Apocalypse Cockroach: The ghost of 1288 Elson

“Impossible…” Zhang Xiaoqiang got angry and directly rejected Nüwa’s suggestion, holding Hong Fei tightly. little girl was his taboo. He couldn’t take this little girl out for any experiments. Even if it can break the shackles of human life, at the same time, I feel that something is wrong. Why is Nu Wa interested in Hong Fei?

Nu Wa did not continue on the topic of Hong Fei, but instead gave another message: “Legel has returned to Australia. He wants you to go to Australia to discuss matters about Sea Race… In addition, the United States also I got in touch and want to talk to you, but I don’t think it’s necessary to have too many contacts there…”

The United States has always maintained a more benign relationship with China. This relationship is relatively speaking. At least, the cooperation with Zhang Xiaoqiang is not as intimate as that from Australia. Nüwa’s suggestion will not be adopted by Zhang Xiaoqiang. He never believes this Digital Life pondered for a while and asked, “Who wants to contact me in the US?”

“It is the 13th US Congressman who wants to talk to you. They represent the new US Congress and control 80% of the army and 90% of the survivors…”

Hearing the term New Congress, Zhang Xiaoqiang understands the American political system, recalls the intelligence about the United States, and remembers that the other party also gave him some information about the storage of materials in the US military’s overseas bases. They said irrevocably: “They want Should there be a reason to contact me?”

“Two aspects, one is about red algae and blood species, and the other is about Flander…” Red algae is expected in Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Flander is beyond his expectation and said doubtfully: “Flander Isn’t it dead?”

Flander is not dead. The new Congress wants to know all the activities of Flander in Okinawa. In addition, Flander also wants to contact us, but I haven’t paid attention to it. My program excludes the name Flander…” Nu Wa said I was also a little puzzled from Flander, outspokenly speaking her feelings, but Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a creepy feeling. He saw the Flander plane explode with his own eyes, but he didn’t die. Isn’t it a ghost?

“Nu Wa, what do you think about this matter?” I wonder if Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t help asking Nu Wa for questions. I didn’t expect anything, but Nu Wa said to Zhang Xiaoqiang: “The new Congress and Flander are suspicious of each other. The United States may There will be civil strife, and we don’t need to intervene too deeply. In addition, the United States is too far away from us. Even if we reach an ally relationship, there is not much interest at all. I have American technology here, and the results are being transformed by the laboratory… “

“You broke the American computer system?” Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised. Hong Fei, who was held in his arms, seemed to feel that Zhang Xiaoqiang was moving. He jumped out of his arms and yawned. I walked to my bedroom, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care about Hong Fei, but just stared at Nu Wa, but Nu Wa said something that surprised him more: “No, in terms of hardware, I can’t break the wisdom of other countries. The ability of the brain, one person implanted the brain core of Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom into my system, and also delivered me some of the most cutting-edge technology, but I cannot control those brains…”

Elson?” Zhang Xiaoqiang knows who it is, Elson can control various installation programs and equipment, and only he can send the secrets of other countries to himself. Thinking of this, he somewhat understands why Nu Wa is so loyal. By the way, it must be what Elson has done to Nu Wa, which is why Nu Wa will change her posture and actively open her authority to human beings.

Although they are vested interests, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels uncomfortable in his heart. He always feels that the ghost of Elson is hovering around him. This kind of feeling has always been there. Before, I didn’t know it, but now after the five senses have been improved, this feeling has become Strong, it seems that there is always a black hand behind him manipulating something, and there is a faint hostility that is always aimed at someone around him.

“I can’t remember, that person disappeared after implanting the program, it should have erased a certain node in my program, but he embedded everything in my core program, you can say I belong to you now. Once you don’t exist, I won’t exist…” Nu Wa told the truth and didn’t hide herself from Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Seeing Nuwa’s bland expression for a thousand years, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a move in his heart. If that was the case, a lot of things would make sense. He stared at Nuwa for a long time, but Nuwa looked under Zhang Xiaoqiang. Another Zhongming’s uncomfortable, the virtual light and shadow change slightly, as if interfered by something.

“Since you belong to me completely, then I will let you take off your clothes, will you obey?” As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s words came out, Nu Wa’s image changed suddenly, and she turned into a giant T-Rex to the ceiling. The crew around noticed that they all pointed and made Zhang Xiaoqiang a little embarrassed. He admitted that he was really boring.

“If you have no other orders, I will continue to investigate the information of Sea Race…” Tyrannosaurus gruffly, as if these words shouted and then disappeared, Zhang Xiaoqiang buckled his nostrils and turned his head to surprise. The crew yelled, “Look at it? Haven’t you watched Tyrannosaurus?”

Back in the room, Zhang Xiaoqiang was lying in bed and thinking. He didn’t decide to contact Leger with the United States in the first place. He wanted to clarify his thoughts. It’s Sea Race. No one knows how many Sea Races there are in the world. In the previous action to eliminate Japanese red algae, the three parties cooperated, used a lot of weapons and ammunition, and once emptied the frigate’s ammunition inventory, only nearly 100,000 were destroyed. Sea Race, most of which are still burnt by flame bombs, are calculated in units of the Sea of ​​Japan, not the largest Hawaiian red algae, only two hundred red algae in the world, at least hundreds of millions of Sea Race.

This is only a rough estimate, because you don’t know how Sea Race breeds. If you breed a litter every month like a mouse, with six to eight breeding each time, the number of Sea Race will exceed 30 times in a year If breeding for three years in a row, Sea Race does not need to do much, and the entire land can be submerged by the formation of hundreds of billions. Of course, if this is the case, Sea Race itself will die out, and red algae cannot afford so many Sea Race.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not willing to waste any resources on forces other than Sea Race. China’s current development strategy is divided into two. On the one hand, it integrates the entire Chinese population and resources, hoards materials as much as possible, and eliminates zombie in inland areas. On the other hand It is to deal with the aggression of Sea Race and to deal with Sea Race is the main goal. Eighty percent of the resources of the entire China Renaissance will be prepared for the Sea Race campaign. The transfer of Zhang Huai’an to Inner Mongolia is also for this reason. If it is only the Democratic Alliance, the Zhang Xiaoqiang opponent will be used. For his generous personality, Zhou Jie will only be reprimanded, not exiled.

“No…Why did Nu Wa say Hong Fei?” Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about something, suddenly thought of Hong Fei, suddenly stood up, sitting on the head of the bed staring blankly at the dark space, the darkness in front of him and Zhang Xiaoqiang and Without any influence, the objects in the room form flowing lines and expand in his eyes. Whether he closes his eyes or opens his eyes, he can see everything around him if he wants to.

Hong Fei, Nuwa, Elson, computer intrusion, aircraft out of control, and Flander resurrection, Elson encounter experiment, Elson ideal, Australian out of control helicopter, various undesirable matters are connected by a long line in Zhang Xiaoqiang brain Together, this thread is called Black Hand.

“He didn’t die?” Zhang Xiaoqiang murmured a feeling of ignorance in his mind. For Elson, the big boy who came to the door, he came into contact with the mind of using. originally is not for Chinese people. The race is wary. He did not deny the Elson‘s evaluation of him by mistake, but he never took it seriously. If there are 100 foreigners and 10 Chinese people in danger at the same time, he will definitely save the Chinese people. The so-called savior is a joke, starting from the single escape from the city, step by step through the hardships, life and death are more than a few lines, and did not see who will rescue him? In the face of crises and disasters, one can only save oneself, and wait for more than oneself to think about others. Compared to those powerful forces, he only keeps one heart, so he is called the savior, and he doesn’t have any of himself. Believe~IndoMTL.com~ Isn’t it…, he thinks that Hong Fei has the potential to exterminate humans, so he wants to kill her? If this is the case, Nu Wa can’t believe it anymore. Nu Wa said that she would use the Hong Fei experiment. Although it’s in the name of research, she can really send it over. Hong Fei will definitely die of various accidents, but now Sea Race is ravaging any point. Power may determine the future situation, why should Elson do this? “

Zhang Xiaoqiang does not doubt the character of Elson, pure idealist, pure guy, even if the guy’s sister Susannah betrayed him, he never thought of ambition, it is simply Nightingale of Doomsday, he does not I believe that such a kind guy will kill Hong Fei for no reason, unless he believes that Hong Fei may cause huge damage to human survival.

“Nuwa, are you…” Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly raised his head and yelled at the CCTV opposite the head of the bed. the next moment, a 3D picture of Nvwa appeared on the TV screen, as long as it was in the area of ​​the frigate Within, it can be monitored by Nuwa no matter where it is, even in the bedroom of Zhang Xiaoqiang, unless the room does not have a camera and program appliances.

“Let Elson come out…” Zhang Xiaoqiang stared at the indifferent Nuwa and asked seriously, Nuwa looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a blank stare and said, “I can’t do it. According to the information I collected, Elson has already died. Okinawa…”

“You don’t need to do it, you just need to launch my request with satellites…” Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t embarrass Nuwa. On the contrary, he had some sympathy for Nuwa. Now Nuwa is more and more like a puppet. The arrogant digital life of the underground base is very different.

“Follow your orders, from now on, send your request to the rest of the world, looking for Elson……” Nu Wa muran repeated the Zhang Xiaoqiang command, Zhang Xiaoqiang leaned on the bed and watched Nu Wa disappear from the display , Long unwilling to sleep…

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