Be Good Chapter 2612: Entrust

Not to mention too much, Gu Le’an drew his sword out of its sheath, and with a wave of power, a gust of wind swept across the Four Seasons Begonia on the short table. The flowers and leaves were all shaken off in an instant, but upon closer inspection, there was no slightest scar on each petal.

Madam Wang was shocked, and it took a while to realize that she would kneel down to Gu Le’an after pulling her granddaughter.

As soon as Gu Le’an raised his hand, Mrs. Wang’s bowed body was firmly stopped, and her eyes were even more shocked.

“I haven’t asked the girl’s name yet.” She looked at Gu Le’an with piercing eyes.

Miss Yunmeng seemed to have noticed something, wiped away her tears, and moved towards Gu Le’an full of hope.

Gu Le’an hugged his sword and saluted, “Gu Le’an.”

Madam Wang’s eyes flashed with doubts, she looked up and down Gu Le’an, and suddenly her eyes paused, “Young lady is a jade fairy.”

Gu Le’an was stunned, she didn’t know that her nickname had come here, but she nodded, “It should be me, the matter of Leijiazhuang was indeed done by me.”

This is a bit insane, but Mrs. Wang has a lot of history after all, and she weighed the pros and cons in a few moments, “Miss Gu, please sit down.”

With a solemn face, she personally ushers Gu Le’an to a seat.

After she sat down, she dragged her granddaughter to sit down, “Among the ten invitations posted by the thief, only our family has few caretakers. I don’t know if the girl has a countermeasure.”

This is to entrust this matter to Gu Le’an.

Gu Le’an pondered for a moment. She had seen this place when she came here. Many courtyards were in a panic. Such a deserted courtyard, not to mention a living person who can climb over the wall, even cats and dogs can slip in through a hole, so there is no way to prevent it.

“I know how to set up formations, but there are tough lines and bells in the house.” They were short of manpower, so they could only gather in one courtyard. Of course, it was about the woman’s innocence, and Gu Le’an would not take it lightly.

As soon as she said that she would set up an array, Mrs. Wang’s eyes lit up again, “There are some.”

“It’s not too late, it will take time to set up the formation, so let’s start now.” Gu Le’an thought for a while and said: “Madam, please gather all the people in the house into the courtyard, I want to arrange it.”

Madam Wang nodded quickly and ordered the steward to do it.

Gu Le’an said to Yunmeng: “Miss Yunmeng, these days I can only wrong you to eat with me.”

Ten greeting cards, there must be first and last, in her opinion, this place should not be ranked first.

Seeing that Mrs. Wang also attached great importance to Gu Le’an, the dozen or so people in the house also paid attention to it and did as soon as possible.

Five days later, there was finally news of the thief, but the situation was very bad, and he was still allowed to escape in the net of heaven and earth. Hearing the news of the young lady, the house was panicked, and Yunmeng cried even more. Became a tearful person.

Gu Le’an sat in the main hall with a dignified face. Although he didn’t show anything on his face, he was very puzzled. But even with such vigilance, he still succeeded, which was beyond her expectation.

Five days later, another family’s young lady got into a bad situation, and the villa was in a panic for a moment, and Gu Le’an’s mood became a little heavy. After hearing the news, that family is the most prestigious among the ten, please come He also had the most assistance punches, but unexpectedly he also failed to defend.

As the distance between days became shorter and shorter, the family lived on the fourth day, and the family lived on the third day. The inner line of defense in Yujian Villa was finally defeated, and even Mrs. Wang couldn’t hold on anymore.

“Why don’t we hide in Zhuangzi in the countryside.” Mrs. Wang looked at Gu Le’an apologetically.

Silver hair has lost its luster after suffering a lot, and her face is also gray.

Gu Le’an understands her feelings. This person’s methods are really unpredictable. It is related to the innocence of the girl’s family. She can’t trust her, “I listen to the old lady.”

Madam Wang let out a sigh of relief before someone came to pack up.

Gu Le’an also came outside to collect the red-wired bells, and when she passed Xiaocui, Miss Yunmeng’s maid, she suddenly frowned.


Gu Le’an stopped Xiao Cui, looked her back and forth, and suddenly drew his sword and stabbed like lightning.

But what surprised them even more was that Xiao Cui, who had never known martial arts, also made a move.

“Everyone back away.” Gu Le’an shouted loudly, but his hands were fighting to prevent the man from escaping.

Although most of the formations are gone now, they are still in the formation and can still be used barely.

Old Madam Wang arrived just in time when she heard the movement, and immediately let the crowd back away, but she still surrounded the periphery, preparing to swarm up if Gu Le’an was defeated.

Madam Wang thought about it for a while, and called two young servants, “You go find someone separately, and start with the nearest one first.”

The two boys stood up and ran away.

Gu Le’an in the courtyard was both offensive and defensive, fighting with the man in a calm manner, Mrs. Wang showed a hint of appreciation, but when she looked at Xiaocui, her eyes were still full of doubts, because the woman was no matter how she looked. In terms of shape and appearance, they are all the same as Xiao Cui, and it really doesn’t look like someone pretending to be her.

She called her granddaughter, “Yunmeng, take a good look, is she Xiaocui?”

Yunmeng looked at him in fear for a while, then shook his head, “It’s very similar, but it doesn’t feel right. This person’s outline is a bit cold and hard, but he looks like a man.”

Madam Wang’s eyes flashed, and then she looked back.

After some probing, Gu Le’an discovered that this person was also proficient in the art of poisonous Gu, and he was so cunning that she almost got caught. He had already gone to call for someone, but he only pestered him not to leave any room for him to escape.

After a fierce battle, Gu Le’an didn’t see that person falling behind. Gu Le’an felt startled. No matter how good this person’s disguise is, his bone age can’t be faked. She checked carefully, and this person should be no more than two A man in his thirties, but he didn’t expect his internal energy to be so overbearing at such a young age. If it wasn’t for her support and proficiency in the art of poisonous poisoning, she would have been unable to hold him back long ago.

Yes, Gu Le’an is deliberately delaying, waiting for reinforcements to arrive, because this person is not only powerful and domineering, but also has many ways to harm others.

Time passed little by little, and neither of them could get out of the opponent’s attack range.

The person on the opposite side laughed strangely, “You are the first person to find me, I didn’t expect to be a woman.”

Gu Le’an ignored him, without a single pause in his hand, and covered the sword move tightly, leaving him no chance to breathe.

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