Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 1857: Hug

When Li Tianming was upset, he also never expected that such a wonderful thing would happen.

Forty-nine phantom gods were born again, all on the Dreamless Battleship, suddenly suppressing the fairy king!

Boom boom boom!

He personally bears it more personally, and he understands the power of these forty-nine illusion gods.

Xianjun Wu Meng couldn’t accept this in his heart!

This is the puppet he controlled. They feared this ‘father’ and regarded her as the master. From childhood to childhood, they were brainwashed again and again, so that these forty-nine children were heartbroken to him, and they could even die for him!

“How could they betray me?!”

Xianjun Wumeng was stabbed with a sword in his heart. This was his most incredible thing. He could hardly believe his eyes.

He knows better than anyone, how low their minds are for these forty-nine ‘daughters’.

Being defeated by Li Tianming, he can accept it, but the scene before him suddenly felt fatal fear.

The husky words of ‘karma’ in Weisheng Moran were like a magic barrier, shrouded in his head, making him feel as if he had fallen into a frozen abyss, and his whole body was chilling.

The next scene will only be even more terrifying for the “No Dream Fairy”.

The forty-nine ‘daughters’ who are very close to Weisheng Moran, they rushed towards Weisheng Moran with extremely fierce faith. It was a feeling of pity for the same root and the same disease.

When their eyes collided with Weisheng Moran’s resolute eyes, they also took advantage of the moment when Wu Mengxianjun’s heart trembled, and ‘hug’ with Weisheng Moran.

This process is a bit like a two-in-one combination of the “husband and wife” of the fantasy gods.

They are clearly two different individuals, but they can merge into one and coexist with each other. This is the racial talent of the Fantasy God Race, and it is also the most wonderful part of them.

It is reasonable to say that Weisheng Moran’s parents are both magical gods, and the forty-nine ‘daughters’ around them, they should also be magical gods, and they also have the racial talent of ‘two into one’.


Whether it is Wu Meng Xianjun or Li Tianming, they never expected that they are not just ‘two in one’!


Every woman who is exactly the same as Weisheng Moran, in the process of ‘hug’ with her, merged into her body in exactly the same way as the ‘combination of the two into one’ by the Fantasy God Race.

They are all single bodies, all daughters!

Normally, the magical gods only have men and women mingling, but now they see the miracle that in a short period of time, a total of forty-nine dreamless fairy lords created a total of forty-nine “phantom **** containers”, all entered The body stained with Weisheng ink.

Fifty ‘daughters’, and fifty micro-stained inks, blend into one!

Such a miracle must have something to do with her own system from the Huantian God Clan, and also with the ‘absolutely human’ reproduction method of Wu Meng Xianjun.

To put it bluntly, it is not for the pursuit of merit, and the heart is twisted like a ghost. Who would kill his own wife for the sake of a family history record, make it a “phantom”, and then blaspheme countless times, just to cultivate one that can be cultivated A young embryo?

Isn’t the fantasy **** clan sing dedicated, natural, life-and-death love?

What Xianjun Wumeng did is probably unprecedented and unruly!

So much so that today, due to the coincidence of cause and effect, another extreme has occurred. Such an extreme miracle is filled with all the retribution for his evil deeds.

When he looked at the girl he was pinching, the body strengthened infinitely, and then burst out of uncontrollable power, when he saw the “micro-life ink stain” had a new look, and even produced a look that made him uncomfortable, his The mood fell to hell. At this moment, recalling her phrase of “karma”, even the bones felt cold.


Xianjun Wumeng panted heavily, his eyes trembled violently.

And the girl with long dark green hair in front of him, her ink eyes burst with dazzling divine light, and it pierced Wu Meng Xianjun’s face!

The fusion of fifty people means that the forty-nine phantom gods they carry have all been integrated into her body!

These forty-nine phantom gods were originally designed by Immortal Wumeng, with integrated offensive and defensive coordination, and even enhanced magical spirit barriers. This led to immortal Wumeng’s hands pinching. It was not her soft neck before, but an iron pillar.

Boom boom boom!

Forty-nine phantom gods almost merged into one, shaking violently, suppressing No Meng Xianjun. No Meng Xianjun can only use the “Nu Meng Xing Hai Huan Shen”, with just condensed forty-nine “Illusion Dream God” Whale’ to fight.

Lihuo Illusory God, Shuofeng Illusory God, Extreme Electric Illusory God, etc., with a variety of mixed powers, face the magic whale of the same attribute, and directly destroy the dead!

Xianjun Wu Meng felt like he was pinching a monster!

“What the hell? I am your father!!”

Xianjun Wu Meng’s face turned blue and purple. This is the unparalleled handsome man. The worst time in his life. It turns out that no matter how handsome a man commits a sin, he will show it when he finally atones for it. Only disgustingly ugly.


In response to him, the girl was very calm.

She stretched out those soft white hands and squeezed Xianjun Wumeng’s arms, her eyes became more and more burning, and the power of forty-nine phantom gods produced an incredible fusion in her body. , This made her power like a giant beast on the blessing of the Illusory God, squeezing the palm of Wumeng Xianjun.

At the same time, the Forty-Nine Illusions were suppressing and bombing the Dreamless Sea Illusory Gods. The battle started again, this time shaking the sky and the earth, even destroying the Dreamless Warship.

This kind of miraculous power was actually created by Xianjun Wumeng. His “combination of works” is right in front of him. It stands to reason that he should be proud, but now the shadow of “retribution” and his killing of his wife At that time, her desperate and painful eyes, and the distortion of her heart when she blasphemed her time and time again, all mixed together, leaving the world in his eyes only the **** of tongue-out and cramping!


He was still panting heavily, the big drops of sweat continued to fall, his face changed from blue to pale, and his whole body was trembling!

“Monster! You are a monster intolerable to heaven! You monsters with incomplete souls, what is the difference between you and a group of wild beasts!”

Xianjun Wu Meng is crazy, yelling, hoarse.

In front of him, the woman who confronted him had only indifference in her eyes. Under the indifference, the resentment of fifty people for so many years gradually gathered together and turned into a murderous intent!

At this time, the “micro-life ink stain” looks terrible, because it was once pitiful and terrible. It is the weak who use all their strength to fight back and avenge their so-called “father”!

Since stepping on the dreamless warship, hearing the truth from the Weishengxixi, and knowing my unbearable life experience, until now, how much blood-like anger has accumulated during this struggle?

Anyway, Wu Meng Xianjun is a little scared in his heart.

Of course, the Weisheng Seal is even more afraid!

Xianjun Wu Meng originally planned the tactics, but he did not expect to make mistakes again and again. Now even the people who were only in charge of ‘sailing the ship’ are in deep danger.

The two of them are also more than three hundred years old ~ are older than those forty-nine “daughters”. They also have the tenth stage of the Shenyang King Realm. They also rarely do anything, and basically do not use magic outside. God.

At this critical moment of tension, the “micro-life seal” is directly divided into the micro-life seal and the micro-life seal.

“Help Dad to subdue her!”

None of them were Weisheng Moran sisters before, let alone now, in their eyes, she is now a purer monster.

The two of them started together and pounced on the nearby Weisheng Moyan.

Because Weisheng Moran and Wumeng Xianjun are in a stalemate, their shots are likely to break the balance.

“Don’t kill, she is still useful!”

At this time, Wu Meng Xianjun was still thinking about using her to escape.

However, they all seem to have forgotten that on this Ten Thousand Dragon God Mountain, there is another one of the most terrifying existence, that is a universe-level evildoer that forty-nine Illusory Gods plus Immortal Monarchs without dreams can win!

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