Astral Apostle Chapter 177: Famous

The figure on the Yulin River is independent, pointing to the sky, ordering the wind to blow, causing the river to surge.

Whoa, whoa-

Shocking waves crashed on the shore, shattering jade and beads, soaking the crowd to watch people.

The turbulent movement caused people on the street to run and hide away. The guests in the boats by the river went ashore in panic, and some even fell to their knees on the spot, shouting gods and spirits.

In this scene, it seems that the dragon king who walks through clouds and rains has descended into the mortal world!

In the private room on the third floor of the Cuiyu Building, which was turned into an open-air private room, the many dignitaries who hosted the banquet were already shocked beyond measure, and their hearts were shaken.

They found that they were very wrong. They always thought that they were charlatans. Those deeds such as stepping on the river and riding the wind were adulterated, but now they know that this is not a trick at all, but a real fairy family. Supernatural!

“Immortal! This person is really an immortal! He has the ability to call the wind and call the rain!”

Zhao Xing’an screamed in surprise. His years of energy-raising efforts as an official were completely broken.

It wasn’t the first time Ye Shunzhong saw Zhou Jing use supernatural powers, but his previous methods were useless. At this time, it was the first time he saw such an intense scene. While secretly proud, he also felt awe.

‘Yes, these children of noble families have repeatedly questioned, and most of them made the Taoist priest unhappy, so the Taoist priest deliberately did it, so as to teach these people to know that the fairy family’s methods can be light, and they can also teach the world to change color, so that This acts as a deterrent…’

Ye Shunzhong was stunned.

He saw that the dignitaries and dignitaries in the field were full of horror, and he saw that the movement on the street was getting more and more riotous, so he quickly got up, went to the hole in the room, and shouted at the top of his voice:

“Daoist Master Lingfeng, everyone has taken it, let’s get the supernatural powers soon!”

Zhou Jing looked back at the scene in the room upstairs. Suddenly, he turned his palm, and the howling wind suddenly turned into a gentle breeze, and the restless river surface slowly subsided.

The next moment, his robes swayed, he rose into the air, fluttering in the wind, and leisurely flew back to the open-air room on the third floor of the Cuiyu Building.

With both feet on the ground again, Zhou Jing put his hands on his back, with the demeanor of a worldly expert, there was no wet place on the crown of the feather suit, so he spoke calmly:

“A little bit of supernatural power is nothing, Master Zhao has read it, don’t forget the promise of the poor way before.”

Zhao Xing’an jumped up as if his **** was on fire, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute and apologize:

“The real person must not misunderstand! This official is really curious and unbearable, so I want to see the real person’s methods. Now that I see that the real person is really a **** in the world, I will teach this official an eye-opener! I will do my best to do what the real person tells me. Do your best.”

His title changed directly from “Taoist” to “Real Man”.

The dignitaries present came back to their senses, and they couldn’t sit still. Their attitudes changed.

Finding out that this person was a real expert in the world, they were in awe, but also nervous, for fear that Zhou Jing would be dissatisfied with their suspicions, and just wanted to make amends quickly.

They also felt helpless in their hearts. They had not witnessed this man’s magical powers before, so of course they were skeptical and dared not take it seriously.

Most of the dignitaries present have high self-esteem on weekdays, and feel that their cognition is higher than those of the ignorant commoners. With this kind of superior idea, they naturally don’t care much about the exaggerated rumors that the people in the market believe to be true. They feel that they can fool themselves and never listen to it easily.

Liu Ping’s face was pale, his heart was afraid, he also stepped forward to apologize, and said anxiously: “Don’t blame the real person, I have eyes and don’t know Mount Tai, and I just said abruptly, but I hope the real person…”

“You don’t have to.”

Zhou Jing interrupted him with an indifferent tone.

He was deliberately indifferent, as if he was too lazy to talk to this person.

This attitude of not blaming but not rude made Liu Ping more and more uneasy, knowing that his previous rude words had already offended the master.

He wanted to continue to apologize, but Zhou Jing didn’t give him a chance and made the other party hit several soft nails.

Liu Ping was in a hurry. He felt that the relationship was frozen. He didn’t know how to restore it.

He is a small person. If he implicates the family and makes the masters have a prejudice against their Liu family, it will be a big loss.

Because there was a hole in the room, passersby on the street who were still in shock all pointed to this side, and there was an uproar.

Zhao Xing’an asked the shopkeeper to change to a private room, isolating the eyes of the public.

As for the room that Zhou Jing had made into the open air, Ye Shunzhong wanted to pay for the repairs.

Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper refused. He said excitedly that it was an honor for the master to show his supernatural powers here.

After everyone took their seats in the new room, they chatted with Zhou Jing enthusiastically, and further introduced the family behind each other.

Zhao Xing’an made a statement on the spot that he would do well in the “seeking the secrets” that Zhou Jing requested.

The fact that they are so enthusiastic is not only shocked by Zhou Jing’s supernatural powers – the supernatural powers have been confirmed, so that everyone thinks that he is a real person, so Zhou Jing’s previous words about alchemy are more credible, and these dignitaries have their thoughts, They all want the elixir of prolonging life.

Zhou Jing didn’t immediately agree, but he didn’t reject it, but the topic was discussed later on.

He acted arrogantly and casually, but instead made the presence of powerful people feel that the superior should be like this, and more enthusiastic.

These dignitaries and children of aristocratic families can stand up in front of people who are not as good as themselves, and can also be flattering in front of those who need to be flattered. They are always prepared with two faces, and they can switch freely. Something will happen.

A banquet was lively, and everyone respectfully said goodbye to Zhou Jing, then dispersed, and hurried home to report what they saw today.

Zhou Jing also got into the soft sedan chair and went home with Ye Shunzhong, thinking to himself:

“After tonight, my name will be established and spread among the upper class of Ningtian Mansion. With the certification of these dignitaries, I will truly enter the sight of the imperial court…”


On the second day, the news of Zhou Jing’s magical powers on the Yulin River last night swept across the city like a hurricane.

This is the second time that Zhou Jing has shown his miraculousness in front of the people in the city after stepping on the river. The two deeds of “Treading the River and Entering Ningtian” and “The Wind Rolling the Jade Lining the River” have spread to the market, and once again become the most popular street and alley. Hot topic, relish.

Only a few days after Zhou Jing entered the city, he made frequent noises, making ordinary people who had not been bombarded by information in this era feel as excited as if it was a New Year’s Eve.

Soon, the prefect Zhao Xing’an fulfilled his promise and came forward to create momentum for “seeking the secret”.

With the government’s certification, the people of Ningtian Prefecture believed that this was not a joke and believed it to be true.

This time, many people are curious, or want to reward the Ye family for silver, or simply want to join in the fun. Every day, a large number of idle people run to the Ye family, and they have discovered a “strange thing”. .

These people are basically nonsense. They were politely invited out by the Ye family, but they all said that they would come again next time. When other people chat, everyone makes up random things together, and they all feel that they have gained a lot of knowledge. Everyone here is a talented person, and their words are nice, and many people don’t even want to go home.

On the other hand, various noble families in Ningtian Mansion also acted. Every day, people submit invitations to see Zhou Jing.

For a time, Zhou Jing became the most popular figure in the entire Ningtian Mansion.

There is an endless stream of visitors every day, almost stepping over the door of the Ye family.

Ning Tianfu is full of powerful families. Although the Ye family is rich, they have never had such a splendid power. The people of the Ye family are so overjoyed that they only feel light on their faces.

As the prestige spread more and more, the title of “Ren Yufeng” was completely established in Ningtian Mansion. From the powerful to the poor, everyone knew that the Ning Tianye family lived in a world-renowned person.


“Damn, let this spirit be first!”

In the courtyard deep in the bamboo forest, the female Taoist’s popularity was fading.

She originally wanted to watch Zhou Jing’s Taoism, but she didn’t expect this person to start so quickly, and he established a reputation in one fell swoop.

Damn fellow! So skilled!

In this way, if she wants to become famous, she cannot avoid this person, and will be compared with this person by others.

The female Taoist hates it.

“However, this person subdued the powerful overnight, and there are countless people who witnessed it with their own eyes. Most of the deeds of the wind swirls the jade and the river are true… This spirit of wind is enacted by the wind, is it possible that it is the magic of calling wind and rain ? Someone actually practiced such a magical technique?”

The female Taoist’s expression became solemn, and she was quite afraid of Zhou Jing’s Taoism.

If you fight with this person, you may not be able to get a good deal, and no one knows what other means this Lingfengzi has not revealed…

The female Taoist wanted to back off, but she was not willing to give up Ningtianfu, the southern auxiliary capital, easily.

Occasionally, the emperor would come to live in Ningtian Mansion, and it was not a secret among the people.

If you become famous here, you are lucky enough to be summoned by the emperor, and with her beauty and seductive skills, have the opportunity to be favored by the emperor and cling to the imperial power, then the monstrous power will be at hand!

In her opinion, apart from sleeping with the emperor, Lingfengzi must have the same calculus as her.

“My beauty and seductive skills are sharp weapons, this spirit may have a profound knowledge, but as long as he doesn’t make trouble, I still have a chance to win the emperor’s appreciation… It’s just that a fellow like him would sit idly by and watch me. Famous? One mountain does not allow two tigers, if I emerge, he is afraid that he will eradicate potential opponents like me.”

The Daoist woman frowned and thought deeply.

At this moment, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and she had a scruple.

“I really want to be wrong, why should I fight with this man? Since he is a fellow man, why don’t I join forces with him? It is true that he has magical powers, but can he sleep with the emperor? He is out to deceive the emperor, I Blowing the pillow wind from the inside, two-pronged approach, this emperor will be under the control of the two of us, and in the future, if the wind will bring the wind and the rain will be the rain, it will be beneficial to both of us, isn’t it a two-way strategy?” /

The Daoist woman’s eyes flickered, and a ghost idea came out.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain…unless one male and one female!

As long as you can win the trust of Lingfengzi, then this can be done.

As for how to do it…it’s best to meet up first.

It’s a big deal to do the old job, such as becoming a Taoist companion, or worshiping this Lingfengzi as a teacher, and letting him be a relative of Fangze, serving this person with proficient seductive techniques and versatile double cultivation techniques.

With the status of master and apprentice or Taoist companion, there is a bond of trust, and this Lingfengzi can also offer her to the emperor and get the emperor’s appreciation.

There are many concubines and concubines of the emperor, but he certainly did not favor the “dao companion” or “apprentice” who have been masters of the Tao. It is only a change in identity that can arouse the emperor’s lust, make himself stand out, and make the emperor linger.

And…if you are favored by the emperor, wouldn’t it be more exciting to see the situation in private and have a tryst with Lingfengzi, who has the status of a woman of the emperor?

She’s a professional in seduction!

——By the way, there is still a chance for this Lingfengzi spell, which is really eye-catching.

The more she thinks about it, the more she thinks it’s feasible, she’s heartbroken, the vote is done!

If this Lingfengzi doesn’t agree to cooperate, then she will make a decision. She feels that she still has some power to protect herself.


On the other side, in a civilian inn in Ningtian Prefecture.

The old man and the young man settled here, and every day they inquired about the situation on the street, waiting for the opportunity, and also learned about the rumored “the wind rolls on the river” on the street. This time, more people witnessed it with their own eyes. Doubts have to believe most of them.

“I didn’t expect that this Lingfengzi really has a way of doing things… Is there really a way to call the wind and call the rain? The ancestors didn’t talk nonsense?”

The old man stroked his beard and muttered softly.

Young man triumphantly: “I’m just saying this is true, Master, you still don’t believe me.”

Lao Dao rolled his eyes and said to himself:

“In this way, the situation in Ning Tianfu has changed… The demon hides in the dark and is sheltered by the powerful. I can’t help him, but there may be a way for this spirit.”

The teenager was surprised: “Master, are we going to find this Lingfengzi?”

Old Daoist was also a little hesitant, and said in a low voice:

“I haven’t made up my mind about being a teacher. I don’t know what kind of person this Lingfengzi is. Judging from his relationship with the powerful, he doesn’t seem to be a decent Taoist. If he also has the intention of making trouble with magic, then he is not the same as us. , we hurriedly came to the door, maybe it was a self-inflicted snare.”

“Yes, yes, I think so too.” The boy nodded quickly.

Lao Dao glanced at him and immediately changed his words: “Even your stupid head thinks It seems that I should go and see this Lingfengzi.”


The boy’s face twitched and he felt Master’s deep malice.

The old Taoist stroked his beard and pondered: “No matter what, this Lingfengzi has not yet caused any trouble, even if he has the heart of clinging to the powerful, he will definitely be interested when he learns that another demon is hidden in the city, no Sitting and watching the opponent hide in the dark. And we are not his fellows, as long as he doesn’t come to trouble him, he probably doesn’t want to provoke us… So this side can be seen.”

“Although Master is reasonable…but we still don’t know Lingfengzi’s personality. This is all speculation, and this trip is still dangerous.”

The boy scratched his head and muttered.

Old Dao snorted: “Master has something to do, and the disciple will serve you well. If Lingfengzi really gets into trouble, I’ll leave you there and cut it off, and help the old man to smear oil on the soles of his feet.”

“…Master, is it too late for me to cut ties with you now?”


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