Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 35: Overture (1)


  Müller raised his hand to the two second lieutenant officers in return. The commander of the Cyprus Legion saw enough worship and awe in the eyes of the opponent.

   Muller is very satisfied with the status and honor he has now. Who would have thought that he was just an ordinary captain and battalion commander two months ago. With a triumphant smile on his face, Mueller walked vigorously along the richly decorated corridor towards the elevator.

   A few officers who had finished their meal were chatting there while waiting for the elevator to arrive. Mueller recognized two familiar faces in the middle.

   “Your Excellency General.” The two Air Force pilots nodded respectfully to Mueller.

   “How are you two now? They look very good.” Mueller smiled and patted the captain’s arm. He remembered that the captain was called Slutton, and the smaller ensign was Lowe. .

   “Thank you very much for your concern, Your Excellency.” Slaughton replied with a smile.

   “Yes, General, it’s really great here. We had a real French breakfast just now.” The Air Force ensign interjected.

   “Speaking of which, if it weren’t for you, we don’t know when we will have the opportunity to arrive in Paris. I heard that we are about to attack the British mainland, your Excellency.”

   With a crisp bell, the elevator finally reached this floor. The wooden elevator door carved with smooth and gorgeous lily laces slowly opened, and an elevator attendant in a blue classical uniform with a ridiculous hair set moved neatly to open the outer gilded carved iron fence door.

   A group of officers filed out, and Mueller was once again in a situation where he kept returning courtesy. When the people got off, Mueller walked into the elevator leisurely, no one followed him.

   The officers were ready to wait for the next elevator when they saw Mueller coming over. Their military ranks were not high enough to share the same elevator with a general, as is the case with the German army. A place of strict hierarchy.

   “You two come in, I have something to ask you.” Mueller waved to the two air forces, and the two pilots hurried into the elevator.

   “Waiter, on the third floor, how many floors are you on?” Mueller asked.

  ”Let’s also reach the third floor, Your Excellency.”

   “Oh? What are you doing on the third floor?” Mueller looked at the two pilots in surprise.

   “We don’t know. The notice we received last night told us to report to Colonel Dougen in the office of the head of state on the third floor at nine o’clock in the morning. By the way, your Excellency, what do you want to ask us?” Slutton respectfully Asked.

   “Nothing, I just don’t want to stand here alone.”

   Muller smiled and blinked at the two pilots.

  ”Your Chief of Staff, Your Marshal.”

   Mueller followed a civilian officer into the living room outside the Führer’s office. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Keitel and Weierle sitting on the sofa.

   “Ah, Mueller, where did you go last night, I won’t be able to find you in the middle of the reception.”

   Keitel’s love for this head of state will be very concerned. Although it seems to be a little bit faster in the upgrade, it is indeed outstanding.

   “I was taken by a few old friends to admire the night view of Paris, Your Excellency Marshal.” Muller sat down on the solo sofa next to him, and an orderman quickly served a drink.

   “Huh? What is this?”

   Muller stared at the yellow-orange-orange drink in the cup and asked suspiciously.

  ”This is Chinese tea. You can drink it. Maybe you won’t get used to it at first, but once you get used to it, you will fall in love with the taste.” Weirler said with a cup of tea.

   “This, isn’t there any sugar? At least some lemon.”

   Muller took a curious sip, then frowned and said.

   “You can’t put anything in this kind of tea. This is the order of the head of state. I advise you to get used to the taste of this tea as soon as possible, because the head of state likes this kind of things very much, and now the base camp only serves this kind of drink.”

  ”Oh? The head of state likes this kind of tea? Then I will get used to it as soon as possible, and I must take some back when I return to the legion.”

  Müller is holding the tea cup cautiously, as if it was 40 years old Bordeaux in it.

   “By the way, did the Chief of Staff and the Marshal both come to see the Führer? Who is inside now?”

   Muller put down his teacup and asked respectfully.


   Weierle and Keitel frowned at the same time, and there were obvious concerns in their eyes.

   “What’s wrong, sir.” Mueller felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

   “We don’t know the specific situation either. Now the head of state is alone in it. I don’t know why he doesn’t see anyone now.” Keitel scratched his nose.

  ”Marshal Keitel and I are here to report to the Führer the latest plan made by the Headquarters. His Excellency the Führer asked us to report here early last night. Now we have all waited for an hour. He has not yet intended to meet us. I just said let us wait and don’t leave. I heard from Disenhofen that the head of state seems to be in a bad mood, and I am a little worried.” Weierle said.

   Just then the door of the Führer’s office opened, and Disenhofen, the feuer’s life adjutant, came out carrying a tray.

   “Major Disenhofen!” Mueller shouted.

   “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) “General Mueller.”

   Tysenhofen walked to the sofa and put the tray on the coffee table, and then saluted Mueller.

   “How is it?” Weierle snarled at the office.

   “I have never seen the Führer like this, General Weierle, I am very worried.” Disenhofen said worriedly.

  ”He was still standing in front of the window staring at the bronze pillar in the square outside. He got up at three o’clock this morning and hasn’t eaten anything yet.”

  Disenhofen pointed to the tray.

   “Look, he hasn’t moved at all. He hasn’t even drank a sip of water until now.”

   “Did something happen? Disenhofen, you are the life adjutant of the Führer. Is there anything unusual about the Führer last night.” Mueller asked anxiously.

  ”I don’t know too much. Colonel Dougen seems to know a little bit about the specific situation. I’m going to work, and the head of state asked me to get him the atlas. Yours.”

   Tysenhofen stood up and picked up the tray, then nodded to Mueller and the others before walking quickly out of the living room.

   “Look at what this is all about. In my opinion, the head of state must be thinking of new strategic measures for the UK.” Mueller said while looking at the two chiefs of staff.

   “I think the situation is not that simple. Something must have happened. I have this hunch,” Weierle said.

   “I feel the same way, General Weierle.” Keitel nodded and said.

   Just then, the door of the living room opened and Dogen walked in with a worried expression on his face.

   “Is the Führer still meditating in it? Your Excellency.” Daogen nodded respectfully to several people present before asking Weierle.

   “Yes, it’s still inside, what happened, Dogen. Listen to Disenhofen say you know the specifics.” Mueller asked loudly.

   “I don’t know the specifics either.” Daogen frowned and sat down on the sofa.

   “I also just got news from Tysenhofen. The Führer did not eat breakfast and he left you outside the door, so I came here right away.”

   “The Führer got up at three o’clock in the morning?” Weierle asked.

  ”I know this. I just slept outside. Hans went to Berlin, and I took his place. Yesterday afternoon the head of state might have caught a cold when he visited the Eiffel Tower. He drank a few more at the cocktail party in the evening. A glass of wine, I got sick as soon as I came back here.”

   “Ill? Is it serious? Why didn’t you come to inform us.” Keitel asked anxiously.

   “The head of state ordered me not to disturb you. And the situation is not very serious, but a little fever. I called a military doctor to dispense the head of state, and after taking the medicine, he went to chuang to sleep.”

   “What happened later.”

  ” I slept outside. At night, no, at about 2:30 this morning, I was awakened by the shout of the head of state. I didn’t know what was going on, so I called the guard and rushed into the head of state’s room. .”

   “What happened later?” Keitel asked eagerly.

  ”We saw the head of state sitting on the bed, his head covered with sweat, his face pale, and his eyes were full of fear. Especially when he looked at me, I don’t know why. He didn’t seem to recognize me at the time. I still remember the doubt, confusion, surprise and fear in his eyes.”

   “What about later?” This time it was Mueller.

  ”Later, we were all frightened. We didn’t know what happened. We just stood by the bed at a loss. Then the head of state seemed to recognize me, and immediately became very happy. He grabbed it. My sleeve was talking to me loudly, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying. He seemed to be using a language I had never heard before, and I heard every word except my name. I don’t understand.

   Later the Führer also discovered this, and then he started to use German. I really didn’t know that the head of state could speak five languages. I have heard him speak English, French and Italian. I didn’t expect him to speak a strange foreign language that I had never heard before. “

   “Choose the key point, Colonel Dogen, what’s the matter with the Führer?” Weierle interrupted Dogen, and he frowned and said impatiently.

  ”The head of state had a nightmare, a very terrifying nightmare.”

   “What! Nightmare?”

  ”Just a nightmare?”


   The three listeners stared at Daogen in amazement.

   “Yes, that’s what the Führer told me. He had a terrible nightmare.”

   “That’s it.”

   The three listeners leaned their bodies against the back of the sofa at the same time, and the expressions on their faces suddenly disappeared.

   “We all worried to death, thinking that something big happened, and the result was just a dream.”

   Keitel smiled and said to Weierle.

   “I’m not because of the two of you. What you said seems to be very serious and made me worry for a long time.” Mueller picked up the tea cup on the table.

   “That’s not right, then what’s going on now, the Führer’s current performance is not because of a nightmare.” Weierle suddenly realized that they seemed to have made a mistake.

   “What you said makes sense, maybe he dreamed of something important.”

   Keitel frowned again.

   “Dogen, what did the head of state dream of, did he tell you?”

  ”He didn’t say anything specifically, but from that time on, his expression was very depressed. He seemed to have serious concerns. Then he put on a military uniform and came to the office. He said that there are important issues that need to be considered alone. Click. I didn’t expect him to think until now he doesn’t even eat food.” Daogen said worriedly.

   Just as a few guys fell into a sorrow again, the office door suddenly opened.

  ”Keitel, Weierle, you two are still there? Great, I just want to look for you~ Come in, I have some problems for you to help solve.”

   Xu Jun stood at the door and shouted loudly.

   “Head of State!”

  Everyone in the room stood up and saluted him respectfully.

   “What are you still doing? Oh? Mueller, you’re here too, just so I was just about to ask your opinion.”

   Xu Jun’s face now looks a bit tired, but judging from the gleaming light in his eyes, he is in a state of excitement and excitement, and he seems to be in good spirits.

   “There is nothing wrong with you, I heard…” Keitel asked hesitantly.

   “What else will I hear?” Xu Jun raised his eyebrows, and then he reacted.

   “Oh, you mean the front… I was just troubled by an extremely simple and stupid question, and now I have completely figured it out, thank you for your concern.”

   Then he turned his face and said to Daogen, who was standing aside, “Dogen, you go and see Disenhofen, why haven’t you sent the map? By the way, let me send another breakfast. I have some I’m hungry.”

   “Yes, my head.”

   Daogen nodded in salute. When he raised his head, his face was full of joy, because Daogen found that his head of state was back~ Welcome friends to visit and read, the latest, fastest and most Fire serial works are all at

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