Ask the Mirror Chapter 173: Dimples, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

Mental images control physical images…

Yu Ci grinned. In “Xuanyuan Fundamental Qi Method”, the so-called physical images refer to the physical and spiritual attributes such as bones, blood, essence and soul; the so-called mental images are simpler and more intuitive images that are abstracted from the physical and spiritual elements and drawn based on self-understanding. They are physical images. The symbol also naturally controls the physical appearance.

In the practice of “Xuanyuan Fundamental Qi Method”, depicting mental images is roughly equivalent to the intermediate level of spiritual communication and the practice of refining the Yinshen. In the past, Yu Ci relied on the method of structural deduction to use tricks to determine the location of the mental image, and used this to achieve Yin Shen. In fact, his mental image had not yet truly taken shape, and his cultivation was flawed.

But now, this flaw has been erased.

Yu Ci did not really describe the image in his mind, and this is still the case until now. Because this is a long-term hard work, if there is no epiphany, it is not surprising that it lasts for three to five years, but Yu Ci has another opportunity.

His opportunity is the true form of the Heavenly Dragon in the void in his heart.

From the moment the Heavenly Dragon’s true form burst into the void in the heart, with the strength of the Heavenly Dragon’s true intention, it took away the status of the unformed mental image and became the center of the “void in the heart”, which is equivalent to swallowing up the mental image. . This outcome would have been devastating, but because Tianlong’s true form has no clear consciousness and only primitive instincts, it was ultimately no match for Yu Ci’s strong will and was controlled by Yu Ci.

In this way, whether it is vacating a cage to change a bird, or borrowing a corpse to bring back the soul, over and over again, the true form of the heavenly dragon takes the position of “mental image”, making the mental image instantly change from invisible to tangible, almost in one step.

Of course, it is an outsider after all, and needs to adjust and adapt, so there is a “drizzle” of emptiness in the heart that lasts for several months. That is, the essence of Tianlong’s true form blends its own essence with Yu Ci’s form and spirit, influencing each other. Until the whole process. During this process, the energy of Tianlong’s true form changed Yu Ci, and Yu Ci also adjusted it with his own habits and will.

This is a very mysterious experience. It was difficult for Yu Ci to imagine it before because he couldn’t find a place to start. But now with the Qi of Tianlong’s true form as the foundation, he also has an “handrail” that he can use to exert force. , since then it has been a matter of course.

When the rain stops and the clouds disperse, the process is complete and the mental image finally takes shape.

After the mental image was formed, he naturally reached the intermediate level of spiritual connection. The Yin Shen was already refined. He only needed a period of warm-up before trying to leave the body…but that was not all.

The fact that “Xuanyuan Fundamental Qi Method” was welcomed into the “ancestral hall” at the very beginning of its release is naturally unique. Its idea of ​​using physical images to build mental images and using mental images to control physical images is completely different from ordinary innate Qi methods. In this door energy method, through simple and direct mental images, all changes in complex and mysterious objects are controlled, the complex is reduced to simplicity, and it is naturally connected, which is the only wonderful achievement. Therefore, in practice, in addition to purifying the Yinshen, it also has other wonderful uses.

Yu Ci held the Chunyang Talisman Sword, his gaze focused on the tip of the sword, and there was an evil spirit coming out, as cold as frost. The evil on the sword is exactly the ultimate killing that Yu Ci has been pursuing recently. Moreover, he can pour his energy and energy into the sword while thinking. From this, he can stop his divine movement and have a first glimpse of the secrets of the flying sword technique.

Actually, this is the same thing as before by stretching your ring finger and concentrating your energy and energy within a few millimeters. That is a testing method and a state.

In the practice of monks, except for a few people with special cultivation methods, their souls and vitality are always moving towards the trend of embracing each other, gradually blending and condensing, and finally achieve the purpose of condensing vitality and condensing the elixir. There are three levels of “echoing”, “converging” and “penetrating”, which correspond to the progress of the integration of soul and energy.

Yu Ci had already completed the first step in the realm of Mingqiao, and later completed the second step through the enlightenment of Yuan Shen controlling the sword. After that, he gradually improved, striving to “penetrate”, and finally succeeded at this moment.

The divine soul and vitality are penetrated step by step, gathered to the smallest detail, and reach everywhere. The next step is the skill of “the spirit and energy embrace, fixing the tripod cardinal”, and that is already the realm of Dan Huan. This means that in terms of Qi method alone, Yu Ci has achieved the ultimate level that can be achieved in the realm of divine connection!

The only thing that needs to be confirmed now is his ability to warm the Yinshen. Yu Ci was really eager to try it out, wanting to experience the feeling of being out of body.

But after thinking about it, he gave up. The Yin Shen’s exit from the body is a huge danger. If the fire is insufficient and the protection is not adequate, it will react violently with the external energy, causing the heart to burn internally and the soul to fly away. When Yu Zhou, Xie Liang and others instructed him in his practice, they all warned him very seriously that even if he entered the upper level of spiritual communication and there was no teacher around to protect him, he could not easily try to leave the body, otherwise he would regret it.

Actually, they don’t need to tell you. Yu Ci also experienced this last time in Cliff City, and Shang was still frightened. He would never do something stupid like this again.

Shaking his head, suppressing the remaining excitement, Yu Ci returned his mind to reality.

He raised his head. Deep in the clouds and mist above his head, he wondered whether the ghost beast had completed the transformation of its form. What was its movement at this time? If that guy had a grudge and pursued him relentlessly, he would have to rely on the surrounding terrain to deal with it; even if he couldn’t get over, he would have to find a way to fly back in this vast mist.

No matter what you choose, familiarity with the surrounding environment comes first.

So, he looked down at the solid rocky surface beneath his feet.

Ever since the safe landing, Yu Ci has been very curious about this place. He discovered that the land under his feet did not seem to be the slopes and stone beams leaning on the cliffs that he had seen during his previous two visits to the Sky Rift Valley, but a real, high-rise mountain peak, at least from the beginning. From what he could see, it was not connected to the cliffs of the Sky Rift Valley.

Yu Ci knew that the Sky Rift Valley was vast and boundless, with thousands of miles separating the east and west, and it was not entirely filled with clouds and mist. According to the information from the Lichen Sect, there are actually countless mountains of varying heights standing deep in the clouds and mist in the valley. Some even extend from the bottom of the valley to above the clouds and mist. From a distance, they look like islands floating in the clouds.

People can still live on some “islands”, and many places have been developed into settlements for monks. The height of the mountain where Yu Ci was located was far from the top of the clouds and mist, and it was so far away that even the divine starlight flying from the bronze mirror of the gods could not reach it.

That is to say, it is at least ten miles deep.

Since Yu Ci used the Yin Shen to control the treasure mirror and restarted the treasure mirror’s magical power, the current situation of the Illuminating God Bronze Mirror has been almost figured out in the past few months.

It has to be said that although the current Zhaoshen Bronze Mirror has developed a very useful method of divine will starlight, it has not yet reached the level of the original “Zhaoshentu” that reflected a radius of fifty miles. If the starlight of divine will is naturally projected, it will pursue the target of living beings and reside in his brain palace, up to ten miles away, which is about twice the natural sensing limit of his soul. Of course, it is another matter when Yu Ci is driven by his thoughts or parasitizes on targets such as fish and dragons.

When this happened, Yu Ci felt that it was because the Yin God controlled the treasure mirror and gained some dominance from the treasure mirror. He has not yet figured out the magical origin of the Illuminating Bronze Mirror, so the power of the mirror is limited by his own strength, which is as it should be.

Actually, a range of ten miles is almost enough, but the fragmented perspective makes it uncomfortable to distinguish, and it is difficult to have an intuitive overall impression of the surrounding environment. Yu Ci tried to stitch together several perspectives, but finally gave up. However, in the process, he discovered something strange.

It was at the edge of the Zhaoshen Tongjian’s sensing range, probably at the edge of this mountain peak. Since he couldn’t tell the difference between east, west, north and south, he could only say it was in the direction to his left. Different from other areas, there are obviously few living creatures there, and the divine starlight has not found a few targets. In the middle of the broken perspective, there is a large blank, and near the edge, there is pure nothingness.

Yu Ci thought for a while, then moved over there. It would be about ten miles away in a short time.

No wonder the sense of void is indeed a dead place!

As far as Yu Ci could see, there was no sign of life here. There were no birds or animals, no vegetation, not even a patch of moss. Standing here, there is no sound except the whistling of the wind and my own breathing.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Yu Ci looked at the rolling clouds and mist beneath his feet and felt very strange. This looks like the edge of a mountain, but looking from here, about a mile away, there is a dark shadow, which is another mountain peak.

Not just on the opposite side, but at an angle, there is also a similar mountain on the other side. Yu Ci counted and found that there were at least five peaks surrounding this area. They were very neatly distributed with similar intervals. In the center was a “valley” about a mile in diameter. Compared with the surrounding peaks, it was a bit too narrow. . Yu Ci threw a stone down and soon heard a sound. Depth…

Twenty feet?

At this height, with Yu Ci’s current level of cultivation, it doesn’t matter if he jumps directly.

After all, Yu Ci climbed down more carefully. She didn’t encounter any dangers along the way, but she felt that the cliff was a little too smooth, as if a craftsman had deliberately chipped it with an axe.

When his feet touched the ground, Yu Ci was startled. Compared with the rock wall, this “valley bottom” was very rough.

Looking down, it seems like there has been an earthquake here. There are traces of cracks everywhere on the ground. They are so long that they almost tear the entire “valley” apart. They are only a few minutes short, but no matter how long or short they are, they are all bottomless. . Yu Ci even suspected that the ground, including the mountain below, had been shaken to a crisp. If more force was applied, it would completely collapse.

But what about the smooth cliffs around it?

As Yu Ci walked around the “valley”, he felt more and more that this was not a valley at all, but rather a hollow dug in the middle of the mountain. How the pit was dug is still unknown. On the contrary, these cracks at the bottom of the pit radiate from the center of the pit in a rather regular pattern.

Yu Ci walked over and saw a protrusion from the ground there. Upon closer inspection, it was a piece of bluestone half a person’s height. The top was slightly curved and looked quite smooth. As soon as Yu Cicheng reached out and touched it, he retracted with a hiss.

“So hot!”


Dig a hole without burying people, I feel like writing this chapter. After finishing my silly words, I shouted for a red vote and hoped for the full support of my brothers and sisters!

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