Ask the Mirror Chapter 65: Big Cat, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

The light blue thunder light swept across, and everyone, whether human or ghost, was knocked to the ground. The booming sound in the air was also lethal, especially to the ghost cultivators. For a moment, the ghost cultivators over there were all struck by the sound of thunder. It was shaking so hard that it was about to collapse.

However, Kou Chu, who was so close, was not affected in any way. On the contrary, he clearly heard the voice of the visitor and immediately identified the visitor’s identity:

“Xianchang Lu!”

At this moment, Kou Chu was so moved that he almost cried, if he still had tears.

There is nothing more exciting than getting a strong arm reaching out before drowning, especially when it is the goal it calls in its heart, arriving in time when it should appear most.

Who would believe it if it was not God’s will?

Yu Ci walked out of the mist in a four-wheeled vehicle, pushed by Lu Qing. It was a coincidence that Kou Chu’s location happened to be near the outpost of Changqing Gate. When he saw the ghost cultivator with whom he was quite destined, he was in trouble, so he saved him.

Besides, he is a little curious.

The sight of demons dancing around here is naturally very strange to the eyes of a normal person like Yu Ci. Moreover, he was also somewhat impressed by the colorful light threads.

I remember that before I broke through the sandstorm and entered Huayan City, I saw a guy emitting colorful light threads in a certain city on the surface, shouting nondescript spells, and went out to confront the flying armored demon dragon. Later, he still He and Lu Qing came to the rescue. Of course, the trouble was caused by the two of them…

Yu Ci still remembers that this kind of colorful light was useless against the flying armored demon dragon, but he didn’t expect it to have such an effect?

Nodding to the ghost cultivator surnamed Kou, Yu Ci drove to the group of unusual cultivators and glanced around.

Being hit by a five-thunder talisman that penetrated the orifice three times, even if Yu Ci deliberately controlled the damage, these monks would never feel uncomfortable. At this time, all they could do was huddle on the ground, twitching all over. The guy who had taken Ghost Prison Powder before was so unbearable that he passed out with urine and excrement. Two of the ghost cultivators couldn’t hold on anymore, and their Yin bodies began to dissipate. of.

These people should also be victims. Yu Ci thought for a moment and shot two spiritual lights into their bodies with a snap of his fingers. This is the life-enhancing Duerben star spell. It belongs to the series of the Twelve Yuanchen talismans and is related to the soul-resurrecting star. The curses come from the same line. As long as a little spiritual light is immortal, it can maintain the recipient’s spiritual clarity and protect a glimmer of life. The specific effect depends on the attainment of the talisman and the degree of understanding of the talisman.

As soon as he took action, Yu Ci felt that there was something obviously different about using the talismans of the Liandu series here.

As for the specifics, he didn’t care about it for the time being. After confirming that the two severely injured ghost cultivators would not dissipate, he focused on the other three ghost cultivators who caused all this to happen.

In terms of cultivation, the three ghost cultivators who came to intercept later were no better than the other group of people, but with the help of colorful light threads, they had an absolute advantage. Even when the lightning struck just now, the colorful light threads also had a protective effect. The injuries suffered by these three guys were obviously lighter than those of the others.

However, when Yu Ci searched deliberately, he found nothing related to it.


Yu Ci scratched his head a little. At this time, Kou Chu finally came to his senses and rushed up to him in a few steps. He kept shouting “Shangxian Bodhisattva, Great Merciful and Great Compassion”. He kept saying confusing prayers but it was not enough. Finally he knelt down and kowtowed. It’s like smashing garlic, I just wish I couldn’t shed tears, I couldn’t show more gratitude and admiration

“Okay, okay!”

Yu Ci couldn’t stand it. He just happened to meet him at the right time. He was not a **** who had incarnated millions of gods. If this person was really addicted to worshiping him, he would shout “Shangxian Bodhisattva” when he was in trouble, and he would probably die miserably in the end. .

Awakening Kou Chu, Yu Ci asked him about the details of these people. Kou Chu told him everything he could, but it was obvious that the information could not be sorted out in a clear direction. At this time, one of the monks who had been knocked unconscious by lightning finally woke up, and Yu Ci turned to him for information.

This monk has a relatively high level of cultivation and has the ability to reach higher levels of spiritual communication. However, he still couldn’t hold his head up in front of the two elixir-returning monks, Yu Ci and Lu Qing, let alone the five thunders he had just struck. The talisman was enough to leave him with a deep sense of fear.

“The immortal learned that we were actually together. We went to the depths of the Wraith Cemetery to dig for treasures, but we met a madman for no reason on the way. He only yelled a few words, and Lao Huang and the others were fascinated. Soul, turned against each other. Seeing that the momentum was not right, we ran back, but we were still blocked…”


“Yes, that person has been asking us to believe in the ‘Great Lord of the Ten Directions’ and some mantras, but his words are incoherent and must be crazy.”

“That colorful light thread, isn’t it the original ability of your companions?”

“Of course not.” The monk said with absolute certainty.

Add both sides together, and you almost have some clues. Moreover, when talking to Kou Chu and others, Yu Ci also scanned through the divine pictures. There were no masters above the Buxu realm in the surrounding area, and the picture looked very clear. He followed the direction in which the monks had fled, and traced it back. The target was not found yet, but he saw some relatively clear traces.

If it is true as people say, that guy is a delirious person, and he obviously will not cover up his traces. Yu Ci thought for a while, then drove over there to extend the scope of the divine map. Lu Qing naturally followed behind, and the human monk who had just woken up did not dare to move. Kou Chu mustered up his courage and followed timidly, and Yu Ci did not stop him.

Ten miles passed in the blink of an eye, Yu Ci smiled, and the target was indeed still there.

On the edge of the illuminated picture, a vaguely familiar figure appeared. Sure enough, it was the guy who went out of the city to fight the flying armored demon dragon in the sandstorm. At that time, I had some admiration for his courage, but looking back now, it’s a different feeling.

In the picture of the gods, Yu Ci looked at it carefully. The man had disheveled hair and was wearing a new Taoist robe. He was running in a hurry, looking back from time to time with a hurried expression. It was impossible to tell whether the man was conscious or not, but Yu Ci guessed that the man should have a relatively clear sense of the success or failure of the target he controlled. He might even sense the contrast in strength and turn around and run away when he knew he was outmatched.

Yu Ci has not yet decided whether to meet him now, but it is certain to implant the divine star. At that moment, a star flew out, flying over dozens of miles in the blink of an eye, pointing directly at the human brain palace, and soon disappeared into the top door, but then, the star popped out!

Yu Ci was shocked and controlled the starlight again, but the result was the same.

Before I could figure it out, there was a sudden flash of white light in the scene over there. The man yelled and fell to the ground forcefully due to the white light. The speed of the white light was so fast that Yu Ci was startled. When he looked closely, he saw a snow-white, plump big cat.

This is…

Yu Ci’s upper body, which was leaning on the back of the chair, straightened up. Dozens of miles away, the man who was knocked down was also struggling to get away from the big cat and trying to get up. However, at this time, the cat poked its head out like lightning. , ah, bite him on the throat, tear it out, and tear out the man’s throat, blood gushes out, and in a blink of an eye, the big cat’s mouth is dyed blood red, which contrasts with the snow-white fur, which makes people’s hair stand on end. .

The Huandan monk’s body-protecting Zhensha actually had no effect at all and was broken with one attack. The man wanted to scream, but couldn’t. At the same time, colorful threads of light appeared crazily on his body, stinging, entangling, or lashing out. In short, he wanted to drive the big cat away, but these had no effect on the big cat. It had no effect at all. After one bite, the cat squatted coldly on his chest. Its plump body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and it did not change at all due to Cai Si or his struggle.

At this time, Yu Ci had already confirmed the breed of the big cat, which was a quite expensive lion cat.

The vitality of Huandan monk is very strong. This kind of trauma that is fatal to ordinary people is not fatal. But soon, the man’s whole body twitched strangely, his whole skin was turning blue, and his vitality was rapidly disappearing. .

Obviously, the mouth of the lion cat is poisonous, and it is the kind of poison that can directly kill the Huandan monk!

The man suddenly stopped moving, but the colorful light threads did not stop emerging. Instead, they were cut off from the body, wrapped in a shadow, and flew away into the distance. It was the Yin Shen of the Dan Huan cultivator.

The lion cat’s mandarin duck eyes, one yellow and one blue, narrowed into slits, and opened its red mouth as if yawning, followed by a roar. The sound waves shook the atmosphere, forming visible ripples, illuminating the spirit. The pictures shown in the pictures are somewhat turbulent.

In this sound wave, the colorful rays of light burst, and the lion cat’s plump body had already pounced on it, opening and closing its mouth again, and actually swallowed the ghost shadow directly, and then burped.

Is this the end?

Seeing all this, Yu Ci grinned and unconsciously touched his throat. To be honest, if you only look at it from the outside, the chubby lion cat is quite cute, but seeing the change of the rabbit and the falcon just now, anyone will feel a chill down their spine.

He also noticed that the last roar should never be the sound of a cat.

The lion cat swallowed the man’s ghost, walked slowly and slowly, returned to the body of the man, walked around in a circle, stretched out a front paw, exposed its sharp claws, and scratched the body , and the man’s clothes were torn.

This action is very humane. Next, the lion cat’s behavior further proves this point: it used its claws to carefully search for the man’s relics, pulled out many things one after another, and gathered them together hastily, and it was extremely flexible. He used his front paws to pull off a piece of the corpse’s outer robe, wrapped it up, and then bit it in his mouth, which was quite secure. Of course, it did not forget that before leaving, it used its sharp claws to cut off the little finger of the corpse’s left hand. On top of it was the storage ring.

Well, this is a cat that can search corpses.

It only took about half an hour to finish all this. During this period, if Yu Ci had gone all out, he could of course have stopped it, but he finally remembered Lu Qing’s advice and was not prepared to be poisoned. When injured, it is easy to get involved in the muddy water that is completely unknown, so there is no speed.

Of course, he had other ways. The divine star that had been rejected just now was reactivated and descended to the lion cat’s brain palace.

Then…it popped out.

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