Automotive Black Technology Chapter 123: :Rights Defense Army, the fastest update to the latest chapter of automotive black technology!

The road section where the incident occurred is relatively remote, and there is no surveillance video from traffic cameras at the time. Hong Rui’s car did not have a driving recorder, so these two direct video evidences could not be provided.

The road to rights protection is destined to be long and passive.

The traffic police confirmed that Hong Rui was not drunk driving, and judging from the scene, the incident was indeed caused by the abnormal state of the vehicle. So Hong Rui directly took the photos of the scene and found the Mitsubishi 4S store.

But what made him sad and angry was that the 4S store strongly denied the theory that this Jinxuan had a broken axle. After seeing that Hong Rui had no direct video evidence, he insisted that the broken axle was caused by intense driving or a collision.

Hong Rui was dissatisfied and immediately contacted the traffic police and issued a brake mark identification certificate from the accident scene. It is clearly stated above that the vehicle lost control due to an abnormality in the left front wheel. He thought that having photos of the scene, the broken left front axle and steering knuckle, and the identification certificate would definitely make the 4S store admit their mistake.

But he really thought too much. He doesn’t understand one thing; the automobile industry is full of routines.

After he came to the 4S store, they began to actively prepare for the war. After Hong Rui left, he immediately contacted Mitsubishi and received instructions from the head office – “Jinxuan’s steering knuckle and front axle have undergone the highest level of quality inspection. The theory of a broken axle is pure nonsense.”

So, the cunning 4S store retrieved all the information about the accident car. During the retrieval process, it was discovered that the car had inspection records.

When Hong Ruidi came to visit again with the three-iron certificate, they changed their tune.

“Mr. Hong, we found that your car has a steering knuckle maintenance record. The test results at that time were no problems, which is enough to prove that our car has no problems. Since you have inspected it twice in a short period of time, And there have been no subsequent inspection and maintenance records since then. We suspect that you have repaired or modified the steering knuckle and front axle.”

The angry Hong Rui could not accept this groundless slander and irresponsible inference, and immediately caused a scene in the 4S store. He made two banners the next day and blocked the door of the 4S store, but the store called the police and took him away.

In desperation, Hong Rui posted a message for help on the forum of As the largest automobile portal in China, this matter immediately attracted the attention of the website.

After sent someone to understand the situation, they decided to help Hong Rui defend his rights. Editor Xiao Wu took Hong Rui to the Consumer Rights Protection Center.

The 4S store that was issued the subpoena finally panicked and contacted Mitsubishi again. Mitsubishi also sent special personnel to handle the incident and conducted a so-called appraisal of the accident vehicle.

Identification results: The vehicle has no quality defects, and there are traces of repair on the left front axle, which is the main reason for the broken axle.

Moreover, Mitsubishi stated that it would file a countersuit against Hong Rui’s behavior to recover the negative impact and economic losses caused by this incident to the company.

Things turned into a bad debt.

Hong Rui was lying on the cold bed, looking at the messy home. Thinking of my wife in the hospital bed and the injured person in the intensive care unit. With medical expenses of nearly 10,000 yuan a day, this man in his late thirties’ hair turned a lot whiter in just a few days.

He grabbed his messy hair and couldn’t help but sob softly.

At this moment, the phone rang. He quickly wiped his tears and picked up his phone.

The call came from Xiao Wu from, “Brother Hong, I contacted a lawyer for you today. The lawyer said that if you want to win this lawsuit, you must have direct evidence that the car’s quality is defective. Now The on-site photos and brake mark identification you have are not enough to prove their responsibility. We have to find a way to identify the front axle and steering knuckle.”

Hong Rui felt even more uncomfortable when he thought of a lawsuit. I have been sued by the injured person’s family, demanding compensation.

Now that he has to go to court with Mitsubishi again, he already has a deep fear of the court.

He choked and said: “Where can I do it?”

“I’ve already asked you. We have an automotive testing center in Nanhe, and they can do it there.”

Hong Rui hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: “How much does it cost to do this appraisal?”

Xiao Wu pondered for a moment, he knew Hong Rui’s situation. More than 200,000 yuan has been spent on the hospitalization of my wife and the injured person, and relatives and friends borrowed everything they could. There was no money left in his hand, otherwise the family of the injured person would not be able to take him to court.

“Well, it’s about ten thousand yuan. Brother Hong, if it’s not convenient for you, I’ll give you the money first. You can pay it back to me after you win the lawsuit, don’t worry.”

Hong Rui’s tears came out again.

Because this was an accident that may have been caused by quality issues, the forum conducted a live broadcast of Han Rui’s rights protection process with pictures and text.

As the matter developed step by step, it also attracted the attention of more netizens.

Some of them cheered for Han Rui, and some used their own knowledge and experience to find solutions for him.

When it was learned that Hong Rui would conduct a quality appraisal of the accident vehicle, the forum immediately started a heated discussion.

“Hong Rui, come on!”

“Come on! We must defend our rights to the end!”

“Brother Rui, hold on, we are all supporting you.”

“Hey, our country’s judicial system is still too inhumane. Whoever makes the claim must provide evidence, which is very detrimental to the vulnerable consumers. Not to mention the time and energy spent in the evidence process, there is a high cost of appraisal. It’s also a big burden for Hong Rui now.”

“Upstairs, in the post that Brother Hong just posted, he said that editor Xiao Wu of helped him advance the appraisal fee.”

“Oh? Well done to editor Xiao Wu!”

“The conscience of! Brothers, Brother Hong’s situation is not good now. I suggest we do something!”

“Yes, everyone adds fuel to the fire. I have been paying attention to this matter from the beginning. Mitsubishi’s behavior is really unscrupulous. I suggest that everyone get started and everyone contribute a little bit to help Brother Hong. A handful.”

“Agree! A company like Mitsubishi has already had a criminal record before. Now it has problems again, and it’s still like a bird. We can’t sit idly by when dealing with such a company.”


After more than an hour of clamoring, several moderators of forum initiated a donation, and for a while a group of supporters formed on the forum to support Hong Rui’s rights protection.

In almost a short period of time, an army of more than 3,000 netizens on the forum formally declared war on Mitsubishi.

The next day, Hong Rui, accompanied by Xiao Wu and two netizens in Nanhe City, sent the broken left front axle and steering drum to the automotive testing center of Nanjing Automobile Group.

At the same time, Mitsubishi also learned the news.

Because Mitsubishi had cooperated with Nanjing Automobile Group, Zhang Yong immediately received a call from Xiaoshi Jinnan, general manager of Mitsubishi China.

On the phone, Xiao Shi Jinnan offered a price that Zhang Yong could not refuse.

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