Apocalypse Cockroach: Three hundred and twenty-nine Zhou Xiong’s sad urge

The battlefield ended in a huge fireball. When the explosive smoke dissipated, the seven-inch snake word was divided into two. The huge snake head with a big mouth full of sharp teeth bite the ground out of a big pit, as if dying ‘S counterattack, the mutated monkey king that almost caused the destruction of the whole blood group fell on the side of the snake’s tail.

The mutant monkey king was blown there by an explosive wave. Before the explosion, it was shot from the eye socket by a 12.7mm sniper bullet, exploded in the back of the brain, and was instantly killed by bullets….

After the death of the serpent and the mutant monkey, the armored regiment withdrew, and the soldiers of the garrison regiment took over the outer periphery, wearing a gas mask, waiting for the poisonous fog to fully diffuse. When the river wind turned purple, the gauze-like fog followed. When the wind swept away, all the soldiers were ready to go.

Countless sizes of mud pits are spread across the banks of rivers thousands of meters away, where large and small mounds are piled up by floating soil, and deep trenches are crisscrossed, and the trenches are not straight, most of them are twisted , Sometimes twisted to half, it becomes a pond full of muddy muddy water, and there are no longer that huge cracks, each crack is like a whip, and beside the river, layers of mud The layers of sand piled up into a hill, but it was the accumulation of mud splashing past.

In the previous Li Zhongyue, the monkey corpse they saw was reflected in a leftover, and they didn’t know where they were rolled. The place where the two monsters fought was like sand that had been ploughed a thousand times and scratched by giants. There is no landform before.

Afterwards, under the order of Li Yao, the soldiers walked toward the two monsters with deep awe, collected all the scale armor scattered around the monsters, wrapped them in a mass and prepared to send them to the rear.

Li Zhongyue sees here and often sighs, and then turns around, but his eyes see a few amphibious Armored vehicless coming from the downstream, and at a glance they have seen more than a dozen Blood Regiment soldiers sitting on Armored vehicles, all of them soldiers It was wet, sitting feebly on the body and looking at the surging river at his feet. Someone saw the soldiers of the garrison regiment handling the mutant beasts on the shore and immediately stood up and waved to this side…

Li Zhongyue accidentally retrieved 18 soldiers who were rushed downstream because of the Armored vehicles search and rescue. While happy, they were also sad for the soldiers who were not found. It is considered sad and joyful, compared to the sadness of Li Zhongyue Hi Jiajia, Li Yao is a headache for his task.

The serpent is so huge that it can fill several train cars with only its body. On the land, with their current capacity, they want to be transported to the Virus Research Institute completely, but don’t even think about it. Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a hurry. The posture that he would see all night long made him even more entangled.

What’s more, even if the snake is cut into a few sections, they can’t help, and the vehicle is not enough. Their garrison regiment has its own troop-carrying vehicles, mostly three-wheeled, bicycle-like things, even electric vehicles. DEK Ling, the main force has a car, but if people want to attack 800 miles, can’t they let people walk?

The deputy of Li Yao is his battalion commander. He is a combat servant. He usually likes to be close to him. He can be regarded as a confidant. When he saw Li Yao, he frowned and walked quietly and asked quietly:

“Deputy Division Commander, is it to transport this guy?”

Li Yao, frowning and nodding, said tangledly:

“We have to arrive this night, but the capacity cannot keep up, and… our infantry will also go with us. Originally our task was to stay here, now we have to go to the virus research base, and we even have transportation Can’t get together…”

The battalion commander was silent. When they came, because they were not far away, even tricycle could keep up with the main force, so when Zhang Xiaoqiang took the second regiment, they also took all the miscellaneous troop transport vehicles of the garrison division. Now, the retribution is on them.

“Say hello to Ding Vice Division Commander first, vacate the snake-carrying vehicle, and then search all the parking lots in the urban area. As long as we can find a vehicle that can be used, we will use it first. Are there any logistics companies nearby, and generally they can find some trucks as long as they have parking sheds…”

The group’s deputy has a flexible mind. The mutant beast is a task assigned by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Ding Ziqiang can’t refuse. Two-pronged approach can always find some vehicles. Besides, this area is regarded as a transportation hub. There are many gas stations and fuel centers. In the early stage, there will also be searched by search forces, and there will always be some oil left.

Eastern line troops are reorganized in the urban area and are ready to cross the bridge early the next morning. The western line detachment will also begin the siege of Yongning County. The initial battle conditions have not changed too much. The Ishihara of the northern line forces has just led the team along The highway cleared to the north, but Zhang Xiaoqiang had already stood under the extremely large dragon tree.

The mountain town was not happy with the arrival of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Many people were immersed in the sad and dull atmosphere. Zhou Xiong stood sweaty behind Zhang Xiaoqiang. After the arrival of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he first visited the wounded and then Attended the funeral of the deceased, and did not show him more from beginning to end.

In the virus research base, the security responsibility is divided into two parts, one is the garrison unit, which is separate from the army, and the other is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is under the jurisdiction of Zhou Xiong. This time, such a big thing happened and died With so many people, Zhou Xiong, who has never been brave, has to be more anxious and anxious.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stands on the messy ground, stepping on a huge tree root protruding from the soil with one foot, looking up at this huge fruit tree, which is more than any big tree that Zhang Xiaoqiang has ever seen Big, standing under the tree, Zhang Xiaoqiang only felt his insignificance, and for the first time was compared to an ant by the big tree.

The bodies of twelve mutant birds have been sent to the cold storage of the Virus Research Institute. Seven of them have colloids in their heads, and eleven crystal nuclei have been found.

The mutant bird didn’t make Zhang Xiaoqiang too important. This colloidal resource was not very useful to him. After eating two pieces of colloid, he felt that other colloids were no longer attractive to him. I don’t know. Is the level not enough or other reasons, but this batch of colloidal Zhang Xiaoqiang has other plans. The Evolution army suffered heavy casualties this time. Why is it that he did not seriously enhance his combat strength? This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is going to use it to use Evolution Body.

Looking at the tree full of dragon teeth, Zhang Xiaoqiang has an unreal feeling in the fragrance of the fruit. All along, the mutant beast is his most troublesome opponent. If he can’t provoke, he will try not to provoke, no I thought that there were two consecutive mutant orc groups completely wiped out in the hands of his troops.

Sparkling jumped happily in the middle of the dragon tooth fruit, seeming to be confused by countless dragon tooth fruit, I don’t know which one to choose, the mutant dog under the meow stared at the huge tree above his head. Glitter, who roared from time to time, seemed to urge Glitter to throw a few of them down, but Glitter was looking for the biggest one, and the big tail could not be considered at all.

As soon as Zhou Xiong swallowed the dry saliva for the Nth time behind, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned sharply and stared at his eyes, making Zhou Xiong tightly tighten the chrysanthemum, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang was waiting for him anxiously. Talked.

“Zhou Xiong, actually I have been guarding you~IndoMTL.com~Do you know?”

“It’s over…”

Zhou Xiong shouted in his heart, and his face was ashamed, and his expression was like the death row prisoner who was about to go to the execution site. It looked as ugly and ugly. Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally knew that Zhou Xiong had misunderstood him, and he was not comforted.

“Your ability is quite weird, maybe you haven’t found it yourself, if your ability continues to improve, you will feel that everyone will become your puppet, pay attention, it is everyone, and at that time, I don’t I can guarantee you will continue to be like this, just find a few women, and you will be satisfied with embezzlement. For this reason, I want to get rid of you more than once…”

The indifferent tone of Zhang Xiaoqiang set off a storm in Zhou Xiong’s heart. Zhou Xiong, who was never brave, sat down on the ground, patted his thigh, and shouted in a tone like singing Beijing opera:

“Injustice… in vain!!”


Looking at the lively meow sitting on the big dog can’t help but laugh out loud, in the blamed eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he sits up quickly, looking at the fruit on his head with deep eyes, seems to be analyzing the fruit in the end How delicious will it be?

Zhou Xiong’s entire mind was immersed in an inexplicable sadness, and his nose and tears vented his grievances. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not speak, and his right hand slowly stroked the waist bag, which contained seven gums. Plastids are also an opportunity for seven high-level Evolution Evolution.

Elder Brother Cockroach, I have been doing my best to you for so long, please give me a happy heart, give my little wife a little pension, leave me a face, and say that I am and Birds killed in battle, even if…”

Zhou Xiong didn’t beg for mercy, he was a bachelor. He was not a fool. On the contrary, he was still very smart. Otherwise, he would not break the Li Haiyun’s defense. .

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