Beastmaster of the Ages Chapter 1819: Kill! ! !

“Die! Die to me!”

The last anger of the divine palace caused the Fu gods to rebuild their confidence. This made Li Tianyi feel particularly impatient. Like Emperor Zhan Zunlan, he also wanted to make a contribution.

“Unexpectedly, this Fu God Clan is so difficult to get involved!”

“Yi Shuai! I think the point of breaking the game lies in Li Tianming. As long as we find him, whether it is capture or slaying, we can make the opponent directly fall apart.”

“In this way, the greatest contribution must belong to our Tianyi Army.”

“Yi Shuai, Li Tianming’s previous voice came from that direction!”

The generals around him stood by and cleared the way for Li Tianyi, all admonishing them.

“What do you say?!”

Li Tianyi cursed impatiently, and that counsel is still burning his heart.

“Li Tianming!”

The cosmic evildoer in the emperor’s mouth is only one word behind him. As the eldest son of the emperor, compared with Li Tianming, the only place he wins is probably because of his age, which is directly better than Li Tianming. Dozens of times more!

“I can kill him in my dreams and avenge my brother.” Li Tianyi said.

These words, as generals who are familiar with Li Tianyi, only believe the first half.


All the generals were stunned. They were all wiping their eyes, thinking they were wrong.

When they were killing the Kowloon Emperor Army, they raised their heads and saw a small group of men and horses appear in front of them. The white-haired boy in the center knew all the sun. It was so easy to recognize.

“It’s him!”

“What a coincidence, it came to my mouth!”

“Yi Shuai, quick, quick! Don’t let him slip away!”

The generals looked overjoyed one by one. As they said, they were faster than Li Tianyi and chased them on the spot.

“Help me solve the Jiuyou Forbidden Old Man, I’ll take him down.” Li Tianyi’s heart beat wildly, he must calm himself down, but he couldn’t calm down, because that sentence made him feel very wronged. And aggrieved.

“Father, I hope this time, I will take his head and go back, you can change my view…”

Li Tianyi let out a low roar, passed everyone, and chased him to Li Tianming like crazy.

Li Tianming is a wise man.

He acted as if he didn’t mean Li Tianyi, instead of coming to take his life, so that Li Tianyi would not escape.

When he met him, Li Tianming turned around and left.

This gave the other party the illusion of blood tumbling.


The general next to him hurriedly chased him and forced the Jiuyou forbidden old man away, so that Li Tianyi could drive straight in, holding a huge sword, and slashing towards Li Tianming’s head.

“Protect the Emperor Dragon Emperor!!”

The countless Kowloon emperor soldiers around saw that Li Tianming was in danger, and they were very anxious, and came to Li Tianming for rescue.

One was chasing and the other was just pretending to escape, so almost in the next instant, Li Tianyi caught up with the prey.

“Die! Cosmic monster!”

Eight Consciousness Gods suddenly burst out of him, like flame giants similar to Zhurong Fire God, similar to Li Haochen’s Consciousness Gods. The strength of the tenth stage of the Shenyang King Realm burst out, directly shaking the sky and the earth, on the spot. A sea of ​​fire was created, and it seemed that Li Tianming would be swallowed directly.

At this moment when the Nine Dragon Emperor Army trembled and desperate, Li Tianming suddenly turned around, and the golden black light burst in his eyes. The Divine Sin Sword in his hand absorbed the seven eighth-order Divine Disaster Sword Qi, 30 million The power of the line of sentient beings swarms all over the body and disperses to the wheel of robbery!

Swish swish!

The Excalibur Sword of Shifang Era burst out, each sword was several times more than normal, and the terrifying power was assembled.

At this moment, Li Tianming transformed from an ordinary powerhouse directly into the sun’s peak powerhouse. His imperial aura instantly shocked the sky, and the power from the line of sentient beings exploded, making Li Tianyi behind him, seemingly watching Thirty million souls!


Li Tianyi stayed for a while.

“Ten of your brothers, all the emperor was born to kill me, understand?”

Li Tianming smiled coldly. In the next moment, the Divine Sin Sword and the entire Consciousness Sword were used together to cast the Seven Dragon Heaven Tribulation Sword, the most complex fusion sword, coordinated with the power of Consciousness, the sword body and the line of sentient beings, towards the rushing Li Tianyi violently killed and left.

Li Tianyi chased him, but he didn’t expect to be killed back to the carbine. He had no reaction time at all. He could only fight against Li Tianming. The eight flame consciousness gods roared out, spewing raging anger and violent consciousness of gods. It turned into an attack similar to the wrath of the palace, but unexpectedly, a huge white tower appeared in front of it just before it was cast.


His knowledge of the gods hit the Taiyi Illusion God and lifted the Taiyi Illusion God away!


In the next moment, Li Tianming’s sword body and Consciousness of God rushed directly in front of him like a sword sea storm.


Puff puff puff!

The Divine Sword of Shifang Era directly penetrated through eight Consciousness Gods, and the terrifying power caused this flame Consciousness God to collapse on the spot, and the Divine Sin Sword came immediately.


In just one moment, under the dual power of the Consciousness of God and the Sword of God’s Sin, all of Li Tianyi’s head was turned into powder, and it was swallowed by Jianying, including the several generals behind him, who were strangled by Li Tianming and died directly!


Li Tianyi’s head did not fall to the ground. When he was strangled by Li Tianming, Li Tianming took his long hair and held him in his hand.

He widened his eyes, looked at his non-existent body in fear, and then looked at Li Tianming in despair.

“What am I?” Li Tianming said flatly.

Li Tianyi’s complexion was completely stiff, he lost consciousness in the distortion and struggle, and died in despair.


Li Tianming scanned for a week, and too many people saw this scene, and they were all in a sluggish state.


He threw this first level into the sky, strangling it with a flick of the sword.

“Li Tianyi is dead, continue to kill!”


Familiar feeling, familiar taste.

The imperial burial army from around me, at this special historical moment, felt Li Tianming’s emperor’s divine will, when they truly regarded Li Tianming as a unique soul pillar, the line of sentient beings from these strong men With his mustard seed, the emperor’s divine will truly penetrates!

He and the Emperor Burial Army should have been the closest.

They just need to witness Li Tianming’s performance with their own eyes.

Now, he is here!

He will never disappoint!

In the eyes of the Li Tianming didn’t stop even one step.

“Silver dust, next!”


In this chaotic battlefield, the emperor was busy breaking the barrier, the palace army was busy doing meritorious service, and Li Tianming wanted to repeat the old tricks, it became extremely simple.

In such a place, even the Stone of Communication will be blown up, and only Silver Dust can truly communicate!

“The Spirit Tribulation Army, Li Mumu!”

Li Tianming locked his position, directly repeating the same trick, pretending to run away, and the other party is eager to work, but he is more careful than Li Tianyi.

However, even if Li Mumu turned and ran, he couldn’t stop Li Tianming from chasing after him!

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