Apocalypse Cockroach: Three-hundred-and-fifty-five pinch blocking

When the time is up, the front line can no longer count the specific casualties of zombie. The soldiers played very tenaciously, and each wall firmly resisted. It was not until the zombie below stepped on the heavy body that was flush with the head of the wall. The empty cartridge case retreats, and whenever a fence is occupied by zombie, the springboard connected to the fence will be dragged away, making the fence around zombie a solitary wall.

If this is the case in the past, the biggest threat to the soldiers is not the S2 type zombie, but the D2 type zombie that can smash the fence, but here, the monkeys have found the D2 type zombie on the front line. With the cooperation of the officers, the large caliber artillery is used to kill it. Although the thick skin of D2 can withstand the kinetic energy of bullets under 12.7 mm, it is still not enough to see the shells with calibers of more than 120 mm. Each large caliber shell can cover hundreds of square meters at high speed. The shrapnel can easily cut off the limbs and head of D2zombie.

Till now, basically all the possible D2zombie have fallen under the zombie sea. With the influx of zombie, the soldiers retreated, and the two huge branches zombie group, following the previously left channel endlessly. Flowed into two huge pits.

The zombie in front just touched the wall of the dirt pit and was still turning around. The zombie in the back bumped into one end and squeezed them against the wall. The zombie was still squeezed into the pit. After a long time, the pit is filled.

If the Z-Type Zombie’s resilience is not bad, after the pit is filled with zombie, the zombie on the outside starts to turn. I want to find a way out to liberate the zombie in the pit. Trapped, naturally won’t let zombie succeed. Hundreds of burning flasks pulled out a long line of fire in the dusk and fell into the corpse.

The burning bottles will not be broken, there are always dozens of bottles rolling in the corpse, the next moment will be trampled by countless feet, more bottles will burst in the corpse sea, throwing countless fire heads splashing westward Shoot.

Flames of flames continued to burst in the zombie group. Above the pit, hundreds of soldiers were still throwing ignited burning flasks. Zhang Xiaoqiang ordered the production of thousands of burning flasks, of which only a small part was used as storage. Most of the bottles are used as fuel to ignite the pit zombie.

The one by one bottle is spinning in the air, the hot flames are screaming in the air, from time to time, the bottles are bumping against each other, the glass is brittle, the gasoline in the bottle is ignited in the air, and the fire and rain are pouring to the zombie, hundreds Thousands of zombie are suffering in the rain. Each ignition rain is made of gasoline, sugar, and rubber particles. As long as it is immersed in an ignition star, it will ignite the whole body.

After two huge earthen pits turned into flame basins, the retreating horn sounded, and the soldiers fighting on the front line retreated under the red and bright night sky, in front of them, dozens of spotlights illuminated In the back of the labyrinth, the dark and gloomy maze under the night sky was as bright as the day.

zombie lost the soldiers trapped in the big pit on both sides, but got a gap to continue to move forward. For a time, countless zombie rushed towards the center of the main position along the gap left in advance.

The center is a pile of pyramidal gravel, which is buried with explosives that can blow up the entire maze. Of course, the revised battle plan is not to let zombie rush into their lore now, before this They have to hesitate to attack zombie as much as possible, at least, let the body of zombie fill all the walls in front.

The newly arrived field regiment and the first regiment of the Blood Wolf Brigade formally received defenses, replacing the one-day garrison regiment. The 3,000-member garrison regiment retreated to their positions and all lay down after returning to their respective camps. On the battlefield, I don’t think that once they are off the battlefield, the pressure will be relieved and at the same time the accumulated fatigue will erupt, making them unbearable.

Compared to the garrison regiment with dead dogs behind, the morale of the support force as a vital force is strong. The first regiment didn’t fight during the day, so they ran on the road. As soon as they say that they are the elite of the whole army, they are all doing backup work.

Compared to the fanaticism of the main team, the blood wolf group was unsurprising. With the Zhang Xiaoqiang in countless battles, the blood wolf brigade has obtained sufficient experience, and has already had some prototypes of the old battles of hundreds of battles. After entering the position, first check the ammunition supplements they obtained. While checking the ammunition, the soldiers of the blood wolf group are still checking the various cold weapons, combined lances, long knives, iron shields and energy shields brought to them by Jinxing. Crush the large tribulus terrestris in the head of zombie.

When the two troops are preparing, the zombie pioneer has arrived. The uniform S-Type Zombie, although affected by a certain length of the narrow channel, the speed has not decreased much, and it is faster than the ordinary ordinary zombie speed. However, S-Type Zombie is suitable for When fighting in a wide environment, once affected by the narrow space, S-Type Zombie, whose body is weaker than the ordinary zombie in the soldiers’ firepower network, will be greatly injured under the ordinary rifle bullets.

A regiment of three battalions plus regiment affiliated troops, a total of 2,000 people, a blood wolf, a regiment of three battalions, plus two Lakshin rationed two gun companies, a total of 1,800 people, compared to the withdrawal The three battalions of the six garrison battalions are in the name of two regiments. The actual strength has reached 3,800.

The number of troops is 800 more than the troops in the daytime. The firepower is more than doubled. The biggest difference between the Zhang Xiaoqiang’s main group and the defense group is the difference in the heavy firepower. In the defense group, the number of heavy machine guns The number of mortars and recoilless guns is twice that of the main force, and the number of rocket launchers is not as good as the number of motor vehicles.

Compared to the main force, the blood wolf brigade is not bad. Before being armed by Blood Wolf Banner, it later copied a few Wolf Banner libraries. As far as equipment is concerned, it was already institutionalized when the garrison regiment was still a miscellaneous weapon. Later, the Lakshin turned over the rifle, all the machine guns were left, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang also opened one eye and closed one eye.

In total, the zombie at night is equivalent to twice the force during the day. Under such firepower, both the accuracy and the zombie cannot withstand in a small space.

When the Type 89 heavy machine gun sang, the disaster of zombie came, no matter where zombie was in any corner, as long as they were in the lane, a bullet could tear all the zombie standing in a row in the middle of the lane.

zombie is often packed with lanes and swarming towards the position. A bullet can empty the lanes briefly. Type 89 heavy machine gun reduces the weight and ignores the accuracy. It is fatal to Zhang Xiaoqiang because his dynamic vision requires a machine gun Accuracy ~ IndoMTL.com ~ here, but it does not need so-called accuracy, whether it is S-Type Zombie or S2 type zombie, as long as the bullet passes through a zombie in the pinch, the remaining kinetic energy is not D2, there is no zombie can block it.

Compared to the daytime, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t play at night. Only Blood Regiment and Miao Miao and two big dogs played at night. Yueya’er was known as a dark night assassin at night and took her Red British troops to fight on the second line. During the killing, the two heads of deputy commanders and deputy heads felt a sense of openness.

The ability of Li Zhongyue is not excellent in Blood Regiment, but because of his consistent loyalty, he is appreciated by Zhang Xiaoqiang. After Zhang Xiaoqiang strengthened his ability, his super far vision has transformed, and he has a kind of far vision and near vision ability. That is to say, no matter how far the target is, he sees that thing as if he is under the eyelid. Under such conditions, he seems to have opened his eyes and has the sniper talent like Shangguan Qiaoyun.

Even at night, he can clean up S2zombie one shot at a time, even if S2zombie has a dangerous prediction, but in the eyes of Li Zhongyue, he can always feel the falling point of zombie in the dark, a bullet evaded by zombie At that time, it just hit its eyes and burst out on its back.

A ghost-like zombie swims in the corpse with a trace of afterimage. The corpse is dense and almost seamless, but this zombie can reach the position without squeezing to any zombie. The zombie that swims at a constant speed is not affected by the complex environment and the zombie body.

Scarlet eyes flickering around this zombie, countless zombie exploded in the rain of bullets, residual limbs, broken corpses, and splashing sand will cover the entire envelope, zombie is in these The bullet flashed, and even the bullet that S2zombie could not avoid had no effect on it. When no one could notice, this zombie slid quickly.

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