Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 43: Dinner at sea

  ”Marshal, according to the information we have now, everything is moving in the direction you expect. All the initiatives we have mastered, now the only thing left is which way we should choose to solve this Something.”

   Weierle took off his monocle and said seriously to Xu Jun who is now buried in a pile of telegrams and documents.

   “There are really too many things to consider, too many problems to be solved. Oh my God, my head is almost dizzy by these things.” Xu Jun frowned and read a telegram that he had just received .

   Since Xu Jun boarded the captured British heavy cruiser, he has been dealing with various issues. He has been working continuously for more than 20 hours, except for a short break while eating and taking a bath, his brain hasn’t stopped for almost a minute. Although Hans had asked him many times on the side, asked him to pay attention to his body, and asked him to go to sleep, Xu Jun resolutely refused each time. He really doesn’t have any time or mind to rest, because his plan has reached the most critical stage.

   The information that was backlogged in the previous two days was continuously sent to his hands. Almost every five minutes, there would be an intelligence and piles of reports from which “bishop” from which corner of Europe. Into his hands. Dozens of hours of continuous work almost exhausted the two poor translators and communications staff. They have now become the busiest and hardest people on this battleship after Xu Jun.

   When he first boarded this battleship, Xu Jun spent several hours to solve the problems that arose after he accepted the surrender. The surviving crewmembers on the destroyers were rescued by the submarine and the lifeboat on the battleship. Xu Jun gave priority to arrange for those injured to receive treatment immediately, and then arrange food and warm clothing for others. To be honest, the British prisoners gave Xu Jun a lot of cooperation and assistance in these matters, of course, this was also to help their own compatriots.

   It is not difficult to settle the wounded, but it is not that simple to settle the remaining healthy captured crew members. Although these sailors followed their officers and surrendered, judging from the reputation of the British sailors in the world of navigation, it is not reassuring to put them by their side. British sailors did not pay much attention to promise and reputation as they claimed. There were many conquerors who were deceived by the submissive appearance of British captives and lost their lives in the war. Escape or riot after being captured is as deep as a motto in the hearts of these proud sea men.

   In contrast, those British officers who surrendered are the most reassuring prisoners in the world. They pay great attention to their honor, unless necessary, even if they are given a chance to escape, they will sneer about it. .

   Xu Jun’s current military strength is really limited, only twelve stormtroopers and twenty sailors. These sailors are still non-combatants pieced together from three submarines. The rest are his subordinates, the large group of high-ranking officers and staff officers. In contrast, they can scare the British with their uniforms and are not as powerful as the stormtroopers against the sailors.

   According to the circumstances at the time, Xu Jun, after discussing with Cascent, imprisoned the strong sailors in three huge cabins. He temporarily closed all the passages in that area and arranged for six commandos to guard the entrances and exits, and someone to deliver food to them. He sincerely hoped that the British would not make any trouble before reaching Dunkirk. The British sailors in some key positions were kept in those positions, but their actions were monitored by a German sailor who would report to the bridge every ten minutes about their situation, at least to No problems have appeared yet.

  All the work of naval navigation was handed over to the navy officer who was transferred from the three submarines, and Siegfried. Feng. Colonel Rowan Klam deservedly became the new captain of the Devonshire, of course temporarily.

  The captured British officers were placed in the officers’ cabin, and Xu Jun did not give them any restrictions except that they could not walk around at will. They were guarded by two German army majors. They were all promoted by lower-ranking officers on the basis of combat exploits. Xu Jun believed that they should have sufficient self-defense ability in front of these naval officers, not to mention that they were all equipped with weapons.

   and the army officers were placed in the officer’s lounge. The elegant environment there can soothe the broken hearts of the army officers. They are guarded by four Stormtroopers in shifts. I believe the fierceness of the SS soldiers Under their eyes, they will behave like a group of real gentlemen.

  The three submarines have now been towed with steel cables to the stern of the ship. The German sailors have really used a lot of effort to tie the three cables. Now these three ocean-going submarines are being towed by this heavy cruiser for twenty The festival’s top speed was driving along the Dutch and Belgian coastlines towards their destination in France.

   “Marshal, it’s already six o’clock in the evening, would you like to take a break and have some dinner?” Hans opened the door of the conference room and walked in, he looked at Xu Jun with a haggard face worriedly.

   “Oh, it’s six o’clock already.” Xu Jun looked up at the wall clock on the wall and then turned to look at the staff who were sitting beside him who were also haggard in the telegraph pile.

   “Okay. I think everyone is tired too, let’s eat.” Xu Jun smiled and said to Hans.

   “Okay, Marshal, I will ask the chef to serve the food right away. Today I have a good stewed veal mixed soup, as well as German guan intestines and fruit pies. I will ask them to serve them immediately.” Hans Happily ran out the door.

   “Hey, my waist is about to break. I didn’t expect to accumulate so much information in a few days. Just looking at the part of my responsibility will almost straighten my eyes.” Mueller stood up and twisted. Moving aching waist and legs.

   “My marshal, what should we do next? I think the meaning of the information revealed is already obvious, and you will win.” Daogen put down the report in his hand and gave his own neck Speaking of massage.

   “The situation on the French front is now very serious. It has reached the point where it can no longer be dragged on. If we do not resolve it within a week, we will lose the war.” Halong stretched his back. Back.

   “Okay, sirs, we should let the marshal take a rest. We are going to have dinner soon, and we have not sorted out the papers on the table. Today we have veal, veal.” Randolph quickly sorted out Looking at the documents on the desk, he is doing intelligence analysis and sorting work, so he is more relaxed than others in comparison.

   “You…” Dogen seemed to twist his neck all at once. He clutched his neck and stared at the cheerful deputy fiercely, wondering if he should throw the SS shame back there again. Go up the submarine. However, in the next second, Daogen rejected his plan. For the honor of the SS, he must not let this fool leave his line of sight for a second.

   “Okay, everyone don’t talk about these issues now. Let’s discuss them when we have dinner. I will sort these things first. I am really hungry now.” Xu Jun finished speaking and began to sort out the one in front of him. Stack the telegram up.

   “Yes, it’s been a long time since I have worked so long. The last time I was doing preparations for the Battle of Dunkirk.” Weierle said with a smile.

  At this time, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Hans led two orderly men into the dining car. The two servicemen helped the officers move the documents on the table to one side of the sofa, and then brought the steaming food to the conference table. When the dishes were all prepared, Hans walked to a seat next to Xu Jun.

   “Hans, how do you say it is a general, you can leave these things to the orderly men to arrange in the future.” Weierle raised the wine glass in front of him and said to Hans with a smile.

  ”How can this work? Although I am a general, I am still the marshal’s adjutant. Before the marshal has appointed his life adjutant, it is my responsibility to take care of his diet and daily life. Even if I become an admiral. Can’t change this.” Hans also smiled and replied.

   “It seems I am really going to be a life adjutant. You have more important work to care about, Hans.” Xu Jun picked up the napkin and stuffed it into the neckline.

   “I see, Marshal.” Hans replied with a respectful nod. The wise man did not ask Xu Jun what the more important work was.

   “Well, everyone has worked hard for this. Let’s start eating.”

   Xu Jun picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then he used his knife and fork to wipe out the delicacy in front of him. It seemed that everyone was hungry, and as a result, no one said a word before eliminating the German guan intestines and veal, and everyone was working hard. Only when they started to wipe out the huge fruit pie, Weierle opened the topic.

   “My Marshal.” Weirle took up a napkin and wiped his mouth contentedly. As the officer with the least appetite among Xu Jun’s subordinates, this Chief of Staff has performed exceptionally well today.

  ”My marshal, according to what the intelligence said, that person has been completely confused by you. No, it should be said that he is going crazy by you. Now he has become suspicious to the point where it can’t be added, even The adjutant he once trusted the most was not allowed to approach his bedroom at night. He replaced his entire guard and all the civilian personnel who had contact with you. I now feel more and more that this person is slowly losing his role as a The necessary qualifications for a powerful head of state.”

  ”Yeah, what makes me feel incredible is that he has not made it to the French front line. According to intelligence, he is still on his way near Metz. At his speed, it will take at least three days To get to Lille. This is the result of his distrust of anyone. For safety, he dared not take his special plane. He actually drove to France from the “cliff castle” by car. What a big joke Hahahaha.” Mueller laughed loudly. If two months ago, the name of the person he laughed at now could scare him into a cold sweat.

  ” What radio silence did he still engage in. Now he has completely lost his contact in Berlin. All the leaders of the Nazi Party, including Dr. Goebbels, don’t know what happened. Obviously he didn’t take this matter. Tell him any of his comrades in arms. He will pay a heavy price for his suspicion.” Daogen put down his knife and fork and said seriously.

  ”Your deception operation was very successful. The destroyer had docked at Kiel Port the day before yesterday. Your guard and the officers are completing their missions strictly according to the plan, disguised as your officers. I have secretly appeared in this place. I believe that all the German people will know that you are in that team and that you are heading to Berlin in a big way. We also reported the situation here to the Navy Command, according to your wishes~ We deliberately notified the Admiralty of your presence on this battleship. That person now doesn’t know which side is the real you. According to his current state, he will definitely decide whether he should return Berlin should continue to advance to the front-line headquarters and hesitate.” Halong continued.

  ”It’s true. I want this effect. He can’t use any of his intelligence now. Now he’ll wait until we get ashore, contact all the army generals, and then discuss how to end this farce. We have a lot of work ahead. I just got the news that the scum in the logistics department has been cleaned up by my subordinates using Heydrich’s hands. Now no one can stop us from transporting the urgently needed supplies from the front lines. The French front. I believe that in two days, those materials can be distributed to the hands of the various army groups. Within a week, the German army will regain its full combat effectiveness.” Xu Jun said with a smile.

  ”Really? Marshal, this is really great. As long as the supplies are delivered, no one can stop us from moving forward. I believe the generals and marshals will jump up happily. We can completely destroy the Weigang line of defense in one week, no, three days, and then go straight to Paris.” Halong was full of excitement.

   “Yes, the German Army will not let you down, your marshal.”

   Weierle raised his glass to Xu Jun.

  ”Early tomorrow morning, we will set foot on the land of Dunkirk again. Your legion is waiting for you there. I believe that in a week, the whole of Germany and then the whole of France will be waiting for you. The whole Europe, the whole world. My marshal.”


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