Apocalypse Cockroach: The return of four hundred and forty-eight

Xue Jianshan, from now on, appoint you as the head of the security team of the Longhua Island Defense Base, and Paul as the deputy head. All Chinese prisoners will be reduced to coolies, and let them be responsible for all infrastructure. When the fortifications are completed, Pick a part to join the security team. If I can guard Longhua Island before I come back, I will appoint you as Division Commander and give you 5,000 people…”

Xue Jianshan was stunned by the sudden appointment, turned to stare at Wieliczko, stunned, Wieliczko nodded to him, Xue Jianshan closed his feet, saluted Wieliczko, and turned away Behind Zhang Xiaoqiang said he belongs now.

The high winds of the propellers rolled up layers of dust, hundreds of people stood on the beach against the strong winds, squinting toward the dark helicopters, and at the corner of the crowd, An Xiaohui stared at the belly and stared at the Zhang Xiaoqiang walking towards the plane, Behind her, stood twelve burly burly men.

Wieliczko smiled and accompanied the Zhang Xiaoqiang to the plane. Zhang Xiaoqiang was wearing a Silver Flower uniform, wearing a pilot’s helmet, walking between the tiger and the tiger, and carrying a huge backpack, a backpack, various guns. There is no shortage of magazines and grenades. According to the regulations, these things cannot be carried on the attack helicopter. However, the Zhang Xiaoqiang has always been unruly. The pilot saw one eye closed and one eye closed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang accompanied Wilicko to gossip without saying a word, but he was anxious in his heart. So many times, he didn’t go to the sky once and he was able to go down to the ground safely and calmly. , He first prepared the emergency supplies after the fall, and waited for the plane to fall.

Zhang Xiaoqiang one thinks that he and the sky are competing, no matter how frustrating on the ground, he will be fine. Once he goes to the sky, he will be in trouble. There are many coincidences and accidents. Zhang Xiaoqiang is also there. superstition.

However, compared to being able to rush back at the fastest speed, these accidents are no longer in his eyes. As long as they can return to China, the accidents can be tolerated. Besides, there are parachutes that pop up automatically in the aircraft. At least stronger than falling on a big bird.

Yuri sits in the driver’s seat and waits for a long time. Although Yuri does not speak Chinese, Xue Jianshan has already spoken of their destination and Yuri. They will cross the coastline through North Korea, into the Yellow Sea, and then along the coastline. , Reaching Shanghai, from the entrance of Yangtze River, along the river and finally to the hot spring base of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Straight flight is the best way, but the dangers encountered when flying on land may be much more than in the sea. Pilots have no experience of flying in China. The aircraft’s own navigation system needs authorization. Requesting authorization will expose them to the satellite command center of Epoch. Without satellite navigation, you will be lost if you are not careful.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was sitting in the driver’s seat on the upper floor. Although he dressed himself like a pilot, he could not change the fact that he was a turtle. Looking at the various instruments and equipment that dazzled him, he was very self-aware. To touch, a restricted magazine was turned out of the bag, and one page was turned without a page.

The plane left the ground, the crowd on the ground beckoned together, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting in the SLR glass looked at the crowd outside with a blank expression. For him, this is not a place he can’t bear, everything here is made by him. Accessories to transportation.

Flying over several islands, the vast sea surface completely occupied the horizon of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the coastline has long disappeared, the helicopter flew close to the sea, Zhang Xiaoqiang put down the magazine with the naked girl cover in his hand, and lay comfortably on the seat looking at the blue sky Baiyun and the blue sea, feeling that the helmet was partially blocking sight, pulled down the helmet and hugged it in his arms.

Sitting in the plane, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt the pleasure of flying for the first time. The noise of the stealth helicopter was not big. The Zhang Xiaoqiang only heard a slight vibration, and Yuri in front was silent, driving his plane honestly. In addition to the adaptation period of the new aircraft, there are two people who have no communication language.

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly wanted to smoke, such a good location, such a good scenery, why not enjoy it? Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang recalled whether the pilot of the fighter in the movie had a cigarette in his hand, the vortex flashed suddenly on the sponge in the corner of his eye. Before he reminded him, the plane suddenly pulled up hundreds of meters.

I saw that the mirror-like sea surface suddenly cracked, rolled out a huge vortex, the waves boiled, and countless seawaters collapsed, forming a downward funnel.

Then the sea surface rose into a huge shadow. A monster as high as 100 meters, wide at the tip and wide at the bottom, like a mountain, slowly swayed on the surface of the sea, and then fell down, throwing out dozens of a meter in height waves.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang grows in his big mouth, looking at the tumbling sea with a stunned face. After a while, he yelled:

“I wipe, what the **** is this?”

Compared to the Zhang Xiaoqiang, the cursive voice is still calm. The pilot Yuri was a little scared. He shouted something in Russian. From his repeated words, he was either shouting to God or mum, at least Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know how to pronounce mother in Russian.

The pilot shouted while pulling up the helicopter. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t want to be too high. He almost understood why the helicopter can fly from Europe to China. The first is that the helicopter under his seat is not very noisy. The distance of propagation is not far away. There is also a helicopter flying at low altitude, which will not attract the attention of mutant birds. For mutant birds, high altitude is their home field.

Zhang Xiaoqiang patted Yuri’s shoulder in front and shouted, “Go down, go down….” At the same time, the gesture was cleared, Yuri shook his head again and again, it was really dangerous below, their low-altitude distance was close to 80 meters just now. It is not that the submarine fired anti-air missiles in advance, but subconsciously evaded, I am afraid they were just hit by that thing just now.

Yuri couldn’t survive. He continued to pull up the helicopter. It seemed to be flying to the extreme altitude. If it rose again, I’m afraid it would attract the attention of the mutant birds. , Even parachuting will not survive.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his heart out, pulled out the pistol, and thought about it, replaced it with an MP7 submachine gun, pointed at Yuri’s helmet, and hit his head with the muzzle. Yuri turned around again, seeing the persistence and coldness in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes. There is his left hand ready to move the escape bin.

The meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang is clear at a glance. If you don’t go down, Zhang Xiaoqiang will jump out. He will kill him before jumping out. He feels the killing intent of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Yuri swallowed hard and lowered the joystick, letting the aircraft hurry fall down, and then return To their previous height.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang retracted the pistol, slapped Yuri’s shoulder and pointed at the top of his head, and gestured his index finger to everything on his neck. Yuri nodded heavily and prayed again to God and the heavenly God in his heart.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat safely in the back seat and looked at the stereotyped scenery. Giant, large, and small and medium-sized mutant seabirds were seen more than once in the sky. These mutant birds soared in the sky or rushed like lightning Into the water, a huge vortex swelled out on the sea surface. In three or five seconds, or more than ten seconds, the sea surface exploded, a huge seabird rushed into the sky, and a big fish larger than an adult must be caught between the claws.

Doomsday‘s changes to marine life and seabirds are huge, but this change is benign, the number of marine life is huge, there is no shortage of food resources, and the ocean is also the place that receives the most rain. It can be said that if marine life can If you go ashore, terrestrial species will be destroyed in the shortest time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang leisurely looked at the various landscapes behind Doomsday, and Yuri in front of him began to sweat. Now, he has lost his way. Just because of the influence of marine life, he flew wildly, and the result was chaotic. He can’t connect to satellite navigation because of the direction. With or without a gyroscope, he can only rely on the sun to determine his position. At this moment, he doesn’t even know where he is.

Just as Yuri tried to find a direction, the sea surface changed again, and countless small white waves slashed the sea surface~IndoMTL.com~The pilot had to pull up again, but he did not expect the cold saber to hang on his neck. Son.

Suddenly, Yuri’s cold sweat came down, and his hands steadily pinched the operating lever, waiting for the changes below. Suddenly, countless white waves disappeared within a few seconds, and then a silver-white scale flickered in the sun. .

Thousands of flying fish form a huge silver plate on the surface of the sea. Countless flying fish are connected end to end, forming a whole, while sliding down, bouncing on the water, and leaping again, even the same as the aircraft above. speed.


Zhang Xiaoqiang withdrew his saber and laughed at the spectacular view of the thousand fishes breaking through the waves below. Yuri also exhaled, pointing the camera under the belly to the fish to shoot the rare and spectacular scene.

The plane continued to fly forward. Three hours later, the pilot successfully retrieved the coordinates and reached the coastline. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know that they were wasting five hours in the air. It is planned that at this moment they have reached the coast of China, and now they have not approached the Korean peninsula.

The sky is dark. Zhang Xiaoqiang is thinking about whether the plane will be attacked by the lights at night. Yuri in front turns around and raises his finger downward toward Zhang Xiaoqiang, pointing to the continental line, and yelling in Russian Stay.

Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks that night flight is too simple, and at the same time, it too overestimates the helicopter’s night flight ability. Pilots are lost in the daytime and may fly to Japan at night.

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t want to stay on the ground. The ground means danger and end. With the last afterglow, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the horizon in the distance and knew that it was the Korean peninsula.

The helicopter dropped casually on the beach on the seashore. Zhang Xiaoqiang and the pilot stepped out of the helicopter to raise their bodies and started their activities.

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