Awakening Chapter 204: Hehe

On the third floor of a building not far from the world-famous Wall Street in the southern part of Manhattan Island, in the United States, a huge explosion happened two nights ago.

According to the residents who lived nearby at the time, there were intermittent explosions on the first to third floors of the entire building, and many people also saw the continuous fire.

Because it is only a short distance from Wall Street, a world-renowned financial transaction gathering place, and because such a large explosion rarely occurs in New York City, it has attracted the attention of many reporters.

Although the fire has been extinguished, it looks very dazzling when it is burnt to the outer layer of a charred building and the broken glass and stones scattered around it.

Many reporters suspected that the incident was committed by terrorists, but the New York government denied it, saying only that the accident was an accident. Many people are skeptical of this explanation.

Fortunately, the explosion occurred late at night. There were no other people working in the building except a few people responsible for night defense, so the number of dead and injured was limited.

It’s the morning of the third day of the explosion, and some cleaning workers have begun cleaning nearby glass fragments or rocks. Although two days have passed, some reporters were still shooting outside the blocked explosion site.

Among the crowds watching around, a man in his forties is silently watching the second or third floor of the worst explosion.

After half an hour, he quietly left the scene and walked into a nearby restaurant.

After casually ordering something to the waiter, he looked at the building like a ruin outside with strange eyes. After a while. He took out his cell phone and called the airline.

After coming out of the airport in Atlanta, the middle-aged man didn’t go to the hotel to settle down. Instead, he drove directly to a cemetery north of the city.

After arriving there, he stayed in a nearby hotel.

Around nine in the evening, the middle-aged man is watching TV news in the room. At this moment, there was a knock at the door.

He opened the door and saw a woman standing on the face with a strong makeup and a raised figure.

She winked at the man and said, “Do you want extra service?”


“Don’t refuse so quickly, let’s look at the goods first.” She said while placing the man’s hand on her huge chest, constantly rubbing.

The man withdrew his hands indifferently. “Sorry, I don’t need it.”

The woman didn’t seem to be interested in seeing him, so she left the room in disappointment. He whispered before leaving.

The middle-aged man smiled, closed the door and continued to watch TV.

At around 11pm, the middle-aged man walked out of the hotel and quietly walked towards the cemetery.

This cemetery is very large, surrounded by trees, and because it is quite a distance from the highway, it looks very quiet.

The cemetery at night is a scene of many horror movies. In an environment with almost no light, almost everyone in this place can stand upright.

After entering the cemetery. The man counted the tombstones as he walked. He stopped when counting to the 67th tombstone. Then look closely at the inscription on the tombstone.

Next, he walked behind the tombstone and dug in the lawn with a small shovel on his hand.

He was careful when digging, and seemed to be afraid of breaking the lawn. When he dug 30 cm, the shovel seemed to hit something.

Digging for a while, he dug out a small iron box from there.

The box was not locked. When he opened it, he saw a small bag with a plastic bag inside.

He put the bag in his pocket without looking, then put the iron box back in place, and then filled the soil. And try to restore the top turf to its original state.

After returning to the hotel room, he took out the contents of his pocket. After opening the plastic bag, I saw a folded map inside.

This is a clearly marked map. After a closer look at the marked location. He took out his lighter and burned the map.

Looking at the map slowly turning into paper dust, the man finally breathed a little sigh of relief, and it seemed that the two of them were still alive.

“Chang’an, when do you say Master will come?” With that, Lei Li coughed a few times.

Chang’an went to his bed and said, “Relax, I’ve put a map on the place where I’m secretly contacting, and he should find it soon. What do you think today?”

“It’s better than yesterday, but it still hurts.”

“I’ll give you some painkillers later.”

“His grandma, I didn’t expect those guys to start so fast. If it wasn’t for a quick escape, I would have hung up.”

“Fortunately, the adults notified us in advance, otherwise we will be killed in a pan.”

At this moment, there was a strange knock on the door.

Chang’an immediately took out a pistol and held it in his hand, then raised his voice and asked, “What is it?”

The voice of a male animal came from the door, “Sir, there is a suspicious man outside. But he knocks on the door the same way as you tell us.”

“What does he look like?”

“A man in his forties, looks like an Asian.”

Chang’an could not help but look at Lei Li, then said, “Let him in.”


Seeing that the door of the old house suddenly opened silently, the middle-aged man who had waited for a long time outside walked in slowly.

In the dark hall, a young male voice suddenly came, “Please follow me.”

A middle-aged man feels that at least five muzzles are facing him, as long as there is any change. Immediately will be broken into a horse honeycomb.

Follow the young man in the dark to the second floor, and then enter one of the rooms under his leadership.

Through the weak light, Chang’an saw the person’s appearance clearly, and there was an unshakable surprise in his eyes, “Master, you finally came.”

“What happened?” After removing the easy-to-use artificial skin and wig, Lei Yin first looked at the thunder force lying on the bed with a bandage on his thigh, and then turned to ask Chang’an.

“It’s those men in black who came to attack our stronghold again. And this time they have more people. Fortunately, you informed us in advance last week that the enemy might start again. So the casualties are not very high. Heavy. But we have lost contact with other branches now. “

“Why do they do this? For those materials?”

Chang’an replied: “It’s very possible, although I don’t know how they know it, but one copy of those data is indeed in Xiaoleidi Hanging Company.”

Lei Yin turned to look at Lei Li. “How did you get hurt?”

When asked about this question, Lei Li’s stomach became fierce, and he said sternly, “One day I will pick up those three (king) eight eggs. I was meeting with some people in the company, those guys. Suddenly rushed in and killed everywhere. At the time, I was injured and I could n’t help chasing them. I had to send someone to detonate the gas in the restaurant on the first floor, which killed several of them.

Lei Yin squinted at him, “Meeting? What meeting will be held so late. Isn’t it a coverless meeting?”

Lei Li said dissatisfied, “It’s a serious meeting, Master. Don’t you always look at me with colored eyes, OK?”

“No way, your credit is too poor.” Thinking for a moment, he asked Chang An: “Did you not have negotiated the terms with them last time? Why do those guys still start with you?”

“I don’t know why this happened. Their attack was a bit unusual and seemed to be more unscrupulous than before.”

Lei Yin said in a deep voice, “This time may be a real full-scale war.”

After hearing this sentence, Lei Li couldn’t help thinking about Chang’an. They are well aware of the forces represented by those in black, and that is definitely not what any underworld organization can counter.

Lei Yin continued: “This is their place, which is the most unfavorable for us, so we must leave this country as soon as possible. If they are elsewhere, their territories dare not tell us clearly. If It’s overcast. That’s our old business, let’s not worry more. But there are some of them, but you have to deal with it carefully. “Lei Yin told them about Sasuke.

After hearing that the woman could almost tie with Lei Yin, Lei Li couldn’t help but ask, “Is that woman really so powerful?”

“Yes. She is the most powerful psionicist I’ve ever met. I hope there won’t be many people like her, otherwise this battle will be difficult to fight. Don’t think too much now, the most important thing is to raise Good for your injury, we will leave here when the wind is not so tight after a while. Are you ready for what I told you to save in advance? “

Lei Li nodded, “It’s already stored, this abandoned old villa is one of the storage points.”

After playing with Sasuke a week ago, Lei Yin had a hunch that those people might be ready to attack Lei Li again, or they would not send her to investigate themselves. So he asked Lei Li to secretly store some arms, cash and canned food into several storage points, just in case, but he didn’t expect the other party to come so fast.

That’s it. During the days of Lei Li’s injuries, Chang’an and Lei Yin stayed here to look after him, or sometimes took turns to inspect the situation outside.

On the third day, Lei Li can barely get out of bed and walk around. He felt better after seeing his injury recover gradually.

When everyone was eating at night, Lei Yin suddenly felt a sense of restlessness. With an unusual sense of danger, he immediately lowered the cans on his hand and stood up.

“What’s up with Master?” Lei Li asked, “I’ll go out and see.” After finishing speaking, he jumped out of the window with his face covered.

When outside, Lei Yin watched the surrounding environment carefully, and walked in the direction of Chang’an.

Looking at Chang’an, who was standing guard on a tree, Lei Yin jumped up and asked, “How is it? Is there something wrong?” “It seems nothing abnormal.”

“Be careful, I have a bad feeling. You should immediately contact the person on duty to see their situation.”

“Okay.” For Lei Yin’s intuition, Chang’an has always believed that he immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact the two team members in front.

After a while, he replied: “Sir, the team members on duty did not notice any abnormalities.”

“Hopefully, I think too much.”

“Sir, what shall we do in the future?”

Lei Yin thought for a moment and said, “There is nothing to think about, as long as you can leave here. In the future, the Black Dragon will be based in another place and have as little contact as possible. If not, simply dismiss the Black Dragon. . Rounded to zero. “

“If Heilongdi is to be dissolved, Xiao Lei must be the first to object.”

“You are different from me. You only have one life, and you do n’t have it after you’ve finished playing. This is not a fight of emotions. It is all about preserving your life. As long as you don’t die now, you will have a chance to avenge yourself in the future. “

“I see, sir.”

Suddenly, Lei Yin’s face became unsightly. First aware of this, Chang’an immediately asked: “My lord, what’s wrong?”

“His grandma. We sold it to people. Now go back and take Xiao Hei out of here. A group of people are here. I cover you and leave.” After that, he jumped off the tree with his submachine gun.

Chang’an, who has been with him for many years, knows that the situation is urgent. Without saying a word, he immediately jumped down and ran to the old villa.

After less than three minutes, there was a brisk footstep in the deep woods. Then, more than twenty dark shadows kept approaching the villa under the cover of the night.

At this moment, a strange noise suddenly came. At about the same time, a dull humming sounded in the forest.

It didn’t take long. There was another dull scream.

At this time, those in black had noticed that traps or institutions had been laid nearby, stopped immediately, and walked slowly and carefully.

Seeing those people stop. Lei Yin didn’t want to waste time on them, and immediately turned and ran towards the villa.

Along the arranged escape route, Lei Yin met Chang’an on a side road beside the villa, and the thunder force carried by one of the members of the dark group. Beside them, there are five members of the dark group who are regarded as confidants.

Lei Yin immediately took them forward after several people met.

It didn’t take long before they suddenly heard the sound of propeller rotation. They looked up and saw two helicopters with altitude searchlights flying towards them.

“His grandma, even the helicopter came out. Is this fighting the Vietnam War?” Lei Li scolded.

Lei Yin knew that there must be a thermal detection device on the plane, otherwise it would be impossible to find their location accurately in such a dark environment.

“Who do you have a rocket launcher?” Knowing that it would not be possible to continue this way, Lei Yin wanted to knock the plane down.

“It’s there in the villa, but I just walked too fast and forgot to take it.” Now Lei Li regrets it.

Suddenly, a row of bullets shot from one of the helicopters, hitting the trunk and the ground in front of them.

“Let’s find a shelter each.” Lei Yin yelled and pulled the young man who was carrying Lei Li to a nearby tree to hide.

The row of bullets just seemed to be the unveiling ceremony. After they had just hid for a long time, the bullets kept coming to them from the plane, forcing everyone to dare not move, but sent out from the searchlight. The bright light is constantly moving beside them.

At this time, the sound of a loudspeaker came from one of the helicopters, “As long as you are willing to drop your gun and surrender, we will not hurt you. Now I count thirty, if you are not willing If you surrender, we will kill you in place. One, two, three … “

“Master, what now?” Lei Li asked.

“You must knock down these two planes. They are only delaying time. If those people behind us surround us, they will not be able to escape. If you do n’t stand here, let me try. “After that, he took a grenade from his body and jumped out at a blazing speed.

When someone jumped out, the bullets shot at them immediately.

Lei Yin jumped away at an amazing speed and dodged the bullets that hit him. While dodging, he measured the height of the plane with the light from the corner of his eye.

At this time, Chang’an understood his intentions, he gestured to a member next to him, and then jumped out to cooperate with Lei Yin to shoot at the helicopter.

Another helicopter saw another person jump out and immediately fired at him.

At this time, the member used the submachine gun from the side to shoot at the helicopter facing Lei Yin. Although the helicopter could only hit the base because it was flying too high, the shooter of that aircraft immediately gave up Lei Yin, who had no threat, and fired at the member instead.

Lei Yin was waiting for this opportunity. He immediately pulled the lead of the grenade and threw it at the plane. Not only that, he also pulled out a pistol and aimed at the Huai.

When the grenade hit the outer window of the aircraft within a few centimeters, he shot the grenade at Huai.

The bullet hit the grenade impartially. Suddenly, the grenade burst into the air, a strong explosion broke the glass of the outer window, and the billowing flames suddenly poured into the cockpit. In less than three seconds, the helicopter completely lost control and staggered from the air. Finally, the entire body exploded strongly after falling for one second.

The shooter of the other plane froze. He didn’t know what happened, and for a moment he forgot to shoot at Changan again.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a dark thing flying towards him. He subconsciously wanted to open it with his hands, but at this moment, with the sound of a gunshot, he saw the dark thing split apart and then turned into a huge fire. He screamed, and then he felt a rush of heat coming towards him.

After seeing the second plane also explode, Lei Yin shouted at a few people not far away: “Get out of here.”

After hearing his drink, the members then reacted and immediately followed the person and continued to run.

Three minutes later, more than thirty black men in tights coming from behind finally arrived at the scene. Seeing two helicopters burning in the flames, a man with a muscle in the front walked and pulled out a cell phone from his body.

“Operation failed, let him escape.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rage on the phone. “Rice buckets, so many people and two helicopters even let them escape, raising you is a waste of our money.”

The man in black flashed a little anger in his eyes, but his tone was still very polite: “They should have heavy weapons like rocket launchers in their hands, and those two planes have been shot down by them.”

The man on the phone continued to curse, “I don’t care about you so much, but anyway, except Lei Li, you can do whatever you want. Remember, if Lei Li is dead, you all have to die with him. “

“I see.”

After hanging up, the man punched him on the trunk of a tree next to him.

“Pop!” There was a muffled sound, and I saw that the tree trunk that was thicker than the waist was punched by a deep hole in the bowl by the man.

“Everyone comes with me.” A little to calm down the anger in his heart, he led the other men in black and continued to chase down the path.

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