Ask the Mirror Chapter 48: Reunion under the catastrophe (Part 2), the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

From the beginning, Yu Ci was not talking to Yao Lao, but to a strong man who was already confident. How could it be as smooth as trading with a gambler who was losing his life?

So, from beginning to end, Yu Ci has been trying every means to contact and communicate with Mrs. Huanrong. As for the previous unpleasantness between the two, who still remembers it?

The biggest mistake Yao Lao made was that he did not completely seal off all connections between the inside and outside of the demon void. Demonic Void still cut off most of the connections between the inside and outside, but from the moment Mrs. Huanrong’s words came in, it proved that its sealing effect was already worsening significantly.

At the same time, weather waves broke out at multiple locations in the undersea mountains. This was caused by the reaction of the undersea leylines pulled by the Nine Palace Demon Realm. During the confrontation between Yu Ci and Ya Lao, Mrs. Huanrong, Jue The fight between the two brothers and sisters of the same sect, Shanmajun, has entered a fierce stage. In the battle between Wutong and Yuran, two seemingly different paths to the Lord of God, there is no longer any possibility of “compromising”.

The complicated conflicts and intersections of qi; the higher level of confrontation between gods and wills; and even in the great network of the laws of heaven and earth, they move and change, or blend to borrow the power of heaven and earth, or split to form arbitrary trends , various changes, although only a claw and a claw came in through the gap in the Demonic Void, but they also allowed Yu Ci to truly see the unreserved fighting skills of the Master of Tribulation.

From another perspective, in the system of the Nine Palaces Demon Realm, even if the warring parties collide and impact thousands or tens of thousands of times, in fact, the wear and tear on each other is not great. Hedging and further utilizing all the wonderful features in the Demon Realm, including the laws of heaven and earth involved, the levels of both parties are actually increasing at an alarming rate.

Yu Ci had a vague feeling: whoever uses the Nine Palaces Demon Realm to cross a certain “upper limit” first will achieve the position of Demon Lord in one fell swoop – this is definitely true for Mrs. Huanrong, but for Demon Lord Jue Here, the last fruit will definitely be enjoyed by Yao Lao.

As for the Mingtang Palace, Qin Xing, who has been infected by the Demon Lord Huiyuan, can be said to be the only “resource” that is still idle. Both warring parties are trying to control it, but it is still an evenly matched situation. However, As Mrs. Huan Rong responded, the balance of power tended to tilt towards the Demon King.

The change was precisely due to Mrs. Huanrong’s distraction and impact on the Demonic Void around the valley.

Mrs. Huanrong’s decision is not ruthless. Her current purpose is very clear, which is to use her temporary disadvantage to gain Yu Ci’s support.

Yu Ci also calculated clearly that among the five palaces involved in Mrs. Huanrong’s quest to become the Demon Lord of Desire, not counting the seat occupied by the Great Brahma Demon King, there are still four palaces, among which she herself lives in the bridal chamber palace. The position of the master, the extremely good demon king, is in the Taihuang Palace, the position of the demon master Ji Miao, and the demon-tainted Qin Xing is in the Mingtang Palace.

The remaining position of the Fearless Demon Lord in the Jade Emperor Palace was originally reserved for Jian Ziyu and Zimo Hongchendeng, but the Jueshan Demon Lord “informed” Jian Ziyu of his plan before. As long as Jian Ziyu was not a fool, it would have been overdue at this time. If you fly far away, there will be no hope.

But if it is possible to open up the inside and outside of the Demonic Void and let Yu Ci throw any of the two immortal real-level clones and dependents, Gui Yan and Hei Jiao, into it and successfully infect them, then the disadvantage here will be eliminated immediately. It becomes an advantage and the situation is naturally reversed.

From the current point of view, although Yao Lao has a high realm, there is always a limit to the number of clones he can keep. Even if they bet on Lu Chen’s power, even if they are one against six, Yao Lao will not dare to pay attention!

The Heavenly Demon Void cannot last long. With the support of the Nine Palaces Demon Realm, Mrs. Huanrong’s understanding of the laws of heaven and earth has increased over time. Yu Ci relies on the vitality of the three directions and the twelve layers of blue sky. The closed system lies in the middle, and relying on his own Void Method, Ya Lao’s Heavenly Demon Void can never be perfected.

Now that the internal and external attacks have blasted the Demon Void into cracks everywhere, it is almost done.

Yu Lao’s reaction was strange. He collected the Taiyuan Hidden Star to hold the Heavenly Demon Immeasurable Technique. When the black tide receded and the big star disappeared, his crow clone suddenly let out a loud squawk and spread his arms. On the wings, blood traces snaked, dividing into two demonic lines, and spread quickly, as if countless **** mouths were torn open on the crow wings.

As the wings flapped, each blood mouth seemed to come alive. From each blood mouth, there was emitted a faint devilish sound, such as a harp, a harp, a zither, a zither, a drum, a flute, or a human voice. , bird language, beast roar, ghost howl, the sounds are different and the tones are different.

But these thousands of different sounds are arranged neatly, like pulling one string, and hundreds of sounds resonate. This is vaguely the method of the Rakshasa Ghost King… No, not one string, but two strings!

Through the vibration of the two strings, two types of information of different natures are sent and resonate with the relevant laws of heaven and earth, thus forming two things similar to channels, one end is connected to the black wings of the crow clone, and the other is One end was thrown into the void and received a quick response.

Two suffocating thoughts were projected over, and black flames ignited on the crow’s wings, instantly burning the wings. However, two distorted shadows also appeared in the black flames.

“It’s the wings of Mofa, so be careful!”

Along with the warning, there is also corresponding intelligence information sent by Huan Rong.

Before today, the Black Feather Heavenly Demon King was one of the most famous free-spirited demons in the Northland Demon Sect. Although his demonic skills were earth-shattering, he never followed the path of a demon lord. He must have the ability to dye his followers. Yes, but there is no ability in the Demon Lord’s method to absorb faith, catalyze the level of dependents, and cultivate higher true species.

The dyeing of the magic consciousness method is more like a one-time deal. It is done after swallowing the opponent’s true seed. In this case, it is better to keep improving.

Why is the Demon King Wu Yu able to occupy an honorable position in the Demon Sect? The two extraterrestrial demons of the Mo Dharma Lord level that he has transformed into are an eye-popping support. Because of this, he can go directly to the Yuanshi Demon Lord to listen to the lectures in the Nine Heavens Outer Territory. He can come and go with ease, unlike others. within reach.

Of course, if we really bring two demons of the final Dharma Lord level into the true world, it will be a complete disaster for the creatures in this world. The will of the laws of heaven and earth will immediately rain down countless catastrophes and turn them into flying creatures. Hui, and a sect like Bajing Palace will do whatever it takes to use the power of the earthly immortals in the palace, even if it means starting a full-scale war with the Demon Sect.

What Yao Lao can do at this time is to channel the will of the “Double Wings of Mofa” to form two projections. Also restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, if he wants to fall into two great realms in succession, at most he will only be at the level of the Immortal Master. , even so, it’s enough!

He did not let the two projections of nothingness confront Guiyan and Mrs. Huanrong head-on. Instead, in the midst of chanting, he tapped his mind twice, and the two projections that had just entered this world turned into You Guang invested in two locations in the Nine Palace Demon Realm that were about to be forgotten.

The position of Ye Mo in Xuandan Palace is the position of Void Palace in Tianting Palace!

As for the crow clone that had lost its wings and was extremely weird and ugly, it screamed again, and countless bright lights burst out from head to toe. In the end, the entire bird’s body turned into a void of light and shadow, with only a little sparkle flying. He came out, walked away through the air, and finally fell into the otherworld of Liuzhu Palace.

In the valley, only Guiyan and Black Dragon were left, as well as the Master of Qinglang Mountain who was struggling in his womb.

The demon void suddenly shattered.

However, neither Guiyan inside the valley, nor Yu Ci after that, nor Mrs. Huanrong outside the valley, showed any joy at all.

Because in a wider area, the dark void expands, and there are nine twilight points, one by one.

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