Ask the Mirror Chapter 168:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

As for the grasp of the voodoo poison in Miao Xiang, Yu Ci did not think of anyone other than Miao Xiang himself at that time (when he improved the ghost pool, although Miao Xiang never clearly explained it to him, he was exposed day by day). The extent of voodoo in his body cannot be hidden from his eyes.

It seems that Miao Xiang has really had a hard time in the past two months – she seems to be with Zhai Queer, how did she end up in this situation?

Yu Ci released another divine star to observe the situation from the periphery

Do you need help?

He mentioned this idea almost immediately. There is something admirable about Miaoxiang Nun’s temperament, especially her clear-cut approach to grudges. Yu Ci also benefited from it. Seeing that she was in a desperate situation, she stretched out her hand. We really need a helping hand,

But…how to start?

With the density of poisonous insects and evil beasts over there, even if there is a mysterious spirit guide, there is probably no chance of using it. Frankly speaking, if the help comes to get him in, Yu Ci will die in peace

Shadow Ghost also came up with an idea: “How about stimulating the true shape of the five mountains and pushing them to shift?”

Yu Ci also thought about it, but still shook his head: “Right now, she is deeply involved with Beiyue Divine Forbidden City, and I’m afraid she won’t be able to get rid of it.”

While scratching his head, there was a sudden light between the sky and the earth. Yu Ci was stunned. He looked up and saw three or five bright spots suddenly appeared in the gray sky, like lightning behind the clouds. It was bright and dark at this moment, the ground beneath my feet suddenly shook, and the divine light of the Nine Earths Yuan Magnetic Divine Light was obviously somewhat disordered

“Who broke into the Five Mountains Divine Forbidden City?”

As soon as this question flashed through my mind, bright spots in the sky flashed together, as if they met at the same place. The gray sky suddenly shattered, and a figure descended from it. Although it was far away, it was high. Yu Ci tried his best to see only He woke up immediately after the blurry image. The Light Escape Technique and the Wufei Fighting Talisman were used together, completely covering the whole body’s energy and lying on the ground.

Although I don’t know the identity of this person, nor how he rushed to the direction of Beiyue, but who can collide head-on with the true shape map of the Five Mountains, how can he be a good person?

With such a strong force, the True Shape Map of the Five Mountains must of course respond to the direction of Beiyue. The Taihua Xuanming Zhuoling Divine Restriction, which had been half-hidden before, was immediately activated, and the billions of poisonous insects and evil spirits that were originally flying around the voodoo gray mist were Beasts, as long as they can fly, will rise up and roll over viciously. There are many ferocious alien species with Buxu level power

The man probably didn’t expect such a scene after entering Beiyue. His plummeting figure suddenly slowed down and he seemed to take a look. The next moment, the gray sky that had just been blasted was once again illuminated by lightning. tear

Yu Ci was almost blinded by the flash. At that moment, a thunderstorm seemed to have gathered in the sky, thunder and fire burst out from all directions, and the gray clouds in the sky rolled like angry waves, and then were cut into pieces

Under the thunderclouds, there was the most dazzling point, which was emanating from the figure. The strong light distorted people’s vision. Yu Ci could only see the thunder falling from the sky over there. The plasma is like a waterfall, swallowing up a large area of ​​void

The lightning is dazzling, mostly under the light of lightning. Wherever the invisible high voltage passes, tens of thousands of poisonous insects and evil beasts turn into flying ash

Crossing hundreds of miles, everything turns to ashes – at least this **** person is also an immortal

Yu Ci unconsciously buried her body lower. The person who made the same move as him was the poisonous insect beast that survived the first wave of impact. At this moment, at least 30% of the evil spirits and alien species succumbed to their fear instinct. Shrink violently underground

Immediately afterwards, the second wave of thunderstorm impact came again, superimposed on the previous one, and hit the ground directly

Yu Ciyuan was a hundred miles away, and his body jumped suddenly, which was shaken by the trembling ground

He was deaf for a moment, and then there was a buzzing in his ears, which was happening hundreds of miles away. Can you tell me where the impact was?

Luckily, the poisonous insect parasitized by the Divine Will Starlight managed to escape by chance. It was located in an area close to the gray fog of voodoo, and there was no trace of it at all in a radius of about a mile. Being hit by any thunderstorm is obviously due to the deliberate control of the person who took action

However, when the poisonous insect changed its perspective for a moment, he could clearly see that the gray fog with a radius of a hundred feet had been cut open at some point, revealing a five-foot-wide passage that reached directly to the place where Miao Xiang sat cross-legged.

While watching, the instinct of the ferocious alien species conveyed a layer of terrifying feeling to it. Its body trembled, all four pairs of wings were useless, and it fell straight to the ground. It trembled and lay low, not daring to look any further. Take a look

It’s just that the insect’s compound eyes are more sensitive to moving targets, but it still caught a figure in a fluttering blue shirt walking past not far away

After a while, the words rang out

“Voodoo is hard to get rid of, you are Youcan’s concubine”

The language is not polite, but the voice is clear and clear, like wind blowing into bamboo, like hitting jade, it is difficult to distinguish between men and women, but it is quite pleasant to the ear

A hundred miles away, Yu Ci suddenly felt that the voice was very familiar

Yu Ci couldn’t help but order the poisonous insect that was fleeing under the golden light to turn its head and fly in a circle. It was too dazzling, and all the insect saw was a blurry silhouette, but that scene left Yu Ci speechless

I saw the man reaching out and pinching Miao Xiang’s round chin. He carefully looked at Miao Xiang. There was a whole realm gap between Miao Xiang and this person, and he was in a bad state. He was completely unable to resist. He just heard this man say: “You are now The wonderful appearance of Dharma name?”

Miao Xiang was pinched by the chin and naturally could not speak. However, the person did not expect to receive an answer and just nodded: “Everyone’s appearance and demeanor are commendable. It is also very courageous to use this method to eliminate voodoo. It’s a pity that you are always not as good as Mrs. Xia… You were not unjustly defeated.”

Is there anything more vicious than this in the world? But I couldn’t hear the slightest bit of deliberateness in my words

The wonderful thing is silence

Her jaw relaxed, but the man let go of his hand and asked her a question: “When I was removing voodoo, I controlled it so well. I must have something to rely on. I want to know.”

This person did not say any threatening words, but the implication was that everyone had different solutions, and Miao Xiang obviously had to be cautious and conservative. She was silent for a long time, and finally responded with her unique hoarse voice: “I have reached the true shape diagram of the Five Mountains An agreement was reached…”

Yu Ci in the distance was startled: “Agreement, has this magic weapon given birth to a spirit?”

The man also had a similar question: “Oh, the spirit of this magic weapon has become a thing?”


Not to mention the psychological activities of Wugan Renwai, Miao Xiang sat cross-legged on the ground, looked down at the ground in front of him, and spoke in a calm tone: “Originally, he was not so mature, with only a little sprout of consciousness. The monks from the East Branch of the Demon Sect used the magic of Zi Zi Tian to induce Yuan Ling and inadvertently ripened it so that it could conduct preliminary communication, which led to the current situation.”

“Oh? The Earth Fire Demon Palace has been destroyed. Is there anyone still practicing the “Self-Devil Soul Capturing Sutra”?”

Miaoxiang did not respond to this off-topic question

“That’s interesting.” The man seemed to be smiling, as light as the wind, “The Demon Sect must not have any good intentions…”

“Yes, they induced Yuan Ling and stimulated their self-interest, thereby finding the flaw. At this time, they have gone deep into the forbidden area of ​​the mysterious talisman’s magical power”

“Where is the Great Master of the Ten Directions?”

They seem to know the details of this group of people very well. Every question they ask is on point, and Miao Xiang’s response is also very straightforward; ”

Long Yuanshang is Elder Long, the undoubted strongest among the people from the East Branch of the Demon Sect, and he is also famous in the cultivation world

“Very good…”

The man’s voice seemed to be quite appreciative, and the next moment, his palm was actually caressing Miao Xiang’s smooth head, as if he were stroking a precious and fragile porcelain.

Miao Xiang trembled slightly. Although the other party had not made any decision yet, she had already closed her eyes.

A little later, a clear voice flowed into my ears: “The will of God flows, either lost or left, just like the bright moon in the sky, waxing and waning. The perfect one can be seen only once in thirty, but there are also haze, rain and fog, which are becoming increasingly rare. , Dare you not cherish it?”

This is another deviation from the topic, but it has a kind of magnetism that makes people listen carefully: “How few beautiful things are there in the world? The most regrettable thing in the world is to see beautiful things and fail to fully appreciate their beauty. It will be a waste of natural resources. It’s a punishment from heaven, do you dare not believe it?”

At this moment, even Yu Ci, who was hundreds of miles away, felt trembling in his heart

He has such a strong murderous aura. This man has been so murderous for a long time, but why is his behavior so weird?

At this moment, a shout that was completely different from the soft voice before was heard: “You dare me, junior of the Demon Sect”

He was so focused on eavesdropping that he forgot to eat the poisonous insects flying far away. When the golden light shone on the sun-covering ring, they turned into flying ashes. Yu Ci was shocked. His back tightened, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind: he was discovered… But what? Is it a magic gate?

At this moment, Taihua Xuan Ming Zhuo Ling Shen Jin reappeared

The impact of this divine ban is not as intense as that of the Four-pole Celestial Star Divine Forbidden City, but its strength lies in its endless strength. As long as the evil spirits and alien species derived from the divine ban are not completely annihilated, they can quickly gather and mutate again. , growing epiphytically in soil and vegetation, continuously

However, the man who was still calm swayed slightly on his shoulders, and two rays of light shot out, and one expanded rapidly, turning into a rainbow bridge connecting the sky and the ground. The beasts disintegrated into smoke, and no one could survive.

The other light turned into a ring. The ring hung high in the sky above this person, buzzing and rotating. The light became more and more powerful, just like a small sun, with golden light shining everywhere. The place it shines forms a realm of its own. , filled with radiance, no poisonous insects or evil beasts could withstand it, and they either flew away or escaped to the ground, completely defeated. The domineering golden light also stabbed holes in the voodoo gray mist, which involved the vitality and aura of the wonderful phase itself, which counterattacked. Next, Miao Xiang’s face is like gold paper, and it has been severely damaged again

However, the wonderful appearance was still maintained, and he took the initiative to speak for the first time, saying calmly: “The rainbow shadow sword, covering the sun, turns out to be the Zhaoyang female fairy from Donghua Palace who has arrived.”

As soon as he spoke, Yu Ci had already made a move, and a stream of light flew out, but it was flying towards the depths of the Underworld Secret Mansion on the basis of the divine light of the Nine Earths.

Whenever there is movement here, the energy will be affected, and under the gray sky, a rainbow bridge suddenly appears


It’s too late for a vicious cycle, but we still have to make sure we have both… everyone, please give us some support

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