Automotive Black Technology Chapter 1488: : Comfortable and happy Dad Li!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of automotive black technology!

Fuzhou City, Huatian Airport.

The arrivals area was crowded. People from all over the world spoke with various accents and walked out with large and small bags, looking exhausted or excited.

Li Fanyu, who was standing in front of the pick-up area, raised his hand to look at his watch and held up a large sign that read “Dong Cuihua, Li Lunxu” in his hand.


That’s right, Li’s father and Li’s mother, who have been wandering in Sanya for three months, are back.

After learning that their son had settled down in Fuzhou, the two inconspicuous people made sure to come and take a look. In Li’s mother’s words, “recognize the door”.

Of course Li Fanyu did not dare to neglect. After receiving the news, he immediately postponed a meeting of the group on the group’s response to the possible industry changes caused by the recent trade dispute between China and Eagle Country, and ran away with Wang Qiang. Waiting at the airport.

However, after waiting for a long time, almost everyone on the flight mentioned in Li’s and Li’s WeChat messages had left, and he didn’t see his parents either.

“You’re not lost, are you?”

Li Fanyu muttered, quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Ma Li’s phone number.

“We cats are so cute, cute, mean, coquettish, hot and cute. There are three thousand beauties in the harem, whoever can charm me, just give you a look, you are mine~~~~”

As soon as the call was dialed, Li Fanyu heard a loud ringing sound in front of him.

One of them lost control and almost sang along. As soon as he stopped the shameful impulse in his heart, he saw a man wearing a sunhat looking at him with a pained expression. He was wearing a big lace sunhat and a long blue dress. He was very fashionable. The woman said: “Why did you change the ringtone again? What the **** is this? How unbecoming!”

“How nice does this sound? Tiktok is very popular on TikTok, let me tell you. If my skin hadn’t been bad these days, I would have wanted to put on makeup and shoot a video. Old antique!”

Looking at the familiar voice, Li Fanyu’s mobile phone, along with the airport pick-up sign he rented for 20 yuan, fell to the ground with a “clack”.

If the bottom plate hadn’t been stable, he might have fallen to the ground himself;



What’s wrong with you two elders? You two elders! ?

Li Fanyu really can’t believe that the two people in front of him are his biological mother, Ms. Dong Cuihua, and his biological father, Mr. Li Lunxu.

Are you two from Africa or are you covered in shoe polish? ! ?

Dong Cuihua’s sharp eyes saw her son at a glance: “Hey! What are you stupid boy doing here? Hurry up and take the things over? You’ve been on a plane for six hours and you want to exhaust me to death so that you can inherit my inheritance?” Ant Huabei?”

This is all you have left, right? ?

Li Fanyu was no longer able to complain, so he walked over silently, and together with Wang Qiang behind him, took the large and small bags from the hands of the two elders.

Seeing the presence of outsiders, Li Ma immediately became dignified. He nodded to Wang Qiang and asked, “Daughter-in-law?”

Wang Qiang was stunned and shook her head dully.

“Lover?” Dong Cuihua refused to give up.

Wang Qiang blushed and shook her head again.

“Goodbye.” Dong Cuihua looked away from her, hooked her hand, and took the lead.

Wang Qiang burst into sweat.

“Director Li…” Looking at Li’s father and Li’s mother, and then at Li Fanyu, she asked timidly: “You… are your biological children, right?”

Li Fanyu looked at Mother Li and Father Li, who was strutting in front of her with shiny black hair, and his face darkened, “I always thought it wasn’t the case before, but now I’m a little doubtful. Otherwise, why would I be holding this thing in my mouth like this?” There’s no way to explain it!”


Li Fanyu didn’t dare to bring Li’s father and Li’s mother to his and An Ning’s love nest. Otherwise, seeing An Ning’s belly grow bigger, Li’s mother would dare to force him to get married immediately with a knife.

So, he brought her to the house he bought in Lihuashan in a very low-key manner. Well, this place is relatively close to Kangtong Deji, the best private hospital in Fuzhou City. Li Fanyu bought it specifically for An Ning to wait for childbirth.

I bought oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, meat and vegetables at the noodle supermarket, and the family of three arrived at the new house that had been decorated and had all kinds of things in place, and it had not even been touched.

Mama Li went to take a shower as soon as she entered the house, but Dad Li, on the other hand, washed vegetables and cooked meals quickly. In the spirit of humanitarianism, Li Fanyu attacked him.

“You’ve been busy lately, haven’t you?” Seeing the dark circles on Li Fanyu’s face, Dad Li felt a little distressed.

Li Fanyu chuckled. He was embarrassed to say that he was bored because he was expecting a baby recently, and he was tired from staying up late at home eating chicken.

“Your mother and I have actually wanted to come over for a long time, but we saw on the Internet a few days ago that you and Tu Haisongxia were having such a fierce quarrel. We were afraid that coming over would delay your business, so we stayed for more than a month. The days have calmed down, so your mother and I sent your grandparents back. Look at you, there is no woman around you, and the pots and pans still have labels on them. Son, you are like this Let’s go on, it’s not a big deal.”

Li Fanyu felt warm in his heart.

Although my parents never say it, they still think about me all the time.

But when it comes to feelings, my situation is too complicated and I really can’t explain it.

Dad, your son is actually living a good life. Your daughter-in-law takes your grandson to cook delicious food like this every day. Last month, the family of two and a half ate twenty kilograms of soybean oil!

Li Fan said with a cheery voice, “Dad, don’t worry about it. I know it myself.”

Dad Li glanced at him and said, “Bring the spinach.”


“Let me tell you, women are just like that. You are spoiled for choice, so why not just choose one at random? Look at me, I chose you at random. Mom, haven’t you lived a comfortable life? I’ve brought you up so well and lived happily.”

Dad, if you really mean what you say, I will kneel down and give you two kisses!

Li Fanyu looked at Dad Li, who was washing vegetables and cooking as quickly as a provincial chef, and felt that his father was the most broad-minded and ordinary person in the world.

“Why do you look at me like that?” Dad Li felt a little uncomfortable being stared at.

Is it possible that your method of urging marriage is a bit low?

It’s not a bit low, you simply used the wrong method and arguments, Dad!

Li Fanyu had a mouthful of old gossip stuck in his throat, trying not to spit it out.

“Li Lunxu! In which bag did you put my aunt’s repair cream?” At this moment, Li Ma in the room yelled.

“The pink one! The middle layer!” Dad Li put the dish down instantly and returned.

“Take it out? Did you get tempeh in your eyes? Did you see that my aunt didn’t prepare things in advance while taking a bath?”

“Hey, hey, hey! I’m coming right now! Do you want a back rub?”

Looking at Pei Dian’er Pei Dian’er wiping his hands with his lapel and running to the bathroom, Li Fanyu shook his head.

Well, I feel really comfortable and happy…

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