Archfiend Chapter 408: : Dharma Realm (12)

Xu Yangyi looked at Pengcheng quietly, the other party’s face was already pale, with blue veins bulging on his forehead.

I can’t imagine… I can also be considered fortunately, an upper bound monk in the Age of Doom, no ranking, the move just now was enough to seriously hurt myself! Even… it may show the original shape!

Is this the one I laughed at?

Earth… has it really entered the Age of Doom?

However, in the next second, he almost exclaimed, because the ice flower that was broken up by the enlightenment appeared again!

“Apologize.” Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly. Although he was looking from the bottom up, he had the illusion of looking from the top down.

Overlooking on flat ground. Psychologically looking up.

“This seat…this seat…” almost can’t help himself, he gritted his teeth, and the words floating between his teeth: “this seat…”

I’ve been sitting here for a long time, but he couldn’t say anything anymore, apologizing to a person who was shouting ants just now, he didn’t accept it with pride!

“This seat…” His face was flushed, and he suddenly shouted: “You don’t believe me! You dare to move this seat!”

Before the words were over, the ice flower with a radius of two hundred meters rioted!

“You!!” Wu Mi turned his head, the clay figurine also has a three-point fire, and at this moment his throat is almost anxious! Without thinking about it, he swiped a palm and hit the heart of Pengcheng without hesitation: “Apologize to this donor! Immediately!”

“You can’t tell! He dare to kill you! Whoever you are!”

“Boom!” caught off guard, Zhuji Dzogchen’s anger, Pengcheng was shot down to the clouds with a palm, and crashed into the mud. A few seconds later, he lowered his head and propped up his hands. The sound was like a mosquito: “My seat ……Resign…”

“This is not what I want to hear.” Xu Yangyi’s eyes flashed, infinite ice blossoms, and the traces of death were drawn all over the opponent’s body!

“If you admit defeat or not, it has half a relationship with this seat.”

The cold wind grinned, Pengcheng once again felt the crisis of horror. In his mind, the string called “Pride” snapped and said: “I apologize! I apologize!”

However, Binghua did not slow down at all!

“Not sincere enough…perfunctory apology, I won’t accept it!”

“Swipe!!” The endless ice flower turned into a giant ice hand, so fast, Wu Mi took a deep breath.

Just now it was a crisis, now… it’s killing intent!

“I was wrong!!” Pengcheng was sweating all over his back. This time, he directly bowed to the grass, and his voice became a little hoarse: “I solemnly apologize! Friends! Please be merciful!”

“Wow!” The giant ice claws in front of him shattered.

There was silence.

No one thought that Pengcheng, who played high-profile, would end up like this in the end.

“Donor, stay on the sidelines.” Wu Mie looked at Xu Yangyi warily, his spiritual power had risen to the top. Xu Yangyi wouldn’t let this apologize, he felt that way. So, he doesn’t care. However, if Xu Yangyi does it at will…

Like a sea tide, the expected spiritual pressure of the golden core has been released without any concealment.

Xu Yangyi accepts as soon as he sees it, facing Zhuji Dzogchen, he is not yet an opponent. Especially… this old monk is very strange.

“I think.” Xu Yangyi patted the camouflage uniform and sat down cross-legged: “I am now qualified to know where this is.”

Pengcheng quietly raised his head, his face was red, and then suddenly turned into iron blue, his figure flashed, and disappeared without a sound.

This kind of humiliation, no one can stay.

Wu Mie took a deep look at Xu Yangyi, but didn’t answer immediately. He closed his eyes for three full minutes. When he opened his eyes, he raised his old-fashioned eyes and looked into the distance with some emotion. After a long time, he said: “Here…is called…Sara Double Tree Park…”

“The place where the Lord Shakyamuni entered and died.”

These words made Xu Yangyi raise his head and stare at Wu Mie. The other party is calm and right. A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi breathed slightly, and said in a deep voice, “The monks don’t talk, do you know, who is Shakyamuni?”

“I know.” Wu Mie smiled indifferently: “World Lord, Buddha, God and Buddha…people in myths. But who has told the donor that myths are false?”

Xu Yangyi was speechless.

Xiaoqing is real, and the Golden Cudgel is real…what else is fake? Where is the truth hidden in the myth?

“Don’t worry, the benefactor, since you have come in… you have proven your strength. You will know everything here.” Wu Mei sighed, “Actually…this seat is also in a dilemma…”

“If you don’t tell the donor the following details, you may not have a chance after going down. Tell the donor, you are more likely not to, dare not go down… However… the Kaiyun world has changed so suddenly, it is impossible. Someone else came in.” He took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: “The poor monk has been expecting that there will be a real Jindan who will come down, at least it will be the foundation of the Great Perfection. Unexpectedly, it was only the middle stage of the foundation. “

Xu Yangyi’s eyes moved slightly: “Do you think you are optimistic about this seat?”

Wu Mi didn’t speak, but for a long time he avoided answering and said, “What does it matter if I don’t look good? Is there any other candidate for the poor monk now?”

“Since there are no other candidates, we’d better get into the subject as soon as possible. Our time is running out. The Kaiyun world is about to be destroyed. If one more minute is wasted, one more minute is dangerous.” Xu Yangyi said calmly: ” Let’s talk. I’m listening. What I have seen may not be worse than what you think. The so-called place where the Buddha died, this kind of lie, don’t deceive this seat. If the place where the Buddha died is only The guarding of the two foundation-building monks is what makes the Buddhists laugh.”

Wu Mie sighed slightly, turning the rosary lightly in his hand, and then said for a long time: “This is indeed the Shalu Double Tree Garden.”

“The poor monk…there is another name. A name that hasn’t been used for a long time…and no one has called…but the donor should know.”

“World Spirit.”

World Spirit!

These two words sound like thunder in Xu Yangyi’s ears!

Wu Mie is a world spirit?

So… what he once suspected was Sun Dasheng’s vellus hair, that self-proclaimed world spirit?

The first sentence of Enlightenment is amazing!

“The poor monk is indeed the spirit of the world.” Wu Mie seemed to feel that there was no need to prove: “It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, the poor monk does not need it, and cannot prove it.”

“I am born and born, I am annihilated…Besides, the poor monk could not find any way to prove it.”

“But the Kaiyun world has existed for more than 600 million years.” Xu Yangyi asked immediately.

“However, civilization has only been produced for two thousand years.” Wu Mie said: “If civilization is not flourishing, world spirits cannot be produced. It takes some time for this seat to emerge. However, thanks to the enlightenment of the superior, the poor monk is grateful So far.”


Wu Mie took a deep look at Shaluo Shuangshu: “The expert… is the person who banned this demon at the time. The Pengcheng donor is one of the two heirs left by the expert. On the Shaluo Shuangshu, the first A growing bodhi seed.”

“This story is very short, but absolutely incredible, the donor…I hope you don’t turn around and run away after listening…” He closed his eyes, turned the Buddha beads, and stopped talking.

Xu Yangyi smiled freely: “Inferior aggressive method, but it doesn’t hurt to say it.”

Wu Mie seems to be thinking, organizing language. It took a few minutes before he opened his eyes again: “When the donor entered the Shalu Double Tree Garden, he must have seen something. What does the donor think, what is that?”

Xu Yangyi thought about it a little bit, and said directly according to his own ideas: “Star Chart.”

“Ran Ye.” Wu Mie opened his eyes: “The star map… is all star maps in our world.”

Sure enough!

Xu Yangyi immediately asked: “Our world…the earth world?”

Wu Mi shook his head: “No, I don’t know.”

“The poor monk only knows that our realm… is very big, too big to be boundless. There are four places in a realm like ours. The poor monk does not know the specific name. And this story begins here .”

He took a deep breath, and solemnly said: “Sha Luo Double Tree Garden, it’s not just this one.”

“More than one?”

Wu Mie nodded: “There is more than one, the poor monk dare to be sure. Moreover, the poor monk can determine one thing, the Kaiyun world is located at the east end of our world.”


“The double trees of Shaluo originally had four groups.” Wu Mie said indifferently: “Each tree has double trees in the east, west, south and north, and the two trees on each side are one glorious and one withered, which is called’four dry and four glorious’ , The Buddhist scriptures say: the double tree in the east means’permanence and impermanence’, the double tree in the south means’happiness and no the double tree in the west means’me and no self’, and the double tree in the north means’ Jing and Wujing’. And these two strains represent permanence and impermanence. Presumably, the donor has already experienced the sense of impermanence?”

Xu Yangyi thought of the above series of weirdness, and said in a deep voice: “Impermanence means…”

“Dream.” Wuxi continued: “Dream is always there, and it is volatile. Common sense cannot be explained.”

It’s really a dream!

Xu Yangyi’s guess was confirmed, and the next question was immediately asked: “But, in any case, this is the double tree of Shalu! Where the Buddha died! How could it be…”

“How can it be unguarded?” Gomi said with a smile: “This is not the real Saro Double Tree.”

“The real double tree of Sharo is in the center of our big world. The one in the open cloud world is just a representative of the easternmost side. With a seed, a representative, and a symbol of the real double tree of Sharo. Just like Buddhist temples, there are everywhere. Are temples like Shaolin temples?”

“Ten thousand years grow up. That’s it, how can someone guard it?” He smiled: “In a remote temple like the Kaiyun Realm, there are two novice monks and Pengcheng novices, and they are already rich in incense. Up.”

That’s it.

Xu Yangyi nodded and stopped interrupting. He realized that the real story is about to begin now.

Sure enough, Wu Mie thought for a moment, and said: “More than a thousand or two hundred years ago…for the first time, a monk from the upper realm of the earth came to the Kaiyun realm.”

“The poor monks in those days seemed to have supernatural powers and boundless powers. At that time, the Kaiyun Realm, which had just developed for 800 years, was definitely not their opponent. However, they did not look down on Kaiyun Realm. Stay. Or you can’t stay, because…” He looked solemnly: “They… are holding a terrible prisoner.”

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