether it is indoor or outdoor, it will last for a long time.

These blood mists were mixed in the stellar source and were inhaled by the cultivator. For a while, everyone’s complexion became more rosy, they looked more energetic, and they laughed better.

Red, decorated with dark stars.

It is like the celebration of the Spring Festival Night, spreading all over the world. Before the atmosphere of the final battle, everyone is waiting for the new life of the Boundless Dojo.

Not only the ground, but the underground world has already been filled with blood vines.

In lava, storms, and undercurrents, blood vines can be seen everywhere.

Under the calcination of magma, many blood vines turned into bursts of blood mist, mixed in rivers and soil, and poured into the bodies of countless star source beasts.

Those fierce beasts didn’t care much at first, because they didn’t have wisdom. They were concerned about some small changes in their body, such as turning red. For example, their eyes became redder and red, and a drop of blood and tears were falling. Flowing.

When the red color enters the brain, no fierce beast will feel pain. On the contrary, it is a very happy feeling, as if it is flying, the body is light and fluttering, as if being dragged by a cloud and roaming. Many fierce beasts are muddled throughout their lives. Only when they are hunted and swallowed can they have a trace of happiness, but that kind of happiness is **** and tense. But now, they have done nothing, and they are already very happy.

Moreover, their bodies, like the blood vines, will produce blood mist, and more and more. Until the end, in their extreme happiness, their bodies completely melted into a large amount of blood mist and poured into other evil spirits. The body of the beast.

They themselves, in happiness, dissipate completely.

But they didn’t have any wailing. It was a happy ending. They didn’t even know that they were over. It was like having a beautiful dream, floating and seeing nothingness and eternity.

Among the dreams, even the beasts with low wisdom, no three souls, only beast souls, in their dreams, there will be many pictures of dreams, such as the surrender of other beasts, such as their crazy breeding, for example eat human.

This blood-red feast has spread in the underground world long ago. It was not until Idaiyan’s expedition that the feast spread to the surface world. The scarlet happiness was first passed on to the children, then to the elderly and grown-ups. People…

In the depths of the underground world, in a thick blood mist, a huge, stump-like heart is beating violently. The surface of the heart is full of blood-colored canes, like countless The blood vessels are criss-crossed.

This is the heart of the blood vine.

In the center of this heart, wrapped in layers of blood-colored rattan, there is a vaguely headless man in a black robe tied in it.

He was enveloped in a wide black and red robe, without a head, and the fracture of his neck was smoking thick black and red smoke, like a chimney.

His body, shrouded in a wide black-red robe, is very skinny, and the fingers and soles of his feet left outside are all skinny.

It can be clearly seen that his flesh and blood have completely turned red. Between the skin and the bones, the blood vessels like small snakes are alive, constantly squirming.




Every time the heart beats, there is an endless blood mist, blending into the heart of the blood vine, and spreading to the endless world.


Just when the heart was beating the most intensely, the black-robed man on the heart moved, and the cane on his body was immediately retracted.


The headless man in the black robe loosened his bones and stumbled out.

He was like a headless fly. It took a while before he could see things clearly with the two eyes on his palm. However, even these two eyes became **** at this moment, and the blood mist seemed to be Endless tiny bugs crawled in his body.

From his appearance, it can be judged that he is Shenxi Xingtian.


Shenxi Xingtian laughed sorrowfully, then turned into a happy, hideous, and presumptuous laugh.

“Hong Chen! Wonderful Hong Chen! This is your name…”

Shenxi Xingtian raised his palm, and a cloud of blood on his palm was condensing and turned into a small sphere. Only in this way can I barely see that the sphere is composed of an extremely tiny living body. .

“Who is it that gave you the name?’Hong Chen’! It’s so amazing, you are scattered, like this Hong Chen three thousand feet, all love, hatred, hatred, all ambitions and dreams will turn into happiness .”

Shenxi Xingtian looked at the scarlet ball obsessively.

The whole world is in mortal world.

“My ancestors discovered your existence millions of years ago in the starry sky and desert of the immeasurable realm. However, for millions of years, no one has dared to face your horror. Hundreds of years. For thousands of years, you have multiplied for hundreds of millions of generations in a closed box. In such a small space, you can survive tenaciously… What kind of life against the sky is this?”

“Even, no one thinks that you are a kind of life, because you are too small and too small.”

It’s smaller than flesh and blood mustard seeds!

Shenxi Xingtian knows that silver dust is However, he is more in awe of red dust.

Hong Chen, is the name of his dark clan ancestors.

Shenxi Xingtian, I don’t know what it is. This is the eternal secret of the dark race. No one dares to release it, because it will not only destroy the enemy and the world, but also…destroy oneself. !

“Perhaps, the ancestors of my dark race, did not expect that our dark race will be destroyed one day!”

“So, if there are no dark races in this world, and we lost badly and became the laughing stock of thousands of years, then, what future is there that we dare not face?”

Shenxi Xingtian laughed, swaying in the blood mist, like a madman.

The eyes on his hands are constantly turning around, and the neck is spraying thick **** mist, and the red dust is rushing to the sky and the earth.

“Red dust! Let this dark star hundreds of millions of people be your nourishment! You are the terminator of life, the highest life! Our dark race has become history, then let the entire dark star, Funeral for us! Haha…”

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