Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred seventy-seven miracles

“Retreat, retreat…, all who can move back with me, the seriously wounded are left, each person has an explosive bag, and if there is no explosive bag, take a grenade, try to blow up the enemy’s Armored vehicles, and kill one. One, even if you surrender, there will be no chance for life…”

Tie Zhongyuan couldn’t bear it. The last wave of attack was all Armored vehicles tanks. They fought hard for a long time. All the ammunition was almost completely emptied. Even the bullets were searched from the corpses on the rear position. Until now, he Of the 1,600 people, there are less than 500. He has done all he needs to do. Now they need to be trimmed and ammunition needs to be added.

With the order of Tie Zhongyuan, finally, the entire front collapsed, one by one was blackened by smoke, and the unformed soldiers crawled out from everywhere, stumbled backwards, more and more people came out, slowly Hundreds of people were gathered. In the remaining craters, the seriously wounded watched the comrades leave, or held a rifle with only a few rounds of bullets, or dragged the grenade found from the cavalry. A bayonet.

Bahia did not leave. He wanted to wake him up as his comrades wished, but he did not expect that his comrades had stopped breathing. The only 40 fire was a weapon to solve the tank. Bayan decided to help his comrades complete his long-cherished wish to fight tanks. He wanted to use a bonfire lit by a mighty tank as a beacon to lead his comrades to heaven.

The one by one retreating soldiers retreated from the crater where he was. From time to time, the dust and dust generated by the explosion flew into the crater. The Bahia did not remove these things as before, but just held the rocket barrel and sat beside the comrades, letting the earth float Bury yourself.

The roar of fire was accompanied by a scream, and a half-blooded body fell in front of him, looking at the corpse. Bahia did not move his eyebrows, only staring at the penetration of blood from the corpse into the soil.

The sitting Bahia was covered with soil all over. The only exposed eyes were bloodshot eyes. The one by one soldier with his rifle bent over the ground above his head and even an enemy. He jumped to the crater and shot forward beside him. Even so, Bayan didn’t move, but just looked at the soil that slowly became wet and smelly.

Suddenly, a creaky crawling sound rushed over his head. Bahia still did not move. An enemy with a rifle walked to the edge of the crater. The gun was a burst of fire. The body of his comrade twitched to him. He tilted, and countless flesh and blood splashed on his face. The Bahia pupils tightened sharply, but his body remained still. Finally, more creaks passed through the crater on his head.

Finally, the whole scene is a recollection of the track turning, “Boom…” A huge fire blasted above the crater, a huge sound echoed in the crater, and the soil layer rolled down from the ground. .

Suddenly, the Bahia sitting still like a dead body came alive, shaking off the floating soil suddenly and rushing to the side of the crater, a huge iron guy was not in three meters in front of him, 20 meters away , Another big guy is emitting black smoke and moving forward, the huge barrel is moving, seems to be ready to launch at any time.

Looking at the dozens of infantry combat vehicle farther away, Bahia hesitated, there was only one rocket, and he wanted to fight that one. When he looked behind him, he saw more cavalry troops moving towards the town. , Gritted his teeth to aim the bazooka at the side turret of the tank beside him.


Bahia just got down and shaken violently while a long wave of air rushed across his back. Some of the waves rolled into the crater and lifted him out of the ground. He just fell to the ground and groaned. The top of the tank with thick black smoke was lifted, and several tank soldiers in yellow military uniforms jumped out of nowhere.

One person just fell on the foot of Bahia. Bahia pulled his ankle to overturn him. Before the tank soldier fell, the thick arm twisted on his neck and broke his cervical spine.

Withdrawing the pistol from the waist of the tank soldier, Bahia bounced up like a leopard and rushed to the other side. The two tank soldiers were holding fire extinguishers to rescue the tank. Seeing the black Bahia all over the body, they were shocked and their mouths just opened , The muzzle in the hand of Bahia spewed out his tongue…


Two rows of soil pillars extended towards Bahia. Bahia flashed to the back of the tank. The armor plate of the machine gun bullet knocked as a sound. Then there were bullets flying behind him and howling in the ear.

The armor plate of the tank is also hot in the flames. Bahia is now dead. Several vehicles in front of Armored vehicles are reversing, and the cavalry behind them is rushing.

After picking up the fire extinguisher, Bahia jumped into the tank. Before the bullet hit him, he got inside the hot tank. Sparks were blowing all over the inside of the tank, and the black smoke shed tears in the car.

Bahia ran out of flames, and then touched the position of the gunner. everything in disorder made a pass and moved the barrel.

The tank in front is moving sideways, wanting to leave this dangerous area, how come suddenly there is a muffled sound, then the whole turret is lifted, the tank soldiers inside are all stunned by a huge shock, then, a loud noise In the sound, the fire exploded in the middle of the infantry combat vehicle, and many infantry that followed the advancement of combat vehicle were bombarded into the sky.

For a time, the entire offensive sequence was in chaos. When a turned infantry combat vehicle was blown up and shattered, all the car arrays were in chaos. Numerous 30-millimeter shells rained on the front armor of the tank, but the tank was in Innumerable sparks stood still, and stubbornly shot out shells. Although there was no accurate head, the panic caused to the convoy was even greater. An infantry combat vehicle was overturned by the impact of the explosion and fell into a huge crater. Card owner.

More combat vehicle turned quickly and rushed towards the periphery of the town. Numerous infantry soldiers followed the Armored vehicles, but the tank gun still fired shells at the place just bombarded. It seems that I don’t know where combat vehicle has evacuated. ….

“What happens…”

Li Yao, standing on the top floor, asked the observer that the Tie Zhongyuan standing next to him was rushing in. The two knew nothing about Bahia and were saying they would give up their core positions and retreat to The salt companies in the periphery didn’t expect the enemy to get messed up first~IndoMTL.com~ The attack stopped and made them a little caught off guard.

Last night surrounded the four battalions. At that time, some of them could not be digested. The garrison battalion on the main position struggled to defend the position. This was still a mobilization of 100 soldiers in the logistics support company to join the defense. The search can only be guaranteed if it is counterattacked.

Twenty-four snipers also lost nine people for various reasons. The search for more than a hundred people, even cautious and cautious, also lost dozens of people. Although they are equipped with old body armor, but Under the close fight, most of the wounded will not be killed because the wound is too large. Even so, they will die a lot.

Overnight, both inside and outside were under tremendous pressure. Compared with Tie Zhongyuan, it was finally withdrawn to less than three hundred people, and the garrison camp with three hundred people left was much better. There are less than 800 people together, and there are still 200 people who are not counted.

When the enemy’s Armored vehicles and tanks appeared, the core building that had been ruined had already become a cheese with hundreds of holes. simply could not resist the firepower of the tank gun. The wounded had already retreated first. They were preparing for the final Counterattack, and then retreat, and unexpectedly saved the position.

“I don’t know, it’s their own infighting. The tanks in the back exploded the tanks in the front, and opened fire to disperse the infantry combat vehicle…”

The observation hand is not very clear, and he said his own judgment. At this moment, the notification of Li Zhongyue sounded from the communicator:

“Just one of us has been lurking at the forefront just now. First, we used a rocket launcher to stop a tank, killed the tank soldiers who ran out, and then destroyed the last tank with a tank gun, and destroyed an infantry combat vehicle. It blew up one and eventually stopped the enemy’s attack. He is a hero and should be given credit…”

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