Ask the Mirror Chapter 32: Gap, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

Yu Ci remained silent for a long time, then turned around and walked to the fence next to him, browsing for a while, then walked to the Zheng and Bu columns on the other side of the hall, looked at them for a long time, and then Turn back.

The veteran is also good-tempered, always waiting with a smile, without any impatience. Yu Ci walked under the fence, thought for a moment, and suddenly asked: “How do you explain this?”

The old Taoist turned his head and saw a layer of ink words turned up on the snow-white wall of the fence. The entry was clearly written: “Entry as a disciple of the outer chamber, a thousand skills!”

Seeing this, Yu Zhou Laodao nodded slightly: “I preside over the meditation on the mind, and I am the leader of the disciples in the outer chamber. I have the authority to include those who have a Taoist mind to practice here. If you have the qualifications and the best character, And disciples who have made great contributions to the sect can also report to the sect and teach the sect’s secrets in order to live forever.”

“What is the secret method, but the magic of immortality?”

“Outer disciples can only obtain the sect’s elixirs at most, and if they live for three hundred years, they are still not considered immortal. They can only be regarded as climbing on the road to immortality.”

“The so-called elixirs are the ones listed on the magic column?”


Yu Ci smiled when he heard this: “It’s a good deal.”

He was referring to the difference of up to 0.000 between Dan Jue and Outer Chamber disciples after they were replaced with good deeds. The old Taoist also laughed: “This sect’s elixir formula is not taught lightly. It cannot be obtained by those who have made great contributions to the sect, but the younger generations think simply…and your three hundred merits are not enough.”

“The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the journey must be taken step by step.” Yu Ci responded.

After a pause, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the opposite side. Directly opposite to his finger was the “cloth” over there, which was the message of good deeds released by the monks of the Lichen Sect in his own name.

“Master, on that column, there seems to be news about the acquisition of fish and dragon by the Immortal of Guizong. Where did the three hundred skills mentioned by the Immortal come from?”

“Not bad.”

Lao Tao further added: “Senior Brother Lu is the one who released this news. He is the master of the sect’s weapon refining. In order to refine a magic weapon, there is only one material missing, fish and dragon. I have been asking for it but I can’t get it, so I released this news.” . The asking price is a full 30% higher than what the sect purchased, so good luck to you!”

Yu Ci forced a smile at Lao Dao’s teasing. With Lao Dao’s words, his mind was suddenly focused on something:

“I have something to ask the master of the temple. I am not a disciple of your sect. I don’t know the news. Can I take over it?”

The old Taoist looked into his eyes, paused for a moment, then suddenly stroked his beard and smiled: “If you can stop your mind and contemplate, you are destined. The immortal way puts the method of destiny first, so it is naturally possible. It’s just that the sect has certain rules. Non-disciples of the sect are not allowed to accept the good deeds posted on the ‘Zhenglan’, but there are no restrictions on the ‘Bulan’.”

Without saying a word, Yu Ci raised his hand above his forehead and bowed to the ground.

He didn’t know whether Lao Dao brought him to Tongde Hall out of public interest or because he liked him, but his immediate agreement was so important to him that he couldn’t help but be grateful.

If the old Taoist refuses to agree, and wants to become a disciple of the outer chamber and obtain the elixir of immortality in exchange for three hundred skills from fish and dragon, it is nothing more than a fool’s dream. But with the words of the old man, Yu Ci was able to continuously obtain good deeds from the news released by “Bu Lan” until he accumulated a sufficient amount and finally got what he wanted.

Maybe this process will not be smooth, but after all, the door to the immortal path has been pushed open by the old Taoist. How can Yu Ci not be grateful?

However, he finally came to terms with it, and soon stabilized his emotions, and turned his gaze to the front of his eyes. He asked the old Taoist priest: “I wonder if I can stay overnight in Guanli?”

The old Taoist blinked and said with a smile: “It is convenient for outsiders to stay with others, so naturally they stay overnight.”

Yu Ci was not polite at the moment: “In this case, please take it in.”

Before he successfully entered the mountain gate, Bairi Mansion must have wanted to get rid of him quickly. But as long as he was observing, Li Chen Sect was like a big umbrella covering his head. No matter how terrifying Jin Huan’s Taiyang Yang Technique was, it wouldn’t be able to shine on him for a while.


Yu Ci settled down in Zhixin Guan. It was a single-person hospital with a quiet environment. Someone brought food to her every meal. The treatment was quite good and the remuneration was just a token of appreciation. It was very comfortable.

After staying in the temple for three to five days, Yu Ci did not stay at home, but walked around the temple generously to get familiar with the environment. In his plan, the mind-stopping contemplation was already the place where he would stay for many years to come. There was nothing wrong with getting familiar with it earlier.

After staying for a long time, Yu Ci made a new discovery. Although Zhixin Guan is the external Taoist temple of the Lichen Sect, not everyone is a disciple of the external sect. There are hundreds of Taoist priests here, but Cheng is “on the list” and has no legal relationship with the Lichen Sect. They just stay here to practice, do odd jobs, maintain the operation of the Taoist temple, and also receive some good deeds from Tongde Hall on weekdays. The mission is to just wait and see if he can jump over the dragon gate and join the Lichen Sect.

Yu Ci’s situation is similar to that of these people. In the past few days while walking in the temple, many people took the initiative to make friends with him, and some deliberately kept a distance from him. The subtleties of the human heart can be glimpsed even in this place of pure cultivation. Score one or two.

But whether they are friends or distant friends, Yu Ci will not be too concerned about these deliberate interpersonal relationships. When he stays in the view, he has his own reasons and has nothing to do with others.

Sitting in the courtyard, the red light in Yu Ci’s hand was like fire, burning fiercely, but it did not hurt his skin at all. At the same time, fine charcoal powder slipped from his palm and gradually accumulated a thin layer on the ground.

Yu Ci closed her eyes slightly and kept her breathing steady. Before doing this, he carefully practiced the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, thereby maintaining the purity of the “Innate Qi” to its most perfect state. Now the inner energy of the body is as pure as one, the heartbeat is in harmony with the vibration of the soul, and the will of the soul extends into the flame between the palms, just like seeing and touching it, without any obstruction.

In the palm of his hand, the Nine Yang Talisman Sword was “swallowing” another Three Sun Talisman Sword. The runes on both sides fit together, and in the blink of an eye, red light flowed again, carving new runes on the wooden sword. During this process, the Three-Yang Talisman Sword has been burning, but the heat has not escaped at all. Instead, it has been completely invested in the Nine-Yang Talisman Sword. If you lie next to Yu Ci’s palm and listen carefully, you can still hear There was a rumbling light explosion in the flames.

This is just the aftermath of the flame impact. The truly terrifying power was locked between Yu Ci’s palms with the help of the runes on the sword, and violent reactions occurred in it.

Yu Ci is refining the “Pure Yang Talisman Sword”.

In the half month since he came here from Cliff City, he had penetrated the jade slip he got from Taoist Yan for refining the Talisman Sword. In the past few days, Yu Ci began to try to refine the Talisman. Sword, prepare for the plan in your heart.

In more than ten years of practice, due to the existence of the “Shangqing Juxuan Xingshu Secret Teaching Talisman Sutra”, his foundation of Talisman Techniques has been the strongest, so whether it is the Six-Yang Talisman Sword or the Nine-Yang Talisman Sword, there is no Any difficulty. The only thing that needs to be cautious is the last Pure Yang Talisman Sword.

Only when he started to refine this series of talisman swords, did Yu Ci understand why he had such powerful damage when he used his Yuan Shen to control the sword to stimulate the evil energy of the Nine Yang Talisman Sword.

Because in the process of smelting talisman swords, the conversion of talisman patterns on several talisman swords is extremely unstable. From the beginning of fusion, a delicate dynamic balance is used to form the final talisman pattern on the sword. The shape makes the powerful flame evil energy on the sword always flow and react continuously, accumulating more powerful power.

Of course, on the outer layer of the Talisman Sword, there is a ban on this dangerous balance. As the levels of Six Yang, Nine Yang, and Pure Yang progress, the intensity of the ban is also increasing. At the same time, once the ban is broken, , the erupting flames became more and more terrifying.

This is the most essential thing about this Talisman Sword series.

After Yu Ci understood the meaning, he felt more and more that this kind of talisman sword was, in the final analysis, still a kind of talisman, and it was a powerful talisman that could be used once. The usage of Bai Rifu looks like frugality, but it is actually a greater waste.

However, for Yu Ci now, it is more realistic to use the Chunyang Talisman Sword as a sword wielder.

The fusion of the Talisman Sword has entered the final stage. In the red firelight, the Three Yang Talisman Sword had completely disappeared, while the Nine Sun Talisman Sword was twisted. Countless runes jumped in the flames, and then hundreds of rivers returned and were engraved on the Talisman Sword.

In the blink of an eye, the flame was extinguished and the Talisman Sword appeared. At first glance, the jet-black sword body looks like it has been roasted by fire, but if you look closely, you will see that there is a layer of dim light flowing on the jet-black shell, and the runes are hidden under the shell, shining with a liquid red light, like It’s magma deep underground, flowing slowly.

“Phew, it’s done!”

Yu Ci was a little tired. After all, he was still taking risks. If he failed, all the talisman swords he had worked so hard to earn would be wasted. Fortunately, he was strong enough and lucky.

The temperature of the Chunyang Talisman Sword that had just been successfully melted was still a bit high, but Yu Ci couldn’t put it down. With this sharp weapon, he would have an extra guarantee for his planned trip.

As time passed, the temperature of the Pure Yang Talisman Sword dropped to normal levels, and the hot wind formed during the fusion was forced away by the late autumn chill, and the courtyard returned to coolness and silence. But it was broken by other people’s shouts in an instant:

“Brother Yu Dao, are you there?”

The sound came from heaven.

Yu Ci raised his head and saw under the clear autumn sky, a white cloud crossed the sky at an absurd speed, and then swooped down from above. When it reached the sky above the independent courtyard, before it stopped, a person jumped down.

The person who came was a young Taoist priest, with an average appearance and slightly thick lips. He looked like a very honest child, but his face looked a little impatient at this time. He was the one who led the way for Jin Huan and others that day.

The young Taoist priest’s name is Baoguang. He is a registered disciple of Yu Zhou Lao Taoism, and he is an outer disciple of the Lichen Sect. Although his qualifications are only mediocre, according to the guidance of a master, he is only nineteen years old and is already at the upper level of Mingqiao. He is not far from the realm of spiritual communication. He is considered a promising young man. He stayed in the temple for the past few days, and Baoguang sent him his morning and evening meals. The little Taoist priest has a kind face and a kind heart, and he is not blindly straightforward. He is very suitable for his temperament and has developed some friendship in the past few days.

Baoguang jumped into the yard and saw Yu Ci glaring at him, but he hurriedly reached out to cover half of his face, his reaction was very strange.

Yu Ci couldn’t help but smile and said: “What, you were bullied, but you still got the lead of Guanzhu?”

Baoguang also knew that he was overreacting, and his face turned a little red. He put down his hand slyly, revealing several gouges on the left side of his face. They were only superficial injuries to the flesh, but they were very embarrassing.

“I’m not being bullied, I’m being bullied by a flat-haired beast!” The little Taoist priest still knows how to laugh at himself, but this is a shameful thing after all. As he spoke, his face turned red even more intensely.

“Flat-haired beast?”


In the past, I had a physical experience and lacked direct experience. Now watching the clicks, collections and red tickets slowly increase, I find that it is really a pleasure! Brothers and sisters, let this feeling be stronger!

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