Ask the Mirror Chapter 407: Li Ge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

In the darkness, Yu Ci suddenly woke up from a deep sleep because the dew soaked his hair and slid down his brow bone with a cold feeling. When he opened his eyes, the shadow of the rock behind him enveloped him, blocking the mountain wind. Beyond the shadow, there was thick fog.

The heavy fog has been going on for a while, covering a wide area, but now that the wind has started, it must be the end of the war. Now he is at the top of a certain mountain peak, and the specific location is difficult to determine. He had been sleeping rough these days and encountered this heavy fog, which completely destroyed his geographical cognition except for his sense of direction. All he knew was that he was heading west now. More importantly, he could only wait until he saw those iconic mountains and rivers before making a judgment.

He touched his chin and felt a little prickly, and his clothes were quite dirty. He just looked embarrassed on the outside, but now he really didn’t feel better anywhere in his body.

That day, he followed Shadow Ghost’s suggestion and hid thousands of feet underground. Unexpectedly, he still couldn’t escape Fang Hui’s great magical power. He was illuminated by the blood light that penetrated, and then his whole body’s bones and muscles felt uncomfortable.

Cut the meridians and cut off the pulse? Divided muscles and wrong bones? Thousands of ants eating the heart? Those legendary adjectives are not very appropriate. Yu Ci feels that all the bones in his body have been smashed and then spliced ​​together, all the muscles in his body have been torn and then glued together, and all the vitality in his body has boiled and then cooled down. Go on, do it again and again.

What’s even more uncomfortable is that the feeling is not explosive, but has lasting power. For a period of time after that, a similar feeling continued to exist. Even if the intensity decreased day by day, the feeling was still miserable! But it has to be said that there is really no limit to human adaptability. From being unable to sleep for ten days and nights to sleeping soundly as usual last night, the journey was truly emotional.

“Last night, your muscles and fascia were strengthened by about half a percent, Baodan Zhensha was slightly increased by two points, and the Yinshen side almost stopped. If this momentum continues, in another seven or eight days, this Your potential is about to reach its limit, hey, congratulations.”

Shadow Ghost has always been sarcastic, but the information he gave was somewhat useful.

Yu Ci clenched his fist, spontaneously ignoring the discomfort on his body, and seriously felt the surging power within it. This feeling only occurred once when he first became a Yin Shen and stimulated his whole body’s potential, and it was never this intense.

From that day to the present, apart from the routine pain, Yu Ci feels that her muscles and bones are strong, her qi and blood are strong, her true spirit is abundant, and her yin and spirit are condensed, like a red-hot furnace. She is in really good condition. , but the fuel is not very suitable…

At this time, strong winds were blowing on the top of the mountain, and the fog dispersed much faster than on the plains. I just watched the layers of white fog pushing and flying into the distance. The field of vision became wider and wider. In the end, I used my full eyesight. , another mountain top has been vaguely visible. Looking up, there are a few stars shining.

“It’s… the middle of the night.”

Yu Ci stood up and looked into the distance in the direction of the mist flow, gradually passing over several nearby mountains. He could vaguely see that the fog was heavier over there. Looking closely, he could only feel that thousands of miles of clouds were moving, like the sea and the tide. , seemingly boundless. Seeing this situation, he was stunned and gave a high-five. The perception that was confused by the heavy fog suddenly became clear:

It turns out to be the Sky Rift Valley.

Unexpectedly, he is back again!

Flying through the void like a bird, piercing the clouds and mist between high cliffs and deep valleys, circling for several weeks, Yu Ci felt quite emotional in his heart. He was not interested in going into details about what it was, but just felt the surge in his heart. wonderful emotions.

From his side, the clouds and mist in the Sky Rift Valley seemed to extend infinitely, but rationally he knew that there would be an end here.

Going west will lead to the Buddhist Kingdom of the West, where the three thousand sword immortals fell. Going north will lead to the freest and most chaotic Northern Wilderness area in the world. Going south will lead to the seal. The “Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave” with thousands of demons and demon kings, and the Six Barbarian Mountains where great demons are entrenched.

When Yu Ci was still struggling with the “Three Mortal Passes” and could only walk with his legs and feet, the vast Broken Boundary Mountain seemed boundless and vast, and it seemed that it would never end. But now, he has entered the initial stage of returning elixir, and driving the Void Divine Movement Talisman is like having a pair of invisible wings. Let the sky be high and the sea be vast, I can travel in Taixu, flying as fast as lightning, and the feeling is completely different.

Has the world become smaller? Or is it broader?

Yu Ci turned around and looked in the direction he came from. After a while, he turned his face again, facing the boundless clouds and mist. He took a deep breath and suddenly roared high in the sky. The sound waves swept in all directions, impacting the clouds and mist, shocking hundreds of miles away. Birds of prey and ferocious beasts were in a rage.

After whistling, Yu Ci grinned and suddenly raised his voice: “Uncle Jie, are you there?”

This is a question, but it is completely a confirmation tone.

No one responded, but after a few breaths, a tall and thin figure emerged from the billowing clouds.

Xie Liang is very strange. With his cultivation level, he should not be discovered by Yu Ci anyway. But at the moment, he was not in the mood to delve deeper. He just kept a straight face and looked at Yu Ci from a distance. He wanted to speak, but he didn’t know what to say.

On the other hand, Yu Ci acted more at ease. He held the mirror tightly in his sleeves with his fingers. Fang smiled and said, “Thank you for your hard work, uncle. I’ve been following you for the past few days and it’s been very difficult for me.”

If you listen to another person, you might think he is sarcastic, but Xie Liang is different. He still prefers to go step by step and go straight to the point: “Are you… willing to go back with me?”

Yu Ci laughed again and again. This time he simply stopped talking and just shook his head.

“There is one thing you must be clear about, Patriarch Fang’s Marrow Burning Curse…”

“Ah, is it called the Marrow Burning Curse?” Yu Ci was stunned: “I see, it is indeed more appropriate.”

“You… know?”


Yu Ci smiled slightly, the Seven-Star Sword was already in his hand, and he slashed across the sky. The clouds and mist flowing endlessly on the side were actually stagnated. Something was filled in by the sword energy, and then the whole ground disintegrated, opening a long and reaching A hundred feet of corridor.

Xie Liang remained silent.

Yu Ci sheathed the sword and said with a smile: “Even a fool would know that this state is abnormal. The intensity of the true evil in my body has increased by at least 50%, and it is still growing. Although the momentum has slowed down, But in the end, doubling it is not a problem. This is the handiwork of Patriarch Fang, but this person will never let people take advantage of him, and the sequelae will definitely be serious.”

“That’s right.”

Xie Liang said hesitantly: “This Marrow Burning Curse is good for stimulating the human body’s potential, but it does so at the expense of a person’s innate vitality. The greater the potential it stimulates, the greater the loss. In fact, it will reduce your longevity. ! I measured the original area and estimated that the damage should be about half…”

“Half of it?” Yu Ci looked up at the sky, not letting Xie Liang see his expression, but he smiled again after a while.

How cruel!

He entered the Huandan realm and achieved a flawless body. His lifespan was limited to about three hundred years. However, after being cursed, he only had one hundred and fifty years left, and he still had to dissect the previous thirty years. After a lot of consumption, what was left in the end was only a hundred years.

A hundred years!

To ordinary people, it may be considered a lifetime, but in the world of spiritual practice, a hundred years is just a time to doze off.

“This kind of loss is irreversible and continuous. Even if you enter the Buxu realm, this loss will still exist, that is, you will always have half the life span of monks of the same level, unless you achieve something Immortality, otherwise…”

Except for someone as talented as Yu Qingxuan, who else can achieve immortality within a hundred years?

Of course, it’s not just a hundred years. If he can enter the Buxu realm within a hundred years, he can naturally extend his life and buy time for subsequent cultivation. But no matter what, this is an extremely cruel and deadly method, which hits the critical point that the monk fears most.

“But there are benefits, right?”

Yu Ci responded lightly. He knew better than Xie Liang expected. Although he has lost contact with Xingtian, after all, there is a guy like Shadow Ghost next to him. He even guessed and knew that this “marrow-burning curse” not only stimulates the human body’s potential, but also makes people excited, resulting in a great increase in explosive power. It is one point of force, and when used, it has an effect of one point and five points, and before the potential is exhausted, the speed of practice will also increase, etc…

Xie Liang stopped talking again, and Yu Ci showed him a big smile: “I know, Uncle Xie, this is a deal, right.”

Without waiting for Xie Liang to respond, he continued: “You don’t have to tell me, let me guess. Fang Hui must have the condition of ‘as long as the junior bows his head, let’s forget about it’? Of course, if I don’t know how to praise, , Needless to say, the consequences. If it weren’t for this, you wouldn’t have followed me for ten days, hesitating about this and that… Ha, I’m so worried!”

The more relaxed he spoke, the more Xie Liang knew that he could see clearly, and he also understood that his mind became firmer.

“Yes, you won’t go back.”

“Of course I won’t go back!”

Yu Ci responded clearly that this was not out of anger, but a decision made after careful consideration: “It would be nice to go back suddenly and see the expression on Patriarch Fang’s miscalculation, but since it is a transaction and the price has never been agreed upon, The reason for adding more money. I went back and broke everyone’s tacit understanding. Who knows what it will be like in the future… From a profit perspective, right?”

Xie Liang frowned. Even though he was the initiator of this matter, he still didn’t like this argument.

Then Yu Ci laughed again: “I like to use the sword. Once the sword is drawn, life and death will be seen. How can there be room to raise my hands and ask for mercy? Unless I no longer use the sword in the future, otherwise, I will not go back… From the practice It should be right.”

In this regard, Xie Liang acquiesced.

“Then there is Yu Guanzhu…”

Xie Liang raised his head suddenly, his eyes burning.

Yu Ci smiled slightly: “In the past few days, I sometimes think about a question, why did the old man like the old man go to the Star Reaching Tower like that? He went there with such vigor that it was impossible to ignore it. Later I I figured it out, he also wants me to leave. With my temperament, if He Qing hadn’t done everything right, after understanding the reason, maybe he would really leave and go to a wider world outside. Maybe , is that the place that the viewer also longs for? It’s just that He Qing is more ruthless and pathetic than he imagined…

Xie Liang was silent for a long time, then squeezed out four words from between his teeth: “Random thoughts!”

In response to Xie Liang’s answer, Yu Ci burst out laughing, and as his laughter faded, he bowed in the air and saluted:

“Uncle Master Jie, thank you very much. You are here at this time. There are people to see you off, and the atmosphere is good. It is much better than the bereaved dog before. I can be regarded as respecting the master’s order to travel far, so No more delays…”

Xie Liang interrupted him with one sentence: “Nonsense!”

Yu Ci did not defend himself. He listened to the wind blowing from all directions, but the clear melody sounded clearly in his ears, so he clapped his hands and sang: “The sky is connected with the clouds, the waves are connected with the dawn mist, and the stars are about to turn and thousands of sails are dancing. . It’s as if the dream soul has returned to the emperor’s home. Hearing Tian’s words, he asked me where I was going…”

Xie Liang’s lips moved, and when he was about to reach the lower gate, he finally sang in a hoarse voice: “I report that the road is long and the sun is setting, and there are real people who have learned from the immortals…”

Yu Ci ignored these two sentences, and when the hoarse voice was about to die, he sang loudly: “The wind of ninety thousand miles is rising. The wind stops, and the boat blows to the three mountains!” When the wind stops, the boat blows away to the three mountains!”

The long wind blows through the canyon, driving the clouds and passing over the cliff. When it disperses, there are only Jie Liang and the lingering rhyme of the long song in the void, and Yu Ci’s shadow has disappeared.


Today is the first anniversary of posting in Zongheng, so I would like to express my feelings a little bit.

It is purely a coincidence that the first part ends today. This chapter of “Li Ge” is mediocre in terms of plot, but emotional when it comes to writing.

I hereby announce that the questioning is over.

Well, this is the end of the first part.

In terms of traditional Chinese publishing, if you are able to support it, please support it. Don’t let my words come true today… Embarrassing.

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