Awakening Chapter 192: Back

When Lei Yin woke up, he only felt sore. He hadn’t felt like that after exercising for a long time. It seemed that the fight last night was really enough.

After going to the bathroom and washing, he saw Amys, who was sleeping like a pig, and couldn’t help smiling.

At this moment there was a sound of knocking softly outside the door. Opening the door and seeing that it was a straight son outside, she was holding a tray early in her hand.

“Ray, good morning.” Naoko smiled softly at him.

In the bright morning light of Hexi, when seeing such a woman smiling and saying hello, Lei Yin felt only peace in her heart.

“Aren’t you eating?”

“I’ve eaten it.” Naoko answered as he helped him to lay on the bed.

After packing his sheets, Naoko sits beside him quietly and watches him eat breakfast.

“What time is it now?” Lei Yin looked up and asked after eating.

“About nine thirty in the morning.”

Looking at her preparing to go out with cutlery, Lei Yin reached out and held her, “don’t care about these, just sit down and talk to me.”

So Naoko sat obediently in his arms.

“Have a good trip?”

Naoko put his head on his chest and said, “Well, I haven’t been walking outside Tokyo for a long time, and I feel very comfortable.”

Gently stroking her hair ends, Lei Yin said, “This time there are a lot more people. If we have a chance next time, we will officially go to play somewhere else, and we will be two of us then.”

“As long as I can be with you, it doesn’t matter if I go outside.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. Shrink the body more into his arms.

Smelling the faint fragrance of her body, Lei Yin felt a kind of irritability. Can’t help but hold her tighter.

After the two quietly lingered for a while, Lei Yin asked, “How many days have we lived here?”

Naoko thought for a moment and said, “If I remember correctly, it should be thirteen days.”

“It’s been so long, so let’s go back in two days.”

“Well, it’s not good to disturb people for too long after all.”

Looking at her gorgeous lips, Lei Yin couldn’t help raising her chin to kiss it. Naoko, as usual, responded softly and slightly shyly to his request. For a while, the room was quiet again.

At night, Lei Yin called Brin out alone.

In a place without people, Lei Yin pulled a piece of paper from his body. Then hand it to him with the paper bag in his hand, “Hold.”

Brin took it a little puzzled. “Mr. Genei, this is …”

“The prescription is written on the paper. You buy the medicine and give your brother an injection as described above. Remember not to let him taste blood or raw meat, and don’t let him go, just tie him to On the bed, or let it run out and kill people, then it will be troublesome. “

Brin said excitedly, “Can these medicines really restore my brother?”

Lei Yin shook his head. “The genes in your eldest brother have been transformed into half-human and half-beasts. There is no way to restore him by relying on drugs. These are drugs similar to powerful sedatives. They should be able to suppress his animal nature. . Because Kitba also uses these drugs to control animal outbreaks. But if these drugs can not be controlled, “said here. His expression became serious.

“You hit him with ten times the dose so that he can leave without pain.”

Brin’s eyes became red. “Is there really no other way?”

“At today’s medical level, there is no way to reverse the mutated genes. Just like cancer cells, it is impossible to turn them back into normal cells. The best way is to kill or remove the diseased tissue. And there is, even if he can successfully suppress his bestiality, he may not be able to think like a normal person. What to do in the end is up to you. For him. Maybe death is a relief. The bag There is some money in it. You can buy him medicine. “After that, he walked away slowly.

Brin stared blankly at his back, after a while. He squatted on the ground and cried out like a child.

When returning to Takeda’s house, Amis was catching fireflies in the yard with a few cousins ​​in Taketian.

After hearing the innocent laughter of a few children, Lei Yin seemed to feel a little depressed because of the affairs of the Brin brothers.

I seem to feel something. During the play, Amis instinctively looked back, just to see him coming in from the outside, and immediately ran over and hugged him very excitedly.

“Ray, will you accompany me to catch the glowing little bug?” said the little girl, cautiously.

“Yes, but let Naoko participate.” Lei Yin said touching her small head.

When hearing the name Naoko, Amis’s little mouth burst into disappointment, “Don’t.”

Lei Yin froze her face lightly. “Did you promise me that I should get along with her yesterday?”

When he heard him, the little girl looked distressed.

Seeing her frowning like an adult, Lei Yin almost couldn’t help laughing.

After thinking for a while, she finally said a little helplessly: “Well then, but you have to help me catch a lot of little bugs.”

“Closing.” Lei Yin stretched out her right hand after speaking.

Amis patted him with his right hand with his right hand, and Amis then smiled again.

Naoko’s gentle character and beautiful appearance can be described as men, women and children. In addition to Amys, a few cousins ​​in Takeda quickly fell in love with this beautiful and good-tempered big sister, all came around to ask her to help Catches fireflies, and the little girl entangles Lei Yin in a cheerful way and asks him to catch them. The yard became very lively for a while.

A few people played for a while, Takeda and Yoshikawa each came in with two watermelons.

“Hey, watermelon was eaten,” Takeda said, holding up the watermelon in his hand.

Some of his cousins ​​came around happily at the first sight.

Lei Yin smiled and said to Naoko, “Sometimes it ’s a good thing to have more ghosts in a yard, at least very lively.”

Naoko smiled and turned to look at them. At this time, Lei Yin did not see a touch of sadness in her eyes.

Walk to the side with others. Lei Yin’s cell phone suddenly rang.

After looking at the number shown above, Lei Yin deliberately slowed down and then connected the phone.

“I know, I will contact you again.”

After closing the line, Lei Yin showed a thoughtful expression.

No matter where he is, Naoko’s eyes follow him silently, so his expression at this time also falls in her eyes.

After he followed, Naoko took his hand and whispered, “Ray, is it all right?”

Looking at her slightly worried eyes, Lei Yin shook her hand and said, “Relax. It’s not a big deal, don’t think too much.”

Seeing him is not like comforting himself. Naoko felt relieved.

“You, I always like to worry about it, I can’t help you.” Lei Yin continued to walk towards the side hall, holding her waist.

Naoko walked and leaned his head on his shoulder.

When eating at noon the next day, Lei Yin said to Takeda, “We have lived here for many days, and it is almost time to leave.”

Takeda, who was eating rice, immediately looked up and said, “Why go so fast?”

“Not too fast. We have lived here for almost half a month. I want to go back and see my mother and them.”

Takeda said dubiously: “You won’t go so fast because of Yeshan’s cousin?”

“You are less boring. If it is because of that, you have already left. Do you have to wait until now? I have already discussed with Naoko and plan to go back tomorrow by plane.”

Tuda looks disappointed. “Stay a few more days. There are many interesting places in Kyoto that you haven’t visited yet.”

“Please, do n’t say I do n’t seem to have the opportunity to come here again. Wait for the summer vacation next year, I will stay here until you catch someone. As a courtesy, do you have any interest in staying with me for a while? ? “

Takeda pouted, “Cut, what ’s so fun in Tokyo. As soon as school starts, we have to go back again. Why should I suffer this early? By the way, you did n’t book a flight ticket, I will go with Yoshikawa Guys. “

“Already called to book. Plane tomorrow morning.”

□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Lei Yin came out of Haneda Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon.

When Naoko opened the door of the apartment, he saw that there were two girls in the hall besides Aiko, one of which was Mami Murata, and the other, although not seen, should be Aiko’s college classmate.

“Sister, you’re back.” Aiko was glad to get up from the sofa and saw the Naoko who opened the door.

Naoko put a small bag of luggage in his hands and said with a smile, “The plane just got off. Hello.” The last sentence was to her two college classmates. Among the high school friends, only Mami Murata and Aiko had passed the same college, and Mu Muliang and Aoi Kurakura had passed different colleges. Although separated, several girls often get together to play from time to time.

Leading Naoto to the door is Lei Yin, who pulls Amis right, and carries a large backpack behind her. In addition to most of the luggage in the backpack, some of them were gifts and souvenirs they bought when they followed Takeda and Yoshikawa Manda Street last night.

Aiko’s eyes flashed involuntarily in complex eyes when he saw him coming.

After putting down the big bag of things, Lei Yin said to her, “Love son, it’s been a long time since I’ve been here. How are you?”

Don’t look into his eyes, Aiko lowered her head and said, “I’m fine, how about you?”

“It’s almost there.” After saying that, he greeted Mami Murata and the girl she didn’t know.

Looking at his familiar and somewhat unfamiliar face, Aiko’s heart suddenly burst into ripples.

To put it all together, she hasn’t seen him for nearly half a year, except to see her once in the hospital where she was staying. I just heard that he is now studying at Imperial College.

I haven’t seen him for half a year, the lines on his face have become more mature. If he changed into a suit, no one knew he was a freshman in college.

At this time, she heard a friend asking him: “Masashi Genai, is this little girl your sister?”

“No, her guardian is very busy with work, so I was asked to take care of her temporarily. Come, Amis, please call Aunt Mami soon.”

“Hey, this joke isn’t funny at all.” Murajima gave him a white look.

“Relax, just understand English.”

“What, she is not Japanese?” Murajima Asami looked at this little girl with a very obvious Asian descent.

“It’s a bit complicated. In simple terms, although her nationality is Swiss, her grandmother is Korean, so her father is a half-breed. Then her father gathered a Singaporean woman to give birth to her, so she It looks closer to Asians. “

Murashima and the girl looked more and more that the little girl was very cute, so she couldn’t help but want to touch her face.

Amis shrank immediately behind Lei Yin.

“She seems to be afraid of being born,” said Murashima.

“She used to have autism. Although she is much better now, she still resists strangers. But as long as she spends more time with her, this will not be the case.”

“It’s so pitiful.” The girl couldn’t help but have motherhood when she heard she had autism.

Naoko said to Lei Yin, “Amys must have been tired after flying for so long. I’ll clean her room. Would you like to sit here?”

“I see, you go.”

After Naoko walked away, Aiko couldn’t help asking: “Will this little girl live here?”

Lei Yin nodded, “I have something to go out today, so I want to stay here for two days. I will take her back to my house when I return.”

“Are you just getting off the plane and going out again?”

“Yes, there is something to deal with.”

After speaking, he squatted down and said to the little girl, “Ghost, listen to Naoko obediently, I will come back to pick you up soon.”

“Ray …” The little girl’s eyes slowly turned red.

“Don’t cry, I will be back soon. Remember to listen to Naoko, do you know?”

Amis nodded and hugged his neck tightly.

After a while, Naoko descends from the second floor, “Zheng Zhi, Amis’s room is already packed, you can take her to rest.”

“Okay.” Lei Yin picked up the little girl and followed Naoko upstairs.

After they walked away, Aiko ’s classmates asked, “Aiko, who was the boy you just? You speak English very well.”

Aiko looked at his large backpack on the ground and said, “She is my sister’s fiance.”

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ led by a man in a black suit, Lei Yin came in front of a small manned aircraft.

The man said, “Mr. Genouchi, this is a plane prepared for you, and it has been filled with oil. In addition, Chairman Sakurai wants me to tell you that if you need a larger plane, please speak up. , She will definitely meet your requirements. “

“No, this size of the plane is just right. Thank you, Miss Sakurai for me.”

“I will tell you.”

After getting into the cockpit of the plane, Lei Yin carefully looked at the buttons around him. Fortunately, this is an old aircraft, otherwise it is really hard to say based on his experience of not flying an aircraft for nearly two decades.

Although it was a little bumpy at the start, after gliding on the runway for a while, the plane finally took off.

The man watching below was relieved.

If there is anything wrong with that person, he will die terribly.

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