Archfiend Chapter 350: : Harvest

Xu Yangyi’s head is very painful, very painful.

  Countless memories rushed into his brain like a tide, and in a short moment, he seemed to experience hundreds of thousands of years. Picture after picture with a sense of vicissitudes, one by one obscure and incomprehensible printing techniques, and a scene of interlaced personal shadows, almost burst his head.

  In the dimness, he felt his body as if out of gravity and plunged into darkness. Like a leaf, washed into a stream. He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were extremely heavy, and he suddenly felt a light surging in front of him. Afterwards, there was a sensation of being scorched by flames, and he crashed.

   Not far from here, there is a piece of sophisticated equipment, each of which is tens of meters tall, has radar, and all kinds of unnamed things. Below them, there are three buildings that are not too high. At the same time, in one of the buildings, in front of a three-meter-large screen, a middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes was drinking tea one after another.

  ”Di…Di…” Suddenly, a slight voice sounded. The man put down the teacup, his first reaction was to look at the surrounding equipment.

   There is nothing unusual… He frowned, jerked, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the upper screen in disbelief!

   On the screen, a very small red dot flashed, and it was rushing over at a very fast speed!

   “This is…” He stood up abruptly, and the teacup was overturned on his body, but he didn’t care at all, as if he had been hit by hormones, his hands were flying, and he was quickly operating on the complicated instruments in front of him. .

   “God… actually…no! It’s impossible…no! It’s true!” He was already incoherent with excitement, his expression was distorted, and the sound of his crackling operation resounded in the big room. Three seconds later, he clutched his heart, backed up a few steps, his voice was trembling!

  ”Impact speed… one thousand meters per second. Volume… less than two meters… There are signs of life! Alien guest… This is a real alien guest!!! My goodness! I actually witnessed the alien guest with my own eyes Scene!!!”

   was stunned for two seconds, and he grabbed the phone like crazy: “The Ministry of National Defense! Please contact Professor Xu immediately! Yes! We are Kaiyun t-3274 Aviation Administration! … just now! Just now! Alien guest! No! It’s on impact now! Target?! I haven’t had time to explore the target location!…Yes! I will pinpoint the location right away!”

   “Click!” The phones on both sides were basically put down at the same time. Thousands of kilometers away from here, a middle-aged man with a golden eagle epaulette on his shoulder suddenly jumped up from his seat and rushed towards the gate without saying anything.

   “What’s wrong with Colonel Zhao?” “I don’t know… It was the 3274 phone call?” “I have never seen Colonel Zhao gaffe…”

   let it go! Let go! Let go again!

   Within five minutes, Colonel Zhao stood in a room surrounded by guards. In front of him, there were a total of ten old men with the majesty that had been in the upper ranks for a long time. No one spoke, all staring at Colonel Zhao.

  ”Vice Chairman. Deputy Prime Minister. Minister Cao, Minister Ma, Minister Kim.” Colonel Zhao’s face was overwhelmed with excitement, but he gave a military salute first.

   “Not much gossip.” The vice chairman stood up, his eyes were electric, without a smile, and he scanned everyone: “The guards here have been promoted to the highest level. Every sentence will be recorded, Colonel Zhao, From now on, you will be monitored. Without the orders of me and the Deputy Prime Minister, you are not allowed to contact all outsiders. Do you have this psychological preparation?”

   “Yes!” Colonel Zhao said loudly, flushing.

  ”Okay.” The deputy prime minister’s face was also solemn, and he looked at everyone and said: “Now, let’s start.”

   After half an hour of silence, a wooden door isolates all senses inside and outside.

   After half an hour, several top-secret orders were sent to the military districts near the 3274 bureau. There was almost no pause, and all military districts immediately called out. In less than an hour, 3274 rounds and a radius of thousands of kilometers formed a restricted area.

   time, twenty minutes later, a modified car stopped outside a temporary inspection station. Although it is a spiritual inspection station, standing behind are rows of soldiers with live ammunition!

   The three old men with all white hair seemed to have just come out of the research room, wearing white coats, kicking the car door at a speed completely different from their age, and rushing out with extremely solemn expressions.

   “Professor Xu, Professor An, and Professor Chen.” A woman who dressed smartly and always kept the most decent smile at all times, stepped out of the inspection center with almost no politeness: “Please hurry, the chiefs are already here. Waiting for everyone.”

   “How long will it be!” An old man gritted his teeth and said, his voice trembling from overexcitement.

  ”Half an hour.” While leading the way, the woman replied hurriedly: “To be precise, after twenty-eight minutes, the alien guest with a life reaction will officially enter the atmosphere.”

   “The strange thing is that its size is not large, within two meters, but… the magnitude of its influence is more than one hundred meters!”

   did not speak any more, and from time to time, modified cars entered. This little-known place instantly became a center.

   Half an hour later, on the roof of a building where the guards were almost impenetrable, countless people were looking at the sky.

  The sky at this moment…Even though it is daytime, the clouds have already turned a strange red color. I don’t know how many people are staring at the sky. Ten minutes later, the red in the sky became more and more intense! The entire sky, more than three hundred meters in radius… As if being boiled!

   is a few kilometers away from this building.

   “Professor…” “Get out of the way!” Several professors who helped the ideal stop the rushing professor were turned away by the opponent like a bull, staring at the sky with some red eyes.

  ”How long will it be?” “Professor…you shouldn’t be here now…the military has prepared a more suitable place for viewing…”

   “I’m asking how long it will be!!” A professor’s voice became hoarse, his voice was strangely loud, and he patted the handrail: “Don’t you know what this means?! The first foreigner in thousands of years Star life!”

   “Swipe!” At this moment, the surging cloud suddenly… burst into a dazzling glaucoma, and then, little by little, it calmed down!

   “What’s going on?!” Twenty minutes later, the clouds in the sky returned to their original appearance, and the entire sky was completely boiled!

   The three professors looked at the sky in amazement, the excitement and excitement on their faces slowly turned into anxiety and anxiety. A professor grabbed his mobile phone with a sharp ups and downs in his chest: “What’s the matter! I want an explanation! Satellites!!! What about radars!!! Is your space agency eating shit?!”

   “Sorry…but…but that thing really disappeared…”

   “Fart!” An old man crushed his disappointment and shock, gritted his teeth and said: “It has entered the atmosphere, how can it disappear!”

   “I don’t know…” the assistant said: “It’s just… disappeared from the entire detection system… Even the satellite can’t be found…”

  Everyone, looking at each other.

  A foreigner who has entered the atmosphere…In a few minutes, he will be in close contact with the ground, but…On the way, he completely disappeared!

   doesn’t seem to show up at all!

   “Swipe…” At the same time, a cyan light flashed on the ground thousands of miles away.

   There was no violent collision, and a figure was looming in the blue light. The surrounding ground… seemed to be disintegrated, turning into regular small squares, cracking layer by layer.

   “Wow…” Like the ocean tide, the slight noise caused an effect that a bomb could not. With him as the center, the surrounding ground is cracked every inch. Neatly like cut pudding! Shattered in circles!

   “Swipe…” There was no sound, and his body was placed on the ground by an invisible force. Then…

   “Boom!!!” A wave of violent spiritual energy that could not be concealed immediately erupted from him!

   is not the latter stage of Qi training, it is more profound than the latter! More profound! And… with a kind of coercion that is fundamentally different from Qi training!

   That is a trace of foundation-building coercion!

  The figure in the blue light frowned.

   He didn’t know where it was outside, he could only feel that his body had gone through a long journey and finally touched the ground. This journey may be a month…maybe a year, maybe longer…He doesn’t know, but now he can’t control his aura at all!

   Through the cyan light, one can vaguely see the half-length camouflage pants, the upper body is bruised, and there is an obvious scratch on the face. At this moment, he frowned and squeezed his fists.

  He is Xu Yangyi.

   In his body, spiritual power surged. He felt that he had never been so strong. Every time his spiritual power turned, his whole body could respond to it. And this intensity…

  ”Qi practice and great perfection…” He said softly in his heart, very emotional.

   This time wandering ~ is so long, because every moment, he is being transformed by aura and nurturing his whole body.

   Bloodline awakened, full potential awakened, these auras, not only his, but also wolf poison… even part of it comes from the South China butterfly mother.

   His body can’t move… He gritted his teeth, and the blue light outside protected him, and at the same time it confined him, making him seem to be in a cocoon. Try to mobilize spiritual power. Spiritual power is like a wild horse of joy, rushing along his consciousness to the tip of his finger.

   “It’s like an arm finger, it can be manipulated…” He secretly said: “It’s different from Danxia Palace that day, these spiritual powers…as if they have been in my body before, and they have only been discovered now…”

  ”Is this the benefit of blood awakening?”

   However, he was not excited.

  Qi practice is completed, and the foundation is built in half a step. In fact, it belongs to the late stage of Qi practice! And once the spiritual energy accumulation in the later stage of Qi training reaches a peak, it is just like he is now…

   He took a deep breath, and his spiritual consciousness followed his consciousness like a dexterous snake into his own sea of ​​qi.

   “Boom…” Countless misty white fog retreated in front of my eyes, surging, forming white cotton waves. The next second…a white jade base tens of thousands of meters wide, constantly rotating in mid-air, exuding a kind of mysterious spiritual power, floating up and down in the entire sea of ​​air and sea of ​​clouds!


  The base of the foundation!

,–! ! !

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