Apocalypse Cockroach: One thousand one hundred and forty-two arrangements two/five

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t expect so much, so he stepped forward and grabbed Huang Tingwei’s arms and asked urgently: “How much food is in the transport ship?” Huang Tingwei replied subconsciously: “When Inner Mongolia supplements supplies, the Jinxing **** Fifty carts of food for me, saying that you can use it, but he took away my 300 tons of military supplies, this mean villain…” Zhang Xiaoqiang relaxed in his heart when he heard that there was food. Regardless of military supplies, food is the most needed on Okinawa at this moment.

“Very good, very good, you and Jinxing have made contributions, and your benefits will be indispensable in the future…” Zhang Xiaoqiang was happy, patting Huang Tingwei’s shoulder for the first time, the opponent promised benefits, and Li John around him was happy Translated the conversation of Zhang Xiaoqiang to Simon, Simon has been hanging over his heart. He heard that there is food, and his heart also fell. His only buildings in the city were not submerged, but the food in the residents’ buildings has long turned into dust and coke-like stuff. I was expecting a little dry goods in the big-bellied transport ship, otherwise everyone would have to go fishing.

Elder Brother Cockroach needs food?” Huang Tingwei just revisited at this time, looking at the crowds in the distance, remembering that Zhang Xiaoqiang always likes to pull the gangs, no matter where he is, he can pull up the team. The Zhang Xiaoqiang, which won’t be said, can achieve this degree, which makes Huang Tingwei’s admiration add another point.

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, then turned to Zuo Tian who was hiding behind the crowd and shouted: “Zuo Tian, ​​you bring some people on board to move the grain, and the grain will be under your jurisdiction…” No matter how much grain the transport ship has, Zhang Xiaoqiang Don’t care much, as long as there is food, Okinawa can be settled for a while.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is a person who misses the old, even if Zuo Tian is Japanese, these days can be regarded as exhausted, Zhang Xiaoqiang will hand over the jurisdiction of the grain to him, which is a compensation for him in disguise, as for Zuo Tian will use the grain How to take advantage of big power opportunities, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not control.

Zuo Tian was so excited that he didn’t know that Mai’s leg was good. He couldn’t understand Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zuo Tian knew absolutely. Zhang Xiaoqiang called his name in front of so many people. It is the biggest boast to him, so he can’t wait to die to thank Zhang Xiaoqiang’s love for him. Of course, all this is after the giant snake is controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang. After calling the spaceship, the more Zhang Xiaoqiang shows his strength, the more glorious he feels. .

Simon heard Zhang Xiaoqiang calling all the food in the hands of the Japanese, Zuo Tian, ​​and couldn’t help but move his mouth. Finally, he didn’t speak. Zhang Xiaoqiang showed his strength, even as the most powerful country in his previous life. Officer, he also had to admit this. Zuo Tian is a Zhang Xiaoqiang person. This is beyond doubt. Zuo Tian, ​​who has grasped the grain, will certainly be on an equal footing with him in the future, making him slightly uncomfortable.

Wan Qiang has been watching with cold eyes. With the emergence of Zhao Mingyue and the water snake, he has been completely numb. Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang attracts the Xinghe fleet at this moment, he does not care anymore, and the Russians are no longer the most powerful forces. Wan Qiang killed more than 100. The famous guys, fighting day and night, have lost nearly two hundred guys. Evolution are all Tie Zhongyuan men, making his team shrink by at least one third.

When a bag of food hit the sack and the grain was transported to the open ground and piled up into a hill, Simon has forgotten the unhappiness just now. The grain bag of two hundred pounds has been packed with more than two hundred bags, which is almost ten. Tons of food, save some food, thousands of people can eat for a week, and the back is still being shipped out, so that his heart also fluctuates, Huang Tingwei absently watched the power Evolution in and out, heart Whether or not to tell the Zhang Xiaoqiang incendiary bomb, when his subordinates told him about it, he whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang: “This time I brought two hundred tons of food, Jinxing said you might gather survivors, so only I have prepared so much, and now I have sent a hundred tons, and the rest is ready to be sent to Vladivostok. If it is not enough, we will take it all off, return to Inner Mongolia and install Vladivostok…”

Speaking of Vladivostok, Zhang Xiaoqiang was a bit impatient, but he had to transport the fat female worm back. As for the food, it’s a trail, feel free to say: “Unload all the food, I don’t have another transport ship. For the purpose, you can return to Inner Mongolia and then go to Vladivostok. By the way, you have to take some Chinese people and children…”

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered Wu Fan’s last shining eyes, and his heart could not help but be sad. Huang Tingwei was ordered by Zhang Xiaoqiang to carry out the remaining food. Simon and others watched the transport ship carrying out a steady stream of food The bag was sluggish. He didn’t even think about counting it. He just guessed the loading capacity of this transport ship. Zuo Tian took a few confidants with a small book to write and draw, and opened the bag from time to time to grab the white rice.

Two hundred tons of rice need to be transferred to the cave, everyone in Okinawa is busy, and the women among the survivors start to cook with the cooking utensils found in the building, and the big man who has not eaten fresh rice for a long time They smelled the fragrance around the pot, which caused the women to scold. With the food, the survivors on Okinawa have all settled down. Under the direction of the manager, they are vigorously completing their tasks and are busy. In the corner of the mountain, Zhang Xiaoqiang is watching Lieutenant Colonel Byron and Lee John, among them are all British and American.

“Lieutenant Colonel Byron, how to go in the future, you should plan early, you can’t go back to the UK, my aircraft will not come to the UK for the time being, these days of contact, I know you are a very good If you can help me, I will be very pleased…” Zhang Xiaoqiang bluntly hugged Byron~IndoMTL.com~Zhang Xiaoqiang in front of all British people, saying that the British are just his captives No matter what the arrangement is, he still puts the choice in the hands of the British. Because the British can bring rations to the children when they finally escape, they will be respected by Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Byron is hesitant. , And Lee John also knows after translation that the same multiple choice questions will also be directed at Americans.

“Thank you for taking care of us during this time. Although we are just a group of bereavement dogs, they are also bereavement dogs in the UK. Even if we cannot return to the UK, we are still British…” Byron refused to accept Zhang Xiaoqiang from the side. Zhang Xiaoqiang felt some loss in his heart, then he set aside Byron and turned his head to look at Li John.

Elder Brother Cockroach, a few of me and I are willing to follow you. As for the others…, I think it is difficult to convince them…” Li John confessed directly, Zhang Xiaoqiang had expected it in the heart, and there was not much disappointment , Focus on the head and said: “Stay in Okinawa without going to China. Okinawa is temporarily stable. If something happens, I will send an airship to answer. As for how you talk to Simon, I don’t care, but I don’t want you to be here. Infighting on Okinawa, after all, are comrades…”

Americans and British are just an accidental product. Before being supported, Zhang Xiaoqiang needs them to cooperate with themselves. Now with Zhao Mingyue and water snakes, with the air frigate, the external force seems insignificant, but willing to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang There are also many people, Lee John and those who first followed him in the US Evolution, as well as Jimma and her hunter squad, these people recognized the Zhang Xiaoqiang ability and values ​​in contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang, and were also tired of being with human In self-conflict, Zhang Xiaoqiang has opened a wider door for them. In order to dream, they are willing to create the future with Zhang Xiaoqiang.

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