Awakening: 154-chaos

“Are you Nepalese?” Lei Yin was a little surprised by the language the little devil used to curse.

When the younger Lei Yin asked him fluently in Nepali, the young man was apparently stupefied. But soon they started to struggle again.

Lei Yin let go of him and stood up.

The boy who regained his liberty retreated to the corner just now.

“Answer me, are the policemen coming out to catch you?”

Lei Yin doesn’t feel that this little ghost needs Chiyama Harajiro’s own hands, maybe there are others sneaking in, but listening to the content of those people’s conversation, it seems that the person to be caught is not a plural unit.

The boy didn’t answer, just stared at him with alarm and panic.

“I’m not here to catch you. Maybe I can help you out of here, but you have to tell me why those people want to catch you.”

The boy’s eyes didn’t change, he still looked at him with alert.

Lei Yin got a little headache. He thought he was an adult who can talk about conditions, but he didn’t expect to be such a kid who didn’t understand anything.

But on the other hand, because the other party is just a young man, he can’t bear to leave him alone.

This is the contradiction in Lei Yin’s personality. He could evaporate the adults who had provoked him without any hesitation, but he could not hesitate to do the same to those who provoked him. This was the case with the previous transfer to the school, Nagasaki Nozomi, who only burned his house as a warning, but did not exhaust it.

Based on the same mentality extension, he will save Lei Li, who was chased and killed, and accept him as a disciple. Same goes for Amis. Lei Li told Chang’an behind him that Master is definitely qualified to become the president of the World Child Care Association.

At this moment, this man, who is being discussed behind someone as qualified to inherit the post of President of the World Child Care Association, is having a headache and wondering how to gain the trust of the little ghost in front of him.

If the little ghost hasn’t eaten yet, he may be able to use food to lead him to talk. But I know that this guy just took away a whole plate of super expensive sushi, so this trick can’t be used now.

Unexpectedly, Lei Yin’s ignition got bigger. A man who was unsuitable for childcare due to his lack of patience came up to the teenager and lifted him up.

“Hey, I’m asking you something. It’s better not to fart anymore.”

The frightened teenager wants to break his hand, but finds that the man’s hand is like a tong. So he bit his hand with his teeth.

Lei Yin did not intend to be his dessert after dinner. He clasped his chin with his free right hand and raised his head to look at himself.

“Now I have no mood to slowly cultivate feelings with you, I repeat, if you don’t say anything again, I will immediately pretend to leave nothing here. As for whether you will be caught by those people later Nothing to do with me. “

The boy who was suppressed by force finally will look squarely at the man’s eyes.

Through the dim light, Lei Yin also clearly saw the appearance of the boy.

The dark skin of typical Asians is not good, but the eyes are quite godlike. Such teenagers are everywhere in Nepal. Lei Yin is becoming more and more curious about why Chiyama Harajiro is so attached to this boy. I hope that guy didn’t use so many police officers to catch people because of some disgusting tendency.

After a while, maybe he thought Lei Yin was his relationship with his hometown, and the boy finally spoke.

“You, are you really not theirs?”

Looking at him finally, Lei Yin put him down.

“If I’m with them, I’ve just handed you over, do I need to talk nonsense to you here?”

Although he hasn’t fully trusted him yet, the look of alertness in the eyes of the teenager has gone a lot.

“It’s your turn to answer my question. Are the police really here to catch you?” Lei Yin asked.



“I … I don’t know.” The teenager did not dare to look into his eyes.

“Very good.” Lei Yin sneered, turned and walked toward the door.

“You, don’t go.” The boy quickly held him.

“I won’t help people of unknown origin. If you don’t say anything, then I’m sorry, I can’t help you.” Lei Yin looked at him leisurely.

The boy is very imitation now. After being chased by those people for so long, he is very tired. He intuitively felt that this man might be able to help himself out of here. But …

After struggling for a while, he finally made a decision.

“I escaped from them.”

“They? Are you referring to the police?”

“No. It’s a group of people in white clothes.” The teenager’s voice was a little trembling.

“Are you alone?”

“There were other people who escaped with me, but they were all separated. Now I am the only one. When I came out yesterday to find something to eat, I was accidentally found by them, so they were chased to the present.

“What did those people in white clothes do to you?” Lei Yin then asked.

After hearing this, the teenager’s face showed a terrified expression, and then he suddenly retracted into the corner again and screamed loudly.

Lei Yin didn’t expect his reaction so much, and rushed to cover his mouth.

At this time, the teenager was struggling as hard as he lost his mind.

Lei Yin had no choice but to grab his two wrists with one hand and cover his mouth tightly with the other.

“Hey, wake up, it’s okay now.” Lei Yin hit his forehead with a hammer.

The bumped teenager felt a little dizzy. After a while, he finally stopped struggling.

“Please, don’t ask any more.” The boy slowly recovered and begged with tears.

Afraid that he would scream again, Lei Yin had to stop asking.

“Okay, I won’t ask anymore. Now I tell you one thing. The police are surrounded outside the hotel. When those guests are gone, they will come in and search.”

“What then?” The teenager looked at Lei Yin helplessly.

His grandma, what are you looking at me for? Lei Yin scolded in his heart. It seems that this kid is determined to himself.

Lei Yin didn’t say anything, just walked to the front of the lockers and looked like he was looking for something. The boy looked at him without blinking for fear that he would leave.

It doesn’t seem to be here. Lei Yin said to the boy, “Wait here for me, and I will be back soon.” After that, he walked towards the door.

The boy immediately ran over and pulled his clothes tightly, “Don’t leave me!”

“I said, I’ll be back in a moment.” Lei Yin was too lazy to explain to him, just glanced at him.

The teenager was a little scared of him, and quickly let go.

When Lei Yin walked to the door, after confirming that no one had passed, he immediately opened the door and went out.

The darkness returns to the utility room again, and the teenager continues to retract into the corner. At this moment he was very imitation, he was afraid that the man would never go back, or he might bring those outside. Brother Jabin said that people outside could not believe it.

He wants to leave here, but he is afraid that after leaving, if that man really comes to help him, he may lose the last person who can save himself.

The teenager is hesitant to struggle between walking and not walking.

Finally, fear prevailed, and he decided to leave here immediately.

When he ran to the door to open the door, the door was suddenly opened.

The teenager was startled and hurried back.

“Hey, it’s me.” The man’s voice came from the darkness.

When he heard his voice, the teenager was so surprised that he really came to help himself.

The boy stopped and turned to look at him.

“Change this suit quickly.” Lei Yin threw a bag of things at him.

The teenager looked at the clothes in his hands a little at a loss.

“Look, hurry.” Lei Yin was a little impatient.

This man is really fierce. The teenager put on the suit while thinking.

Also a little ghost, Amys is much more cute than him. If you ca n’t bear it, I would like to leave.

I didn’t realize that I had serious gender discrimination, and he greeted the younger brother who had provoked him, who seemed to be very young.

This shows that Lei Li’s complaint about Master’s excessive eccentricity is not baseless.

After the boy changed his clothes, Lei Yin took a closer look.

That’s a waiter’s uniform. Although I have picked the smallest one, it’s a little too big for a teenager who looks only fourteen or five years old.

But it’s too much to count now. After helping him to gather up the sleeves and trousers, Lei Yin said, “Wait here, don’t walk around. When there is chaos outside, I will come and take you out of the hotel.”

“Confusion?” The boy chewed the word in confusion.

“Listen, there is only one chance, remember to wait for me here,” Lei Yin said.

The boy nodded after watching him for a while.

When coming out of the utility room, Lei Yin returned to the banquet hall casually.

At this time, the prom enters the second half, and it can be clearly seen that some guests have left.

“Zhengzhi, where did you just go? I can’t find you everywhere.” Takeda came to him.

“Where is Yoshikawa, hasn’t he come back yet?” Lei Yin asked a different topic.

“That guy hasn’t been back since going out with Haruko. Maybe he has already gone back. By the way, how did you meet Mingyu Jizi?”

“Do you know that woman?”

“Please, who in our school does not know Mingyu Jizi? She and Haruko are equally famous beauties. In the freshman school flower vote, she was only defeated by a few votes. I heard that she and Haruko are Friends of the World. “

Friend? The two women did not look half-friendly at all, and they called their rivals almost the same. It can be imagined that when two equally attractive beauties appear at the same time, if both sides have bad personalities, the chance of turning a blind eye to the enemy is still great.

“Fast and honest, when did you meet Mingyu Jizi? Don’t tell me that you guys just met. I really don’t know what luck this guy has taken, even two beautiful women are so good to you “The more excited Takeda said, the less he asked about his friend’s collar.

“You guessed right, I just just met the woman named Jizi. I haven’t heard her name before. Takeda, it’s not me who says you, you look at women too much. Superficial, don’t think that any beautiful woman is a good woman. If you keep this idea, you will die very badly in the future.

“Asshole, don’t think that two beautiful women are so proud of you.” Takeda took his advice completely as a rumor.

“Use a lighter to use it.”

“What do you want to do with a lighter, you don’t seem to smoke.” Takeda stunned.

“Who says that I do n’t smoke, it ’s just that I smoke less. Do n’t talk nonsense, bring it quickly.”

“It’s so bad to ask someone to borrow something.” Takeda muttered as he pulled out a lighter from his body.

After taking the lighter, Lei Yin walked outside the hall.

“Hey, where are you going?” Takeda asked loudly behind him.

“This is a non-smoking area. I’ll go smoking elsewhere.” Lei Yin didn’t say anything.

“This is a non-smoking area?” Takeda whispered glaringly at the fat man with a big cigar in his mouth not far away.

I don’t know what it will look like after waiting here, I really want to see how these high-level people who now look like a pride will react. Lei Yin had a sense of excitement about to start a good show, could not help but speed up his pace.


Japan is an earthquake-prone country, so the Japanese are quite accustomed to the occurrence of earthquakes.

But what happens if a fire happens?

When the fire alarm bell in the hotel became a masterpiece, all the people in the banquet hall could not help but change their faces.

“What happened?”

“Is it on fire?”

“What’s going on?” someone cried out.

People haven’t reacted to the mutation. Suddenly, the fire automatic drink system installed on the hall continuously sprays water. Everyone was drenched by this sudden indoor storm.

The elegant ladies who have just returned are now screaming like scared chickens. And the men in full suits could no longer be gentlemanly, with panic expressions on their faces. Everyone looked embarrassed at the moment.

Knowing that there was a real fire, the crowd in the hall started to become very chaotic, and everyone was desperately running towards the exit.

At the same time, travelers staying upstairs in the hotel also kept running down from above.

The Keio Hotel is a 47-storey hotel. It is a well-known restaurant frequented by foreign tourists. During the peak tourist season, more than 1,600 tourists usually stay, and more than half of them are foreigners.

If such a huge crowd suddenly comes down, that kind of scene is not often seen.

Two large troop forces join together at the exit.

But relatively speaking, there are far more people running downstairs than in the ballroom.

The herds of human beings are sometimes terrible. Although no one really sees the fire or smoke, there are few who can really stop when they see others running outside. In this extremely chaotic situation, it is inevitable that they will push or stamp on each other.

For a time, various sounds such as screams, screams, screams, harsh bells and so on filled the entire lobby.

People who only care about escaping keep running outside like invaded termites.

The roads outside the hotel were also severely blocked by sudden crowds. On that entire stretch of road, the queues grew longer and longer. Passers-by in the vicinity were also attracted by such chaotic scenes that were rarely seen on weekdays and stopped to watch.

Takeda, who was surrounded by the crowd, was moving soaked at this moment. But he has no time to distress the Armani suit he just bought. Although he is a little worried about the safety of his friends, in this case, it is impossible to find someone.

He didn’t know, at the moment Lei Yin was less than fifty meters away from him. And beside him, there was a thin, short man dressed as a waitress who followed him closely.

For the surging people, the police who had been standing outside also panicked. They had no idea what was going on inside. But at least they know that this time is not the right time to perform official duties. If anyone dares to stop in front, they will be squashed by the crowd.

Seeing a scene that is far more confusing than expected, Lei Yin can’t help but be a little surprised. It seems to be playing a bit big now.

Too late to think, he took the Nepalese teenager down the other road.

Traffic congestion caused by the chaos is getting worse, and almost all vehicles in the vicinity are forced to stop.

In this case, the two can only move forward on foot.

Nepals are excited about leaving the hotel. More convinced that this man is not their person.


This is an intersection quite far from the Keio Hotel. The teenager watched Lei Yin tremblingly speaking the phone in Japanese he could not understand.

After a while, Lei Yin hung up the phone, and then he said to the teenager in Nepali: “We’ll just wait here, and someone will pick us up after a while.”

Hearing that there are others coming, the teenager becomes nervous subconsciously.

“Rest assured, those people are not here to catch you. Because I am not convenient to live with you, I have to ask them to help you find a place to stay.” Lei Yin explained after glancing at him.

The teenager heard his words silent.

“Well, I know what your name is?”

“My name is Kitba,” the boy replied.

“You sneaked into Japan with your family, didn’t you?” Seeing his skinny yellow skin, he didn’t look like a tourist.

Kitba nodded, “I came to Japan by boat with my father.”

“What about your father?”

“He … dead. He was killed by those people.” Speaking of which, for the first time, the boy’s eyes showed strong hatred.

Lei Yin really wanted to continue to ask those people what they did to them, but he was afraid that he would become mad again and had to hold back for a while. Let’s talk to a safe place first.

“Your father is dead. What do you plan to do in the future?” Lei Yin asked another question.

“I, I don’t know.” The teenager’s expression became very blank but helpless.

“So, I will find someone to take you back to Nepal. What do you think?” Lei Yin hoped that the boy still had relatives at home. Even if he had no other relatives, he would send him to the orphanage in Nepal at most. He did not intend to accept another disciple.

“Thank you.” The teenager’s grateful gaze appeared.

“Nothing,” Lei Yin said lightly.

The two continued to wait at the intersection. As time passed, the teenager began to calm down slowly.

At this moment, Lei Yin, who had been standing by the wall, closed his eyes and raised his eyes suddenly opened his eyes.

“Follow me.” Lei Yin said without a word and took Kitba’s hand and ran towards the other street.

“What happened?” the teenager asked as he ran.

“Someone is here,” Lei Yin replied.

“Is it those people?” the boy asked nervously.

“I don’t know, I want to see if they will follow.”

When running to the street, Lei Yin pulled the boy into a corner of the street.

After hiding, Lei Yin focused his attention on the outside movement, and the boy also raised his ears and listened.

Five minutes later, the teenager heard two hastily footsteps approaching, and he suddenly became pale and frightened.

Lei Yin turned his head back, then looked at the boy with a strange look.

“Let’s go,” the boy whispered.

“It’s no use running, it seems they can find out where you are,” Lei Yin said in a deep voice.

“What then?” The teenager was sweating nervously.

“Don’t stand here, I’m going to ambush them nearby.”

“What, don’t you mess around, those people are terrible.” The teenager was anxious.

“Crap, would I use this trick if it wasn’t great? In short, don’t move around, lest you accidentally hurt you.” Lei Yin commanded.

The boy looked at him for a while and finally nodded.

Lei Yin immediately ran to the other side of the corner to hide.

If it is an ordinary person, he doesn’t pay attention to it at all, but if the two people coming are guys like Chiyama Harajiro, it is better to be careful.

As the footsteps get closer, the teenager’s heart almost beats out.

Finally, the two men stopped nearby.

“Come out, I know you’re here,” one of the men said loudly.

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