Arena Chapter 2:

Arena Chapter 2: Kim Hyunho (2)

TL note: Please excuse all the swearing . That was part of the text .

When I came to my senses I was in a blank empty world .

What nonsense was I talking about?

Its just as I say . A empty blank world .

Even grass, trees, and color did not exist . Both the ground and sky was completely white . A seemingly never ending horizon was filled with nothing but empty void space .

It was a frightening scenery .

I felt pressure from being in this space . It felt like this room will also make my mind void and empty .

“What is this **** place?”

How can it be possible for nothing to exist here? Its almost as if all the color was watered out!

Flustered, I started looking around .

I never knew how frightening it is to have nothing to look at .

‘Its a dream . ‘

That’s what I concluded .

This was a situation that couldn’t be explained if its not a dream .

‘Its been a while since I had a lucid dream . But why does my dream also have to be **** up . ‘

It wasn’t a good dream so I decided to wake up fast as possible .

There are methods for waking up from dreams .

I put my hands on the white ground and did a hand stand .




I headbutted with the barren ground . I grabbed my forehead and rolled around from the pain . It hurt so much that my head felt like it will break into two pieces .

“Why is this ground so hard . “

The white ground was hard as marble . At the very least it was harder than my head . I was sure of that .

It was then . . .

“Nice to meet you candidate Kim Hyunho .


An abrupt and energetic voice of a young child started to spread out in the white space .

I was startled .

When looking around I couldn’t find the owner of the voice .

‘Could it be a ghost?’

I felt a chill because of thinking of the possibly be having nightmare due to a ghost . I abruptly shouted because of the frightening feeling that was creeping upon me .

“Whose there? Come out!”

“I’m right here . “

The voice could be hear from the top . I lifted my head and looked at the sky .

My mind became blank .

“An angel?”

There was no other way of putting it .

It was a baby angel that seemed to have come out of a Michael Angelo’s painting .

It bothered me that his thing was hanging around as he wasn’t wearing any clothing .

“Are you a real angel?”

“Yes . “

The baby angel came down fluttering wings like a bird .

I couldn’t believe it . An angel comes out in a dream?

Just in case I asked

“Tell me the winning lottery number . “

“I don’t want to . “

The naked angel cut me off right away .

Even though he was young and a angel he was quite conceited .

I stopped myself from hitting him in the **** for punishment .

“Okay, Okay, I understand so let me wake up from this dream . “

“This isn’t a dream . “

“What . “

“You just confirmed it after kissing with the ground . “

I flinched at those words .

“You . . . saw?”

“Yes . “

The baby angel covered his mouth and laughed .

“You felt that it was wasn’t a dream from your two split heads . “

I felt flustered . This is so embarrassing . He saw such a shameful act!

“Candidate Kim Hyunho when you abused your own head if you were dreaming you should have felt a pain that undoubtedly would have woke you up .

I really wanted to hit this smirking worm .

The baby angel spoke .

“If not do you want to take the test again?”

“How . “

“You said earlier about a lottery right?”

“You’re going tell me?”

“No . “

He once again tests my patience .

“Instead I will let you experience the next best thing . “

“What is it? Pension lottery?”

“Really, you say things that reveal your financial circumstances so eloquently . “

Boiling, boiling anger .

” . . . . . Then what is it?”

“Would you like to be hit by lightning? . “

Blank . . . . . . .

I felt a sense of absurdity .

What did this worm just tell me? When he didn’t even give me the lottery number, but on top of that he asks me if I want to hit by lightning?

“Its not enough to die from it, but it will hurt a bit . Okay then here I go ~ !”

“Wait?! I’m not . . . . . !”

Static noise!


From the white sky a lightning fell down . I felt that my entire body was being fried and due to shock and yelled for help . Is this the feeling of the chicken being fried by mom!

“Okay, how do you feel?”

How do I feel?!

“I thought you said it wasn’t strong enough to die from?!”

I yelled in anger from the pain I never felt in my life before . This was 100 times more painful than the anesthesia injection I got for the circumcision surgery!

If you get hit my a real lighting you will die before you feel the pain . It’s because its not enough to kill you that’s why it hurts .

Spouting some bullshit, the baby angel fluttered his wings and came closer to me .

Leaning his hateful ugly face closer he spoke .

“If this was a dream could it hurt this much?”

” . . . . . . . . . !”

A sentence that pierces deeply in my heart .

 From the uneasy feeling, my heart shook . If this is not a dream then where exactly is this place?

“Candidate Kim Hyunho . “

Wait . . . . .

From before that **** was calling me a candidate right? What does it mean to be a candidate?

“Candidate Kim Hyunho was chosen to be a candidate thanks to the commandments . “


Humans call it many things but basically it is the rules of the universe .

What nonsense is he spouting?

Seeing as I was not understanding, feeling frustrated he spoke again .

It’s basically **** . Its called commandments to help with understanding .

“In one word it basically means god, absolute being, right?”

“Yes . “

“Anyway, that commandment? That person, no that existence what does he want with me? Candidate . Is he going to give me some test or something?”

“Yes . “

“What kind of test?”

“The test is an extremely hard fight . Its a mission that you could die doing . “

“It’s so dangerous that you could die?”

“Yes . “

“No, I’m not doing it . “

I said firmly .

Are these people crazy? God? Angle? Is that everything?

Do they think I’m going to do arduous and hard work when I was perfectly living fine?

The baby angel spoke with a troubled expression .

“You must do it . . . . . . . “

“Why are you making me do this? Do it himself . Since he is this absolute being it should be easy . “

“I can’t tell you reason for the test . Anyway candidate Kim Hyunho you must do it . “

“Anyway, I don’t want to . “

What’s he going to do when the person who needs to do it doesn’t want too? With this kind of thinking he showed his shallow guts .

“Do you really not want to do it?”

“Yes, you worm **** . “


“Really . “

“You don’t want to do more than being hit by the lightning again?”

From the word lightning I flinched . Are you threatening me? A feeling of not wanting to back down surged within me .

“Yes, you **** . Even if my precious thing become small as yours I don’t want to do it!”

“Whoa, that means you don’t want to do it even if you die . “

“Finally you understand my true feelings . “

I looked at the baby angel as if I was proud of him for understanding . The baby angel faced turned into a face filled with worry .

“We are not forcing you, just giving you the opportunity . . . . The choice is up to you candidate Kim Hyunho .

“Yes, Thank you for giving me chance to die after fighting hard . No thank you . “

“Okay, I guess there no other way but to send you to the after life . . . . . “

“After life?”

I was shocked .

“You, what is going on! Are you threatening me? I thought you weren’t pressuring me!”

“Of course we are not threatening or pressuring you . Since you said you did not want to take the test we are going to send you to the after life as planned .

“Don’t send me to the after life! Send me back to the living world!

The baby angel looked at me with an expression of absurdity .

“Candidate Kim Hyunho . . . . . . I was questioning whether it was true or not, but you still don’t know?”


“You died . We only bring people who died to this place . “

” . . . . . huh?”

“Do you think we will just bring someone who is perfectly normal person and threaten them? Just as you see me I am an angel not a devil .

A feeling of absurdity rushed through me .

The feeling of suspicion of this being a dog **** dream rushed over me again .

“Candidate Kim Hyunho’s cause of death is heart diseases . It happened during sleep so you died just like that .

He speaks so nicely like an angel .

“Do you expect me to believe that?”

“You were already deep asleep and did not realize it . “

“Except for being hit by lightning, there was no incident in my life that I could have died from . How can I just die like that in my sleep without even experiencing any symptoms? Does that make sense?
And at my age how can I have a heart disease?”

“Before going to sleep you should have felt stuffy pressure in you heart . . . . . “

” . . . . . . . . . . ?!”

I was startled .

I remembered .

For sure, I felt a stuffy in my chest before going to bed .

“It’s genetic . Candidate Kim Hyunho’s father also passed away due to heart disease right?

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