Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 249: Supply

The weather on the second day was still fine. The Comoros Islands were on the eleventh parallel of the south latitude, close to the coast of Africa, and belonged to a tropical maritime climate. It is now mid-September and is in the local dry season with an average temperature of 2 Around fifteen or six degrees, according to the locals, there will be a heavy rain or two occasionally, but in the past few days, there was no cloud in sight. ??.??`c?o?m? The afternoon sun is shining on the steel boat, the temperature in the submarine rises sharply, and the cabin that was originally humid and hot becomes more stuffy. Even if all the hatches are opened for ventilation, the cabin It’s still hot and humid inside, a little unstoppable.

“Go down, pay attention to the left, slow down.” The second lieutenant Heber commanded the crane operator on the Grouse with a tin horn, and a 533 mm g7e torpedo was suspended from the sturdy rope.

“This is the last item on the list. I still need some time to debug.” The torpedo mechanic stood beside the second officer, holding a form in his hand.

“This is your job, and you will have time to do this later.” The second officer couldn’t talk to the engineer. The one and a half ton torpedo was still hanging high on the rope, and four strong sailors died. He dragged the traction ropes at both ends of the torpedo, adjusting the direction of the torpedo hoisting.

“Now the space in the front compartment is insufficient. You have to install four t3a into the first to fourth shooting tubes.” Lieutenant Igor smiled and took the form from the engineer, and then signed it in the signature box at the bottom of the form I added my name.

“Are you sure you can handle this?”

“Although it is a new model, the structure has not changed much, and the manual is still the same.” The torpedo engineer replied confidently.

The advance team of the c fleet arrived in the early morning of the same day. The large ships in the formation went to Moroni Port first, and the ships belonging to the French Navy were directly anchored there. The German submarine support ship Grouse, which was tasked with a supply mission, rushed to the other end of the island to meet the ship after only replenishing some fresh water, because replenishing ammunition is an important task for her. Finish it as soon as possible.

‘s supplies were supplemented by the French, and it was still sufficient at this time, mainly because of the loss of mechanical equipment and ammunition. At this time, the submarine was more than 9,000 kilometers away from her home port. Before that, she had been fighting in the sea for a week. This ocean-going submarine has actually broken the highest record of a single mission voyage created by its brothers. With only one replenishment of fuel in the middle, it left Europe and bypassed most of the black Africa. If it had not received the submarine command’s order . This ocean-going submarine is even going to run all the way to Jakarta like this.

“The ammunition is almost replenished, what else do you need, Captain Robin.?`” The captain of the Grouse, Major William, smiled and took out a silver cigarette case, took out a cigarette and handed it to the captain Captain.

“? Is it American cigarettes?” Robin lit his cigarette and took a sip, almost choked by the cool mint smell. He looked back at the trademark on the cigarette in surprise.

“Speaking of speaking, this was the last time Captain Von Stockhausen gave me the supply of u65. At that time, they sank a British transport ship sailing alone, and the sea was full of American cigarettes. They picked up a lot of crates. Major Stockhausen gave me several.”

“I’ve heard about it, and the crew on the u65 all learned to smoke before returning to Hong Kong.” Robin smiled and took another puff of cigarette. After getting used to the menthol smell, he felt quite Tasteful.

“I was obsessed with this flavor since then, but unfortunately this kind of good thing will never happen again. The war is over. I want to get this kind of cigarettes in the future. I can only find it in the store. “Major William spit out smoke rings. He poked his head out from the side of the ship. The Grouse’s sailors were putting the boat into the water.

“Major, do you think this war is over?” Robin leaned back against the railing and turned to look at the old captain.

“The British have surrendered. We have won the final victory. The French have also signed a peace treaty with us. Everything is over. I am very happy that there is no need for German young people to shed blood and sacrifice on the battlefield.” Old William looked at Robin with a look of emotion on his face and said.

The old captain was already an experienced ocean freighter captain before the Grouse was launched. He participated in the World War when he was young. At that time, he was in charge of commanding a military transport ship. After retiring, he became a shareholder of a private transport company, driving a 4,000-ton freighter across the sea. The tracks are almost all over the world. The Grouse, like his captain, originally did not belong to the German Navy. Because of its special structure, this express freighter was immediately requisitioned by the Navy after the war. After installing a pile of maintenance equipment and special cargo warehouses, it became a submarine. Support ship. Under the order of SGD, the Navy has made many such modified ships.

“Do you think what I said is wrong?” Now that Robin didn’t talk to him, Old William asked strangely.

“Major, I don’t think the war is over. We are still surrounded by dangerous enemies. Perhaps many people think that we have defeated Britain, as you think, and there will be no war. Of course, this way It’s not wrong to think, it’s just a bit too idealistic. Yuan once said that at the end of this war, Germany only successfully broke free of the shackles on his neck, and we have not completely crushed those who wanted to suppress the rise of Germany. The blockade of our hostile countries.??.??`The United Kingdom is only the first line of defense, and the net that surrounds us has not really been broken.

Yuan also said that our enemies are accumulating strength secretly. They are waiting for Germany to make mistakes. As long as we show a little bit of weakness, they will pounce on us and attack us. These people will enslave us. The people of China, plunder our achievements, they will use all means to completely destroy this great empire that they fear. “Captain Robin held on to the fence and said impassionedly to Major William.

“Are you overreacting, Captain, although Yuan’s words are really reasonable, Captain, Germany is so powerful, we have defeated the two strongest countries on the 6 lands and the ocean. There is no one. Don’t dare to be our enemy again, because this is just suicide.” Major William shook his head and retorted.

“I agree with you on this point, Major, I hope you are right.” Robin felt that there was no need to argue with the old captain over this issue. In the next six months, he still needs to talk to The other party worked closely together, and he turned his face to look at the submarine still being supplied, thinking about how to change the subject.

“I know you still miss the days of the war. I have seen this in many navy captains. Everyone feels that the war ended too soon, and many people regret that they did not have the opportunity to show their talents on the battlefield. You may be worried that you will leave the army. Please believe me, Captain. A good captain like you is important at all times. The Navy will never let an ace captain like you retire easily.

The mission this time is a good proof that so many ocean-going submarines have chosen to serve in the Far East. This is the first time that the German Navy has re-entered the land of Asia after the signing of the Versailles Treaty. I think you know better than me how important the meaning is. In fact, I really envy you, young and full of vigor, with a great future. And an old guy like me, to complete this mission, said that everything must be retired. My old bone can’t be tossed for too long. I’ve been to Asia hundreds of times. Still can’t get used to the climate there. “

Major William also felt that the atmosphere of the conversation should be eased. This young captain is a famous thorn in the navy. He fights eight in the navy officer club. The captain knows that his personal combat power is in front of the captain. Maybe not even five, if it wasn’t for this violent temper that even the commander would dare to fight, according to Robin’s brilliant record, he would have been promoted to major just like his colleagues in the boat team.

“Oh, I haven’t thought about that much, Major. I only know to obey the orders of my superiors and fulfill my duties. I don’t worry about retirement at all, and the news I got is that the navy will continue to expand. There are a lot of new warships in the dock now ready to be built, and we have also received a batch of British and French warships. Now there is a big gap between sailors and captains. Don’t say let me retire after a while, I think even you His retirement plan may also fail.” Robin took a cigarette and ejected the cigarette **** from the ship’s rail.

“One more?” William took out the cigarette case. He felt that as long as he mastered the conversation skills, it would be good to chat with this captain, although the rank of the other party was not high. But compared to his own channels for high-level news, Major William decided to find ways to build a good relationship with the other party along the way. Perhaps in Southeast Asia, he might have to rely on the other party. It is said that the current situation there is quite chaotic. Combat officers to build relationships can be of great use at critical times.

“Thank you, I think I am in love with this cigarette too.” Robin took the cigarette and nodded at William with a smile.

“Take one from me when you leave. I still have some stock.” Major William took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for Robin.

“Thank you so much.”

“We have been working together for a long time, so you are welcome, Captain.” William’s warm and sincere smile made Robin feel a little ashamed. He said to the old captain. Those words are not very good.

“By the way, you saw it, what do you think of that submarine.” William lighted himself a cigarette and put the lighter in his pocket.

“It is indeed a very beautiful boat.” Robin tilted his head and spit out a puff of smoke, but the sourness in his tone could be smelt from afar.

“The light is just beautiful?” William laughed.

“I haven’t read her specific parameters, and haven’t had time to talk to Captain Heinck, so now I have no way of expressing any opinions on her. Maybe I can tell you the answer after tomorrow’s confrontation exercise. I think she should use a lot of the most advanced technology on it. The German submarine will always be the best in the world. This submarine should be ahead of all submarines in active service in the world. I can guarantee this, because I trust the German shipbuilding engineers. Wisdom and the vision of the command.

From the appearance, her underwater power should be good, and she should be very big, and should have the same voyage and range as the ix submarine. However, in combat, the key is to look at the crew’s cooperation and the commander’s combat experience. Therefore, in tomorrow’s exercise, I believe that mine will not be too far from the opponent. If I play well, maybe I will pay. Can give each other a surprise. “Robin’s tone calmly seems to be explaining a common thing, but in fact this proves that he cares about the submarine.

To say that Captain Robin is not jealous at all is a lie, but to say that he feels envious and envy because of this is really wrong to him. Perhaps the new submarine has amazing technical performance, but the submarine captain has always kept in mind what the trainee submarine instructor once warned him that it is not only advanced weapons that dominate the outcome of a war, but more importantly depends on the use of weapons. people. He firmly believed that he was the strongest in the German submarine force, and of course his colleagues did a good job. Perhaps there were a few masters in the boat group, and those who served after the war were all scum novices.

“Captain! This is a telegram just received, an emergency order from the Naval Command.” A radio soldier ran out holding a telegram paper from the radio room behind the bridge.

“Captain! We just received an urgent order from the Submarine Command!” Almost at the same time, Lieutenant Igor stood on the submarine’s command tower with a tin horn and shouted at Robin by the bridge opposite Shouted.

Something important must have happened. This was the first thought that came to Captain Robin’s mind.

“What happened? Captain.” Robin leaned forward. He had a foreboding that this telegram and his own copy should say the same thing. The two sides were not using the same password. The submarine password should be even more. It is more complicated, so it will be slower to decipher.

“At noon today, at 13:15 local time, the 6th Japanese Army entered the border of French Indochina and had serious military conflicts with the French garrison and the German armed forces that were undergoing training missions. All The German navy ships sailing in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea immediately entered the first level of combat readiness, and the headquarters ordered us to dispatch immediately to Singapore.”

“ Jakarta?”

“It’s very clear. Go to Singapore.” William handed the telegram to Robin.

“I knew that the command would not send me there for no reason. I want to get back to my submarine.” Robin gave a fist excitedly after reading the message, and he put the telegram into William’s arms A plug, and then quickly ran to the gangway.

“Wait a minute, Captain, you haven’t got the cigarette yet.” William shouted loudly behind him.

“Oh, I almost forgot when I was excited. By the way, Major, do you have any extra rum here?” Major Robin asked with a smile on the back of his head.

Thank you for your concern. My health is much better. Today is the first day of this month. I still ask you to vote for the monthly pass. I will redouble my efforts this month to achieve better results. Thank you again for your kindness to me. Understand and encourage, and thank you all for your support of this book.

Thank you all. (To be continued.)


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