Apocalypse Cockroach: Two hundred and forty-two new bait

If it wasn’t for Zhang Xiaoqiang to find gunshots behind him, I’m afraid he didn’t know that Li Caoyuan helped him back, and the blocking actions of the second garrison almost dragged the other two garrison groups into battle. If so, the other two main groups In addition, the independent regiment and the blood wolf regiment will also be pulled in. It really becomes that way, the previous plan will be abandoned.

Finally, Zhang Xiaoqiang had to bring the second group of garrison together to run, and then put the zombie kelp behind him again, finally. The whole plan started to work. Zhang Xiaoqiang was used as a bait to take zombie in the front. The cavalry regiment and the two main regiments cut off the tail of the zombie sea and eat them scattered.

On the third day of the Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s transfer with the second garrison, their logistics could not keep up. They did not blindly escape. From time to time, they turned back and exchanged fire with the zombie behind them. As ammunition was consumed, materials and food began to be consumed. , Even the most needed oil is starting to be scarce, making Zhang Xiaoqiang have to consider the next step.

“So far, have the main regiments and cavalry regiments responded to the zombie sea encirclement and suppression caused zombie?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang has taken zombie for a few days, and they have been more than 300 kilometers away from Wuhai City. The action behind them will definitely attract the attention of zombie, so Zhang Xiaoqiang needs to know zombie all the time. Changes.

“There is no new news for the time being. Through the intelligence behind, more than 200,000 zombie have been wiped out in three days, and the total number of remaining zombie is probably between 1.5 million and 1.7 million…”

Li Caoyuan has been staying in the communication car, and the information will be aggregated as soon as he gets the information. He has always been aware of the number of zombie.

“How is the grass boat plan going? Has anyone alarmed zombie?”

The grass boat plan was a nearby plan for finding materials nearby. The full name is grass boat borrowing arrows. It is now the fifth day. If it is ok, the first batch of materials should start to be transferred.

“So far, zombie has not been alarmed. There are about 150,000 zombie from the Yinchuan city to Wuhai. These zombies are all concentrated on the side of Helan Mountains, so there is no impact on the action. The first batch of materials Has been shipped to the frontline general logistics office for allocation.”

At the moment, Li Caoyuan is like a devoted adjutant, speaking out all the information he knows. Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded with satisfaction, but he is thinking about it. There must be a reason why zombie is concentrated on the side of Helan Mountains As for the reason, Zhang Xiaoqiang has roughly guessed.

zombie is here, ready to fight…”

A shout in the rear interrupted the rest of the nearly 1,000 soldiers in the second garrison. In the roar of the motor, more than 20 assault vehicles rushed back, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang woke meow and let the driver drive towards the rear position. go with…….

The zombie, which is full of souls, lined up in the distance in the mountains and seas, and pressed against the second group of guards. At the forefront, more than thirty S2 zombie rushed to the position.

The magnificent sea of ​​corpses in the distance did not cause any panic among the guards who were still recruits recently. The hardship these days has already allowed them to accumulate enough experience against zombie, which should be eliminated early It was eliminated yesterday and the day before yesterday.

The S2 type zombie who rushed over also accumulated experience, landing on all fours, short and lying down, walking over the grass like a dog, and in front of them, the soldiers lined up in three rows and lay down in a row Kneeling in the second row, standing in the third row, two or thirty assault vehicle loaded with heavy firepower on each side of the infantry.

When the zombie approached three hundred meters before the array, the soldiers calmly put the muzzle on the running S2 head, and no one fired. They knew that the S2 type zombie was particularly dangerous for bullets. Sensitive, shooting now, the chance of shooting is equal to buying a lottery ticket.

In silence, zombie rushed to a distance of less than 100 meters before the line. The long-lost gunshots did not sound. When zombie broke through to 100 meters, the position changed abnormally. The mud and sand splashed out of the ground, and more than ten bright steel wires were tightened at a height of half a meter on the ground. Each metal wire had a length of tens of meters. More than ten steel wires were arranged with three tripping hoops before the battle.

zombie is very sensitive to the threat of bullets, but it does not have any discomfort with the wire in front of it. Maybe the bullets can kill them, and the wire tripping the horse rope will not cause too much damage to them, so Like the Evolution, they have the S2 type zombie with danger predictions, and they have hit the tight wire tripping ropes one after another,

Every tripping rope is an insurmountable S2 sky. The first zombie flew out at the moment of tripping. The flying zombie was dancing in the air while spinning in the air, and the the next moment shot loudly. Hundreds of bullets hit zombie, and the recoil of the bullets flew higher with zombie. At the same time, various pieces of skin, bones, internal organs and tissues scrambled off and stumbled in the second zombie At that time, the thin body of the previous zombie was completely torn by bullets, leaving only one head still intact.

In the following zombie, none of the other hit the wire tripping horse rope. The zombie, which can avoid bullets, met the nemesis. The small wire tripping horse rope tripped all zombie and tripped, zombie or rolled the gourd on the ground, or Turning his heels in midair, the most unlucky one rolled too fast and hit the next tripping rope, even tore his head off, the thin steel wire plus the speed and strength of zombie, the power will not be better than the sharp steel How bad is the knife.

No matter how zombie is struggling, they are not able to avoid bullets when they are out of balance. When all the gunshots stop, there is no complete S2 zombie before the battle, and the zombie at the back is still hundreds of meters away. Dozens of S2 corpses ran across the ground, and a row of soldiers stepped out of the position with rifles and made guns to all the bodies with their heads still attached.

A wire that made a lot of effort was put away. While the soldiers withdrew the wire, they wiped the blood stains randomly with a rag, even after the recovery was completed, and then pulled out the metal fastener of the one by one fixed wire from the ground.

When these soldiers returned to the team in full time, the nearest S-Type Zombie was still two hundred meters away. The distance of two hundred meters is not far from the rifle’s range. For S-Type Zombie, there is no danger to predict. They are obstacles that cannot be overcome.

Only the rifle is firing, because the heavy machine gun’s bullets are more difficult to reload than the rifle’s bullets, and the heavy firepower is generally not moving until the point of life and death~IndoMTL.com~ In front of the soldiers splashing like bullet Hundreds of S-Type Zombies have been planted one after another. The closer the distance, the greater the number of planted. When zombie approaches the distance of less than fifty meters in front of the soldiers, almost everyone will be shot.

In three days, under the temper of 100,000 rounds of bullets, the garrison regiment with less than one thousand people won’t make everyone a **** gunner, but they still shoot above the standard.

The total number of Evolution zombie rushed is not too much, that is, about 1,000. After a thousand zombies are planted in front of the line, the D-Type Zombie in the rear is a few hundred meters faster than the ordinary zombie.

After receiving the order, the soldiers stooped and squatted down to collect the thick shells on their feet into their cloth pockets. They lined up neatly to the rear supply vehicle. After turning over the shells, they received new ammunition and waited until When the zombie in the back approached the previous position where the corpse had traversed the field, the soldiers of the garrison regiment had already ran away in the car. Only the S-Type Zombie burning on the position emitted the burning odor of protein. It reminded the zombie in the back, just here, just now. A battle.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the garrison group out of a big circle and drove in the direction that they seemed to be provoking the sea of ​​corpses, they would move forward against the edge of the sea of ​​corpses. No one will be found next to the dead body.

Looking at the zombie that surrounded them from afar, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s mouth had a mocking smile, and the relatively slow moving zombie, they smelled like Mingyue (bright moon) and zombie in the water, but they could never reach it. Three days Their contact battle with zombie was no less than fifteen times. Except for two accidents caused by timid soldiers, the following thirteen times were all intact.

ps; Today is the last day of the Tieba voting. The National Day essays are written in separate volumes in the book. If a friend likes it, you can go to the Tieba to cast a precious vote. Thank you.

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