Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred and sixty-two backhand

The laser that can destroy the main battle tank just pulled a blackened groove on the mutant seabird, and burned a large feather by the way, but the anger of this fourth-level mutant beast was transferred to the frigate, and then It was a few lasers, which were gorgeously avoided by the dexterous fourth-level mutant beast. The distance of more than ten kilometers is not far away from the mutant beast. Several breathing mutant beasts reached the frigate 100 meters away. Suddenly there were fluctuations visible to the naked eye in the midair between the bird and the frigate. This fluctuation seemed to whip a long whip to the frigate. Before that, these fluctuations killed hundreds of small drones. At this moment, everyone’s heart was hanging. Afraid that the frigate was also destroyed.

Suddenly, the Gatling gun mounted on the frigate suddenly fired, and more than a hundred rockets were fired from the extended rocket nest in sequence, building a solid fence in front of the frigate, which spread in the invisible wave. In the middle, more than a hundred bursts of blaze flashed in the sky, and thousands of flaming streamers formed huge prisoners around the mutant seabirds.

Gatling at a rate of 4,000 shells per minute was originally a pain in Huang Tingwei’s heart, but after it was replenished in the U.S. military warehouse on Okinawa, this improved weapon truly exploded with unprecedented power, the sky The mid-scarlet streamer shrouds the mutant seabirds like a meteor shower. The cruelest killing weapon designed by human beings is perfectly displayed at this moment, even after the fourth-level mutant bird breaks into the cage built purely by the flame streamer. Unprecedented suffering, the invisible vacuum blade was finally wiped out by the explosion of fire, and the big bird also fell from the sky. It was only after the big bird left the gatling angle of the Gatling machine gun that it spread its wings and wanted to escape.

The animal’s instinct is to seek advantages and avoid harm. When it comes to opponents who are difficult to fight, unless it is in a desperate situation, but there is a line of vitality, it is far away, but the big bird left the high-altitude machine gun and fired, but it could not escape the rocket launch The rockets in the nest, this kind of rockets hanging on the excuse of the frigate shell is only used as an optional auxiliary attack method, but here, it is a weapon to deal with the mutant seabirds, see more than 100 rockets and ten Many air-to-air missiles fell beside the big bird. This is not the first time the seabird has faced this weapon. It wants to spread its wings and let these rockets pass, but it incorrectly estimates the number of rockets and the number of them caught in it. Anti-aircraft missiles.

This new type of air-to-air missile is detonated at the moment of approaching the mutant seabird. The flame of the explosion expands with the shock wave, and the surrounding rockets are also detonated together. Numerous explosion points are scattered around the mutant seabird. The grenade grinds and cruelly, the feathers of the whole body disappeared, like a giant pink chick, and the metal fragments that exploded at the moment made the bird’s flesh without feather protection have more blood spots, no Less debris even passed through the flesh, hitting a huge one by one blood hole in it. The big bird rolled and twirled in the shock wave, just like the little bird lost in the storm. At this moment, the bright laser appeared on the big bird again. The body swept across the bird’s neck, just like a precision scalpel cut off the bird’s head, and the bird’s head and body fell down to the sea together.

When the frigate was fighting alone with a four-level mutant bird, Miao Miao and Rainbow Eagle staged a gorgeous air battle. The twelve drones with Miao Miao had little effect. These drones originally are The half-hanger level is far from both speed and flexibility. Otherwise, it will not be hit by ground air defense on Zhoushan Island. In the face of the blazing speed of the mutant birds, except Rainbow Eagle can be faster than the first line. How can drones be incomparable, simply become a target to cover Rainbow Eagle and share most of the attacks of seabirds, allowing Rainbow Eagle to guerrilla and defeat scattered seabirds, twelve drones will be more than ten per minute A seabird hits, pecks and tears, or directly hits, making these drones sway in the air like they are in a mixer, as if they might fall at any time.

However, the most praiseworthy of the drone is its robustness. It is irrigated with pearl tears at all costs. In today’s diversified use of pearl tears, the materials of these drones are extremely luxurious. A thin coating on the outer wall of Armored vehicles can also resist large-caliber machine guns from shooting at close range, and the effect of increasing the Armored vehicles amplitude can almost double, and this increase is unlimited with the increase of cost.

The drone is resistant to repeated attacks of mutant seabirds with perverted to outrageous strength, but the installed automatic weapons can’t even fight back. The shiny Rainbow Eagle is intertwined with seabirds. Injured to meow, I can only suffocate the seabirds until all the seabirds are cleared by meow, and the cooperation between meow and Rainbow Eagle also makes Zhang Xiaoqiang really understand the strength of meow.

Roaring and rolling white waves were drawn in the sea waves. More than ten Motorboat shuttled at high speed on the surface of the sea. Dozens of mutated seabirds floated on the sponge. The smallest one was more than two meters long. The drone is large, and now it floats on the sponge. Some of them are dead. They are still on the water. Others are still struggling, twitching, stirring the ripples on the water. The ripples are rushed over. The Motorboat broke, and a rope tied these dead or about to die seabirds, pulling out layers of spray on the water and dragging towards the water snake.

This is today’s first harvest. The corpses of more than thirty mutant seabirds are a huge asset. Each seabird weighs a thousand pounds, and the giant four-level seabird can almost match The shape of the elephant is a little bit, and their feathers are leather, bones, colloids and crystal nuclei, which are all high-value materials, not to mention the beaks and claws of these seabirds. Know the fire of Zhang Xiaoqiang The bird scimitar is a Claw Blade of a four-level mutant bird.

Miao Miao rode Rainbow Eagle proudly and flew over the head of Zhang Xiaoqiang to make a face at Zhao Mingyue. He grumbled uncomfortably and threw a leather bag full of colloids, which was filled Dozens of colloids hunted today flew towards the center of red algae, and beside her, twelve scratched drones followed closely.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang and Evolution first picked up the huge wealth brought by Miao Miao, and Miao Miao returned to the center of red algae, but saw where the battle at Quanyan started again. This time it was the battle between Kraya and the puppet warrior. , A puppet warrior who can only fly fought against Kraya under the dome made of giant branches. From time to time, he saw fireballs and electric **** exploding beside Kraya, and was blocked by a blue-blue crystal-like barrier. Then use the ice crystal spear to fight back. The large-scale ice crystal sand seems to be washed away from the puppet warrior in the sky like a sandstorm. Shooting down the one by one is not a very flexible puppet warrior~IndoMTL.com~ The battlefield in the center of Spring Eye is not the most intense. Around the bird’s nest above the dome, two women are fighting together frantically. These two women are Naga and Sofia, and they are fighting for the mutated bird eggs in the nest. Of course, it is not for a happy meal. When the mutant beasts are constantly fighting and contacting, some mutant beasts are domesticated by humans just like the ancestors of cats, dogs, pigs and cows, and each domesticated mutant beast is a huge fighting force. These nests have at least hundreds of eggs Once these bird eggs are obtained, it is the resistance of hundreds of mutant beasts, and any force will be jealous.

Seeing this, Meow meowed the two women with a disdainful glance. The following Kraya is not easy to deal with, and if the two women are not fighting for the eggs that they can hatch from these days, they may have long been Beheaded those Kraias, but did not expect the battle below to be silent for a moment. All Kraias stopped, and the wooden piles were motionless. Not far from Kraia, a man in a red leather robe slowly walked away. Come out, beside him there are several officers dressed in individual aircraft.

The blonde Hudson was not recognized by Meow. He carefully controlled twelve Kraias and killed Quanyan’s defensive power. All the puppet warriors were decoys. The real killer was him, Hudson. After controlling these Kraias, he did not become excited. After many hardships, he had already learned to be glorious and restrained. Although the surface was still like the old-fashioned dead father, he was very excited and had these 12 Kraya, who can fight deadly with more than a hundred puppet warriors without falling down, he has the most powerful cornerstone, then he can find an opportunity to secretly calculate Zhang Xiaoqiang and all the people he wants to kill, Epoch, the speaker, and There are all those who look down on him.

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