Ask the Mirror Chapter 322: Washing, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

“If everything goes well…” Xuan Huang’s words were actually not very confident.

Yu Ci was noncommittal. After sorting out the scattered information, he looked back. From his current position, he could still see the figure of the leader of the Chongqi Sect. Under his armor, there seemed to be a mist.

“Blood Hell Ghost Mansion…what does he want to do?”

In fact, if the leader of the Chongqi Sect only wanted a tunnel leading to the Blood Hell Ghost Mansion, Yu Ci would have one, but things were obviously not that simple.

Xuanhuang’s plan here failed, so he came up with another plan: “Let’s go around to the front of the Star Orbit Sword Domain and sneak in. As long as I’m here, that won’t be a problem.”

Yu Ci was seriously moved, and then shook his head. Facing such a person, improvised plans would probably not end well.

Yu Ci took another look from afar and said to Xuanhuang: “The situation is good and bad. The good news is that this person and the owner of Shenjian Cave are probably not on the same side. The bad news is that this one seems to be more difficult to deal with than the other one! ”

If he really had to choose between a well-known enemy and an unpredictable enemy, Yu Ci would rather choose the former.

“No matter how difficult it is, as long as Star Rail Sword Domain is here…”

Before he finished speaking, Yu Ci felt a dull sound in his ears. Before he could understand what was going on, Xuanhuang suddenly became mute. Yu Ci turned around and saw that at the end of the Garden of No Life and No Death, the void was swaying like rippling lake water, making the images behind it become erratic.

He and Xuanhuang were both speechless. After being stunned for a moment, Yu Ci asked tentatively: “Is it broken?”

“Not yet…”

“That’s fast.” Yu Ci asserted, while Xuanhuang couldn’t answer at all.

This time, Xuanhuang was really nervous. In the center of Guixu, there is Qu Wujie recuperating from his injuries, and Yuan Dao’s coffin is parked. No matter which one it is, it cannot be lost, but now, with its current state, there is nothing you can do but watch!

As he spoke, the wave-like vibrations tended to spread, not only in the Star Rail Sword Domain, but also spread to the Garden of No Life and No Death, making the starry sky hazy, like falling into a dream. Yu Ci couldn’t avoid it and was trapped in it. However, this wave of shock did not cause any actual damage. He only felt his skin numb and passed away. Judging from its spread of power, it might not be a problem even three to five miles away.

“How big is the whole Guixu?”

“Not counting the outer void mezzanine, the radius is about forty miles.”

The impact of the shock wave was quite wide. Yu Ci calculated it in his mind and said in surprise: “The momentum is quite big. Aren’t you afraid of disturbing the grass and alarming the snake?”

When he was confused, the man waved to him before he saw the Star Rail Sword Domain. Yu Ci thought about it and walked over.

“Tell me the answer.”

You gave me less than a quarter of an hour! Yu Ci really wanted to push back. According to common sense, it is an impossible task for a person to penetrate dozens or hundreds of void cracks in a quarter of an hour. But Yu Ci knew in his heart that he could do it. , as long as there are creatures like the void rift, he can do it…

What’s even worse is that it seems that the leader of the Chongqi Sect also knows this. The empty eyes on his face seemed to be able to break through all illusions. The only thing worse than facing an elusive guy is undoubtedly facing an elusive guy who also knows everything about him – knowing everything is an exaggeration, but it is no less bad.

Yu Ci spent some effort to control her mentality and at least keep a smile on her face: “There is no place here as the sect master said. There may be creatures behind the crack, but no demons.”

These words are not half false. Just as Xuanhuang said, when Qu Wujie slashed through the void here, his control was already very precise. It would be difficult for him to make any more “mistakes” in connecting to the cultivation world or the Blood Hell Ghost Mansion. There may be creatures on the opposite side, but they are all kinds of strange and strange. The environment is not like this world, but it opens Yu Ci’s eyes.

Hearing this result, the leader of the Chongqi Sect was neither annoyed nor angry, which surprised Yu Ci. After pausing for a moment, he asked tentatively: “So… can I go?”

What answered him was the iron arm that suddenly pressed on his shoulders. Yu Ci didn’t even have the consciousness to dodge, but felt that his body was heavy and he couldn’t move at all. His heart was agitated, thinking that the other party was about to go back on his word, and just as he was about to strike out with his prepared backhand, he saw a layer of runes lighting up on the iron hand on his shoulder, which seemed a bit familiar…

The next moment, Yu Ci saw that the iron hand on his shoulder suddenly became transparent. The same change happened to half of his body, and then it spread rapidly. By the time Yu Ci regained his composure, he had become completely transparent, and the changes in Qi around him had also been affected, becoming extremely obscure. Even if he deliberately held his breath, it would be difficult to achieve this effect.

“Invisibility charm?”

This is the most vulgar name, but the effect is amazing. Yu Ci could confirm that he was indeed “invisible”. Of course, the leader of the Heavy Weapons Sect in front of him disappeared one step earlier than him. After that, the pressure on his shoulders disappeared, and Yu Ci could no longer grasp the traces of the other party. .

There is a record about the invisibility talisman in the “Shangqing Juxuan Xingshu Secret Teaching Talisman Sutra”, but it is a high-level talisman with seventy-two orifices, and the level of cultivation required is far beyond Yu Ci’s ability. scope. Even now, there is still an unreachable distance. But look at the methods of the leader of the Chongqi Sect, Yu Ci couldn’t help but sigh again:

“…It’s really much stronger!”

Xuanhuang has an ominous sign: “What is he going to do?”

“I don’t know, but I think the most important thing to do now is to run farther!”

As soon as Yu Cicheng took three steps, a roar like a yellow bell came from the side of the Star Rail Sword Domain. This time the impact was much stronger than before. Yu Ci stumbled and looked back in shock, only to see that the shock wave had swept across the center of Guixu, and was spreading through the Garden of No Life and No Death, spreading to the outer reaches.

“Hide quickly!” Xuanhuang warned sharply. Without thinking, Yu Ci jumped several times in succession and rushed into a nearby clump of trees. At this time, the effectiveness of the invisibility charm had not yet worn off. Just as he rushed into the bushes, he also felt a powerful reaction in the distance, and he clicked his tongue:

“The master of Shenjian Cave… has finally been summoned.”

Xuanhuang was silent. Now it seems that the discussion just now about sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers is all nonsense. In this situation, how can they use their blowing wind to ignite the fire?

The phantom flickered twice, and the master of Sinking Sword Cave was like a wisp of smoke, stopping before the limit of the Star Track Sword Domain. Just in time to face Yu Ci’s gaze sideways. Yu Ci narrowed his eyes and was careful not to reveal any clues.

The owner of Shenjian Cave did not pay attention here either. His eyes were completely attracted by the scene behind the Star Rail Sword Domain. Inside, the water-like oscillations may have been so intense that they were distorted. From Yu Ci’s perspective, it looked like someone was “breaking through the water waves” and moving toward the center!

There is no doubt that if anyone can break through the ban, it must be the monster who is the leader of the Heavy Weapons Sect!

“Oops, oops!” But misfortunes never come singly. Before the Star Rail Sword Domain, the master of Shenjian Cave was in a daze for a while. Suddenly, he let out a sharp roar, and his robes moved automatically without wind, making a hunting sound. Dark stripes appeared and spread from them, and finally appeared on his face. The two meet together to form a strange pattern.

Then, he reached out and touched the outer wall of the Star Rail Sword Domain.

With a strange “Zi” sound, the owner of Shenjian Cave was bounced several feet away. Yu Ci’s sharp eyes saw that there were countless cuts on his hands, but no blood seeped out.

“Look, it still works.”

Yu Ci comforted Xuanhuang. Before he finished speaking, the master of Shenjian Cave turned around, turned into a ball of shadow, and rushed forward again. This is the opponent’s shadow body. Yu Ci and Xuanhuang are worried about it. Fortunately, this time, the Star Rail Sword Domain is still showing its power, and the burst of qi blasts the shadow full of holes.

But this time, the owner of Sinking Sword Cave did not stop. A series of sharp curse sounds suddenly burst out from the shadow body that was already riddled with holes. This curse sound has infinite magic power. There was a sudden suffocation in the counterattack, and then there was a “crash” sound, and the shadow’s ever-dark tone seemed to have been rinsed with some kind of liquid, and layers of it suddenly faded away, and the remaining ones were also fading rapidly. middle.

“Shadow is transparent…invisibility?”

Having said that, Yu Ci also knew that this possibility was slim. Moreover, as soon as he left the door, the sound of Yin Yin’s sword sounded in the Garden of No Life and No Death, which seemed to be the energy emitted by the master of Shenjian Cave. At this time, the last bit of shadow color was washed away, and a light layer of water vapor seemed to rise in the void. When the wind blew, it flowed in the direction of the Star Track Sword Domain.

Under Yu Ci’s wide-open eyes, water vapor overflowed the border.

“He was deceived…” Xuanhuang’s remaining sanity groaned. The three-layer talisman was useless, and the Star Rail Sword Domain was useless. This fact dealt a heavy blow to him, but Yu Ci was still Don’t understand what’s going on.

“This is the transformation of the demon sect. It takes off the skin and turns into the body of the invisible demon. It has thousands of changes. Then it is activated with the sword intention of Master Wujie to combine the shadow and the breath of the demon. Pressed to the lowest level, the Star Rail Sword Domain just regarded the water vapor as flowing naturally without any reaction… I finally understood why the thief was willing to wait for so many years. He wanted to perfect this magic skill, and he only had to He can use this condition to get through! That thief has already turned to the side of the demon from outside the territory!”

Xuanhuang groaned first and then roared. He was extremely excited. He was nervous and disappointed. Now his mentality was completely unbalanced and he could not communicate.

Yu Ci was relatively calm. He had never been superstitious about talismans, sword domains, etc. All dead objects will eventually have a way to crack them, not to mention the ancient antiques that have been placed here for tens of thousands of years. The inside and outside have been thoroughly studied.

Now that the matter is over, he is waiting for Xuanhuang to regain his composure. Although this sword spirit has a bad temper, he is still an old monster who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. He should still have the ability to adjust himself.

However, before Xuanhuang could change, he saw another incredible change.

An iron fist punched through the void and hit the outer layer of the Star Orbit Sword Domain that had just been concealed. It was like a slap, “waking up” the monster in the Sword Domain!

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