Apocalypse Cockroach: Three hundred and ninety-nine four/five shifts

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan went ashore together, let Huang Quan take a small unit to guard in the dock area, and took another search unit to find the way to the arsenal.

Tonight the silver moon is like a plate, I don’t know if it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon in the sky is round and big, and the gorgeous moonlight makes them very clear. Zhang Xiaoqiang searches forward while listening to the movements around him. lakeside has a lot of scattered small houses. There are paths at the door of the small house, which are small but intricate. Zhang Xiaoqiang walks in the middle, and there are scattered zombie from time to time.

Looking at the scattered residential houses in front of me like pearls being practiced by the road, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s eyes light up. It seems that the militia do not need to carry ammunition from beginning to end, as long as they are divided into one by one teams, relay transportation, not only can save A large amount of time also allows them to use the shortest time to get the most rest, thereby reducing the chance of making mistakes.

I found a team member and told him to convey his orders to the back. Zhang Xiaoqiang took the rest to continue to touch forward. Not long after, he saw a small mountain bag in the front. Under the mountain on their side, all the trees were cut down to form an open area. If you stand on the mountain bag, everything below will be unobstructed.

The hillside is covered with a long red brick wall, which surrounds the entire mountain. There is also a security building at the highest point. The three-storey security building is enough to keep a few kilometers in sight.

Seeing the sentry post, Zhang Xiaoqiang made a gesture. The two search team members quickly crossed the open field with their waists and touched the sentry post. Zhang Xiaoqiang took the players to stand and observe the spot, only to see the two players pass through quickly Opening up, climbing up the mountain bag, and shortly after reaching the fence, a team member pulled the bolt and stepped on the palm of his companion. He bounced on the fence and aimed at the fence, followed, he bent The waist pulled the companion up the fence and disappeared into the wall.

When the team member flashed three times with the flashlight on it, Zhang Xiaoqiang led the person and continued on. The road ahead was cleared and it was time to harvest.

Huang Quan led three hundred militiamen along the way, leaving a militia squad every few hundred meters, letting them stand by, and slowly, they approached the mountain pack behind the arsenal.

Along the foot of the mountain, they continued to move forward. Huang Quan thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang would go in from the big steel door they entered last time. Anyway, if he turned around the mountainside, he saw that the wall opened a huge gap.

The gap is three meters wide, but there is no scattered brick cement at the gap of three meters wide, which makes people think that there is a spiritual event here, and the wall here suddenly disappears.

A team member stood at the gap waiting for the response. When he saw Huang Quan, he walked up and whispered:

“The front door is facing the bird’s nest. Too many people will definitely alarm the big bird. We used something that corroded steel door last time to make a big hole here.”

Huang Quan pulled the team aside, let the militia behind him in, and whispered to the team:

“Did you say you didn’t have it last time? Why did you have it again this time?”

“We saw Director Wang before we set off and asked by the way. Director Wang asked us to go to Dr. Xu’s laboratory and Dr. Xu gave us a bottle and said he would like it again. Let us take it Live zombie to change to · · ·

Huang Quan remembered several key places. Dr. Xu’s laboratory, live zombie, exchanged, recovered, and found that all the people entered the yard, watching him wait for the order, Huang Quan quickly took someone And follow the passage behind the building to the arsenal.

As soon as I stepped inside, I saw Zhang Xiaoqiang patrolling the cannon near the door with the bright light, while the other team members unboxed the rifle at the innermost part of the arsenal and piled up ten rifles together. The removed gun was bundled at both ends, waiting for someone behind to pick it up.

Huang Quan looked at the stack of rifles on the ground and estimated that one person could pick up 20 at a time, and the 50 team members who entered the arsenal with him could pick up a thousand at a time. , Huang Quan’s heart is fiery, so doing, they can evacuate all rifles.

After that, he calmed down again. It was not necessary. It was enough to carry at most two trips. Two thousand rifles could fully meet their next expansion plan. The key is ammunition, rifle ammunition and 37-gun armor-piercing incendiary bombs. There are also 82mm mortar shells and 57mm recoilless shells that Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t forget.

The focus of Zhang Xiaoqiang was not on the anti-aircraft guns behind the anti-aircraft guns. His eyes were fixed on a 54-type 76.2mm cannon in front of him. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and turned his head to Huang Quan around him:

Z-Type Zombie likes to hide in the middle of the corpse group. Countless zombie blocks it. Even the sniper rifle cannot find it. The only way to kill it before the corpse wave starts is to concentrate large-scale artillery and do cover shots.

It’s a pity that · · · has two or three tons. We don’t have towing vehicles. Even if we have one, we dare not drive in. It’s too close to the nest. In case of conflict, we fight at night. Very bad. “

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very sorry, looking at this cannon, he is very tempted, although he knows that it is impossible~IndoMTL.com~ there is always a little bit lost in his heart.

Elder Brother Cockroach · · · · we found many flatbed vehicles behind the parking lot, and there are also pumps. You can use · · · with a little oil”

One ran in with the search team and reported to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Both Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan’s eyes lit up at the same time, and the biggest shortcoming was filled.

In addition to the alert members, 50 militiamen can use 25 flatbed trucks, and one flatbed truck can store 20 bundles of firearms, that is, two militiamen can transport 200 rifles at a time. Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately decided that the rifle should be loaded to two After a thousand, all 12.7 millimeter a meter in height machine guns were shipped.

Although the 12.7 millimeter a meter in height machine gun is similar to the Type 89 heavy machine gun caliber, it weighs three times heavier than the Type 89. However, under the modification of Wang Le, it can abandon the gun frame weighing 60 kilograms and install it on the vehicle for mobile strike. There is no problem of Type 89 heavy machine gun ballistic deviation, which is currently the most suitable heavy firepower to kill zombie.

For a time, the warehouse was full of people, the militiamen hung the emergency lights all over the warehouse, and all the dark corners were exposed to the light. A flat car pushed into the warehouse, and people bundled a bundle of straw Spread it carefully on the car, then put the rifle carefully, and secure it firmly to the body with the gun belt. With a low drink, one person pulled the car, and the other pushed the cart to the gate.

Before coming, I also considered that some weapons need to be disassembled. The team members took out wrenches and other disassembly tools from their backpacks. One of the Type 54 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun dusty canvas gun jackets was removed, and the gun body was removed from the gun frame. Thirty The multi-kilogram, 130-centimeter-long gun body was carefully wrapped in canvas and placed in the wooden box sub that was previously loaded with rifles. The yard was placed on a flatbed truck. A flatbed truck was loaded with ten wooden box, and after ten flatbed trucks , Zhang Xiaoqiang ordered to stop disassembly, and aimed at the 82 mm mortar.

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