Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 110: Egypt

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Britain has been operating in Egypt for many years, and its influence has already penetrated every inch of the country. Traces of the British Empire can be seen everywhere in the streets of Cairo. Although some people of insight at the middle and low levels in Egypt have been seeking to completely separate Egypt from the British, the ruling class of the country is very clear in their hearts that the circle around Egypt at this time is all colonies of European countries and has been separated from it. With the protection of the United Kingdom, Egypt is simply unable to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity in such an environment surrounded by powerful enemies.

Britain controls most of Egypt’s armed forces, and at the same time holds the power of national diplomacy and some internal affairs. The Egyptians ostensibly control the country’s administrative power, provided that they cannot disobey the views of the British Empire.

The King Farouk I of Egypt was an extravagant playboy. In addition to staying at the table and enjoying the delicacies from all over the world, he spent most of the rest of his time on gambling and the beauty of fishermen and hunters. There is no doubt that ancient China was a standard faint monarch.

He was born with a learning disability, and his talents are extremely limited. He was once sent to England to study by the former king, but he was mixed up with the British aristocracy every day. He didn’t learn other skills, so eating, drinking, and gambling are just the same. That kind of works.

He also likes to steal things, you read that right, this king is an outstanding thief. In order to practice stealing techniques, he once also studied under a habitual thieves in prison. Whenever he was in state affairs and social gatherings, he would find opportunities to steal the personal belongings brought by guests, and then collect these stolen goods as a souvenir. The most famous time in history was when he stole Churchill’s pocket watch. As a result, the stingy and careful Fatty Qiu did not indulge him like others, but used the state apparatus to force the king to return the pocket watch he stole.

So for this guy whose psychology is obviously abnormal, the British side showed considerable trust. This person has not become the capital of the hero at all, and it is impossible to cause harm to the interests of the British Empire in Egypt.

Egypt’s geographical location is very important. It guards the main land passage between Africa and the Middle East. The Suez Canal is an international shipping passage with strategic value. When it is not a last resort, the British Empire will never abandon Egypt.

The safety of the capital, Cairo, is of course the top priority, because this city, built at the beginning of the Nile Delta, has no natural risks surrounding it. If high walls and deep trenches could be used in ancient times to resist aggression, but in modern warfare, Cairo is the most suitable target for assaults by mechanized forces.

The British established a well-equipped air force base in the west of Cairo, where a fairly powerful air force was deployed, and they fully controlled the air supremacy of the Nile Delta. They laid two two thousand two hundred meters long runways on the Huangshaheyan base, which can take off and land the largest British bomber. Once Egypt is invaded, the bomber force can launch from Cairo and bomb the country at will. A border.

For Egypt, the greatest threat always comes from the sea. Cairo is less than 170 kilometers away from the Mediterranean Sea. Once the enemy landed from the coastline, it only takes a day and night to approach the capital. The British Navy once stationed the main force of the Mediterranean Fleet in Alexandria, but now there are not a few combat-capable warships left in the UK. Only some of the Mediterranean fleet can be deployed to supplement the local fleet being rebuilt.

When the war in Europe was the fiercest, Egypt’s garrison could only rely on eight infantry battalions from Australia, but now all Australians have returned to their hometowns. In order to protect the safety of the suzerain country, Australia has finally made up These troops, since the war is over at this time, there is no reason for the United Kingdom to continue to hold this support army and let these brave soldiers return home safely, which is the best reward for them.

The main force of the British armed forces stationed in Egypt has been replaced by a British-Indian infantry division transferred from India. There are also four standard colonial infantry regiments established in Egypt and sixteen independent British infantry companies. There are about 40,000 people, which is inconspicuous in Europe, but in the eyes of some tribal chiefs in the Middle East, this is already a powerful force that can influence the rise and fall of the country.

In Egypt, the British army also deployed a large-scale tank and armored unit. The combined number of tanks is enough to form an armored brigade, but the models are generally older, and at least two-thirds of them are defenses. The ultra-light tanks are behind, and the rest are the slow-moving infantry tanks.

The British established a military factory in Egypt, which can manufacture some conventional ammunition and weapons. Before the outbreak of the European War, technicians could already process the easily worn-out parts of the tank and perform some simple maintenance on the tank.

“These are the Vickers tanks repaired this month. They are placed here waiting for the troops below to receive them.” Colonel Hunter rode on a beautiful chestnut Arabian horse and pointed his whip at the open space next to the runway. Said the two rows of tanks.

“The speed of combat preparations must be accelerated. London is very worried about the nasty things that happened on the East Bank. The patience of the House of Lords will soon be worn out.” Sir Fay rode a black Hanover. Ma, this is a birthday present from a German friend.

“You mean, those in Whitehall support this plan?” Colonel Hunter pulled the horse.

“I didn’t say anything, Colonel.” Sir Fay winked at the Colonel.

“Did you say anything just now? Your Excellency.” The colonel replied in a serene way.

“Now waiting for the German African army to enter Egypt, with the deterrent power of the situation in the Middle East will soon stabilize.” Sir Fay combed through the smooth and smooth horses. Said his mane.

“Not only the Middle East, but the situation in northern Africa will be affected. In fact, I am more concerned about the attitudes of Iran and Turkey.”

“Don’t worry about this issue. The Germans have far more influence on them than us. The head of state knows this very well, so he secretly sent his envoy to Egypt.” Sir Fay was confident. Said.

“Do you think that German envoy came for this operation?” Colonel Hunter asked.

“This possibility cannot be ruled out.”

“Do you mean that the Germans have mastered our plan?”

“Someone should have told them that sooner or later, we have to tell them all. We can’t hide the Germans while asking their troops to cooperate.” Sir Fay spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. .

“Yes, what you said makes sense, sir.” Colonel Hunter nodded in agreement.

“It’s almost time to see now. Let’s go to the tarmac. The German envoy’s plane is about to arrive. I don’t want guests to wait for our hosts.” Sir Fay took out the pocket watch around his waist and looked at it.

“Do you want to try again? Your Excellency, whoever runs to the tarmac first wins, I bet ten pounds.” Colonel Hunter shook his whip.

“Ten pounds, first-come, first-served.” Before Faye’s words fell, the heels of the riding boots tapped the waist of the mount, and the Hanoverian horse under the crotch jumped forward, and then it was like an arrow from the string. Benz toward the distance.

“Hey, you are cheating, sir!” Colonel Hunter hurriedly gave his Arabian horse a whip, and hurriedly chased after the jazz.

PS: The second chapter is here.

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