Automotive Black Technology Chapter 1527: : Please accept the offer!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of automotive black technology!

The press conference of Zhengxin Smart Ring achieved unprecedented success!

“The mysterious conference of Zhengxin Group unveils the veil of heaven-defying products! The epoch-making wearable smart device Zhengxin Ring is unveiled!”

“Revolutionary work! Holographic projection, nano-scale technology, no need to charge. You must understand these black technologies!”

“Replacing smartphones? Zhengxin’s new smart ring makes an epoch-making debut!”

“This may be the best car company in terms of smart devices! This morning, Zhengxin Group released a new product! It is aimed at high-end smartphones!”

After the press conference, a total of 329 related articles were immediately published on the Internet or on the covers of major technology magazines. And these articles, in just a few hours, spread all over the world with people’s huge attention to smart electronic devices!

Only the live video of the Zhengxin press conference received more than 3.6 million views within five hours. This created a new world record in the history of corporate press conferences!

Faced with the technological revolution brought about by smart rings, many companies have held emergency meetings and worked hard to discuss the impact and impact this small thing will have on their companies.

The first one to bear the brunt, and the most nervous among all smart ring-related companies, is undoubtedly the fruit company!

At this time, it was just 4 o’clock in the morning in Eagle Country. But the lights are still bright at the fruit company’s headquarters in California.

The marketing department is continuously sending all the information collected about Zhengxin Ring to the company’s decision-making office.

There, the fruit company’s chairman Birger, CEO Cook, product director, design director and other company executives were looking through every potentially valuable information about the smart ring with their brows furrowed.

But what disappoints them is that the Zhengxin Ring is like something picked out of thin air. Apart from the information revealed at the Zhengxin press conference, there is no additional information.

This can’t help but remind them of the fruits of the Steve Jobs era. Before the release of each generation of fruit products, the blocking of R&D information is comparable to the FBI.

Under such a predicament, it is impossible to know the smart ring including its spare parts suppliers, manufacturing locations, or the development team and other valuable people, where competitors can start!

“Damn it, why is the Zhengxin Group’s stuff so weird? There was no news at all in advance, and now this thing suddenly appears!”

Product Design Director Seaver threw the iPad on the table in frustration and complained.

There was silence in the decision-making office.

Although everyone was looking at the iPads in front of them carefully, no one was actually calm inside.

It is not that the fruit company has never encountered crises; for example, before Steve Jobs was kicked out of the company by the board of directors, his performance declined and his property shrank, to the death of his boss Qiao, to the patent dispute with Samsung, and so on.

Every crisis has brought big trouble to the fruit company, but there has never been a time when people felt…confused like now.

Yes, confused!

Looking at the various functions of the smart ring at the Zhengxin press conference, these elites in the decision-making office who have mastered the top technology of smart communication equipment in Eagle Country and even around the world, actually have a kind of primitive man waving a stick, looking at taking It feels like a modern Homo sapiens wearing a laptop, tie and suit!

A kind of sadness of being abandoned by the times flows in everyone’s heart.

In the silence, Xiver frowned, “This press conference of Zhengxin is very strange. Although I don’t know much about this company, in my opinion, it relies on a small ring to achieve everything in the press conference. These functions mentioned may not be realistic. ”

“But they have already made a product, Mark! You have to face reality!” The white-haired Cook put down the tablet in his hand, pointed at Li Fanyu who was talking on it, and reminded him One sentence.

Marketing Director Mark Jess touched his bearded chin, “Gentlemen, what I want to say is, maybe they can produce such a device. But we don’t have to be so sensitive at the moment.

You know, if it is true, as the guy from Zhengxin Group said, that this small ring is made using nano-level processing technology, then first of all, in terms of product cost, this thing is destined to be difficult for ordinary people to Affordable price.

If they want to seize the market and compete with us at the lowest cost, then the performance of the final product for the market will definitely be discounted. Either of these two possibilities means that this device will not shake the market influence of fruit products in a short period of time.

So instead of frowning here, we might as well take action now, increase the research and development of holographic projection technology, and strive to use this technology on the next generation iPhone.

I think that with the user base of Guoguo and the habitual inertia of these users towards the IOS system formed over the years, the impact we will receive will not be great. ”

Cook shook his head, his intuition telling him that things might not be that simple.

But no matter how hard he thought, he couldn’t think of a solution or a way to prevent it.

Seeing that he was silent, Mogg, who was in charge of the operation of the APP ecosystem, spoke: “Actually, judging from the existing data, Zhengxin’s ring is indeed a very strong competitor. But according to my prediction, at least in Within three years, they will not pose a threat to us.

Their system claims to be created by themselves, which means that all APPs currently on the market are not compatible with this system. This means that its competitors are Android and iOS, two operating systems that currently occupy 92% of the smartphone market.

I want you to know what kind of market performance a system with a small number of APPs will have. Just look at the current BlackBerry OS and Microsoft WM. No matter how good the hardware is, it is just a superficial thing.”

After hearing this, Cook nodded slightly.

As Mogg said, what Apple has always been proud of is not the hardware of mobile phones such as pixels, screens or batteries. Instead, we created an independent ios system, an APP development team surrounding this system store, and an ecosystem that runs barrier-free in all aspects from development, release, management, operation, maintenance, and profit!

Zhengxin does not have this.

In fact, there are no competitors for the fruit.

This is the undefeated secret that has kept fruit at the top of the industry despite the fact that over the years, the products have become increasingly homogeneous with high unit prices!

However, at this moment, a nervous voice came from Cook’s wireless Bluetooth headset;

“Hey Tim, a message was just captured and sent to your inbox! Check it out!”

Cook quickly picked up the iPad on the table and opened the mailbox. After seeing the latest internal email, his back was instantly covered with cold sweat!

“Friends, the real crisis is coming!”

Curious people gathered around him and saw the content of the email;

“Li Fanyu, Chairman of Zhengxin Group, has released a smart ring crowdfunding plan through the Zhengxin platform, with a price of 16,000 yuan per copy. According to the just-concluded press conference of Zhengxin, only 30 minutes after the crowdfunding was launched, there were 5,000 people from China Crowdfunding ”

“Zhengxin Group has officially signed a ZX system and store operation agreement with Baiwei Interactive Entertainment. After signing the contract, Li Fanyu said that Zhengxin will announce the APP development code and establish a ZX dedicated projection APP fund and crowdfunding plan. , investing 5 billion yuan to encourage teams around the world to develop ZX system apps! ”

“It came so quickly.”

Everyone in the fruit decision-making office felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

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