Apocalypse Cockroach: Seventy-nine and hope to return

The big fish groaned in midair, and no longer looked at the gray prey lying on the ground. The huge body twisted in midair and fell to the side, just hitting the player. The player was welcoming the death countdown. With his eyes closed, he felt a tremendous vibration around him, countless dust flying, pouring his head on his face, and then a smell of fish smelling into the nose.

In the end, it was a veteran veteran who had passed the war. The team member recovered in the first time, jumped up like a rabbit, did not know the direction, and ran with his legs raised. The big fish struggling on the ground behind him was absolutely unwilling. Take a look.

The spirit of the team members is very wrong at the moment, the stimulation is too great, and the brain is mixed. The only thing I remember is running · · · · · · towards the military vehicle

The other people lurking in the dark did not put their hearts down because the player escaped, because the player swayed towards the sinking area like a headless fly.

The trap area is not a lonely one like in the heart of the lake. It is a piece. With enough manpower and the right tools, dozens of traps walk like a fish scale layer by layer before the battle It is a big pit that is seven meters long and three meters wide, with different depths, but there are no rows filled with barbed steel spears. Once it falls into it, the big fish can’t run, and people can’t live.

Dozens of trap steps have become dead zones, and the only place that can be marked as safe is a safe passage marked with lime. For people, as long as they step on the lime road, they can be foolproof, but the team members just look at it. Not seeing the lime road, stunned and rushed into the sink.

At the sight of the team member running and jumping, he would jump into the trap, a crossbow arrow made a sharp whistling sound, passed through his trousers raised in the air, and nailed firmly to the ground.

The team members of “Plump Tong· · · · ·” were brought to the ground by the trousers nailed to the ground, throwing a dust on the ground, when his gray-faced face raised his head and looked around, less than 20 cm away in front of him, the trap The red danger signal fell across his eyes, and he was cold and sweaty. In just a moment, he experienced two dangerous deaths.

It goes without saying that the crossbow was shot by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The two crossbows saved him twice before and after. The big fish chasing him is still struggling and tumbling on the ground. It seems that his life is about to end soon. The rat king teeth are sharp and the pulley group is powerful. The crossbow arrows are deeply embedded in the skull of the big fish, causing a kill in one blow.

The team members are still tearing their trouser legs. Hearing the companions on the opposite side shouting, their hearts suddenly tightened. Is there more than one big fish behind him? As if they were possessed by the gods, the team members jumped with a big drink, “Tear · · · · · · ·” half of the trouser legs were nailed and left in place. The team members dared not to turn their backs, exposed half of their knees, jumped on the lime road, and immediately ran to their teammates Can no longer move on the ground.

“Alert · · · · · · ·” Huang Quan shouted and took the attention of other people away from the dying big fish, looking at the big fish pouring in front together, a dozen big fish rushed quickly, without a pause, one after another. Enter the trap zone · · · · · · ·

The “kā kā kā · · · · · ·” three splint can’t bear the weight of the big fish’s weight, and the wood chips are scattered, the dust is swaying, and the fierce big fish have fallen into the pit. .

The big fish come first, and the vision of the big fish in the front is seen in the eyes of the big fish in the back. Three or two smaller ones are a little hesitant and dare not rush forward. The other ones are bigger. There are not so many scruples, they beat the ground with their tails, causing tremors, jumping forward like the first big fish, and actually want to jump ahead and continue to pursue the same kind of struggling in the trap.

“Boom · · · · ·” The big fish jumping at the forefront had bad luck and fell straight into the big pit. The three splints with two broken halves rolled over in the air and fell to the distance. The moment the big fish hit the big pit, he was caught Numerous spears pierced, and under great pain, the big fish burst out of its full potential, and the entire body of the fish bounced out of the big pit.

“Pang · · · · · · ·” big fish struggling on the lime road trapped on the side, struggling, even if the big fish escapes from the trap, it can not escape the fate of being trapped. The steel spear has more than barbs, Wang Le is not afraid Insurance, welding dozens of sharp steel spears in a trap together with a frame, most of them jumped to the ground with a heavy frame, the steel spear with a barb fixed it, every time struggling big fish All of them could feel severe pain. After a cry, the big fish dared not move, and the appointed one was hung on the steel spear stand, with the fish mouth open, and opened and closed.

Except for a few, most of the big fish have fallen into the trap and were trapped to death. They fell on the thickest of the **** fish. Under fright, they twisted their tails and turned to escape.

Three warrior military vehicles made a large arc, rushed towards the big fish around the trap area, three heavy machine guns fired at the same time, three long chains of light passed through the short space, and shot at the big fish Above his head, the big fish struggled to advance in a storm like a storm. They had lost their courage and dared not fight back. They just wanted to pass through the lakeside sand where their scales are not comfortable, and return to the vast lake.

The members of the three military vehicles are becoming more courageous, and seeing the big fish ignore them, the closer they are, the closer they are~~IndoMTL.com~ The heavy machine guns are almost close to shooting, and countless bullets fall in the dense area on the head of the big fish. , Flesh and blood splashed, scales peeled off, and finally even bones flew out piece by piece, clear water-like transparent brains scattered, the big fish was hit by a million volts of high voltage, the body flew several meters high on the ground, and finally fell , Twitching slightly.

The first article · · · ·

The second article · · · · ·

The last one · · · · · · · · ·

The market area outside the camp is as lively and noisy as ever. The stalls of the stalls, the hawkers, the hangouts, and the stolen rice are still looking for death.

The seemingly prosperous market area today has an alternative atmosphere, the carefulness of those patrolling the armed police, the absent-minded policemen who no longer put their eyes on the poor, and the rearrangement of the camp’s surrounding wall of 12.7 mm Caliber heavy machine guns seem to be a little wrong. These are not right and can only be felt by those who are particularly sensitive. Others are still busy with their work.

“Buzzing · · · · · ·” bursts of light roared in the market area. After a while, the sound gradually grew louder, and the roar of the engine gradually overwhelmed the noisy vocals in the market. People looked out together.

Standing on the top of the fence, Zhang Huai’an, suits, leather shoes, sunglasses, and cigars, looking at the market, it seems that he is patrolling the rich man of his industry. In fact, the cotton shirt in the Zhang Huai’an suit has already been wet and dried by sweat After doing it several times, putting on sunglasses is unwilling to let people see his anxious eyes.

The object of his anxiety is the team that started early in the morning. Since the morning, he has been staying on the fence and waiting for the team to come back. He has never seen the so-called fish school. He has only seen a big fish. Black fish, giant **** fish, that big fish impressed him, and he was very worried. In case he didn’t catch a small fish, but a group of giant **** fish, he really didn’t know how many people could escape.

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