Ask the Mirror Chapter 343: Anvil, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

Still need to speed up.

Yu Ci took back his sword and saw that the monks from the Ice and Snow Demon Palace formed a formation quickly and impeccably. He just flew away without tangled with them. The Ice and Snow Demonic Palace was not so easy to talk to. During the ups and downs of the formation, a ten-mile cold wave was set off, and all life in the place it passed was wiped out. The momentum was unprecedented.

With a huge radius of ten miles, no matter how fast Yu Ci ran, it was impossible to completely avoid it. The cold wave roared in, and the icy cold air almost penetrated the bone marrow, rapidly consuming the heat in his body and damaging his physical body at the same time.

That’s not all. The Yuanshi Demon Sect inherits the magical power of the heavenly demon. Almost any method has the effect of attacking the mind, and the Ice and Snow Demon Palace is no exception. Yu Ci felt that the meaning of death and annihilation hidden deep in the cold wave was coming with the power of ten miles of ice, trying to shake Yu Ci’s defenses, break his sword, and cause irreparable damage to him.

But even in this situation, Yu Ci still had a conversation going on.

“The sword’s intention is purified, and the inside and outside are the same. Even if the heaven and the earth are overturned, it will not be hindered.”

“I am not afraid now.”

“Can you tell which one has flawless sword intent and which one has fearless dragon power? Mixing them together does have its benefits, but when you encounter a strong man who is good at attacking the soul, this is the way to die. ”

That person suddenly sighed: “Master Yuan Dao is such a person, but because of the excessive killings in the Western Expedition, he also used the power of Xuanhuang Blood Killing to defeat the enemy, so that the sword intention was slightly contaminated, and he was caught… This is not a flaw. A magical calamity will come, and thousands of years of cultivation will be wiped out in the blink of an eye. How dare you not be a warning to those who come after you?”

“Which one?”

“It’s Lord Yuandao.”

“No, I’m talking about the one who killed Master Yuan Dao.”


There was silence on the other side, and Yu Ci was confused. But soon, the other side said: “In this current situation, if you say that name, it will only create side effects.”

It’s not something so appetizing!

Yu Ci was speechless for a moment, but at this time, there was no chance for him to complain. The Ice and Snow Demonic Palace has formed a very powerful control formation. It does not seem to have any particularly sharp killing moves and lacks explosive power. However, the huge control range and endless cold wave oppression are like an ice lake. You are stuck in it and you don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m going to be frozen.

Beheading one of their sect members by surprise, Yuan Wang still responded in this way, and Yu Ci probably understood that man’s plan. There is nothing to hesitate about. For the time being, he doesn’t care about the power of the sword and the dragon, let alone entangle with others. He only uses the sword energy to protect his body and runs all the way to the next void crack.

The formation of the Ice and Snow Demonic Palace is more like a gigantic beast covering an area of ​​ten miles, shaking its head and tail, emitting cold air, and chasing after it.

Yuan Wang controlled the changes in the formation at the center and felt slightly proud. He formed this formation in order to kill Yu Ci as much as possible while forcing this person to go to his destination. Right now it looks like the effect is quite good.

In just half a quarter of an hour, Yu Ci could see a special twisted place in the void in front of him. Without any hesitation, Yu Ci spotted the crack in the void, united his body and sword, and drove straight into it. In the eyes of Yuan Wang and others, Yu Ci’s figure only twisted and then disappeared.

Yuan Wang was not surprised by this. He ordered in an orderly manner, and the formation immediately converged to prevent the strong energy from affecting the stability of the void rift. He and several fellow disciples who had returned to the alchemy level moved forward. Just when the cold wave set off by the formation had weakened to a certain limit, he moved to the outside of the formation, closest to the void crack.

Just as he was about to issue the second wave of orders, a line of sword light suddenly protruded from the twisted void, like a needle and a thorn, extremely sharp.

Yuan Wang was the first to bear the brunt, but he sneered, not surprised at all. The Nine-Ren Bengxue Sword swung in his hand and was accurately sealed in front of the sword light. The upper-level cultivation of Huandan, which was two levels higher, formed an absolute suppression. In the ear-piercing scream, the sword light collapsed like a needle, and Yuan Wang Ze was the first to rush through the crack in the void as if nothing had happened.

Before he had time to observe his surroundings, another sword energy broke through the air and made a chirping sound. Yuan Wang didn’t even bother to block it this time. Jiu Ren Beng Snow Sword shook, and the sword energy burst like a snow waterfall, running through the air with a thunderous sound, sweeping across a huge area in front of it that was ten feet wide.

With a series of “click” sounds, the obstacle in front of Yuan Wang was crushed to pieces by the wave of Snow Swords in the blink of an eye. In the sky full of snow powder and smoke, a figure flew out, and before landing, he controlled the sword again. Flying away, gone in the blink of an eye, it was Yu Ci.

“A broken strategy.”

Yuan Wang sighed, but did not pursue. Instead, he stood firmly on the spot and controlled the field for his fellow disciples who came from behind. However, this did not mean that no one greeted Yu Ci, who was following him closely. The man had already kept silent and followed him up, acting like this, showing off his sophistication.

When everyone here came over and the man who was chasing Yu Ci from a distance also sent back the news, Yuan Wang showed no expression on his face and ordered to reorganize the formation and continue to press forward with this majestic posture, not giving Yu Ci any chance. Any chance of a comeback.

“So what if you can guess my plan? How long can this junior survive under the cold wave of annihilation? If you want to save your life, you should obediently go to those valuable places and try to divert the ‘attention’ here , is your only choice.”

Not to mention the calculation in Yuan Wang’s sneer, Yu Ci was really squeezed here. Yuan Wang is harsh, cruel and even paranoid. But seriously, he acted impeccably. Even for him, who was barely at the beginning of Huandan, he gathered all his strength and suppressed him with all his strength, leaving people speechless.

But Yuan Wang is not the roundworm in Yu Ci’s belly after all, so he doesn’t know that Yu Ci is in a really good mood now.

They fought each other’s offense and defense, and when they exchanged swords with Yuan Wang, Ci was actually at a disadvantage. Yuan Wang’s Jiuren Bengxue Sword is indeed unique. It is as tall as a mountain and moves like an avalanche. It is overwhelming at every turn. He always finds opportunities to use his huge advantage in cultivation to force Yu Ci to collide with him head-on. At this time, Yu Ci’s internal organs were shaken and she was slightly injured.

But on the spiritual level, he has a very clear and quiet state, and has a special feeling.

Actually, it was not a sword fight, but a “sword refining”.

The collision of the swords is not mysterious in avoiding the real and attacking the weak. Instead, it is like the clanging iron embryo under the anvil. Countless impurities fly out with the splashing sparks. The pure “weight” may be somewhat reduced, but it is The general shape of the sword embryo was revealed.

“No matter how good Tianlong’s true intention is, it is not your sword intention; no matter how broad your sword intention is, it cannot accommodate those ‘non-sword’ qualities. To refine a sword, you must give up and discard impurities. Those things that are not related to the sword The ‘good things’ that are incompatible with each other must also be discarded! Only the sword intention that belongs completely to you can complete the resonance and start the path of sword cultivation… You are not a person on this path, but at least you have to do it on face.”

The person who has been explaining in his ears, every word is in line with Yu Ci’s reality. Yu Ci has indeed benefited a lot from it. The most valuable thing is that he has discovered the mystery of sword cultivation. If he can really “give up”, he can step into the field of sword cultivation in one step, and then he will not have to worry about whether the practice is correct or not for a long time.

However, if it is really easy to “give up”, how can Yu Ci still be “Yu Ci”?

The chase continued, and Yu Ci was still unable to escape the cold wave of annihilation most of the time. So far, he has passed through two more void rifts, but at the same time, the Ice and Snow Demon Palace is also chasing after him non-stop.

“The fourth…”

Judging from the route map, there are only three voids left to cover the distance from the final location. Yu Ci glanced back in the midst of her busy schedule, and turned around again. The cold wave behind her also deflected, causing a whistling roar.

He still plunged into the void crack neatly and neatly, causing the formation behind to stop for a moment. Yuan Wang repeated his old trick and led his elite troops to cross over first. Unexpectedly, this time it was different from the previous one. A wave of people rushed into the new void, but they suddenly discovered:

Yu Ci…is gone?

The shock only lasted for a moment, and the fluctuation of the void rift gave him the clearest hint. He turned around suddenly and saw that Yu Ci was like a phantom, his body and sword merged into one, and he actually crashed into the crack in the void where people were still coming from. When the sword light approached, the monks from the Ice and Snow Demon Palace were accustomed to the previous rhythm, but were suddenly disrupted for a moment, and no one could block it.

This is a true comeback.

When Yuan Wang turned around, Yu Ci had already been knocked back and there was no trace of him.

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