Automotive Black Technology Chapter 1515: : I’m not scared!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of automotive black technology!

Boeing is called a company, but it is actually a super business empire covering multiple business sectors. Its four major subsidiaries are Boeing Financial Company, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Boeing Connectivity and Boeing Integrated Defense Systems. Every single one of them is a giant enterprise.

At this time, within the headquarters of the Civil Aircraft Group, a battle was going on regarding a company on the other side of the ocean that was as young as a baby compared to the company.

That’s right, it’s true faith.

“One thing we need to pay attention to is that Zhengxin Group’s research and development in the field of aero-engines is not just a product issue! I don’t believe that a private enterprise in mainland China can develop Tianxing in such a short period of time. II, an aerospace engine with technical characteristics. This is 100% driven by the government level! From the previous trade frictions on tax sanctions on aviation aircraft, to the sudden acceleration of the market layout of the C9 project, and now the Tianxing II, I don’t think so. These events are accidental and not connected! So friends, what we are facing is a premeditated plan!”

“I agree with Bill! The message expressed by Zhengxin through Tianxing II and the press conference is obvious enough. It is to launch an attack on the Chinese civil aviation market through cooperation with Shanghai Airlines! At this sensitive moment, This is a huge threat to our interests in China! Friends, we must take measures!”

After learning that Zhengshin had humiliated Piernanses in public through a press conference, there was indignation within the Boeing Commercial Aviation Group.

After the separation, there were more concerns about the Chinese market. With the development of China’s civil aviation industry, the improvement of people’s living standards, and the increasingly diversified travel modes, the China Civil Aviation Company’s demand for passenger aircraft is increasing day by day. And this demand is increasingly moving towards large-scale and customization.

What does this mean? Meaning a lot of profits and subsequent profits!

It is precisely because of this that the Chinese market cannot be missed—especially now.

The trade friction between China and Eagle is intensifying day by day, and trade tariffs and property rights patents are frequently used as trump cards. One is a superpower that dominates the world, and the other is a gradually rising economic power. This kind of confrontation is different from the previous Eagle Sun trade friction. Even the best analysts cannot predict when this friction will happen. What a way to end.

Originally, Boeing, which has been entangled in this quagmire, has been somewhat overwhelmed by the eyeing Airbus. Now, Zhengxin and Shangfei, who have taken advantage of the right time, place and people, suddenly appeared.

This makes Boeing Civil Aviation Group even more vigilant.

Faced with everyone’s analysis, John Jefferson was convinced. Although the remarks of some of them are extreme, at this juncture, many things must be paid attention to, and it is better to believe what they say than to believe what they say. Having become passive, the group cannot afford to neglect.

When the following discussion was almost complete, all the factors that should be mentioned had been revealed, and the rest were just some wild speculations and conjectures, he signaled to stop.

“Gentlemen, I agree with most of you. No matter what, we need to take measures on this matter.”

The tone was set.

“So the analysis can stop here. Now, let’s see how to face this crisis. Well, let’s call it a crisis.”

John Jefferson’s little humor at this moment did little to lighten the mood of the meeting.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bill Arland, the general manager of the production department, loudly said in a hoarse voice like a saxophone: “Currently, it seems that there are only two ways in front of us. The first is to let The Chinese government is canceling tariff restrictions. This is the best solution and can fundamentally solve the problem of reducing our competitiveness in the Chinese market. ”

“But looking at it now, that’s impossible, Bill.” John Jefferson refused directly.

“Maybe it’s possible.” Bill Alland said in a deep voice.

John Jefferson realized something, “Bill, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

Bill Alland paused, “Previously, the Chinese government implemented a policy of imposing additional tariffs on aircraft and other aircraft with an empty weight exceeding 15,000 kilograms but not exceeding 45,000 kilograms.

China is an important market for us, and more than 50% of the commercial aircraft currently in use in China are produced by us. Last year, a quarter of the aircraft we delivered globally were sold to China. For the 737 series aircraft involved this time alone, China’s imports account for about one-third of our global production. John, these orders have provided nearly 150,000 jobs in the country. We can use this to put pressure on Trump to reach peace talks with China through diplomatic means, and at least let China remove our tariffs. ”

“The whole world knows that Trumbo is a madman! He may feel pressured, but he will never choose to compromise at this time and in this situation! Bill, I promise you!”

Before John Jefferson could express his opinion, as soon as Bill Alland finished speaking, someone jumped out to deny this unrealistic idea.

Alain shook his head helplessly, “Then it seems that there is only another way.”

Looking around for a week and at his colleagues, Alan’s face became firm: “Strike! Let Zhengxin Group not have any luck in taking advantage of the trade friction! Since Trumbo will not compromise, then let’s Things are getting bigger. At least we need to let Zhengxin feel the burden. We want them to know that targeting Boeing means going against the Eagle Country! The blow will be far more painful than ours. As long as they feel pain, are afraid, can’t bear it anymore, and realize that what they gain by putting their hands into our jobs is much more than what they lose, they will naturally compromise. ”

Hearing this proposal, many people present were quite satisfied and set their sights on John Jefferson, who presided over the meeting.

“Perhaps we should give Zhengxin an ultimatum. I remember that there is an old saying in China, which is called courtesy first and then attack? It means that before using absolute power, the enemy should be given an appropriate opportunity to choose…”

The next day, the Beijing headquarters of Zhengxin Group received an email from Boeing Civil Aviation Group across the ocean.

This email was immediately forwarded to Li Fanyu. The content of the email was unknown to the other people who were writing the letter. But the reply Li Fanyu asked the headquarters to make was quite direct

——”I’m not scared!”

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