Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 2905: 1 pick 5!

Such an order of the whole army must be strictly implemented, and the structure of the Wuliang Dojo’s army is indeed quite good.

Those star gods who had just left the Xinghai Godship and were still hesitating, after receiving the order, they were overjoyed and rushed back to the Xinghai Godship!

One star sea **** ship after another, according to Idai Yan’s order, launched a rapid speed, ready to rush back to the dark star!

“Isn’t the First Realm King making a fuss? We’ve gathered for such a long time, rehearsing at the Yanhuang Guardian Barrier Battlefield, and we’re about to fight, but you want us all to go back and attack the Dark Demon City?” someone yelled dissatisfied.

“It’s different.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Now, the beast wall outside the Dark Demon City has completely disintegrated, and the dark race’s 600,000-star Poseidon ships have launched an attack. They operate on the surface and underground. Although the voyage distance is short, we are much faster in the starry sky. More, that is to say, once the 600,000-star Sea God Ship leaves Dark Demon City for a period of time, we will return quickly, perhaps faster than their return! Dark Demon City, this time it is dead!”


Many people finally reacted at this moment.

“Great, if the Dark Demon City is completely wiped out, we will have nothing to worry about.”

“The tide of ferocious beasts is controlled by the dark race. As long as the dark race is gone, the ferocious beasts will only kill each other and will not follow the army at all!”

“Once the Dark Demon City is broken, only Shen Xi Xingtian is left in the Dark Clan! At most, the Blood Vein Vine and the Dark Demon Number will be left!”

“Great! Really great! Kaiwang’s decision is great!”

“The problem is—”

At this moment, at least a few million star gods felt their scalps tingle.

“Sword God Lin, Sun, what should I do?”

They were here to support!

They are the hope of the sun!

Four and a half million star gods, none of them went down?

The sun has to fight against 7.5 million star gods alone, and the number of star gods exceeds ten times!

Just relying on Yanhuang to protect the enchantment?

For a moment, the star gods on the star sea **** ship that hurried back to the dark star were stunned.

Most people are very loyal, so the facts presented in all the information made everyone feel a little chilly.

“Does this mean…we betrayed the sword **** Lin…”

“Nonsense! How can this be called betrayal? We can’t protect ourselves. Whether we can save them or not is up to us. We can’t let our relatives and friends die just to save them!”

“The problem is, if it weren’t for the two Star Sea God Ships of the Sword God Lin, we would have lost the last battle with the Dark Race, and our Qingqiu Mountain would have been wiped out! Not long ago, they helped us destroy Half of the beast wall, our king of the world promised them on the spot!”

“If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense, it’s all a conflict of interests! Anyway, I think our king of the world is right. When life and death are at stake, the first thing to protect is yourself!”

“Fart! Our ‘self-defense’ is clearly made by the king of the realm himself. If she doesn’t send out 4.5 million star gods at the limit, and only sends out 3 million, then at least it can help Sword God Lin Clan, we can also defend our own clan land! Moreover, the Dark Demon and the Blood Vein Vine are all included in the budget, so it is not too scary. As long as our Realm King uses the Infinite Boundary Monument to stare at the Dark Demon, and when the Dark Demon arrives, Shenxi Does Xing Tian dare to attack? Even now, the Dark Star side is not as dangerous as we imagined!… I feel that the king of the realm seems to have designed it, and it’s a shame for the sword **** Lin!”

After saying this, many people fell silent.

Because the more I think about it, the more I resemble it!

If it wasn’t for the shame, why bother to send out 4.5 million people, so that there will be a void in the back, an excuse for a temporary withdrawal?

The problem is, even now, she doesn’t need to retreat with her entire army, she only needs to go back with a million star gods, and she will have time to fight against the Zong clan and defend the royal families of all major realms.

She withdrew 4.5 million, what does that mean?

It is clearly to let the sun perish!

“What are you doing?!”

Sa Yedi, the patriarch of the Yushi concubine clan, stood up.

“Everyone, don’t forget that the Sword God Lin once extracted the star source of the Sword God Star, and even monopolized the ownerless star source of the Ten Thousand Star Field. They are traitors of the Wuliang Dojo. Even if they pretend to submit to us this time, it is wolf ambition. The intention is to rely on Lin Feng to shake the Wuliang Dojo in the future, and let the Wuliang Dojo return to the era of one clan domination! They and the Anzu are all of the same virtue, and you still speak for them, are you stupid? The king of the realm is right. At this time, it is necessary to Design to destroy this group of white-eyed wolves!” Sai Yedi roared.

“Didn’t you say that the king of the world and that Lin Feng are mother and son…” Many people asked weakly.

For this, Sa Yedi sneered, and said with a sneer: “If it’s true that the mother and son are ‘resolved’, don’t you hurry to recognize each other?”

After finishing speaking, she glanced around and said to everyone: “It is normal for any changes in the relationship between us and the sword **** Lin, this is because the king of the world is playing games with all potential enemies for the future of Wuliang Dojo! You only need to do one thing, and that is, follow the order of the king of the world, rush back to the Dark Demon City at full speed, and completely destroy it!”


The 4.5 million immeasurable Taoist army has people like Sa Yedi doing ideological work.

They have decided to go, and there is absolutely no way they will come back!

‘Tu Shan Taifeng’ who was far away in Qingqiu Mountain finally understood what the so-called ‘snake’ meant.

It is indeed Shenxi Xingtian, or in other words, it refers to the last foundation of the dark race.

“The king of the realm really hates the Anzu! After all this, she chose to use the sword **** Lin to continue to come back to destroy the Anzu. This time, Shenxi Xingtian has to cry again!”

It’s funny to say, before that, Shenxi Xingtian attacked Qingqiu Mountain twice.

Little Qingqiu Mountain, he insisted on not taking it, and every time he failed miserably.

This time, it’s even more exaggerated, just now, the 4.5 million star Poseidon ships have already rushed to his lair!


“However, in this case, it is tantamount to completely tearing apart the face with the sword **** Lin. This is not just a matter of breaking a promise, but turning around after the reinforcements reach the opponent’s head, which will cause a big strategic misjudgment by the sword **** Lin, resulting in They were accelerated and defeated by more than ten times the enemy!”

“In this way In this six-party war, the first to be defeated should be the Anzu and the Sun. Once the cancer of these two Wuliang Dojos is wiped out, we will indeed be the only ones left in the Wuliang Realm! The problem is, after the Dark Clan and the Sun are gone, we have to fight alone against the Illusory God Clan, Myriad Dao Valley, the Supreme Realm…the Realm King, how courageous is she to face such a situation alone?”

Six-party battle!

Idaiyan gave up 2v4 and directly asked for 1v5!

Of course, she used the sword to kill people, borrowed the Illusory God Clan, the Myriad Valley Supreme Realm, and killed the sword **** Lin, and she used the troops to lure the snake out of the hole and seize the opportunity to destroy the Dark Clan!

The chain is intertwined.

The layout and momentum are suffocating.

“Now, I really want to see how wonderful the faces of Shen Xi Xingtian and those people on the sun are!”

Tu Shan Taifeng smiled.

At least, Qingqiu Mountain is safe this time.


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