Apocalypse Cockroach: Two hundred and thirty-five site battle?

The time slowly passed. By the early morning of the third day, under the supervision of the cavalry, countless zombie formed a loose zombie sea and rushed into the Wuhai area along the road and the wilderness.

Breaking away from the highway, zombie spread out in groups of three and five, spreading blankly around, inadvertently driving the cavalry of the cavalry regiment far away. After their reconnaissance range was constantly pushed back, more zombie poured out from Yinchuan, Yinchuan was like a floodgate that opened the gate, and sprayed zombie with normal water flow.

The small plane in the sky slides dexterously over the head of zombie, and transfers the countless pictures of zombie on the ground back to the temporary command center. Subsequently, the command center feeds back the information of zombie to the main force ready to attack.

At the command center, Zhang Xiaoqiang versus Ishihara Pay close attention to zombie The dynamics of the intelligence and communications with Gao Zhonghai as the person in charge are even countless zombie The scene of gathering into the sea was frightened, zombie From 100,000 to 200,000, 300,000, when approaching 500,000, the tens of kilometers around are all zombie The black-pressed head, no matter the remote control reconnaissance plane flies anywhere, the picture is all black-pressed zombie , There is no gap at all, and even the remotely operated electronic scouts feel dizzy and almost control the plane to plant zombie region.

Among the people in the room, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been coldly watching the rotating picture. He is looking for the trace of Z-Type Zombie. More precisely, he is looking for the trace of the Z2 type zombie, but there are too many zombie, the screen is too small Often, after a flash, even the non-commissioned officer who controls the plane does not know the exact direction.

Different from Zhang Xiaoqiang, Ishihara is good at analyzing and summarizing. He did not look for strange zombie in the picture, but just stared at the scale of the zombie sea in the picture, and calculated the final number of Yinchuan zombie in his heart, and the zombie left in Yinchuan Quantity, and at the same time evaluate their material preparation status based on these quantities, and whether logistics can keep up.

Suddenly, Ishihara found something, quickly tapped on the notebook in front of him, the picture just slowed down again, and then with his fingers dexterously flying on the keyboard, various pictures of water generally flashed from the screen, And Ishihara was absorbed in concentration, two eyes quickly swept across the screen.

The strangeness of Ishihara attracted the attention of Zhang Xiaoqiang. He slowly walked to Ishihara and watched his movements. Ishihara simply, who entered the state, did not know anyone around him. The whole person seemed to be dull, staring blankly at the display, Except for the movement of his fingers, he can no longer see any extra movement.

Suddenly, the right hand of Ishihara knocked **** the confirmation key, and the flashing screen stopped at once. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that this screen was just a very common aerial zombie screen, and originally saw no abnormalities. Does Ishihara have What did you find?

“I understand zombie‘s investigation system…”

The Ishihara, who was silent for a long time, said this in a dry voice, and it fell to everyone’s ears with an uncomfortable dryness. Then Ishihara enlarged the picture, which was exactly zombie at the edge of the zombie sea.

“Look at this…”

Ishihara turned to the screen to look at the Zhang Xiaoqiang and other non-commissioned officers around him, and then transferred another image to enlarge, then he stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang and asked:

“You see it?”

The power of Zhang Xiaoqiang is super strong, and the insight is naturally keen. He directly answered:

“The distance between zombie is not the same, the zombie of the first picture is more dispersed, and the later zombie is more concentrated…”

Ishihara nodded, then enlarged the first picture again, then he used the mouse to draw a red line between several zombie, then pointed to the equilateral triangle formed by zombie and said:

“The zombie distances on the periphery are the same, and the angles are the same. This is a perfect triangle. The zombie in the back and the zombie in the front form another triangle again. The further back, the smaller the distance between the triangles , And then, we will remove these zombie……”

After finishing, Ishihara used it as a map software to erase zombie on the picture, leaving only a clearer triangle red line, and finally the entire picture is one after another equilateral triangle.

After the whole triangle picture is presented, Ishihara removes the lines, leaving only those intersecting points, and finally a three-dimensional structure like a pyramid comes out.

“These points are zombie, and the distance between the points is the detection range of zombie. I estimated that these distances are exactly about 20 meters. As you said, the olfactory organ of zombie is forty meters, as long as zombie advances, any place can be detected by more than two zombie at the same time.

In addition, these points are very flexible. Once the front is obstructed, the zombie will be able to find the new path through the vertical contact, knowing the distance over the obstruction, these peripherals zombie are scouts, they will feedback all the problems encountered on the periphery, and then Z-Type Zombie knows the situation in front of them through their trial… “

After hearing the talkative Ishihara, Zhang Xiaoqiang is deflated, even if you know zombie‘s investigation system, what’s the use? Even if he didn’t know before, it wasn’t the same to get 100,000 zombie into a gossip array and burn it?

“In addition, I have also roughly calculated the zombie command system. These nodes continue to form a pyramid. The more upwards, the fewer the nodes. I think, maybe the spire of the Golden Tower is Z-Type Zombie. In other words, Z-Type Zombie does not need to To control zombie alone, it only needs to control a part of zombie……”

Ishihara reached the conclusion that Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly recalled a thing. At the hot spring base, Z-Type Zombie once gave up part of the command of zombie in the sea of ​​fire, and directed the zombie fire extinguishment road outside the gossip array. Obviously, once Z-Type Zombie was frightened, its commanding ability also declined rapidly.

“No wonder the Z2 type zombie can mobilize millions of zombie. It is not because of its good coordination ability, but it can directly control Z-Type Zombie, so as to control other zombie through Z-Type Zombie as a node, that is, once the Z2 type zombie is killed , Z-Type Zombie and originally can’t run, because it may have to rebuild its own command system…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly realized why the Z2 type zombie died, and the corpse sea would become chaotic. It is not that Z-Type Zombie panicked, but that they need time to build their own command node to continue to control the corpse sea, that is, he killed The Z-Type Zombie dropped is not a decision made by Z-Type Zombie itself, but a trial made by the new Z2 later. That is to say, when Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks it is his way, his entire military power is known by the Z2 type zombie

“In this way, it is not those Z-Type Zombies that are actively launching counterattacks, but Z2 is controlling them to declare war on us. No wonder I always feel that something is wrong. The original problem lies here…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang talked about Ishihara here and nodded and ordered:

“Submit the order, except for the main force, all the teams shrink, and the previous plan temporarily stopped…”

With the spread of the zombie reconnaissance force, not only were the scouts of the cavalry battalion constantly driven away, but even the main regiment hiding 20 kilometers away was forced to evacuate 50 kilometers backward, and the corpses spewed from the highway The flow spread slowly along the corpse tide, just like the ink sloshing on the ground, the outer zombie spread out more and more, and gradually spread the ground of tens of square kilometers, covering everything in the corpse tide.

More and more villages and towns were occupied by zombie. Although the materials of these villages and towns were all emptied in advance, no one did not feel distressed when they saw the collapse of these villages. It was their hard work for more than half a month.

Ding Ziqiang looked at the corpse sea in the dark sky in the distance. He always wanted to rush over and roll back and forth several times in a 98-type tank. He believed that within ten kilometers, there was no damage to the tank. D3 type zombie, but he can’t, because Zhang Xiaoqiang still expects the corpses to converge and lead zombie from Wuhai out.

In the end, zombie did not chase the smell left by the scouts of the cavalry battalion. First, the wind direction was wrong, the soldiers of the cavalry battalion could smell the smell of zombie, but zombie could not smell the human body of the cavalry. One is the cavalry battalion using sheep blood, marking Yinchuan to Wuhai along the way ~ IndoMTL.com ~ zombie‘s sensitivity to blood forces them to advance into Wuhai.

When the time arrived in the afternoon, the zombie of Yinchuan finally touched the edge of Wuhai City. At this time, the aerial photography of the reconnaissance aircraft caught an interesting phenomenon. There seems to be a site between zombie. The foreign zombie caused the local zombie rebound, zombie Fight with zombie.

When I saw the zombie twisted into a bit of biting each other, everyone in the command center was all weird, as if they saw the most primitive zombie war, just when they guessed various reasons, the situation had new changes, More than two hundred D2-type zombie formed a straggler formation and rushed into the Yinchuan zombie formation, tearing each zombie out of the field.

The sudden change was so unexpected that Zhang Xiaoqiang also saw for the first time that zombie would actually be huddled together. In surprise, the cavalry outside reported suddenly that the corpse they drove out began to shrink back. , Get together and advance towards Yinchuan.

Next, the zombie war really happened. Countless zombies wrestled with each other. From time to time, zombie was thrown high by D2zombie and landed in the distance. More zombie was torn into pieces by the same kind. After decay, he entered the same kind of belly.

For a time, the situation turned straight down, and the expected meeting did not happen. zombie started an offensive and defensive battle outside the city first. zombie of Yinchuan wanted to rush into Wuhai City, Wuhai City, with a population of more than half a million. The city’s zombie wants to block the foreign zombie from entering their territory, and the battle between zombie is very cruel. Countless identical zombie fight each other on the ground of 10 square kilometers, and there is a continuous force on both sides to supplement the killing field. .

“No, absolutely not. If the Z-Type Zombie in Wuhai City is only type 1, then it is absolutely impossible to resist the call of the Z2 type zombie. Maybe there is also a Z2 type zombie in Wuhai City.”

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