Apocalypse Cockroach: Twenty-four to meet the difficulties

Two oil tank trucks, ten large mining trucks, and more than thirty off-road vehicles are heading to the market. Although the losses are heavy, no one is sad. In Doomsday, death always surrounds survivors, Living one more day means that they will earn one more day. Naturally, no one will have extra affection. Living well is really good. As long as there are supplies and women, they have motivation.

When the team approached the market, a long solitary smoke connected the sky to the ground, the team stopped at the same time, and Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhao jun met.

“There was an accident at the camp. I’m sure it was gold Wolf Banner. Everything was trapped. The news was that the gold Wolf Banner was released. In order to transfer us out to eat, and the camp lacks armed forces, it is easier for them to attack. …”

Zhou Jie analyzed the cause and effect of the incident in one breath. Zhao jun and Gao Qi clearly agreed with this analysis and frowned together.

“What should I do? It seems they have succeeded, where should we go?”

Gao Qilong was a little anxious. The bazaar was the only place where his team could settle. It was equivalent to their home. When the home was gone, he was at a loss.

“What should I do? Everyone has overturned our nest, and if we call back, even if it is dead, we will stand and die.”

When Zhao jun said this, he stared at the other two deadly. Zhao jun used to take the initiative to attack. Only then did he also take the initiative to charge, and together with Zhang Xiaoqiang wiped out the best armed hundreds of people in the shortest time, from his It can be seen from the fighting style that he is a man who dares to fight and daring to fight, without fear, but also shows his recklessness.

“It’s useless here, let’s go check it out first. The brigade stays here, pay attention to the vigilance, and bring 30 people to see it together. If there is less troops, we will fight from behind. If there are more troops, We will follow them to find a chance to fight.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang It’s hairy, the account of Miao Miao’s injury has not been counted, and even the place where Miao Miao was cultivated is destroyed, Zhang Xiaoqiang I don’t want to go out of business, not in gold Wolf Banner A few pieces of meat were bitten off my body, Zhang Xiaoqiang Panic in my heart, **** millions zombie Xiao Xiong, today is Hu Luoping Yang bullied by dogs?

“Okay, just do it, our lives are saved by you, what do you say we do, and whoever pulls the hind legs, I Zhao jun The first one to tidy him up. ” Zhao jun Pulling up the collar and rolling up the sleeves, there is no more military style, but a gangster.

“Okay, let’s talk about it.” Gao Qilong is obviously an unnoticed one. Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he neither approves nor disagrees, which is somewhat moderate.

“I said, we owe you ten lives. As long as we can kill a few more hybrids, we will pay you back.”

Zhou Jie’s answer was very refreshing. Although there were only more than forty people in the team, most of them were their main force. They fought the victory again yesterday. The following brethren can play a battle of one hundred and twenty. No chance.

Twelve horses and four off-road vehicles rushed towards gathering place. Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on off-road vehicle and fiddled with his rapeY88 type 5.8mm universal machine gun. This universal machine gun was his first contact with the one he had used before. The CF06 7.62mm general-purpose machine gun is very similar, both light and heavy machine guns, but the caliber of the ammunition is different, one is 87 type 5.8 mm machine gun ammunition, and the other is 7.62 mm NATO standard ammunition.

Except for the gun frame, it weighs more than ten pounds, and the bullet chain is only more than twenty pounds. This weight is really nothing for Zhang Xiaoqiang. It can also be used as a light machine gun. For users, 200 rounds The bullet chain is much more reliable than the 45-round magazine. This thing is just an ordinary suppression weapon in the hands of others, and it is a life harvester in his hands.

When they arrived behind a hill, Zhang Xiaoqiang first went up to face the market and looked around. In the market area two kilometers away, there was chaos. Dozens of tents ignited the fire. The most were corpses, only the door. There are hundreds of them, all men whose heads have been cut off.

The more bodies there are, the more bodies there are on the street, one after another, all roads are covered, all stalls are being attacked*, whether it is Han or other clan, including Mongolia The same is true for the human body. The body of Chen Hengjian reached the red light district where Zhang Xiaoqiang had been.

There is the most chaos there. one by one women are struggling with naked men. Most of those men are stained with blood. The gunshot is the main theme of the market. The most guarded weapon trading area has not been captured. There were faintly visible silhouettes behind the steel fortifications. In front of the fortifications, hundreds of men hid behind various obstacles and shot, and more than a dozen corpses piled on the road in front of them.

“There is still resistance, the weapon zone has not been captured, those people have no discipline, some are attacking, and some are playing women, probably a battalion, there are more than 30 people at the gate, outside There are more than fifty horseback riders, more than one hundred people in the red light zone, about two hundred people in the weapons zone, and the rest are all in *……”

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks far away. Through binoculars, he found out the deployment of these people. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words made Zhao jun and Zhou Jie ugly. They only have more than 30 people, but there are more than 400 people on the other side. , How to fight this battle?

After watching it several times, Zhang Xiaoqiang determined that there was no omission, and then retracted binoculars. When I looked back, I saw the ugly faces of the two people behind him. Although Zhao jun said that he was not afraid of his mouth, the ten-fold disparity in strength made him straight.

Zhou Jie carefully calculated all the details, and finally found it powerless to find that their winning odds were basically zero, even if the battle level of the Zhang Xiaoqiang broke out on the side of the construction company.

“We first cleared up the outside forces, rushed in and separated into two paths, surrounded and suppressed the Wolf Banner soldiers in the red light district and the market district, and then fought back and forth with the guards in the weapon area ~IndoMTL.com~ wiped them out in one fell swoop…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s serious team two said his plan, as if they had ten million troops in their hands, Zhao jun and Zhou Jieyi thought of a team of thirty playing eighty, and after the fight, they had to divide into two. Road, at the same time feel egg pain, Zhou Jie had sold his mouth before, said to return this life to Zhang Xiaoqiang, one closed his eyes, one clenched his teeth, one stomped his feet, that’s all, died and fell down.

“OK, just drop it.”

Zhao jun looks at Zhou Jie in surprise. For Zhou Jie, Zhao jun and Gao Qilong have always looked down on him. A soldier who has been expelled from the military is a shame among the soldiers, but Zhou Jie’s pride makes him sigh. It’s better to see that Zhou Jie has said something, Zhao jun also puffed up his face and became fat, nodded to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but stopped talking.

“Don’t you guys make a few sets of Wolf Banner helmet helmets as trophies, get them from behind.”

Four military vehicles and more than a dozen knights swaggered towards the market. off-road vehicle and horses attracted the attention of the patrol Wolf Banner outside the camp. Several whistles, more than eighty people gathered together and rushed to the small team. I saw the first off-road vehicle standing up wearing a pointed helmet and wearing a red cardigan robe raised his rifle and shot into the sky.

For a time, the muzzle on the opposite side hanged down, speeding up and reporting back to the small team, with all kinds of weird screams in his mouth, more like a greet, the two sides approached quickly, when they approached 100 meters from each other, The first off-road vehicle slammed the steering wheel and turned around to give way to the off-road vehicle behind him. The machine gun in the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang was mounted on the front cover of off-road vehicle

A corpse fell on the **** grass. They looked at each other with open eyes, and looked at the sky with their godless eyes. A big horse fell on the grass and wailed, struggling to stand up, following Their struggling, blood water sprayed out of the bullet holes on them to dye more green grass.

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