Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred and twenty-nine punishment

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally decided to fill its dump truck with rice. Where should it be placed? Let’s talk about it at that time, Brother Long still lingers in the rice bag, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels uncomfortable and walks out.

Going out of the door Zhang Xiaoqiang and seeing Yang Ke’er they are not there, seeing their Humvee stopped at a place more than 100 meters away from the grain depot, several women are cooking on fire, and dozens of zombie died in the grain depot, taste Very bad, it’s noon now. A few women left the grain depot to prepare lunch.

The cars and corpses that blocked the alley were dragged outside the grain depot. I didn’t see the silhouette of the vulture. It seems that I have already searched for the survivors. Zhang Xiaoqiang is trying to go to Yang Ke’er.

A thick black smoke rose in the middle of the old house. I could hear a lot of people shouting and crying. Zhang Xiaoqiang felt tight. Now, let’s not worry about anything. He heard the sound from hiding in the grain depot. The survivor came and walked down the alley with the horned gun.

On both sides are old walls made of black bricks. It looks fine outside. The more moisture you move in the wall, the more moisture. Pieces of yellow or withered moss stick to the corner of the wall to the innermost side. In the corner, in addition to the moss, a layer of snowy and salty nitrate surface was formed, and out of a small square appeared in front of me. On both sides was the old-style long-story bungalow dormitory. Now all the doors and windows are closed by red bricks. To this side is a large steel door full of rust marks, steel door is all-iron-wrapped, very thick, and now there is no such large steel door with high safety, and steel door is full of marks of impact. The unevenness is not obvious, and D-Type Zombie can’t take it.

Behind the old-style dormitory building on the left is the grain depot. The back wall of the dormitory is the isolation layer between this side and the warehouse. No wonder zombie knows that there is no one in the warehouse, too close.

The big steel door is now half open, and there are still some large stones scattered on the ground behind the door. Probably originally is the guy who used to block the door. Black smoke continued to flow out of the door, and some black smoke came to smoke Zhang Xiaoqiang After coughing, Zhang Xiaoqiang found a towel for washing his face from the shoulder bag, poured some water from the kettle onto the towel, and covered the towel with his nose and mouth, and walked toward the door that kept making various noises.

There is another small courtyard inside the gate. The small courtyard is not more than ten square meters. There is nothing but a well covered well in the corner and a bucket tied with hemp rope. The ground is still burning. A few piles of flames with thick smoke must be vultures. They saw that the people inside did not open the door, made a few burning bottles and threw them in, and the people inside fell into desperation and opened steel door.

Zhang Xiaoqiang bypassed the smoke and saw a row of black brick houses. The brick walls on this side were nearly twice as thick as the outside. All the windows were sealed with iron bars with thick arms, and all the doors Both are steel door, now steel door is opened, and the men who came with Zhang Xiaoqiang are in and out, and from time to time, they pull out one by one survivors from some of them.

More than ten

The haggard man in ragged clothes squatted down with his head facing the wall. As the vulture’s men found some hidden people, the number of people holding the head and the wall was increasing. One person saw Zhang Xiaoqiang arrived and quickly greeted him.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was still an acquaintance at first glance, that is, he saved one of the two public faces. The public face saw Zhang Xiaoqiang looking around and said quickly: “Elder Brother Cockroach, the women are in the house, no one dared to move without Long Ge’s words. .”

It was saying that the vulture came out from the inside and saw Zhang Xiaoqiang smiling at him from the outside. The vulture has always been sullen, now it seems that he might as well smile.

The vulture spoke, and his voice was low and hoarse: “Elder Brother Cockroach go in and see? A girl is good, according to Elder Brother Cockroach‘s credit. This girl is none other than you!”

As soon as he heard interest in Zhang Xiaoqiang, he walked into the dimly lit back room, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang smelled a particularly unpleasant smell. It was very cool, and the ground was covered with straw. Old clothes, and some are simply pieces of wood. Are these survivor beds?

Four or five women hugged together and sat under the window looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the vulture. The vulture thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang was in charge, and quickly said: “We came in these women like this, we did not I have touched them.”

Actually, Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to ask why he didn’t dress them. He walked forward a few steps, and then the light coming out of the window looked at several women, women aged 30 and over, At the age of sixteen or seven, all the women were terrified. Their hair, face, mouth, chest and abdomen, legs and legs were covered with white adhesions. The smell of the stock made Zhang Xiaoqiang disgusting, needless to say, what treatment they would receive in a dozen men.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not in the mood to look at it anymore, he will not want these women, even if they are beautiful, he has a slight mental cleansing habit, he can not care whether a woman is a virgin, but he does not want to hug one’ A pair of jade arm pillows for thousands of people, a little bit of Zhulipian people taste. The woman doing those things.

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t stand the smell of the woman and walked outside the door. Those survivors one by one squatted with their heads honestly, some people secretly observed with the corner of their eyes, they didn’t look like they saw the person who caught them Nice guy, both legs started to tremble.

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at them a little bit and became uninterested. What courage can a group of things that only vent on women have? He immediately lifted his feet and walked out, they probably already prepared lunch for Yang Ke’er.

“Ah~~~~~~” A scream from the partial room interrupted his pace. He immediately turned and ran to the partial room, pushed a few people in the doorway into the room, and followed the vulture Also arrived.

A row of file cabinets was placed against the wall in the room. Two back-to-back desks stood under the window. A few bags of unsealed rice were placed on the table. Nearly ten bags of rice were scattered under the table.

A large hole was dug on the ground in a corner of the house. The black mud was piled up on one side, a few shovel and iron tongs were thrown beside it, and a vulture sat under the mound and covered it The arm groaned, and Yin Hong’s blood oozed from his fingertips covering his arm.

A man behind the vulture stepped forward to bandage him, and the vulture asked with a somber face, “Say, what’s going on?”

The man’s face was pale, he said intermittently · · · · ·

At the beginning, he saw this hole, he was timid and did not dare to go down, he called a fellow to go down with him, and at the bottom of the hole there was a passage, they climbed along the passage and climbed to another hole, he His associates went up first, and after a half-noise, there was no movement, and his heart lifted up. He slowly climbed up the hole, and as soon as he protruded his head, he saw a black shadow thrusting at him with something, he He hurried down, but the shadow was too fast, his shoulder was stabbed, he didn’t dare to delay, and came back here along the passage. When he saw his arm bleeding, he started screaming, and then everyone Are attracted.

The vulture looked at the interrogator in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Obviously he wanted Zhang Xiaoqiang to take the idea. Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at him and said: “The agreement between me and Long Ge has been completed. The rest has nothing to do with me. What do you want to do No matter how I do it, I won’t help or intervene.”

The vulture didn’t say much. He kept asking about the injured man, and finally determined that it was a living person. The weapon he used was the first steel spear that was taken by the first one to go up. As long as it is a living person, everything is simple. He let his men set fire at the hole, add wet clothes, straw, and some everything in disorder things, and then let the fan blow the smoke into the hole.

Nothing happened in the cave. People outside started shouting~IndoMTL.com~ walked out of the room and saw black smoke coming from the vent of a granary near here.

The smoky grain depot is leaning on the grain depot on the right. Everyone pryed the grain depot together and rushed in. After a while, they coughed and ran out. A long, strong, fierce man, and a very big man The voluptuous woman was taken out, and several people carried a corpse. The neck of the corpse was twisted in a weird posture, obviously the neck was broken.

Both the man and the woman were smoked to a dark gray face. The woman’s body was very good, her waist was very thin, like a water snake waist, her hips were round and tight, her thighs were long, and her figure twisted when she walked. Panic.

Brother Long and Chen Yi came over and looked at the corpse on the ground, their faces were ugly. I didn’t get hurt by any of zombie’s men today, but I was killed by one of the survivors who was rescued by myself. All the men looked at him. Under the sorrow of the rabbit, it was up to Dragon Brother to tell the murderous guy to give an explanation. Dragon Brother did not hesitate to look at the expression of everyone. After waving his hand, two people stepped forward to tie up the man and bring Go to the parking lot and let him kneel.

The survivors and the rescued woman, under Brother Long’s hands, stood looking at the man kneeling on the ground. The man found that something was wrong and started to howl, and some words of begging for mercy, everyone There was no sound. The survivors all looked down and dared not look at him. Brother Long’s men all watched with gloating. The injured guy laughed the most, and the rescued women stared at him with eager eyes. The youngest one was sobbing in a low voice, it seems that this guy is not a good thing.

A weapon with a shape similar to a Tang sword stood behind him, and then a man grabbed his hair and pulled his neck out, the man’s howl became miserable, and he twisted on the ground Then, shaking his head, he wanted to shake his hands holding his hair, and a pool of water ran out from under his butt.

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