Automotive Black Technology Chapter 1222: : Ghost!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of automotive black technology!


Hearing the word “resurrection”, the manager turned around, frowned at Li Fanyu, and blurted out a national curse.

“Who do you think you are? God?” The manager said nothing when he saw the unfamiliar Chinese man in front of him, and his face was full of ridicule.

Seeing this change, Ma Rao immediately stepped forward to explain, “Evans, this is our OSI…”

“I don’t care who he is!” The agent waved his hand, “Let me tell you the truth. Due to your own reasons, the original shooting plan of the movie cannot be continued. Today I am here to talk to you on behalf of Plick. About the termination of the contract.”

Plick’s acting career is on a rapid rise now, and his agent doesn’t want him to stay in any film crew with no future for one more minute. Of course, this is not entirely for Plick’s career, but also for his own dollars.

So he had already understood the situation of “Transformers” thoroughly before. After asking several technical experts in the industry and learning that the film could not be filmed for safety reasons, he came to find Ma Rao.

These agents are very talented.

So now when I hear someone talking about resurrecting Luo Qi and allowing the movie to continue filming, the agent’s first thought is – this person is here to cause trouble.

A burst of noise here attracted the already low morale of the crew.

“What happened?”

“Hey, Plick’s agent is negotiating with Maroa to terminate the contract!”

“Huh? Talk about terminating the contract? If Plick terminates the contract with the company and the crew, how can we still make this movie?”

“Hey! Are you too naive, my friend? The heroine is gone, and now you are still thinking about how to shoot the movie? Let me tell you, this movie can no longer be shot. We are busy these days I think it’s just a waste of time to get it. The company is reluctant to make such an investment and won’t announce the disbandment of the crew for a while.”

“You can’t say that. The young man just said that there is a way to resurrect Luo.”

“Aha? Do you believe it?”

“Believe it, I believe there is something wrong with this young man’s brain.”


“Transformers” is a big production, and OSI spent huge sums of money to hire the best people in the Hollywood industry to recruit the crew, so people don’t know Li Fanyu.

Everyone talks about it. Like the agents, these people don’t believe that the movie can continue to be filmed.

Seeing this scene, Li Fanyu shook his head secretly; it seemed that the crew had lost their hearts now.

He looked at Plick’s agent and said seriously: “What will you do if I resurrect Luo?”

“Resurrection? Ha!” The agent laughed dryly, “Then I’ll tell Plick that I won’t take any of my salary from today on!”

Li Fanyu nodded and winked at Ma Rao.

“Okay. Pillar!” He waved his hand behind him, and a spherical man came over holding a large box.

After Luo Qi passed away, Li Fanyu felt that life was too fragile. However, he has made too many enemies in the business world, he is too high up and his life is worthless due to the conflict of interests. Therefore, he changed his previous habit of going out lightly and brought Zhu Zhu and several other people appointed by Pan Qiang.

After hearing Li Fanyu’s greeting, Zhuzi already understood what he was going to do. He directly placed the box on the ground. He and several comrades around him took out the equipment in the box and placed it on the ground to connect and place it.

“What are you doing?” Plick’s agent frowned when he saw everyone playing with the equipment: “Is this… Dr. M’s time machine? Do you want to turn back time and travel back to a few days ago? Save Luo, who is thinking about it next time?”

What he said was a joke from a Hollywood science fiction movie, which caused a burst of murmurs and laughter from the people watching.

Li Fanyu didn’t find it funny; if there was such a machine, even if it had nothing to do with Luo Qi, he would be willing to go back just because he didn’t want to see others die in front of him.


Amidst the laughter among everyone present, within a short time, Zhu Zhu and others completed the connection of the equipment.

Li Fanyu took out his mobile phone and uploaded a piece of image data previously produced using his brain in China to the X super holographic projector.

Then, pressed the “Projection” option.

The next second, a figure appeared out of thin air! They saw Luo Qi, who had already lost his beauty, standing in front of them in a pretty way!

It seemed like a normal reunion after parting ways, and it also seemed like a normal start of work after the filming ended last night.

“Luo Qi” shyly waved his hands to everyone and smiled slightly.


The studio fell into a silence like a vacuum universe.

Looking at “Luo Qi” standing in front of them, everyone opened their mouths and widened their eyes. A few people standing in the front row rubbed their eyes vigorously.

Taking everyone’s expressions into consideration, Li Fanyu smiled slightly, walked up to Plick’s manager, and patted him on the shoulder: “How are you doing?”

The manager trembled all over when he slapped him like this!

He turned his stiff neck, looked at Li Fanyu, then at “Luo Qi”, and remained silent for three or four seconds before…

He jumped over half a meter high!


A scream like a slaughtering pig resounded through the studio. Then, the poor man, who was so frightened that he peed his pants, ran away.

This voice seemed to express everyone’s feelings. Those people who were watching the excitement were emotionally shattered…

Hollywood studios are usually built in film and television bases. Next to the “Transformers” studio, there are several crews working hard.


Seeing a large group of people shouting and running away from the studio, a crew member who was having lunch outside the studio was stunned;

“What’s going on? I heard that the heroine of “Transformers” died unexpectedly, and the filming can no longer go on. Looking at this situation…could it be…that they changed to a horror movie?”


At the moment when the “haunting” happened, Ma Rao managed to catch Zhu Li who was about to do it. It took a lot of effort to pull back the crew who had disappeared.

“This is the holographic projection technology of our Zhengxin Group, and it is not a ghost.”

Li Fanyu put his hand on the projected image and explained to everyone.

In the crowd, the trembling manager was hiding behind Plick, who came after hearing the news.

“FK! I was scared out of my wits just now!”

When Plick heard that his agent came to the residence without permission to negotiate for termination of the contract, he looked a little embarrassed. Although this young boy will become famous at the age of 25 after this year, he still has good qualities.

I have been filming together with Luo Qi before, and our relationship was good. At this time, seeing this lifelike “Projection Luo Qi”, he stepped forward.

He caressed the image’s hair, and feeling the “miracle” presented by the convergence of light and shadow, he carefully retracted his fingers.

“Director, how does this projection perform in the camera?”

Seeing his question, Ma Rao nodded, “No problem at all. It’s just that the projection data is set in advance. When playing with opponents, you have to pay great attention to the angle and positioning.”

Plick nodded and bowed to Ma Rao and Li Fanyu: “I apologize for Evans’s good advice. Although I don’t know about it, since he said something about the remuneration, in order to apologize , I am willing to waive the next salary and star for free.”

Li Fanyu waved his hand, “What about the remuneration and sharing? Or whatever.” Luo Qi said in his suicide note that he really wanted to see the film premiere after filming was completed. Now, let us work together to realize her This wish!”


In the studio, there was a shout that could knock off the roof.

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