Ask the Mirror Chapter 166: Escape, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Asking Mirror!

“Of course I want to.”

Yu Ci responded with a smile. He could clearly see that Zhu Lao was fishing, but his skills were really poor, so he refused to bite the hook: “It’s a pity that I don’t have anything ten times more precious than blood treasure.”

Seeing his attitude, Zhu Lao knew that he was too eager. The old man had devoted his whole life to studying the way of the soul. He was very accurate in grasping people’s hearts, but he lacked practical skills, let alone the patience. He groaned angrily. Road:

“Don’t pretend to be confused, you must have it.”

He stared at Yu Ci: “I have noticed these days that you have no taboos in your actions, but your soul’s injury is getting better day by day. There must be a way to neutralize the evil spirits and warm your soul. I have been studying the way of the soul all my life, and I need to collect similar methods. If you are willing, I am willing to take out another mirage jade slip and exchange it with you!

“That mirage jade slip was dispersed from the Tiandun Sect a calamity ago. It records a certain teaching in the sect, twenty-four fragments demonstrating escape techniques and killing swords, both physically and spiritually. , although the essence of it is not stated, but those of you who study swordsmanship will definitely gain something. In terms of value, it is far superior to the ‘Xiguang Escape Method’.”

Yu Ci’s heart moved after hearing this. The mirage jade slips use special techniques to seal various images in the jade slips, including still and dynamic images. Advanced mirage jade slips can fully reproduce the sound and light effects of dynamic images. Some special types, Even the smell and touch can be preserved, which is of course worth a lot of money. The kind Zhu Lao mentioned must be high-end goods, and the images retained inside will never be too bad.

It would be great to be able to see the secret killing sword of Tian Dun Sect and study its secret meaning, but it is a pity…

Yu Ci shook his head: “Gentlemen, the Heavenly Escape Killing Sword may be of reference value to me, but it is not necessary. I have my own swordsmanship, although it cannot be said to be perfect. But it has been tempered for many years and has become a habit. The method of “missing a single hit and escaping thousands of miles away” with the Tiandun Killing Sword is actually similar to my method of “seizing the chance of life and death”…”

Speaking of sword intent, Yu Ci unconsciously became interested and almost started a long speech. Finally, seeing the ugly expression on Mr. Zhu’s face, he brought the topic back: “Besides, I don’t want to hide it from you. Being able to warm and nourish the soul does not rely on any method, but on external objects. As for what kind of external objects, I cannot disclose it because it is not important, but this object cannot be traded, so I can only let go of this opportunity. ”

Yu Ci is indeed not lying on this point. The reason why he recovered so quickly from the wounds in his soul was partly because of the “Qi of the True Form of Heavenly Dragon” obtained from the fish and dragon, and partly because of the piece of warm purple smoke jade. Both things are relatively private and it is impossible to share them with others.

In this case, let alone the mirage jade slips that the elders took out, even if they took out the core secret book of Tiandu Sect, Yu Ci could not replace it.

Zhu Lao stared at Yu Ci for a long time, and finally confirmed that Yu Ci was not bargaining with him, but actually refused. His bald forehead was a little red, which was a sign of his rage.

Yu Ci was ready to receive his saliva, but for some reason, the old man suppressed his anger forcefully, grunted, pushed Yu Ci out of the way, and went to the warehouse. When he was about to enter the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around:

“I don’t know if you have any way to eliminate evil spirits. Maybe you are very confident, but I also want to remind you that the soul is involved in the most mysterious things of the human body. If the so-called inner demons are really like sweeping away ashes and moving soil, it doesn’t matter. If you just clean it up, you’ll be able to get rid of the inner demons!”

He is a master who studies the soul, and his judgment on it is by no means as unprofessional as commenting on swordsmanship. He pointed at his head:

“The inner demon is not an external object, but your soul itself. The so-called evil spirit of the inner demon is just its appearance and is purely a bluff. The real inner demon is invisible and has no form. It has always been subtle and unconscious. You know, once the confusion arises, your soul will have mutated, and it will be even more difficult to get it back.

“Don’t think that you can sit back and relax if you have treasures to protect yourself. Look at those who have practiced hard for thousands of years and achieved immortality. Which one does not have several methods and treasures to deal with inner demons? But what comes next? In the calamity, people who died due to the overthrow of inner demons have never stopped from ancient times to the present!

“When it comes to the prosperity of inner demons, sword cultivation is the best in this world. Because the sword creates evil spirits, it will haunt you for life. Either the sword will kill the inner demons, or the inner demons will destroy the sword. You are not a sword cultivator, but you can use the sword to create evil spirits. Nothing is invincible, and the corresponding inner demons will inevitably be entangled in the future. If you want to avoid disasters, you must take precautions now. Let’s do it yourself! ”

After saying that, the elders walked away. The words sounded like threats and curses, but with the old man’s temperament, he would not go so far. Yu Ci felt that this was more like the old man realizing that he had no use for anything. A declaration of quitting. He couldn’t help but laugh, and found that this matter was still illusory, at least not as urgent as the matter in front of him, so he temporarily put it behind him and went back to the warehouse to recharge his batteries and deal with possible troubles later.

Nothing happened after that until the long night passed.

The tide of beasts had already overflowed the mountain and was flowing eastward. There was a rare moment of silence in the wilderness. But from Yu Ci on down, no one is overly optimistic. The panic and chaos of the beast tide has passed. If there is no threat like the cold wave in the Sky Rift Valley in the west, most of the beasts will still return to their original places of residence. However, during this process, there will inevitably be interspersed with fights between raptors and ferocious beasts fighting for territory. Then The scene will be more **** and manic, and then the test of the dock will really come.

So, the atmosphere in the dock is still heavy. Although it was daytime, nothing changed in the sealed mountain. Most of the monks in the warehouse remained silent, meditating and adjusting their breaths. Even if someone spoke, they would lower their voices unconsciously, as if they were afraid that the sound would reach them. If you go outside, you will bring trouble.

Yu Ci didn’t like this atmosphere, so he simply got up and went back to his room. After last night’s battle, it was clear that he was already the highest-ranking figure in the dock. No one would question his behavior, and even if they did, they would not say it out loud.

In the room, Yu Ci first used the “Qi Guan Method” to practice the talismans, and then took some time to practice the two magical artifacts, the Zhaoshen Bronze Mirror and the Taoist Master’s Seal, and finally used the “Guixu Ginseng Law” Adjust the state of mind, activate the “void in the heart”, and observe the degree of assimilation between the true form of the heavenly dragon and the vitality of one’s own soul. This is a daily routine. After finishing the whole set, it is already noon.

According to the usual plan, after lunch, it is time to reorganize and study the sword intention. I practice while trying to figure it out, which usually lasts until the evening. But today, Yu Ci suddenly wanted to change his tricks.

He took out the jade slip of “Xiguang Escape Technique” that he had just obtained and scanned it with his spiritual consciousness. In my opinion, this escape method is indeed relatively simple. The few thousand characters in the jade slips coupled with a few simple images can make it clear. Anyone with a preliminary level of spiritual cultivation can try to practice it.

There are nine basic postures in the Xiguang Escape Technique, including flying, running, rolling, jumping up, jumping down, dwarfing, moving laterally, jumping upside down, and standing still. These nine postures have a general heart formula, and each posture has a corresponding principle of moving Qi, which is roughly where the Qi condenses when flying vertically, how the Qi pulses vibrate when moving horizontally, etc.

The records on the jade slip are detailed, and there is no mystery or theory about clouds and mountains. It can be seen that the person who made this jade slip wants to teach a “practical skill”, not anything else.

Yu Ci has “innate Qi” around him, and the Qi and blood in the meridians are almost unimpeded. After a moment of reflection, he knows that these Qi and meridians circulate without difficulty for him. However, he also noticed that there were some basic spells mixed in, which were vaguely related to the Five Elements Escape Technique.

This is not surprising. The world’s escape methods are based on the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It is said that it can be easily integrated with any escape method in the world. For example, Yu Cijian’s “Xiguang Escape Technique” is closer to body movement. If it is not connected with the Five Elements Escape Technique, it will be a bit inconsistent with its name.

Although the Five Elements Escape Technique is the foundation of a monk, Yu Ci is not proficient in it. He followed a wild path and only had some exposure to the Five Elements Escape Technique during the meditation period, which meant that he had trained the Earth Escape Technique to the level of “Wall Penetrating Technique”.

At this time, I started to practice the “Xiguang Escape Technique”. There was nothing else, except for the Five Elements Escape Technique, which was a bit awkward to combine. The room was small and it was very inconvenient to practice. After a few gestures, he shook his head and stopped proceeding. He only pondered the problems in his mind.

It is difficult to know the sun, moon and time in the mountains, but the agency message solves this problem. At the beginning of Shenshi, the copper bell in the house rang. This was the signal for Yu Ci to take over the duty.

Yu Ci did not delay, neatly packed the bundle, and headed to the center of the formation. The person on duty in front of him was Yan Hao, but when Yu Ci walked into the center, this honest man’s face really didn’t look good.

“What’s going on?”

“A ferocious beast just broke into the Juegu Bo Formation.”

Using the circular light technique, the mirror on the wall of the room shows the current situation of the Juegu Park Formation. In this desperate valley where the Yun Shuttle is parked, there are indeed fierce beasts in it, and not one, but two. What’s especially unfortunate is that these two ferocious beasts are both huge and are still fighting fiercely. They don’t know how much damage the battle between them will cause to the talisman arrangement of the mooring formation.

Yu Ci shook his head: “Okay, I’ll get rid of them!”

There is no need to hesitate about this kind of thing. The longer it is delayed, the greater the damage will be to the talisman pattern and the more difficult it will be to repair it. Yan Hao is the only one in the dock who has the ability to repair the docking array. If the project is too big, it is not impossible to delay it for three to five months. Naturally, Yu Ci would not let this happen.

He turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped: “We still have to go around in circles…”

To get to Juegu Parking Formation, the normal way is to walk from the upper level of the mountain to the lower level, then enter the docking area, and open the corridor connected to Juegu. Nearly sixty breaths away, at that time, the ferocious beast must have destroyed a lot of the mooring array.

Why don’t you just go there!

At first it was just an idea, but after an afternoon of contemplating and even practicing the “Light Escape Method”, Yu Ci’s mind and body were in a very active state at this time. It is this thought that stimulates that vitality.

Yu Ciquan didn’t think much. He jumped up and crashed directly into the thick rock formation.

There was no sound of impact, and Yu Ci’s body was like a wave of insubstantial smoke that instantly seeped into the cliff.

Yan Hao reflexively looked at the round mirror on the wall, only to see the end of the valley. The two fierce beasts fighting suddenly spurted blood like mist on their necks. Their huge bodies did not lose their momentum and collided heavily with each other. , just overlapping and twitching, entering a state of near death.

In the shadow of the cliff hanging next to it, Yu Ci’s figure went from blurry to clear, and finally appeared next to the two ferocious beasts, looking at the corpses in a daze.


Update before entering the village. It is said that these few days have been a small block of promotions, but I didn’t even have a Sunday… I hit the wall, hit the wall, hit the wall! My heart is weeping, I beg for red tickets and comfort!

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