Ask the Mirror Chapter 31: Wait, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

There are just a few sentences written on the jade slip, “What comes out of the water, the air is like a tangled thread, can hurt people and control others ten miles away,” and there is a special comment at the end to emphasize: Within twenty orifices, if there are more, it will not work.

Yu Ci was confused: “Just tell me what you want to do!”

Mr. He looked at him like “Why are you pretending to be confused?” He then coughed dryly and said: “Aren’t you proficient in talismans? The guests over there want to ask you if you can come up with something that matches this.” This kind of talisman requires…well, fellow Taoist.”

“Nervous…” Yu Ci murmured.


Yu Ci smiled and looked up at him: “How much?”

“How much?”


Master He had already thought of this, and immediately said seriously: “As long as you can do it, it will not be inferior to your gains this time.”

Yu Ci didn’t say anything, just looked at him directly. Mr. He showed him how uncomfortable he was, and finally couldn’t help but said angrily: “If you can do it, just do it. If you can’t do it, just say it. I don’t know how many people are looking forward to this kind of deal!”

“I think so.” Yu Ci muttered, then took out a blank jade talisman, and with a flash of light, he wrote a talisman and handed it over: “Here, take a look.”

Mr. He was in a daze and did not immediately go to pick him up. Yu Ci laughed: “Why, are you still thinking about the price? This jade talisman is given to you!”

Mr. He finally woke up, glared at him, took the jade talisman over, and looked at it over and over for a long time, but he was obviously an amateur and couldn’t tell anything about it. In the end, he simply turned over and left. Yu Ci was not afraid of him. He smiled slightly and closed his eyes to rest.

Not a moment later, Mr. He rushed back excitedly: “Very good, well done…ah, fellow Taoist.”

In the end, he cooled down urgently and wanted to retain the reserve in front of him. However, when Yu Ci heard the sound and opened his eyes, he still saw that the flesh on his face was brightened. Yu Ci smiled: “In that case, let’s talk about the price. You guys before I have said that the items I want to buy will be supplied to me first. You will no longer take the lead, and the price will be reduced by 50%. Now that I have the same remuneration, the 50% should also be reduced. As for the tap, it is not good. No need to look for it for now, as long as you implement it as soon as possible and put those few things in my hands.”

Although He Sanye was a senior executive of Sanjiafang and didn’t care much about the specific operations, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood, realizing that Yu Ci had deliberately misinterpreted his meaning. His original intention was to win over Yu Ci by giving him another reward of ten thousand dragon palace shells, but as soon as Yu Ci opened his mouth, he asked Sanjiafang to pay the full price for the few items he wanted to buy, and then send them to his soul-chasing uncle’s house. !

Under normal circumstances, the price may not differ too much, but if a “butcher” kills it, Sanjiafang will suffer a huge loss, not to mention the taste, which makes me feel suffocated no matter how much I think about it!

Seeing the change in color on his face, Yu Ci smiled slightly and finally stopped teasing him. Occasionally putting on airs will increase one’s own worth, but if one does not know how to measure and makes a person hateful, not to mention making a fortune, one’s life may not be guaranteed.

Then again, it’s weird how Mr. He could still hold back his explosive temper after being played like this by him. Could it be that someone was holding him down from behind?

“Get up, get up, get up and work.”

Mr. He had suppressed his anger, so he simply turned it on his subordinates. He roared like thunder. In this abandoned mining area, he was like a rough supervisor, ordering his subordinates around.

Yu Ciben was waiting for him to reply with a few words and send him off the stairs, but he didn’t expect that he could really endure it. After miscalculating, he also felt that there was a person or force that could make this rude guy afraid. But it’s not easy to deal with.

“That must be the Demon Gate.” Shadow Ghost suddenly spoke, and he concluded as he went up.

Yu Ci was startled: “How do you say that?”

“It’s about the eyeballs just now. I just remembered that it is a very weird method of the Yuanshi Demon Sect, called the Cursed Demon Blue Blood Eye Technique. It usually absorbs people’s souls and is not considered superior, but if it is attacked by someone, Even if someone is killed, the resentment of the person can remain in the eyeball. There is a certain chance that if you use a special method to drive it, you can trace the murderer’s traces, and no magical power can hide it!”

“Is there anything else?”

“Of course, the most insidious part of this method is that it doesn’t just track you alone, but marks all the places you stay. Whether it’s the past, present, or future, you can detect it through the range of the eyes. Depending on your cultivation level, it ranges from one month to several years. In this way, some key places where you usually stay cannot be hidden from you. The Yuanshi Demon Sect can follow your footsteps and come to kill you. Even the strong can do it. Arrange it calmly. When the Demon Sect fought with people in the past, this method was often used. Why is this pupil technique called ‘Demon Curse’? It is because of this **** effect. It is said to be a ‘Curse of the Demon, causing trouble to those who fall in it’. ”

Yu Ci gritted his teeth as he heard this, and made up his mind that when he encounters an opponent with blue eyes in the future, he must avoid him, otherwise he will be too quick for the rest of his life! But after thinking about it, he was puzzled: “Wait a minute, the Immortal Master who uses the Molten Core Burning Hell Technique, you also said he is a Demon Sect monk.”

“It is normal for the demon sect to fight against each other. It is even more ruthless and cruel than it is to the outside world. What is there to be surprised about?” Shadow Ghost sneered again: “Congratulations, you have been targeted by the demon sect. You can make mistakes wherever you go. , you are really a weirdo!”

Yu Ci sighed secretly. Shadow Ghost’s judgment is actually very reasonable. Although Beihuang is a no-nonsense area, because it is located in the north, the power of the demon sect is also very prosperous. After the split of the Yuanshi Demon Sect, dozens of sects of all sizes were destroyed. Anyone can set up an acting puppet force here. Black market operators like Sanjiafang are one of the best choices.

Tsk, even if you can’t cultivate safely, why should you remain anonymous?

At this time, under the scolding of Mr. He, all the monks got up and prepared. In fact, they didn’t get much rest. The battle for the hunting ground between Changsheng Zhenren continued and changed directions more than ten times. Sometimes they even came closer. The strings in people’s hearts kept breaking and it was difficult to relax.

Mr. Yu Ci suddenly thought: “Isn’t it true that spiritual witchcraft depends entirely on talent? Is there any question of success or failure?”

Shadow Ghost remained silent. Spirit shamans were a mysterious lineage in the world of spiritual practice. Shadow Ghost’s little understanding was actually only half a bucket of water, so naturally he couldn’t answer.

Together, Mr. He and Mr. Xia assigned a total of five subordinates. Now that Yu Ci knows the effect of the eyeball, he can taste it by looking at the instructions of Mr. He and Mr. Xia: This Looking back, their actions no longer deliberately avoided the area of ​​magma flow. On the contrary, they actively moved closer. They should have obtained the exact location from the “eyeball”, detected the trajectory and rules of its daily movement, or were looking for something.

This is of course much more dangerous than when they came. Because of this, the group stopped pushing and spread out as much as possible to avoid bad luck and being beaten by the vicious person who jumped out like He Wuye. Must be completely destroyed.

Yu Ci was not sent out, but stayed with Mr. He and Mr. Xia, enjoying the top-notch treatment. Mr. He was still asking him about his cultivation of talismans, but because he was a layman, his words were a bit off-base. Later, Mr. Xia took over and finally managed to talk speculatively.

Since he was being targeted, there was no point in hiding anything. Yu Ci was also curious about what these people wanted him to do, so he followed the words and leaned on the talisman. Of course, he also remembered that one of the foundations of his talismans, the “Flying Stars in the Sky” technique, came from the Shangqing Sect, which was the sworn enemy of the Yuanshi Demon Sect back then. This string in his heart was always broken, and he seemed to be eloquent. , in fact, they are all unsystematic Sanshou skills. Apart from other things, they are very practical and made Mr. Xia nod his head repeatedly.

Time passed like this bit by bit, and soon more than two hours passed. During this period, several of the elixir-returning monks sent out also returned several times, bringing “no abnormality” news. He and Xia also immediately assigned new directions. It seemed that the murderer was nearby. There are quite a few places to stay.

During this period, although Yu Ci had squeezed out a lot of the side skills in his belly, Mr. With a tacit understanding, they all kept silent and waited for the elixir-returning monks to come and go.

No, here comes another one!

Yu Ci couldn’t help but yawned and looked at the monk in green clothes and hat approaching. This man should be a servant of the He family, and had a close relationship with Mr. He. Yu Ci was somewhat impressed. After entering the cave, the man stepped forward with his eyebrows lowered and his eyes narrowed.

“That’s not right…”

The shadow ghost’s warning sound sounded, and the visitor suddenly raised his head, and his lips opened gently like light purple iris flowers.


Please ask for two things: the first one is of course a red ticket, and the second thing… everyone must not develop the bad habit of watching two updates!

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